Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Malaysians In Malaysia No More

1.  I am 50 and I have been living in this country since
     I was born, that makes me the son of the soil, isn't it? 

2. Today I was looking at those days which we use to
    stick around with friends, no matter what race 
    he is, what ever back ground he is from, what so ever
    religion he is and what ever believe he is but we lived
    together and we share everything together.

3. Today after more than 40 over years we miss those
    days, we missed those days friends, we miss all
    those jokes and every single thing that made us
    laugh together.

4. We too misses all those special day such as festival
    days we use to go to our friends house and 
    celebrate those moment together.

5. All these years I have missed my long forgotten
    friends from all races and religion and I still 
    remember their names and nick names as well..

6. I missed those days by thinking others do feel
    the same that my long time known friends will miss 
    those moments as I am and I do believe those days
    generations are truly Malaysians including my 
    friends which I am so proud of and I use this as a
    great memories to educate and tell the younger  

7. And now to be honest, I have met almost all the
    key personnel friends that I have mentioned 
    above and we are together in the whats app
    group named as "SRK (2) KKB 75-80"

8. It is 28 of them and 29 include me.

9. And today I am really sad, all my dream, all
    my memories were drifted in vain.

10. Those memories remain memories, those good
      time remain good times and I am truly feel so sad 
      why I meet this so call ex-friends again.

11. Today I quit the group and go on with
      my life and believe me or not my another non  
      Malays friend just whats app me telling me that he
      too left the group and I told him, me too have the same
      feeling and I am in the mid of writing about my
      intention to quit too.

12. I feel this Malaysian feelings are no more exist
      in Malaysians anymore.

13. Every one is looking up to their own clan, believe
      and religion and the others are just pendatang  
     (immigrant) who share this country (not share but tumpang).
     The Non Malays of this country are 
      kulis' (Slaves) and they are the Tuan (BOSS).

14. We must work and pay the tax but they will
      pay Zakat and this Zakat money will go to their 
      needy (Their own clan). I must pay tax for my
      income and that too will go to their benefit
      and welfare so call for the country.

15. From buying house, university, education
      opportunity, JOB opportunity, business 
      opportunity and business loan opportunity will
      goes to them as first choice. I have to lick 
      what ever balance left. 

16. The friend that I miss and mention above is no more.
      They are no more the friends I use to know. 
      They are no more the one I want call truly Malaysian.
      The are totally strangers to me....

17. All I see, they are no more the same person as I use
      to know. They are more into their own clan, 
      remain close among those come from the same
      believes and you wont believe that they have the 
.     ketuanan Melayu attitude still tick in their skull head.

18. They have forgotten their success come from the non
      Malays sacrifice. I will repeat again for a thousand  
      times, that their success came by punching
      the non Malays below the belly.

19. I have a non Malays friend in the same group,
      he was the best student and awarded best student   
      in all the exams but he only end up as a pilot with
      his SPM certification. But many those who  
      don't even come near to his result are sitting their
      fat ass in a comfortable seat with over sea 
      100% sponsored study and job opportunity and
      all these come from the tax money paid by the non 
      Malays and comes from opportunity robbed from the non

20. Not only that, but they too have a mind set
      that they are the TUAN and I am the kuli or
      pendatang (immigrant)

21. They also forgot their successes are created
      with the government policy is not blessed as this is  a
       slave policy that to step on another in order
       to get self benefit and no wonder they still left  
       behind and still cant catch or even par with their
       non Malay friend success.

22.  I will say it again that their success today is
       base on NON Malays sacrifice. Education sacrifice,
       business opportunity sacrifice, loan sacrifice,
       own a home sacrifice, JOB opportunity sacrifice.
23.  All these opportunity which belong to the NON
       Malays were rob and given to their own
       clan people.

23. What is the different between the colonials
      who rob the countries wealth compare to these people
      who ROB their own country man??

24. Coming back to these group, simply to make
      it simple, they just don't see you exist in this world.

25. They purposely blind their eyes and ignore the
      existent of their fellow friend and they don't feel
      the guilt in them that they have taken another
      man's opportunity and take away his rice bowl.

26. They have the saying, if its not blessed, it will
      be a curse. When it was cursed, you are doomed.

What I wrote above came from my own experience
and it may defer with other. I don't judge all but what
I am saying, if this not stopped, soon disaster shall strike.
Taking away another man's rice bowl is the worse
curse and no wonder they are still left behind and
these types of practice will bring them further
down with GOD's plan....

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Friday, October 5, 2018

Racist Party - Practiced Racial Sentiment

Umno vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob is confident that the Malays will start supporting Umno again because the current Pakatan Harapan government does not have policies that can help the community.

Everyone clearly knows and seen the result of GE14 that topples 60 years old ruling government. Everyone specially those like me have seen the so called impossible made possible changes with the voice of rakyat. (The People)

Now, again we all know the idea of Malaysia is no more the old way of ruling which is based on racial base party and ketuanan.

