Monday, September 28, 2009

Anwar Ibrahim – He cannot sing he cannot dance….

I want to share this article with readers from a good friend of mine. Admired him as a peoples leader. Cheer. lvbala

Hussein Hamid
Anwar Ibrahim was born in August 1947. Me in October 1947. Two months separates us at birth-enough for me to be able to say that he is older, but possibly two or three lifetimes separates us knowing what he has gone through in his life.
I remember the time when I wanted to meet up with him to find out what he was doing with his life.

He was then teaching at one of the shop houses along Jalan Pantai – possible with Adabi if I am not mistaken.

I did find him and he was indeed teaching and in slippers. At home that evening I casually told my father that I had met Anwar that afternoon. My father was then Director of CID.

He stopped, looked at me and said sternly “Engkau tak ada kerja lain?” Whenever my father uses “engkau” when addressing me I knew that he was not amused.

And he then went on to lecture me as to why it would be in my best interest to keep away from Anwar!Then I was away in Australia for a while and he became DPM. I was at Ampang Shopping center with my Family patiently letting my kids wander around Toy R Us. As we walked up to the counter to pay there was Anwar.

We hug and he smiled that smile that light up his whole face and then he was gone again out of my life for a few more years.

But always the familiarity of old classmates made for easy banter every time we meet.
Then this time he was away for a while – six years I think – as the British like to say – At her Majesty’s pleasure in Sungai Buloh.

I was with one of UMNO ex Ketua Bahgian who had joined Keadilan when we heard that Anwar had been released and was at home.

My friend wanted to immediately head for Anwar’s house in Damansara to pay his respect. Would I like to come along? He asked. I said ok.

We arrived and there were people everywhere. We got into line and waited our turn. We were told that Anwar was not well – that he was sitting down and that anytime he might need to rest. One hour of waiting in line I eventually stood in front of him.

He looked up from his chair, again with that smile of his, stood up and gave me a hug oblivious to what pain he must have felt –we talked for a few seconds and mindful of the others waiting to see him, I excused myself and walked on.
The last time I saw him was at a class get together in Bangsar – at Fauzi’s house, a school mate of ours who was the host – a few years back.

As always his arrival was greeted with good nature ribbing and for the son of one of our classmates who had not seen Anwar before – that was a real treat.

We sat and talked and I could see that age had caught up with all of us – Anwar included. He looked not as robust as I though he would be- after all he has always looked good whenever he was on TV and photographed well. But sitting beside me he looked vulnerable. Was the pressure of living constantly under public and media gaze getting to him? Was UMNO getting to him? I could not imagine what he had to go through on a daily basis in what he chose to do – POLITICS.

It is one thing to be DPM where everything is laid out for you, another to be in the opposition. He constantly referred to Azizah in conversation with us and we could see that Family meant a great deal with him.

As we talked I found myself thinking what more has he got to endure before his work is done.

I did not envy the situation he was in. But he had no regrets. No wanting to take his pound of flesh from those that have done him ill.

A more spirited discourse came from him when we talked about Mahathir – but either he was in control of himself or that he did not think it worth his while to think to much of times gone by. The present was what mattered.

At 63 I will not run if I can walk. Stand if I can sit. Talk if I can be quite. But Anwar has chosen the path less traveled.

This path requires an uncommon resolve to move relentlessly ahead no matter what.

He stands in front of crowds everyday. He meets more people then he can remember everyday and all this he does with a willingness that belittle his age.

He could be anywhere he wants to be in the world and be welcomed by world leaders and acquaintances.

He could be in business and be rich beyond our wildest dreams.

Instead he chose to serve the nation. He chose to take us to the next election because if Anwar does not do so, who will take us?

I am sure sometimes in his moment of solitude he must question his capacity to physically last the distance but his commitment to our cause is great.

That will see him through and he has said that Azizah has done enough while he was away.
This is a good man. As we all know he cannot sing well, neither can he dance well even if his life depended on it but he is decent man.

I wish Najib and UMNO will do battle with him on a level playing filed..

I wish they could have enough compassion in their hearts to accept that Anwar had gone though more that a baptism of fire – a baptism that neither Najib or Mahyuddin could ever imagine or endure.

But then it that would be like asking Bush to go fight Saddam one on one.

No shock or awe, no overwhelming force meeting defenseless people, no doctrine of Rapid Dominance, no weapon of mass destruction on stand by just in case they are needed….none of the above.

Bush would never survive.We know that Anwar was with UMNO many years back.

