Thursday, November 25, 2010

OSHO ~ My Beloved Saint.

ho does not teach any religion and does not belong to any particular religion. What he really teaches is religiousness - the real fragrance of all the flowers of existence, the Buddhas, the mystics and sages that this world has known. Osho has given thousands of discourses on all the well-known and not so known mystics of the world—from Ashtavakra to Zarathusthra .

Osho is a modern day mystic whose wisdom, clarity and humor have touched the lives of millions of people around the world. His insights are creating the conducive atmosphere or ‘ Atma-Sphere ” for the emergence of what he calls the ‘New Man’ or Zorba , the Buddha – the combination of celebration, dance and song of Zorba and the silence, stillness and meditation of the Buddha, the meditation of the East and the materialism of the West. 

Zorba the Buddha is a totally new human being who is an awakened one, and he is life-affirmative and free. When someone asked Osho the definition of religion, Osho replied: To be in romance with life is religion.

Amongst all the Enlightened Ones, Gautama the Buddha is very special to Osho. He says: “I love Gautama the Buddha because he represents to me the essential core of religion. He is the beginner of a totally different kind of religion in the world. He has propounded not religion but religiousness. And this is a great radical change in the history of human consciousness.”

“When a Buddha moves the wheel of dharma , it takes two thousand five hundred years for it to stop completely….” says Osho. “The wheel that Buddha moved has stopped. The wheel has to be moved again. And that is going to be my and your life’s work – that wheel has to be moved again. Once it starts revolving it will again have twenty-five centuries’ life.”

Osho teaches meditation for our inner transformation. Love and compassion are the natural expression of this transformation. We can meditate with Buddha, dance with Krishna and celebrate our love with Sufis .”

- Swami Chaitanya Keerti , Osho World Foundation, New Delhi

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

KTM ~ Who Was The Dump and Who Was The Dumper.

Dear Hotline / The Sun / The NST Team

When KTMB introduced the extended Komuter service to Batu Caves, I lauded the move. This would make it so much more convenient for me to travel to work and there would be one less car on the road with a sole driver contributing to the mass traffic jams that KL is so famous for.

It was indeed timely as the government is trying its level best to get the Rakyat to use the public transportation system. My idea was to park at the Batu Cantonment station, take the komuter to KL Sentral and switch to the LRT to get to my place of work at Jalan Pantai.

1)Everything was fine until 1st September, when some smarty pants in KTMB decided to impose a parking fee of RM5/hour. Can you imagine how much one would have to pay to park the minimum of 10 hours (8hrs at work +2 hours travelling time).

2) To add insult to injury, those using the Touch n Go for the journey are charged RM2 instead of the normal fee of RM1. The reason given is that the money is remitted late to KTMB by Touch n Go. This policy was introduced without any prior warning to the commuters.

In case 1- we now have a vast empty parking space within the KTMB station and the commuters have resorted to parking their cars on the side of the road leading to the station and along the roads within the adjacent housing area. 

This is a very dangerous situation as the area is isolated and there have been case of snatch thefts and cars have been broken into.  

Case 2- Why must the commuter be made to pay extra for what is clearly a lack of business partnership between KTMB and Touch n Go. Other service providers depend on other financial institutions / channels for collection of their monthly payments but in no case is the customer burdened with extra charges. 

The company instead pays the collection party a commission for the effort. Furthermore have you personally been to the ticketing counters at KL Sentral during the peak hours? We are rushing to get to the trains on time and that is why we choose to use the Touch n Go instead of wasting our time queuing to buy the tickets .

I sincerely hope the person / persons concerned in implementing these ridiculous policies will keep in mind the governments vision of introducing a cheap and efficient public transportation system and not burden the Rakyat with these exorbitant charges so that the staff of KTMB can enjoy fat bonuses at the end of the year.

Thank you
Ic no: 590930-10-6112
Address: BB9, Jalan Terolak 2
Taman Bamboo
Ctc No; 03-22404352
Email address:

lvbala said,

Above article above was sent to me by one of the caretakers. I am publishing with the concern and hope from KTM to make some changes and look into the need and the trouble faced by Rakyat. 

The Rakyat is contributing everyday to the country and it is not  fare to burden them further. RM1 is a big issue for the poor and needy.

The Rakyat has been paying double for KTM service compare to bus fares. Even RM1 were collected for motor parking such as in Rawang. 

The cabinet ministers should look into this issues or the cabinet shall be look into by rakyat in the next election.


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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Siva Tandava / Siva's Cosmic Dance

Siva Nataraja, the Lord of Dance, stands poised between unrestrained power and perfect equilibrium. He dances creation into being within a circle of fire, representing consciousness. Each element is symbolic -- the hands, the moon, the dwarf, the ten braids of hair, the skulls, and more – Photograph


We are all dancing with Siva this very moment and He with us. In the midst of His agitated dance, God Siva's HEAD is balanced and still, His EXPRESSION serene and calm, in perfect equipoise as the unmoved Mover. His right EARRING, made of a snake, is masculine. His left, a large discus, is feminine. Together they symbolize the fact that Siva is neither male nor female, but transcends both. 

God Siva's THIRD EYE is the eye of fire and symbolizes higher perception, extending throughout past, present and future. God Siva's HAIR is in the long untended locks of the ascetic, flying out energetically. On His hair are: the SERPENT SHESHANAGA, representing the cycle of years; a SKULL, symbolizing Siva's power of destruction; the fifth-day CRESCENT MOON, symbolizing His creative power; and the GODDESS GANGA, India's most sacred river, symbol of descending grace. 

God Siva's BACK LEFT HAND holds a blazing flame, the fire God Agni, symbolizing His power of destruction, samhara, by which the universe is reabsorbed at the end of each cycle of creation, only to be recreated again by God Siva. This hand represents NA in the Panchakshara Mantra, Na-Ma-Si-Va-Ya. His PLANTED FOOT stands for the syllable MA and symbolizes His concealing grace, tirodhana shakti, which limits consciousness, allowing souls to mature through experience. 

