Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hulu Selangor ~ BN Chosen

BN won the fist battle in Hulu Selangor by election with majority of 1,725 vote. The rakyat has decided to loan Hulu Selangor to BN till next GE.

BN won in the state seats of Batang Air (Sarawak), Bagan Pinang (Negeri Sembilan) and Hulu Selangor (Selangor).

Official Result;

BN - 24,997
PKR - 23,272
Majority -1,725


Friday, April 23, 2010

Hulu Selangor ~ Collective stories

1. Around 14,000 registered voters in Hulu Selangor have been reassigned by EC (Election Commissioner) to another constitution. This is done without the knowledge of the majority of the voters. They claim transferred was done because some of the voters fall into Selayang constitution. I wonder why now and why it was not realized in the 2008 GE?

2. Kamanathan’s act on kissing DPM’s hand was a sign of knowing ones culture claimed DPM. But everyone knows this culture for decades. Only UMNO BN never understood others cultures. It was not needed for UMNO BN to understand other culture as they were not ‘pendatang” in this country but others are.

3. PAS spiritual leader kicked the UMNO BN lead blogger ‘KICKDEFELLA”. Not in person but in his comments. MB Nik Aziz said, the journalist is an absurd blogger who like to talk rubbish.

4. Penang CM Lim said GERAKAN had yet to provide explanations for RM230 million losses that MPSP incurred between 2000 and 2007. BN lead government will question those involve in RM2,000.00 scandal and make them fly from 14th floor to zero ground. When comes to millions, who cares? 

5. UMNO Secretary General will lead a group of people to visit china and sign memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader. How does this works? They don’t allowed Chin Peng’s return to Malaysia because of his role in PKM, but they are visiting the main land to sign MOU with CCP.

6. The Westport executive chairman said the G-Team Recourses was set up to resolve the Maika woes. Will they ever learn? Will ever the Indian community learn how they were played in their only ass holes by MIC for decades and still interested in caring the same holes?

7. The Malays rulers have absolute power in the matters concerning Islamic religion and Malay custom in all states and everyone must adhere to this division of power. said the Raja Muda of Perak. How about the rules and the regulations which was legitimated? Than why should be the court and the laws in place when someone is above it all? What am I talking? The King is above all.

Thoughts for today.

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Light Weight or Feather Weight?

When DPM quote Zaid Ibrahim is only a light weight instead he was just a feather weight, I was laughing to by belly. He was trying to picture future YB Zaid Ibrahim just a small fry as what he quoted some of the MIC members.

So, let it be. Let it be the feather weight. But even with the feather weight DPM can’t be sure of who is winning. He can’t decide who will win and who will be losing.

Nobody can decide the wining and the losing. But everyone can decide who should be the winner. Not to be confused if you read my words again. I mean the word should, should be considered. We can decide who should win. Who should win. Not decide the winner. 

The constitution people of Hulu Selangor should decide who should win. The have the right to choose the winner. They have the choice now. They can choose. They will choose who they want to be the winner. Not DPM to decide. He can’t even vote in Hulu Selangor.

The voters in Hulu Selangor now should consider who they need to be represented.

Let’s share some political conversation I had with some of my close friends.

Scene one,
I was traveling back from work in an electric commuter train pull by diesel engine. Don’t ask me how this works instead use your creative imagination to imagine. In a normal day conversation with my friend who was a finance manager in one of the top bank in Malaysia asked me to vote for Kamalanathan as he was an Indian. He knows I am a KKB born boy and I will be voting.

He had his excuses to support Kamanathan. Indeed his thinking was as the same as my father’s. He is almost 50+. Typical race based support by ignoring the majority of the Malaysians. You can’t change someone’s decision. But I have mine and I am not going to tell you.

Scene two,
A friend of mine called me one afternoon to ask about voting in KKB. He told me the same as what in the scene one. I ask him why I should listen to him. I reminded him about his role of acting in TV3 buletin news in 2008 general election session with some supporters who was defecting from PKR to MIC. My friend was a die hard supporters of IPF back in the nineties. He defected to PKR than later play the role in the tv drama.

He was in PKR some time and defected to MIC just before the 2008 general election for some good reason he had for his own.