We do not know what he will be in the future. But this I know now. He and the other leaders in Pakatan Rakyat are the leaders we now have to lead us to the next General Election and they give us our best hope for a new beginning – without an UMNO that has already abused the trust we Malays placed in them many times over, without a corrupt PDRM, a cowered MACC, without a Government that steals from its people, without a Judiciary that does the bidding of its Political masters, without many of the injustices and unfairness that we now have. Are these not reason enough for us to give them the opportunity to do so?
This entry was posted on Sunday, September 13th, 2009 5:00 am and is filed under Anwar Ibrahim, Hussein Hamid. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Dalam menyambut lembaran Aidil Fitri, saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf sekiranya ada kata kata yang menyinggung atau terkasar dan pinta supaya dihalalkan makan dan minum saya.

Biarlah kita sama sama berusaha supaya suasana Hari Raya ini dijadikan satu jambatan kearah perpaduan dan keharmonian demi Satu Malaysia.


Pendet ~ Bukan Hak Milik Malaysia

Memang telah diketahui umum, tindak balas sebilangan rakyat Indonesia yang marah, berdemontrasi dan mengugut rakyat Malaysia di Indonesia semata mata kerana Malaysia dituduh mengunakan tarian pendet untuk mempromosi industri perlancongan Malaysia.

Perbuatan mengugut oleh rakyat negara jiran kita memang melampau dan mencalar hubungan dua hala Malaysia dan Indonesia malah telah mewujudkan suasana ketakutan dalam kalangan pelajar Malaysia serta sebilangan pelancong Malaysia di Indonesia.

Walaupun demontrasi ini tidak kekal lama apabila pihak kerajaan Indonesia menangani masalah ini, namun perkara ini telah meninggalkan secarit parut dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia dan Indonesia.

Tujuan saya menulis mengenai “Tarian Pendet” ini bukan kerana tindakan para demontrasi tetapi lebih kepada kesensetivitian/kepekaan sesuatu kaum atau bangsa yang begitu terasa apabila hak milik bangsa tersebut dituduh dicuri oleh bangsa lain.

Apa yang harus rakyat Malaysia pelajari dari situasi?

Selain dari mengutuk dan merendahkan rakyat Indonesia dengan tindakan melampau mereka rakyat Malaysia juga perlu pelajari dan memahami kenapa perkara ini boleh menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat Indonesia.

Kita harus menilai dan memahami dimana silapnya, atau dimana kekurangannya dan mengambill langkah positif untuk memperbaiki serta mengambil initiatif agar perkara ini tidak diulangi.

Dalam pengamatan saya mengenai perkara ini, rakyat Malaysia tidak seharusnya menunding jari pada pihak ketiga iaitu rancangan Discovery sahaja.

Kita sebagai pengupah perlu menilai apa yang kita upah itu menghasilkan keputusan yang lebih universal dan berkualiti.

Kita juga harus peka dalam memahami hak orang lain yang kita cabuli. Dan menghormati mereka apabila mendapat tindakbalas diatas kebodohan kita.

Kenyataan di bawah di buat oleh Menteri perlancungan Dato’Ng Yen Yen:

"We cannot continue to let other countries hijack our food. Chili crab is Malaysian. Hainanese chicken rice is Malaysian. We have to lay claim to our food," she was quoted as saying.

"In the next three months, we will identify certain key dishes (to declare as Malaysian). We have identified laksa... all types of laksa, nasi lemak and bak kut teh," she added.

Ng did not name which countries were hijacking the dishes, which are popular around the world and particularly in neighbouring Singapore and Indonesia.

Apa bezanya kenyataan rakyat Indonesia dan kenyataan menteri Malaysia diatas? Satu kebodohan dengan kenyataan yang tidak menunjukan kematangan, malah mengundang satu provokasi membina kearah kenegatifan.

Disini yang ingin mengutarakan beberapa perkara yang harus dinilai oleh kita dan pihak pihak berkenaan.

1. Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka harus lebih berhati hati dan membuat pemilihan perkataan yang wajar dan sesuai dengan kehendak semasa. Umpamanya bahasa bangsa lain yang dibahasa Malaysiakan. Perkataan perkataan bahasa English yang dibahasa Malaysiakan harus dinilai sebelum bahasa tersebut diciplak.

2. Makanan bangsa lain yang diMalaysiakan, contohnya makan cina seperti nasi ayam, hokian mee, dan pelbagai lagi. Saya rasa pembaca lebih ariff dan boleh menilai sendiri makanan yang kita makan setiap hari.

3. Pakaian dan fesyen serta jenis “material” yang digunakan. Adakah yang disebut hak milik kita atau hak milik orang lain. (eg. Kebaya dan Batik)

4. Tulisan rumi dan jawi yang kita guna bukanlah milik kita sepenuhnya. Adakah kita sedar bahawa kita menganggap yang disebut hak orang lain tetapi kita mengaku milik kita?