Siva dances upon the figure known as APASMARA, "forgetful or heedless," who represents the soul bound by anava mala, the individuating veil of duality, source of separation from God. Apasmarapurusha looks up serenely at Lord Siva's raised foot, the ultimate refuge, release and destiny of all souls without exception. Lord Siva's LEFT FRONT HAND, representing the syllable VA, held in the elephant trunk pose, gajahasta, points to His left foot, source of revealing grace, anugraha shakti, by which souls return to Him. 

Left and right back arms are balanced, as are creation and destruction. Siva's BACK RIGHT HAND, standing for the syllable SI, holds the thin-waisted rattle drum, damaru, symbol of creation, which begins with soundless sound, Paranada, from which arises the mantra Aum. The FRONT RIGHT HAND is raised in the gesture abhaya, "fear not," symbolizing Siva's power of srishti, preservation and protection, and standing for the syllable YA

Lord Siva's RAISED FOOT symbolizes His revealing grace, anugraha shakti, by which the soul ultimately transcends the bonds of anava, karma and maya and realizes its identity with Him. Lord Siva's SKIN is a pinkish color. His body is smeared with white HOLY ASH, vibhuti, symbol of purity. The BLUE THROAT represents His compassion in swallowing the deadly halahala poison to protect mankind. He wears a SKULL NECKLACE, symbolizing the perpetual revolution of ages. 

The SERPENT JAHNUWI adorns His body, symbol of His identity with the kundalini power, the normally dormant spiritual force within man coiled at the base of the spine. Raised through yoga, this force propels man into God Realization. Siva wears a TIGER SKIN, symbol of nature's power. His SASH, katibhandha, is blown to one side by His rapid movement. 

The ARCH OF FLAMES, prabhavali, in which Siva dances is the Hall of Consciousness. Each flame has three sub-flames, symbolizing fire on Earth, in the atmosphere and in the sky. At the top of the arch is MAHAKALA, "Great time." Mahakala is God Siva Himself who creates, transcends and ends time. Siva Nataraja dances within the state of timeless transcendence. The double lotus PEDESTAL, mahambujapitha, symbolizes manifestation. From this base springs the cosmos.

The four sacred Vedas, mankind's oldest scriptures, intone, "To Rudra [Siva], Lord of sacrifice, of hymns and balmy medicines, we pray for joy and health and strength. He shines in splendor like the sun, refulgent as bright gold is He, the good, the best among the Gods (Rig Veda 1.43.4-5)." "He is God, hidden in all beings, their inmost soul who is in all. He watches the works of creation, lives in all things, watches all things. He is pure consciousness, beyond the three conditions of nature (Yajur Veda, Svetashvatara Upanishad 6.11 upm)."

lvbala said, 
I am posting this article to all mankind to understand the actual meaning of "Siva Tandava" as not in person but the total understanding "awakening" called enlightenment.

It was explained, every movement of our inner soul came after the dance of every cells in our body. To attained these one need to meditate 23hours a day for 20 years to reach the state of "TAPAZ".

Meditate an hour a day for 12 year makea some to be a 'YOGI". The choice is yours. You can always choose.


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Friday, November 12, 2010

GOD and Religion

Religion cannot be anything other than a celebration of life. And the serious person becomes handicapped: he creates barriers. The very dimension of celebration disappears from his life. He becomes desert like. And if you are a desert, you can go on thinking and pretending that you are religious but you are not, says Osho, the Zen master.

After compassion, gratitude arise, the whole existence becomes temple. What ever you touch becomes a prayer. What ever you do becomes prayerful.

Prayer is blissful when it is an expression of gratitude, with no demands, with no complaints. Whenever one starts asking for something in prayer, it is no longer blissful; it is praying out of misery, out of demand, out of need. It loses its grandeur, its grace. It is nothing but desire disguised as prayer.

And that's what goes on in the churches, temples, mosques, in the name of prayer: people are not praying, people are asking, demanding, people are trying to exploit even God for their own purposes. They pray only when they are in need, they remember God when they are in misery.

They completely forget God when they are happy. And the real prayer arises out of happiness, not Out of misery, so it is very rarely that real prayer happens in the world, because people pray when they are in pain and they forget completely when they are in pleasure.

When everything is going well who bothers about God and who bothers about prayer? When something is not going right, you start remembering God.

It happened in the life of one of the very rare men of this century, Fyodor Dostoevsky, the Russian novelist. He was also a revolutionary, and he was condemned to death with eleven of his other comrades.

All twelve were to be shot early in the morning at exactly six o'clock. They were made to stand in a line and they started looking at the church tower, at the clock, and minute by minute life was disappearing. And Dostoevsky says in his memoirs that in those four, five moments, he remembered his whole past.

It happens: when death approaches and you become aware that death is coming -- when it takes you unawares -- then it doesn't happen; but when you know that at exactly six o'clock you will be shot dead and only five minutes are left, one starts having a review.

The whole film of the past starts moving. And in those five minutes he remembered that he has not lived his life attentively. He had wasted his life, he had lived as a robot, as a machine, unconsciously, almost asleep. He could not remember a single moment of attentiveness, of awareness.

He decided, "If another life is given to me, I will devote my whole life to awareness." And by chance it happened that he was forgiven; exactly one minute before, the order from the Czar came that all those twelve had to be forgiven.

Then somebody asked him after a few years: "What happened to your decision?" He said, "I tried, but it didn't work out; I could not live attentively. I still try but... for a moment it is there and then it is gone."

People are living almost in a kind of sleep. But when pain comes, misery comes, they are disturbed in their sleep and they start praying, and they take great decisions that "Now, from now onwards, I will be good, I will be this, I will be that." But that is not true prayer. If it comes out of pain, once the pain is gone the prayer will be gone.

The true prayer has to arise out of bliss, it has to arise out of your gratitude to God, it has to arise out of a tremendous sense that you are part of this great, profound mystery, that such an infinitely beautiful universe has been given to you for no reason at all; you have not earned it. It is a sheer gift from God. Then there is prayer.

And if prayer is there, God is there. Wherever prayer is, God is. People ask, "Where is God?" -- their question is meaningless. They should ask, "What is prayer?" -- because wherever prayer is, God is. Prayer is the way to see God. Prayer gives you the eyes, the perspective to see God.