He was the one who thought me into politic and was totally 180 degree against my view. Basically I come to a point he was not a man of principal when comes to politic. That was supposed to be the way of being one in politics. Don’t you think so?

But everyone has their own principal. Their own reasons for comfort. You have yours and I have mine too. We are the rakyats. We need to ask our self what is our principal. Where do we stand? You can dance with anyone; you can cheer with who ever you want.

At the end of the day what does counts? You should know your limits. You should know where you stand.

You can wear their free t-shirts. You can wave their flags. Take the giving. But at the end of the day, the choice lies in your hand. Remember, your goodies only until 25th. After 25th you need to get back to continue your routine normal interesting life journey. No more promises. No more dancing and cheering.

All that left was only your newly given t-shirt pajamas.

You need to make appointment to meet your elected MP. That if you are lucky.

Be wise and make your choice. Use your greatest power of choice to choose.

Oh yes, my both friend remain my great friends.

thoughts by,

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it will be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.


All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Malaysian Malaysia ~ 1 Malaysia

1. “The Malays and Umno members will have to understand the fight and struggle of the Chinese and Indians, and in turn, they will also have to understand our struggle. Well said by Mohd Zin in the BN Selangor State Convention. 
He added, “The Malay problem is also a problem to the Chinese and the Indians. If this was our understanding in the formation of Barisan Nasional, why can't we make that compromise now,” said Mohd Zin.

2. Later in the evening the PM said “I don't want opposition from any component party. I want us to win as BN. If we lose, not only MIC will lose, BN too,” he said to a roar of applause among the 1,500 state grassroots leaders who turned up for the meeting.

3. The Selangor BN convention was marked with controversy after 15 representatives from the Kapar MCA division walked out of the event shortly after the opening ceremony.

Kapar MCA division chief Song Kee Chai told Malaysiakini that division representatives were outraged that the coalition's maiden state convention was preceded by the singing of the Umno anthem, soon after the BN anthem.

“This convention is organised in the name of BN, not Umno. So singing the Umno song does not reflect BN and the 1Malaysia spirit,” he said when contacted this afternoon. (No.3 Reported in Malaysiakini)

lvbala said,
Three and very convincing, something is very wrong somewhere. Can anyone smell it? 

Initially, as a Malaysian, I totally agree with PM's words which sounds truly Malaysian. His idea was understood by Mohd Zin as well. Amazingly, someone is repeating PM's word and idea which was truly what the rakyat wants.

But what happens later? As said by Kapar's MCA division chief, “This convention is organised in the name of BN, not Umno. So singing the Umno song does not reflect BN and the 1Malaysia spirit,” 

The whole system was raped. Than someone from BN was blaming Malaysiakini for the hoo and ha ha. It doesn't make sense at all.

As I look at the whole situation, the whole transformation which was initiated by PM will go into vain. If changes doesn't come from inside (BN) than the whole idea need to be scraped. 

PM need to keep chanting his mantra repeatedly for those to listen. Consistency and time may be the alternative way for PM from now till the next GE13. 

Either they change or they will be changed.