5. Agama yang kita anuti juga bukannya untuk bangsa kita sahaja, tetapi untuk semua manusia (mankind). Jangan kita menganggap agama tersebut hak milik kita.
6. Tradisi yang kita miliki bukan 100% milik kita. Malah kunjungan saya ber Hari Raya juga dapati sebilangan besar kuih raya bukan milik kita.
7. Bahasa yang kita guna hari ini dan mengaku milik kita bukannya milik kita sepenuhnya.
Anda fikirkanlah sendiri, apa kata semua yang disebut diatas diambil orang lain atau bangsa lain dari Negara lain? Adakah kita akan berdiam diri?

Banyak lagi boleh ditonjolkan disini dalam perkara menciplak. Dan Malaysia memang pandai dalam menciplak dan meniru.

Tetapi yang pentingnya kalau kita meminjam buatlah cara meminjam. Jangan mula mula meminjam, kemudian mengaku hak kita.

Kita sebagai Rakyat Malaysia harus berfikiran lebih matang dalam memilih apa yang kita pilih.

Memang tidak dapat dinafikan, demi mengujudkan satu Negara yang ingin mencapai kemajuan untuk menyaingi Negara maju yang lain, banyak kekurangan kita.
Oleh yang demikian kita harus mempunyai “tool” yang sesuai untuk menuju kearah kemajuan. Tetapi mengambil hak orang lain sebulat bulatnya harus dilakukan dengan lebih teliti.
Kita perlu memiliki satu saluran yang boleh menjana kearah tersebut. Bukan setakat mengambil dan menciplak dengan sewenang wenangnya.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Makan Suap ~ Tun M, you are "correct correct correct" (To Samy Vellu)

This is one great article from Tun M. I guess this article is for his best friend Samy Vellu. At least Tun M opened his eyes about his political friend. Rakyat have sent the message. Kalau tak faham lagi, perkataan "BODOH SOMBONG" adalah jolokan yang terbaik. Kalau pemimpinnya bodoh sombong, pengikutnya pun sama bodoh sombong, ada yang bodoh lurus.
But I had named him "Bodoh Sombong" earlier in my blog before you TUN.
Makan Suap ~ Tun M

1. Ada orang politik yang berpendapat jika dapat jadi Presiden parti maka kemenangan mereka dalam pilihanraya terjamin.

2. Justeru itu mereka ini berusaha untuk menentukan kemenangan mereka melalui penyingkiran ahli yang tidak menyokong mereka, mengguna wang untuk membeli sokongan atau mengguna apa-apa kuasa yang ada pada mereka untuk menyogok, menjanji sesuatu kepada yang akan menyokong atau mengugut.

3. Hasilnya mereka menang dalam parti. Tetapi rakyat memerhati segala tindak-tanduk pemimpin dan ahli seperti ini. Apabila rakyat lihat perjuangan parti bukan lagi untuk rakyat; apabila mereka lihat rasuah dan ugutan yang menentukan kepimpinan, maka kepercayaan kepada parti dan pemimpinnya akan terhakis dan mungkin hilang lenyap.

4. Rakyat tidak dapat membuat apa-apa, terutama apabila mulut rakyat tertutup. Demikian juga ahli parti. Tetapi apabila Pilihanraya Umum diadakan maka rakyat sebagai pengundi akan nyatakan kekecewaan mereka.

5. Inilah yang telah berlaku pada Pilihanraya Umum ke 12, 2008.

6. Apakah kekecewaan rakyat disedari oleh pemimpin dan parti-parti politik. Hingga kini tidak ternampak yang parti dan pemimpin sudah betul-betul sedar.

7. Yang merebut jawatan masih merebut dengan penggunaan cara-cara lama. Pembersihan parti tidak juga dilakukan. Pengamal politik wang masih diterima dan diberi tempat.

8. Ahli-ahli biasa parti tidak memprotes sikap lama diteruskan. Bahkan ramai juga ahli yang berpendapat apa salahnya menabur wang. Mereka juga akan dapat sedikit habuan.

9. Apabila ramai rakyat sebagai pengundi sudah benci kepada parti kerana amalan rasuah dan bodoh-sombong, janji pembangunan dan menabur wang tidak akan berkesan lagi. Ingatlah apabila kelebihan undi sedikit sahaja, kehilangan sokongan daripada sebilangan yang kecil rakyat pun boleh sebabkan kekalahan.

Tun M

Monday, September 7, 2009

Teamwork ~ This word should not be separated.

In a mid of racial issues hard hitting this land, my beloved country, I received this noble mail from a young and energetic GM cum friend which indicate the essence of success of an organization depends on the team work, unity and lead by a dynamic leader.

My few words exchanged with him this morning hint me the message of this mail is not only applicable for a success of an organization but should be the kick off for the whole nation.

Malaysian should be united regardless race or religion. The hope of Malaysians wisdom of unity and harmony is in our hand and blessed by almighty. We should begin now. Never too late!