A real prayer is nonverbal  

Prayer simply means gratitude, thankfulness. It is not a demand, it is not a desire. And if you desire anything, then it is not prayer. Then don't call it a prayer. And that's what you must have been doing: desiring something, asking God, "Do this, do that for me."

And because he is not doing it, you are becoming frustrated. And rather than thinking that something is fundamentally wrong in the very idea of prayer that you are carrying in you, you may be even suspecting whether God exists or not.

Prayer is not a demand on God, it is not a desire for something. If it is, then it will never reach to him. Desires are heavy things. They gravitate towards the earth, they can't fly into the sky.

When you have a pure gratitude, when you are not asking anything but simply feeling thankful for all that he has already done for you... and he has done more than you are worthy of, he has done more than you deserve.
ust look at what he has done for you! He has given you life and love and joy. He has given you a tremendous sensitivity for beauty. He has given you awareness. He has given you the possibility of becoming a buddha. What more do you want?

Feel thankful, and then prayers have wings, they can fly; they reach to the ultimate. Then the earth cannot pull them downwards. Then they start rising, soaring upwards, they levitate. With desire the prayer gravitates downwards; it cannot levitate
But millions of people go on praying with this wrong attitude: they pray only when they need something.
The Texan was on his knees in church giving thanks for all his blessings.

"Of course," he added, "I am grateful for my six houses, although I could use two or three more. Now, I am grateful for my Rolls and six Cadillacs, but I could use a couple more yachts to add to my collection. And I know I should be grateful for the banks I own, but could you see your way clear to give me five more to make it an even dozen?"

A little man kneeled next to him and talked up to God: "I need bread and a job -- I would be so grateful."

The Texan whipped out a hundred-dollar bill and handed it to the man. "Will you please stop bothering God with that small stuff?"

But whether the stuff is small or big, whether you are asking for bread or for banks, it is the same, exactly the same! Don't ask for anything. Thank him for all that he has already done. Bow down! Words are not needed in thankfulness. Just bow down in deep gratitude, in silence.

A real prayer is nonverbal; words are inadequate. They are made for other things, not for prayer. Yes, once in a while you may find tears rolling down from your eyes, and they are far more significant than all the words you could use.

Yes, once in a while you would like to dance like a Baul mystic -- for no reason at all, for the sheer joy of being! That dance will be prayer. Yes, once in a while you may like to play on the flute. And believe me, God loves music! He is tired of your words! Sing, dance, cry, or just be silent.

And you will be surprised: great light starts showering on you. You are bathed in bliss, in benediction.


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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Deepavali

My Sincere Deepavali wishes to all Hindus around the world. Lets this light of festival brighten up our life with prosperity, happiness and the most of all, lets this lights of fragrance fills our years with glory.

from lvbala and family.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Principals with Racial Remarks Suspended

"Better late than never" said DS Nazri regarding the late respond from the government regarding the two said principal with the racial remarks.

The two principals, each from Kedah and Johor has been suspended base on their statement which sparks racial remarks to their students and to Malaysian in total.

It was reported, more than 20 complaints were made by the student and the parents include responds from the public.

I am personally felt this was a good sign and let this be a lesson to all Malaysian to react rationally when dealing with the sensitivities of Malaysians.

But in the other hand, I am paused why this should be happening now after more than 50 years we celebrated our independence?

Respecting each others should be the basic instinct to all Malaysians. This must be our culture and it must be protected by all. Respecting each other is a must and should be carried as a highest order in this country.

When this statement comes from a school principals, it shows a clear evidence that our system rotten and need overhauling.

By solving one puzzle, another question arises, does this suspension solve the racial problem in this country?

The teaching of the basic principals of being Malaysian thought by BTN (Biro Tata Negara) to all civil servant need to be re-look again. It must be scrapped and redone.

Organization such as PERKASA should be monitored from increasing damage done. Hope Ibrahim Ali will get well soon from IJN, and starts to look at Malaysia as how it was created initially.

Besides the principals, the economy status of all Malaysian should be up lifted. The sharing must be done equally.

As long as we are treated equally, Malaysians will strive together. Malaysians and Malaysia will be competitive again.


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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Penang ~ DAP

Achievements of Penang Goverment by Lim Guan Eng
Not published in Malaysian main stream newspapers, a deliberate Act to undermine the people

The governments of Pulau Pinang and Selangor have actually outperformed the previous BN state governments, their achievements though have been kept unpublished. Here is a report of the Pinang State Government.

These governments were elected by the people and the BN is deliberately undermining them.
Read and see how well they are doing. 

Pass it on, this will allow the truth to be seen, and why the internal bickering is happening.
Some leaders have their own Agenda.
New measures implemented includes competitive and public open tender, payments directly to recipients without going through middle-men, priority given to Penang contractors, e-tender through the internet and a 2 week objection period to ensure that successful contractor no longer need "political cables" but "computer cables".

There is no doubt that competitive open tenders saves costs and improve quality.
Many contractors have been liberated with the implementation of open tenders at all levels. For Class F contractors which are only open to bumis, open tender system has allowed non-UMNO linked contractors in Penang to get contracts for the first time.

In the past contracts are usually reserved for UMNO cronies and those outside the state. Clearly the competitive open tender system of PR is more transparent, accountable and beneficial to the people compared to the negotiated tender system for BN cronies.

What is more surprising is the outcome of the open tender system open to all races. Instead of perception that Malays cannot compete and that the non-Malay contractor would win all open tender contracts, this is not true.

Since the new PR government took over, Penang Development Corporation (PDC) had issued 23 tender awards, of which 7(30%) were won by non-Malay contractors and 16(70%) won by Malay contractors.

Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (PBAPP) had issued 66 tender awards of which 22(33%) were won by non-Malay contractors as compared to 44(67%) by Malay contractors.

The performance by Malay contractors in an open tender system with non-Malays proves that Malay contractors can compete with others and win tender awards on their own merit. Clearly it is not the race that is an issue but failed policies that encourage dependency especially when it helps BN maintain the status quo and its grip on power.