Thoughts for today

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

BN should not win the Hulu Selangor by-election ~ lvbala

  1. Kugan will not be the last to die in custody but he is the most widely publicized and has become the poster boy of the numerous helpless victims who die with shocking regularity in the hands of our law enforcement agencies.
  2. This wasn’t the most damaging act. What really disappointed the people was the police inaction during the protest although they have been known to be brutally effective in dealing with any anti-BN protests. To compound the damage to BN, Home Minister Hisahmuddin granted a meeting with the protesters and even defended their action. Although some of the protesters were charged for sedition the delay has earned the public’s ire and gave the impression that the religious sensitivities of minorities are secondary under the BN regime.
  3. The Star was slapped a show cause letter for a reasonable, rational and cautious article questioning the caning of three Muslim women on the basis that it had insulted Islam. The BN government’s double standard is clear. Minorities can expect little or no protection for any attacks and insults on their race and religion while it goes overboard to protect the dominant race and religion.
  4. The judiciary is the pillar of a modern democracy and to restore its reputation is of paramount importance. Does the refusal to charge VK Lingam indicate the lack of political will to correct the rot in our democratic institutions? Correct! Correct! Correct!
  5. P.I. Bala made a damning statutory declaration but in an amazing turn-around, he retracted it the next day and disappeared. He resurfaced more than a year later with more riveting tales of how he had been offered RM5 million and forced to flee to India via Singapore and Bangkok. A long-winded trial ended in the conviction of two police commandos for her death and the acquittal of Najib’s associate, Razak Baginda but left many questions unanswered such as the obvious lack of motivation of the two killers. The Altantuya affair will leave a long lasting impact in the minds of voters who are not convinced that all has been revealed or that justice has been done. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth that anything can be covered up in Malaysia, even murders.
  6. Biro Tatanegara has been conducting courses for civil servants, government scholarship recipients and others for umpteen years but it was only in Nov 2009 that controversy exploded over the racist content of the course when the Pakatan controlled Selangor government refused to send any more participants. Denials that the BTN course was racist were dashed by testimonies by ex-participants that the course fanned racial sentiments and sought to teach its own version of history of the country’s early years.
  7. Financial scandals are nothing new to BN. The Auditor-General’s report of profligate bleeding of the public purse and common items purchased at breathtaking prices makes its round with monotonous regularity every year. We hear of Khir Toyo’s fabulous mansion which must be beyond the means of a mere ex-Mentri Besar and the RM10 million transfer to London by another Mentri Besar with a shrug and a sigh. Will things ever change?
  8. A DAP political aide went voluntarily to MACC’s office in Shah Alam to be questioned as a witness over a RM2400 allegation involving his boss and left through the window of the 14th floor in the early hours of the morning, his bruised body cold and lifeless. The senseless death of a young man who was only days away from getting married and had an unborn child shocked and outraged Malaysians who demanded that the culprits be brought to justice.
  9. The Perak power grab will forever be remembered as an immoral and reprehensible act by Umno to whom democracy is just lip service and power is all that matters irrespective of how it is obtained and kept. In a nutshell this describes Umno perfectly.
  10. Instead of respecting the choice of the people Umno has never stopped attacking and trying to de-stabilize PR in any way possible including luring elected representatives to defect using the carrot ($$$) and the stick (MACC trumped up charges).  In a vile attempt to regain its 2/3 majority in parliament to gerrymander constituencies a war chest of RM50 million of corruption money was set aside to buy opposition members of parliament.
  11. If ever there is a self-inflicted political disaster, this is it. For decades and even before the formation of Malaysia the Christians in East Malaysia had been using Allah for the name of God. No Muslim has objected or become confused; indeed there is a historical basis that Allah is not exclusive to Islam and is also used by many other faiths around the world.
  12. Make no mistake; this is the numero uno, the number one in BN’s self-inflicted political disasters. In this day and age, an educated and literate population will witness an opposition leader dragged to court on transparently trumped-up charges and in all probability convicted. If you think sham trials were over with Stalin and Hitler or are the domain of brutal military regimes like Burma and North Korea, welcome to Malaysia. Even before the inevitable conclusion of Anwar’s trial, Malaysia has become the whipping boy and the butt of ridicule in the international press. When it is over our judiciary will become an international laughing stock. To proceed with this ludicrous case shows BN’s incredible arrogance and lack of political sense. Not only did they dig their own graves, they brought their own shovels, not only did they hang themselves, they supplied their own rop.
  13. 54 JKKKP chairpersons have signed the memorandum to PM to request for Malay Member of Parliament in Hulu Selangor. Why can’t they except a non Malay MP when they talk about 1Malaysia. This is the gimmicks from UMNO BN to manipulate the non Malays to believe in them.

Will BN survive in the next GE? 

Hulu Selangor shall give us the result of the progress of Malaysians thinking. We shall measure the differences in vote counting compare to the previous result which was 194 vote majoritires won by PAS.

Hulu Selangor shall be another neck to neck corner fight and will determine the new benchmark from both the collition.

With more temptation to stay in power, BN increasing their sin and Pakatan is raising in support.

As a voter we shall decide who to choose as they have the power of choice.


Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...