These both way of ruling which was the idea of the colonial were no more relevant to Malaysia any longer.

Even though Malaysia have the most numbers in multi racial ethnics, but Malaysia have rejected the idea of racial base ruling.

The statistic shows more than 40% of the voters comes from the young generation and balance were mixed but certain percentage from this group do sent clear message that Malaysians no more fond of racial bias party.

First of all why do we need to reject racial base idealism?? The answer is...

When we were in school, we were thought English mostly by Indian teacher and math by Chinese teachers. As a student we sit in a class full of all race such as Malays, Chinese and Indians. and we had no problem getting the knowledge.

The Indian and Chinese had Malay leaders all the way and it is not an issue and we always welcome any race leaders to be our leader.

Beside these two race, only Malays are the one "shouting" "ketuanan" and no one is rejecting if they wanna be tuan or leader.

But do there have the quality and qualification to be one?

Just because you have the majority, it doesnt make them alpha dog to lead the pac.

I would rather say, the UMNO idealism Malays have sabotage the "Ketuanan" by using it on their own clan. Because they know they can't over smart the Indians and the Chinese.

They place their card very well. They "chong" the Malay brothers by using the religion as a weapon, so they wont reject or question them as well.

This also goes to MIC which represent the Malaysian Tamils and MCA represent the Chinese.

I wonder how a Malay trust an Indian bus driver?

I wonder how a Indian trust the Chinese taxi driver?

I wonder how Chinese trust the Indian tea maker for a cup of tea?

I do wonder all the subject were thought by Indian and Chinese teachers never made them learn something or gone in vain?

And so, the racial base politic is no more relevant and it has sent the message that the "rakyat" have reject it.

But still UMNO political party is depending on the same old idea which strictly sticking on the race base and ketuanan Melayu.

They still haven't learn that these two were the main reason for their lost...


All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Little Nepoleons

Little Napoleons still exist, at least in the third tier of government - local councils - which approve anything from hawker licences to the construction of huge townships. Their notoriety to hide under officialdom is no secret but had been adopted as a “Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Upon being elected in May, the government promised transparency and accountability. It declared that nothing would be hidden or swept under the carpet. Citizens rejoiced getting multiple doses of records and numbers in a series and over several weeks.

We knew about the gaping holes in the collection of government revenue; we were informed of the humongous salaries earned by heads of government agencies; and the exorbitant allowances paid to directors of government-linked-companies and even government departments. In short, little remained secret.

For a while, it was “novelty” - learning one fact after another - and it did not end with the announcement of the voluminous seizure of money and valuables from the residence of the daughter of the former prime minister. Eyeballs popped out when the loot was eventually toted up. Then the list of “beneficiaries” of monies stolen from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) drew even bigger and louder oohs and aahs.

While every Malaysian would like to thank the authorities who helped us learn the extent of the looting of our coffers, the same cannot be said of the access to simple information from local councils.

The brash and impetuous manner in which the request by residents was handled is reminiscent of the bad old days. There was a time when even innocuous requests for basic information were denied – often (ab)using the civil service mantra – the Official Secrets Act (OSA).

However, it is apparent that for some senior DBKL officials, little or nothing has changed. They still want to continue ruling the roost with their autocratic rule, which is oppressive and repressive by nature.

Residents want access to all information, including the Developmental Impact Assessment (DIA), Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) and the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for good reasons.

They want to study these documents and comprehend the implications of the proposed 46-storey service condominium being erected at their doorstep. Besides, the apartments project, two other condominiums - one of 48 storeys and another, 42 storeys, are being developed in the neighbourhood.

Residents want to know if the existing infrastructure is enough to sustain these additional units.
These are relevant when the residents attend a public hearing on the project on Oct 16 but DBKL’s City Planning department director Nurazizi Mokhtar declared that there is “no need” to furnish residents with the project's traffic impact assessment (TIA) report.

“There is no need to (give them the TIA report)... We do everything following the rule of law, and at the moment there is no such requirement,” Malaysiakini quoted Nurazizi as saying.

He argued that there is no such requirement (to provide) but there is also no requirement to “hide” the report or prevent access to the public. Fortunately, he did not throw the OSA card!

So, what are they going to discuss at the meeting with zero information on the project? Nurazizi may need a lecture or a lesson in the rule of law but his bloopers continue.

The developer, he clarified, had not fulfilled the conditions needed for a social impact assessment (SIA), development impact assessment (DIA) or an environmental impact assessment (EIA).

How did his department accept a development application without the complete documentation? If these have not been done, why have a hearing in the first place? Why is DBKL in such a hurry? Surely, it does not represent the developer!

If the government can tell us the cost of transportation projects involving several billion ringgit, why can’t assessment reports be made public by local authorities?

The time has come for ministers to crack the whip on those who deny basic information to the public. What is being sought (in most instances) is information that should have been in public domain. Without facts and figures, how do they make a decision?

R NADESWARAN has been writing on local councils for four decades and says they have to change their attitude and outlook to be in line with the aspirations of the government. Comments:

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...