A good example is China which suffered famine and severe economic distress with wrong policies of eating from 'a single iron pot" no matter how hard or little one worked.

However when China opened up its economy and allow one's hard work and ability to determine one's success and rewards, China transformed itself from being the "Sick Man of Asia" in the 1960s into the second largest world economy by 2011.

BN had instituted policies that stifle initiative, creativity, hard work, drive and productivity which benefited only the few BN cronies at the expense of entire country.

For instance, 30% quotas of publicly listed shares were reserved for Malays but only a few benefited as many ordinary Malays never received shares from the Federal government.

The state government regrets that there are now certain elements within Pakatan Rakyat Penang that is aligned with BN in opposing efforts to implement an open tender system and CAT governance.

We must remain steadfast as we are backed by results. The Penang state government has been able to turn a projected deficit of RM 35 million in 2008 budget to a record surplus of RM 88 million.

A projected deficit of RM 40 million in 2009 Budget has been turned around to record a surplus of RM 77 million. In fact the 2009 budget surplus would have been a record RM 92 million were it not for the payment of RM 14.7 million as a result of the Tang Hak Ju land scam of the previous administration.

Penang is proud to be the first state to hold public open tenders of government projects and procurement contracts and also conducting it through the internet (e-tender). By sticking to CAT principles, Penang is the first state or federal government in Malaysia to gain praise from Transparency International.

In politics, we want more friends than foes. But we are willing to lose friends and gain foes if we can change the mindset of the people by providing equal opportunity, be confident, self-reliant and attain international benchmarks.

Pakatan Rakyat Penang's greatest legacy to Malaysia and greatest threat to BN's stranglehold on power is to prove that the right policies can make Malays and Malaysians compete and succeed against the best. 
lvbala's comments,
I received this mail from a trusted source and it was not published in the main stream. Yes, we do understand why it was not published. 
Anyway, this achievement by DAP within 2 years after 2008 is great and motivating. We have seen many changes done by PR government since they break the majority of BN controlled hall.

Even it is not to much to say, the pressure from PR to BN have made tremendous changes in the making.
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hinduism ~ Better explanations needed.

Sacred Ganga: The river Ganga (or Ganges) is the most sacred river for pious Hindus. According to a legend, the river Ganga has its source in Shiva and flows from his matted hair.

This is symbolically represented by depicting Ganga as a jet of water sprinkling out of the head of the Lord and falling on the ground.

Legend has it that the Lord allowed an outlet to the great river to traverse the earth and bring purifying water to human being.

Ganga (river Ganges) is associated with Hindu mythology and is the most sacred river of Hindus. According to tradition, one who bathes in Ganga (revered as Mother Ganga) in accordance with traditional rites and ceremonies on religious occasions in combination with certain astrological events, is freed from sin and attains knowledge, purity and peace.

Ganga, symbolically represented on the head of the Lord by a female (Mother Ganga) with a jet of water emanating from her mouth and falling on the ground, signifies that the Lord destroys sin, removes ignorance, and bestows knowledge Hence, Lord Shiva is often referred to as Gangadhara or "Bearer of the river Ganga".

Lvbala said,

Above comments were pick up from Facebook page of LORD Subramaniar.

Mythology. Above piece of article represent man’s best imagination given to represent 5 element into GOD.

One should understand, religion is only man’s imagination and wall build around them which separated among each other.

GOD’s teaching claim to be brought down to earth is totally unexpected and impossible to mankind. So, better explanation and logic thinking needed to one so religion by the name of GOD not mis-used and confused.

It is time for HINDUISM to talk fact and start all over again so new generation never go confuse about HINDUISM. Myth and legend stories should be put aside and back to basic and be simple. VEDA should come into light. The best explanation about GOD is in it.

Characteristic should be avoided. Personality and myth stories should be avoided. Confusion is the main reason for the youngster mainly HINDUs to convert to other religion. We should be back to the basic understanding.

For an example, does Ghanapathy is the son of SIVA and Sakthi? Biologically no, but why the epic said so?

Who is Ghanapathy? He is the first creation of GOD towards imagination and given most important elements such as Air, Pranayama, Kundalini etc etc. This facts should be explain and not family elephant stories.

Who is lord MURUGAN? How he was created? The GOD created by man upon un-explainable beauty?

Who is Krishna? GOD created by man who represented the universe.

But they are all one. This was explained in VEDA s. The holy book.

Intellectual with logical explanations needed to further enhance religious views specially in HINDUISM.

Family story about GOD is no more excepted and irrelevant. May those who understand this can come forward and give better explanation.

Temples and prayers in Hinduism is total concentration on cosmic energy absorption. A prayers is science practical to absorb concentrated energy to stabilize the Chakras. So, man can think clearly and live healthy life.

Devotional movie with GOD characteristics should be avoided and logical explanation needed for this millennium years.

The whole problem started in Hinduism when man separated one GOD into Three Murthys”. The Creator, the Operator and the Destroyer “GOD” (Brahma, Vishnu and Siva).

The actual word “GOD” represented the three meaning of him.

In theory, this is true about the main function of GOD who creates, rule and destroy but creating GOD’s characters is totally un-accepted and these characters lead to many rising question and each answers created another continues questions.

These 3 main characters have raised many questions and questions keeps on rising till today.   

If these characters were not created, Hinduism would have better future and understanding and accepted universally.

I am going to stop writing till here and will continue if I have feed backs. So please comment and give your logical views for betterment of HINDUISM.


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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

PAS' Galas assembly person dies of lung cancer

Kelantan, PAS' Galas state assemblyperson Che Hashim Sulaima 48, who was suffering from colon cancer passed away on (27 September 2010 / 4.30pm) at Kuala Lumpur's Kampung Baru Baru Medical Centre after suffering a relapse.

This is another lost to PAS and its constitution. The assembly person was suffering from cancer in May last year when he started coughing blood.

Che Hashim won the Galas seat in Kelantan with a majority of 646 votes in 2008 GE, against incumbent Saufi Deraman of BN.