Dear Colleagues,

A man once dreamt about heaven and hell. He saw that in hell, there was a huge table laden with various types of food. Seated around the table were starving people with very long forks attached to the ends of their arms. They could stab the food but they couldn’t put it in their mouths because the forks were too long. All of them screamed in frustration as they tried in vain to eat the food. In heaven, the same table was there, with the same sumptuous spread on top. But the people looked happy. They smiled as they enjoyed the food. What they were doing was stabbing the food and putting it in each other’s mouths!

This fable aptly demonstrates the power of teamwork. The residents of hell thought of only themselves and thus, failed to get at the food. In contrast, the citizens of heaven realised that by helping others, they ended up helping themselves. They not only ate the food, they had fun feeding each other.

A company with hundreds of staff and management is fertile ground for the practice of teamwork. Different types and levels of knowledge and skills could be found within the confines of our University. Different backgrounds, experiences and achievements add colour to our profile. What can we do with such a variety? We could harness it to achieve goals, dreams and targets.

If that is our plan, then teamwork is the strategy. There are people who have made a success of working on their own. But for organisations, it is important for its people to work collectively for a common purpose.

However, for teamwork to work, some elements are necessary. Firstly, the team needs good leadership. The leader should not only be capable and competent but is also able to motivate and inspire the team to take a positive approach to work and be committed. Next in line is clear communication. All members of the team must be able to express and share their ideas, views, thoughts and concerns for the benefit of all. Team members also need to understand their individual roles and responsibilities. If they do not know what they are expected to do, how are they to do it and what they are expected to achieve, it would come as no surprise if they end up with what they started with: nothing.

Working as a team is not without its challenges. And when different people have to work together, personalities are bound to clash. Conflicts may arise. It would be great if team members could sit down together and address it head on instead of avoiding it. There are people who believe problems will go away if they ignore them long enough. In the case of teams, this is a myth.

It is important that we realise this and work on improving it. As we make this journey towards the end of this very eventful year, I hope each of us will realise the power of working as a team. Why? Because the word TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More.

Best regards

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Art Of Sharing (Part 1)

I thought about this title long before. But it was remain as a title for at least a month or two. I don’t know what to highlight regard to this title called “The Art of Sharing”. Not because there is nothing to highlight but I felt this was not new to Malaysia.

By or without realizing Malaysian has been living in this country by sharing. From food, language, fashion, marriage and name it, you will know the proved out of it.

Living in Malaysia, we can find the art of sharing is the fundamental of the basic Malaysians. I can deliberately say if there is another word for “The Art of Sharing” it should be “Malaysia”.

I don’t have to elaborate further to Malaysian as we know we have been living by sharing this country for centuries.

From the day when Parameswara (Founder of Melaka) convert and wed a Malay Muslim girl and the following king who married Hang Li Po (China girl from China) and to till now shows Malaysia is blend with multi culture and religion.

Past is past and what ever in the past is by gone history. Malaysians actually forgotten these histories so called left out memories. Yes, Malaysians have forgotten the history on how Malaysia was “rojak” made by multi cultural and ethnic.

I am totally disappointed with the current situation which reflect Malaysian have forgotten the history. Forgot not only the history, but even we forgot the achievement of independent which achieved through hand in hand with all races.

Let me quote as what said by YB Maximus Ongkili who is also federal Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation who said there is “trouble in paradise”.

If there is trouble in paradise, it is with good reasons too. At least we can measure where we are and what went wrong.

For sure something is wrong. Seriously something is very wrong. Something is wrong with the people of Malaysia.

This paradise is facing trouble. This trouble shall jeopardize the harmony in this land. Harmony which held Malaysia as a unique land is vanishing.

The latest Cow headed incident is the proved shows the tolerance is lacking in this land. The arrest of some leaders in last night candle Virgil (06/09/09) is another proved to show the UMNO BN ruling is one sided and intolerance.

Many questions arise when double standard applied. The watchdog police was use to achieve the need of the UMNO BN goal to bring down oppositions.

Can anyone imagine the reason for the police not to act on the Shah Alan protest is because the officer is new and inexperience?

Another issue is on the MCA leader and MACC, no arrest was made and VIP treatment for Ong Tee Keat when he was called for statement but when comes to opposition they will be arrested and questioned until late night. Wonder with all the urgency.

At the end of the day, with all the racial issues played by the UMNO BN ruling government, the paradise will go into trouble and Malaysian will be losing the sentiment of sharing.

The questions arise, why Malaysia have lost her art of sharing?

Yes, by claiming the rights by one ethnic alone by the name of “Bumiputra” and claim this country belong to only one race is the reason why Malaysia is suffering. The others were sidelined by the name of religion and race base policy.

Than, why we are talking about 1Malaysia? Why we are talking about unity? Why we are talking about fairness, when the citizens were treated with quota system?


Non Bumis are sidelined in Malaysia

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