My deepest condolence to his family and may his soul rest in peace.


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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nurul ~ Investigated under the Sedition Act

Lembah Pantai PKR parliamentarian Nurul Izzah Anwar is being investigated under the Sedition Act following a police report lodged by Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa (Perkasa) accusing her of questioning the constitution ~ Malaysiakini

The article titled 'The ultimate Malaysia debate: Malaysia or Malaysaja?' was a comment piece authored by Nurul Izzah and published on Aug 31 in The Malaysian Insider.

In her comments to the Medias she also stated,

"I categorically state my support for our constitution - including Article 153, our royal institutions, Islam as our official religion and Bahasa Melayu as our official language,"

"I also categorically state that I did not call for to change or to repeal any articles in the constitution." She said.

No words to express my disappointment towards UMNO and BN. No more respect from me and those around me for PDRM and BN politicians. 

I will educate my siblings to hate this government. I have heard many more from my surrounding friends and relatives. I have seen the worse PM ever in this country. The next PM who is the current DPM could be worse.

YB Nurul, where ever you go and where ever you will be, I will support you and vote for you for another 1000 years. Everyone understood your stand. No one is questioning the Malay rights but this is how this country is run by morons. 

Keep up your honesty. I am proud of DS Anuar Ibrahim and YB Azizah for producing a warrior (knight) daughter. Kudos.


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Malaysian Indian Marginalized.

When government think tank said it had identified investments worth RM1.376 trillion (US$444 billion) over 10 years, of which 60 percent would come from the private sector, 32 percent from government-linked companies and 8 percent from government, the question rise, who shall benefits from this development?

In the mid over struggling for living, what is the quest for millions and trillion investment in the country?

We have seen economy development in the country for the past over 50 years and it was shocking to read the news about an old man aged 64 jailed for stealing food in current days..

He was sent to prison for 10 days despite referring him to welfare department for his aid.

An unemployed man 64, was sentenced to 10 days jail for theft by the Magistrate's Court here this morning.
Arokiasamy, 64, who was hardly able to walk, pleaded guilty to the charge.

Arokiasamy was caught yesterday outside The Store supermarket in Pudu Plaza after a staff there had seen him putting 15 cans of food and drink packets into a plastic bag and leaving the premises.

His son Vijayakumaran Arokiasamy 30, came for aid after reading the news from Malaymail.
"I admit we are not a family who swims in the lap of luxury," he said when met at his low-cost unit.

"I know times are bad and I am trying my best to make ends meet but I never thought my father would do such a thing” Said his son in his statement to Malay mail. (Copied from Malaymail in one of the interview with the accused son).

We have the best airport, tallest twin tower and best road system. Lamborghinis, Ferraris and Bentleys are on the road. Who benefited over the development all this while? Malays or non Malays?

In another unrelated report, The Human Rights Party Lawyer Uhtayakumar came up with a statement, that Umno's social engineering has denied Indian youths the right to education, jobs, business mobility, loans and contract opportunities that has resulted in many of them turning to gangsterism and violent crime.

With the population merely less than 8 percent, the Indian youth champions the higher rank in crime rate in the country.

The reality however, said Uthayakumar, is that Indian youths are even denied licenses to operate scrap metal shops, car washes, food, flower and fruit stalls and denied even garbage collection, security guard and car park contracts.

He said Indians were denied a host of other basic opportunities such as to run petrol stations, Ayamas outlets, Proton outlets and service centres, KFC and McDonald's outlets, low rental highway rest stop shops and local council stalls, and so on.

Who should we point finger this time around?

DEB, NEP and many more were introduce by the government along the way. But again, by setting percentage, who should get and how much they should get and so much so back the ideas to zero.

Compensation paid for FELDA settlers were millions when their government given land was taken by the government.Read again. Government given land and taken by government and they were paid millions.

What does the Indians gets when the estates were demolished? What was given to Indians when they were chased out of ESTATES?

I wondered, does any country around this world have this type of system for their country man (citizens)?

Scholarship and places to higher educations were set percentage for non Malays and those Malays with lower education result were given places. They were even sent to overseas. Some even brought they wifes and children.

What quality do we expect from those who were holding below par standard when they served in the public servise?

Bunch of uneducated morons only cares about their own race, talking about celebrating Hari Raya when they attending customers in front counter. What is the quality of our governing government who set this standard for producing  morons?

Where this country so called my mother land is heading?

What types of Malaysia will be in the next generations to come?

If anyone managed to read this column, my request, the solution is in your hand.

Make your choice s in the next GE.



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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri

From lvbala and family to all Muslims in Malaysia and around the world

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

What More to See and What More to Say.

What more to see and what more to say?

It has proven UMNO and the gang (MCA & MIC) need to be brought down. The only way is by next GE. Malaysians must decide. Now or never. 

Every soul of this land must act to change and bring this country to her origin. Truly Malaysia. 

I missed my beloved Malaysia and the people use to be Malaysians. 

Namewee, the youngest and none political aide stand for Malaysians.  And Malaysians should stand for him too.

I admire his view and courage. His songs definitely made them scratch their balls. Great lyric and great message.

What more to see and what more to say.

It seems Taib's daughter is testing the water towards Malaysian's stand on her father. How far and how long will it continue? Sarawakian need to decide. 

Taib had swindled everything which belongs to this native land and through his Canadian son in law, he manage to built an empire in Canada. Nothing more left if this land. 

What more shall be left for the people of Sarawak if he continue to be in charge? Didn't understand why Federal kept their mouth shut? What is behind Taib? What make him strong as if no one is above him?

With all the gas, petroleum and timber, how does Sarawak became second poorest state after Kelantan?

I would like to say it again. Taib is just testing the water. He just wanted to tell the others by not direct from his mouth. He indicating he is still needed and Sarawak is totally under his control.

His clowns playing the card right or may be paid by this white hair guy to say thing he would like to address.

What more to see and what more to say.
he Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) arrested 23 politicians last year, making it the biggest number of arrests among politicians so far.

However, only 15 of them - 12 from Umno and one each from Gerakan, DAP and PKR -- were prosecuted for bribery.

It said 939 cases met the criteria for open investigation resulting in over 500 individuals being arrested.

What else is needed to prove Malaysian politicians specially from BN merely working for money and work to make quick bucks. The rakyat were negleted. Not only the non malays but among the malays too.

They have become greedy and willing to manipulate their own race for money.

What more to see and what more to say,

Umno is against any form of racism and does not support Perkasa said Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz.

 “We should get rid of Perkasa,” said the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in the Parliament lobby recently when reporters asked for his response to MCA vice-president Datuk Donald Lim’s suggestion that the Chinese should form their version of Perkasa.

"What's the point of having another extremist body? We want to get rid of Perkasa,” he said.

He said that Umno was seeking to distance itself from Perkasa but acknowledged that no action could be taken against people who proposed such extremist bodies unless a police report was lodged against them.

You know what, I am not buying a word from this guy called Nazri. He is playing his card right on time. But he fails to understand Malaysians were no more clowns he though they use to be.

What Nazri did when teachers from north and south came up with racial statements?

What more to see and what more to say,

Even Khairy was barking in the other corner. Barking at DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang. Compare to LKS Khairy is just a juvenile in politic. He still didn't get the message.

He was not needed in the cabinet. His boss has denied him. What quality he got to stand shoulder with LKS. Your time has over boy when your father in law in no more in power.

Your level 4 no more in control of Putra Jaya.

What more to see and what more to say,

Kugan's autopsy report failed to be obtained. The deseased family still at lime light over the report.

DS Anuar fail to get Saiful's medical report. It was stunning to read Raja Petra's news about the finding of the siemen in saiful's ass belongs to Saiful himself. How he would have done it?

The ex-transport minister Ling Liong Sik is in a hot soup. He wants PKZ's documents to be declassified. Will it be done? He was grateful to Mahathir for his promise to testify in court over the PKFZ scandal.

Will Mahathir remember? Or he will say "I know about it but I don't remember. I don't remember who Ling Liong Sik  too"

What more to see and what more to say?

11 million illegible voters need to decide who shall be be our ruling party. Why don't try it out. We can change it again if it doesn't work the way we want it. Changes were needed if we wanted see changes.


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Friday, September 3, 2010


From a distance the world looks blue and green,
and the snow-capped mountains white.
From a distance the ocean meets the stream,
and the eagle takes to flight.

From a distance, there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace,
it's the voice of every man.

From a distance we all have enough,
and no one is in need.
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease,
no hungry mouths to feed.

From a distance we are instruments
marching in a common band.
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace.
They're the songs of every man.
God is watching us. God is watching us.
God is watching us from a distance.

From a distance you look like my friend,
even though we are at war.
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
what all this fighting is for.

From a distance there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves,
it's the heart of every man.

It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves.
This is the song of every man.
And God is watching us, God is watching us,
God is watching us from a distance.
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching.
God is watching us from a distance

Song by ~ Bette Midler

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Life in the Malay Utopia ~ Mariam Mokhtar / Malaysiakini

If  Tunku Abdul Rahman were alive today, he would weep at the destruction of bridges he had built between the races in Malaysia.

In a speech to the Foreign Correspondents Association in May 1961, he warned us about “a small minority who did not think, feel, believe and work for the good of Malaya”. Referring to national unity, he said: “This goal would not be achieved if the Chinese continued to think and talk of everything Chinese.”

Ironically, some Malays and a misguided Chinese convert have let the Tunku down, while the non-Malays have embraced his vision wholeheartedly.

The Tunku was passionate about loyalty: “We, who are here, have only our little Malaya. The Chinese, Malays and others have to make the best of our home here. Malaya, our one and only home”. He explained that without unity, "there would be conflict and hell will break loose”.

Fast forward to 2010 and the two school principals who allegedly told their Chinese students to "return to China". They've aped the anti-Chinese rhetoric of Ibrahim Ali, Ahmad Ismail and Ridhuan Tee Abdullah. They are egged-on by a former prime minister, who refuses to retire gracefully, and whose constant meddling will destroy this country.
Not content at being sidelined, Information, Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim has condemned the MCA president for demanding the gradual reduction of the 30 percent bumiputera economic equity.

However, let's forget about 30 percent bumiputera equity.

Let's imagine a 'Ketuanan Melayu Utopia' with 100 percent Malay bumiputera equity, with all the Chinese 'banished' to China and the Indians to India.

Will we be socially, economically, morally and religiously content, in Malay brotherhood?

In this Utopia, will the handful of individuals who used to control the wealth of the nation, relinquish their economic stranglehold and share it?

Their actions could eradicate poverty across the country and lift the economic status of the Malays, especially the rural Malays.

But I doubt that they will give up control and power.

Will the government-linked companies or the companies 'belonging' to powerful politicians share projects with the other 97 percent of the population? Would projects be put to open tender? Would the Ali Baba companies that used to exist be disbanded? Or will clones of these Ali Baba firms emerge?

Lifestyle changes?

How will our schools fare? Teachers, especially principals, need not go into racist rants. Will bullying and harassment manifest itself in other forms?

Out will go the subject called 'Moral' for the non-Malays. Sports, especially for girls, would probably cease; Westernised activities like boy-scouts or girl-guides would stop.

As music is anathema to Muslim teachings, unless they are nasyid songs, students who appreciate music and want to learn a musical instrument would have to stop harbouring foolish ideas.

There will be even less emphasis on English. A nephew at a Mara boarding school tried to improve his English, by speaking English to his friends. Unfortunately, both his schoolmates and teachers teased him, "Kamu-ni action-nya, nak jadi Mat-Salleh kah?" (Why are you showing off, do you want to be a Westerner?) so he stopped.

With universities attended and staffed by Malays only, standards should be expected to rise, because there is no competition to slow them down and distract them.

With this new Ketuanan Melayu Utopia, there will be open season on polygamy. Men will be able to marry whenever and whoever they like. There will be no equality for women.

A man can opt to marry girls as soon as they reach the age of puberty. He can get around the laws prohibiting sex with a minor, by marrying in Malacca. When he tires of her, there is always the option of a second, third or fourth wife.

He need not worry about his children's welfare, or breakdown of the family-unit, as the courts rarely enforce maintenance payments. Women being responsible mothers, will always work harder, to subsidise his lifestyle and support his family.

Places that used to sell alcohoalcohol banl, and entertainment establishments like nightclubs or karaoke bars, will cease to exist and 'social ills' should disappear. The 'moral police' who used to look for drinkers like Kartika, may be downsized. Unemployment figures could rise as a result.

Will the khalwat squads still turn a blind eye to immoral VIPs? Having a 100 percent Malay nation will not stop illicit sex.

As there will be no more Gregorian New Year and Valentine's day celebrations, there will be no more abandoned babies.

How will the Malays decide between employment in the cushy civil service or a job in the private sector? Will the government machinery become leaner and more efficient?

Identity, cultural crises

With religious fervor, will the Malays become fully Arabicised or Islamicised? Our Malay architectural heritage has long been abandoned for Arabic domes.
The kebaya has been usurped by the jubah. Tudung or mini-telekung have replaced ordinary head scarves. Even Malay men parade in white Arab robes. War memorials are banned and logos on football jerseys are subject to scrutiny.

Malay weddings have long since become politically correct and institutionalised. Apart from the customary vulgar display of wealth, there is no more joget or mingling among guests. Men and women have neglected how to behave in each other's presence because of segregation. Basically, everyone has forgotten how to have fun.

The Malays are suffering from an identity and cultural crisis. They are stuck in a time-warp and refuse to move with the times. They lack a strong leader. They have been held back by leaders who do not understand their needs but who were content to use them indiscriminately. Malays have been conditioned to be suspicious of each other and kept in check by fear.

All the Ibrahim Alis, Ahmad Ismails, Ridhuan Tee Abdullahs and racist school-principals of Malaysia are simply 'dark-skinned' neo-Nazis. If these 'pseudo Aryans' believe that 100 percent bumiputera equity, or banishing non-Malays from Malaysia will improve our social and economic outcomes, then their heads need examination.

When their experiment for a 100 percent Malay nation-state fails to lift the rural Malays out of poverty and creates a wider gap between rich and poor Malays, what then? When their ill-conceived 'social-engineering' creates more Malay disunity, who will they blame?

In our Malay Utopia, will Dr Mahathir Mohamad be sent back to Kerala, will Ridhuan Tee be returned to China and will the other 'Indonesian Malays' like Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and Najib Abdul Razak be sent packing?

Comments from lvbala,

Great article written by Mariam Mokhtar. Her imagination was tremendous. 

Her imaginative talent bring a great message to all Malaysian to appreciate what we a have now. 

It goes to others (Chinese and Indians as well). She is simply pointing to her own race as an example to avoid being label as a racist. But the message should be absorb by all Malaysians and think with their brain and not with their ass.

Will all the problems bi gone if Malaysia was occupied by only one race? 

This message clearly sent to all Malaysian that we are one. We are the son of this soil. We should stop blaming each others. We should ignore those racists who were trying to distroy the country's peace.

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a non-conformist traditionalist from Perak, a bucket chemist and an armchair eco-warrior. In 'real–speak', this translates into that she comes from Ipoh, values change but respects culture, is a petroleum chemist and also an environmental pollution-control scientist.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Utusan - Say Sorry to Malaysians

Utusan Malaysia should retract an editorial it had carried last week over the possibility of a 'major' war and apologise for trying to provoke and pit non-Malays against Malays, said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.
The daily should also be ashamed and apologise “for misleading and cheating the public” by highlighting unsubstantiated allegations by Perak mufti Harussani Zakaria that an 'alternative constitution' was being disseminated as part of moves to replace the federal constitution and its provisions on the position of Malays, said Lim (left).

Citing Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz who has reportedly rubbished the Utusan report that appeared on Aug 18 as baseless and false 'coffee-shop' talk, Lim said Utusan should be ashamed and apologise “for misleading and cheating the public”.

Utusan should be ashamed for publishing provocative reports pitting non-Malays against Malays and threatening a big war worse than May 13 racial riots that turned out to be false,” said Lim, who is also Bagan MP, in a statement today.

“No proof had been offered of who was pushing for a new constitution or what were its contents,” Lim added.

azlanIn the op-ed piece by Zaini Hassan entitled 'Benar, 'perang besar' boleh berlaku di Malaysia' (It's true, a 'large-scale war' can take place in Malaysia), it was claimed that a war that will dwarf the May 13 1969 riots “is imminent if the government does nothing to curb racial tension caused by those who continue to stoke racial fires".

The article had also cited allegations by Harussani (above) reported a day earlier of the existence of an alternate constitution would replace the current one providing for the abolition of the special rights of Malays and the position of Islam as the official religion.

NONEOpposition leader Anwar Ibrahim had similarly dismissed the warnings by Utusan, which he said derive from its attempts to cover up the corruption and oppressiveness of the BN-led government.

“The tension (between the races, if any) is not as serious as they say it is,” said the Permatang Pauh MP.

On the purported 'alternate' constitution, Anwar said: “If it is true, (let the police) investigate it. If such a thing exists, if it goes against the aspirations of the people. Action can be taken,” he added. / Malaysiakini / 22/08/10
lvbala said,

It was said, the Muslim was the real enemy of Islam. 
In Malaysia, the so called BUMI (Malays) is the fire starter but blaming others. 
They are the enemy of the peace. They have done it before and they wanted to fire it up again.

Where is the sedition act which supposed to protect Malaysia's peace? 

All this while we have given away the big portion of food to our brothers (Malays) who were left behind in the economy race.

And now the non Malays were hungry, they are asking for another plate of food. The family is growing bigger and the food was not shared equally.

But the brothers (Malays) have forgotten what we achieve together is to be shared together. Now they are busy claiming and finger pointing the non Malays as refugees and they can't have any extra food. 

The non Malays were threaten another blood shed will happen. Even the DPM keeps on reminding the non Malays to stop demanding or we shall see another May 13.
Where is justice?

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Very interesting.....

1. Sodomy II.
"The judge says the prosecution's sworn affidavits are good enough" so both of them (Saiful and Fara) don't have to be called in and DSAI celebrates his 63rd birthday in court. This is better than kollywood movie. May be Malaysian watching to much Indian movie where everything is possible. But let us be logic, most of the Malaysian are laughing through their ass hole regards to this land's law enforcement. 

2. Teoh BH
New evidence of suicide note in TBH's body bag.
The best part is, it was discovered after two months. Anyone cry for this joke? Of course we fart through our mouth and laugh through out ass...

3. DPM supporting Abu Adi Hawang's statement.
Does someone who can afford to buy luxury cars and villas for millions to be given discount by the name of BUMIPUTRA? or to help fellow Malaysians regardless race who in need because he can't afford? Please someone answer this. Lets hear from the Bumiputra himself.

4. Why till now there were no probe against Mr. Taib of Sarawak? Where is MACC?
By the name of the Sarawakian natives and Bumis, please decide your next ruling state government.

5. First lady busy with fashions ~ at the Monaco Sporting Club in Monte Carlo Monday night.
Islamic fashion is fast becoming a lucrative business with the current market estimated to be worth more than US$96 billion (RM302 billion) a year, said Rosmah Mansor.
The event was attended also by, among others, Prince Albert II of Monaco, Qatar Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad Jassim Jabr Al-Thani, Najib and Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud. 

Wonder how much money this time for shopping, which money changer been used or Taib helps you to bring your money in his private jet?

6. Abolish ISA ~London 

Around 30 peaceful demonstrators in London yesterday erected a symbolic 'mausoleum' to the Internal Security Act (ISA), in full view of Malaysian diplomatic officials and visitors entering the Malaysian High Commission in Belgrave Square to attend a talk by the Foreign Minister, Anifah Aman.

This can be done in London but can't in this own soil. What a wonderful world. 


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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Umno desperado — Zaid Ibrahim

20 JULAI — Sebagai seorang bekas ahli parti Umno yang telah lama memberi sumbangan dan khidmat sokongan pada parti tersebut — dan walaupun telah dipecat dan dimaki hamun setiap masa dan ketika — saya berasa kasihan melihat Umno yang begitu lemah atau ‘pathetic’ dan hilang maruah sejak kebelakangan ini.

Setiap hari mereka meminta belas kasihan PAS untuk menyelamatkan mereka.  Mereka tidak berhenti-henti bercakap pasal ‘Selamatkanlah Melayu dan Islam’ sedangkan kita semua tahu maksud yang tersirat ialah ‘Selamatkanlah Umno yang sudah hilang kepercayaan Rakyat sambil bergelumur dengan masalah dalaman hari ini.’

Yang terakhir sekali, Presiden Umno meminta PAS bersetuju bertemu tanpa sebarang syarat... link to read more

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Selangor Umno cracks ~ Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 — Fierce rivalry and tantrums continue to split Selangor Umno as it struggles to find its footing more than two years after losing the country’s wealthiest state to Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Party members are split between Selangor Umno deputy chief Datuk Seri Noh Omar and Selangor Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo, both of whom are working “independently” and upstaging each other to impress state chief and party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Dr Khir, the former mentri besar, is widely blamed for losing Selangor in Election 2008 while Noh, the Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister, is seen as positioning himself as a potential mentri besar should Barisan Nasional (BN) win in the next general election.

“It looks like they are competing with each other for the limelight rather than working to strengthen Umno Selangor,” said a state assemblyman, who declined to be identified.

Link to read more... (Gila Kuasa)

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Which one? (UPSR, PMR, English or Bahasa?)

Initially when I heard about abolishing SRP in the year 1983, I was so happy that I need not have to pay extra attention to my study and I can concentrate on my sporting events.

Surprisingly, till today the questions remain unsettled. Beside this unsettled issues, here come another unsettled issue which has been ding donging all these year.

Is to teach in English or to teach in Bahasa Malaysia. Till when?

Some politician can’t simply solve the problem because there won’t be anything to hang on. A simple mythology and a global paramedic measures need to be anticipated. Our politicians are far away from this, I guess.
The need of education which can be explore through out the world. except the theory that make sense and practical to practice. 

Where do we stand to against the current of advancements? Are we suppose to be the bridge to the younger generation to pass on which betterment.

Here the question again,

Abolishing UPSR and PMR is yet to be decided.

Do we need to abolish UPSR and PMR? Who shall be the right person to answer these questions correctly?






Those got nothing to do except for commenting?

Before we question, how about answering few doubts that lead to abolishment?

This abolishment of PMR (SRP) and UPSR exams was raised up since 1983 and it was almost 27 years and we are still deciding?

It goes to teaching language too. Either to teach Mathematics and Science subject in English or in Bahasa Malaysia? And surprisingly, the ministry is yet to make any decisions on this matter.

UPSR is definitely need, and the simple reason is to measure when do the student stands before they pass on  to secondary school.

Six years of primary school study should be measured. The need to know where they stand is vital to benchmark their performance in coming years.

The placement of the student either science or Economy studies should be decided from form one. The next five years of study should be sufficient for the student to face SPM before they absorbed into colleges and universities. PMR can be considered but still as a bench mark to measure the students capability. That means, we need it and what wrong by keeping it?

Some of them may use PMR to up lift their performance. Some of them may keep the par of their performance.

So, lets go to another topic. About teach in English or Malay language. Let me tell you I have written about this issues before. 

This issue is pure "Ego" of the nations majority. They never thought about growing. Their ego is so thick. Thicker than a buffalo skin. But they don’t know what they are loosing the advancement. The are limiting their growing to face the world.

So, let s get this topic in hand. It is involving our children. Their future.

So many years and so many politicking. I have children who is studying in university. I do know what stand in front of them. They are just another mirror of me. You too do have to consider to make a change for the better for all.

It will not if we never change and make changes. We can make the changes. We can change by making the changes in the next GE.

So shall we come to a point where we need to stop all these nonsense and craps and move forward for the nation. Lets stop those who are drying the country’s wealth and corrupting the system.

It is lies in you. Decide.


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Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...