Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The Indians are upset. And they have every right to be upset. After all, have they not been neglected and marginalised for more than 50 years? I will be very surprised if they are not upset when even I am upset.But these Indians appear to be upset over the wrong reasons. They are upset because Indians are not given enough posts and positions.

They want more representatives here and more representatives there, in every council, committee and what-have-you. And they are upset not because not enough Indians are being given these posts and positions. They are upset because THEY are not being given these posts and positions. It makes you wonder whether they are fighting for their fellow Indians or for themselves. Why fight for more temples? Are there not enough temples as it is now?

Fight for more government land and government funds for expansion purposes for existing temples. After all, are not mosques being built on government land and with government money, which means it is our land and our money -- Malays, Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ included?In other words, don’t talk about quantity, talk about quality.

Why fight for more Indian schools? Some Indian schools are so dilapidated and don’t even have enough students to qualify as a school. We don’t need more schools. We need to improve the existing schools. Again, quality over quantity!Fight for the abolishment of race-based quotas in public schools, colleges and universities plus for Tamil to be part of the school curriculum as a second or third language so that Indian students can still learn Tamil if they want to.

The taxpayers are paying for the cost of public institutions of learning -- meaning you and me are paying for it. So why should only one race be allowed places in these institutions such as ITM? The Malays are not paying for these institutions. All Malaysians, non-Malays included and in particular, are paying for it. It is an open secret that the ‘other races’ are paying most of the taxes but they are denied places in public institutions of learning which depends on taxpayers to fund them.

Are posts and positions really that important? Indians have been given posts and positions since over 50 years of Merdeka. But have the lot of the Indians improved? Do these Indians holding all sorts of posts and positions really strive to improve the lot of their fellow Indians?Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad grumbled that he gave the so-called representatives of the Indian community all sorts of help. They got shares, contracts, land and whatnot.

But did it filter down to the grassroots Indians or did those at the top sapu everything for themselves?Today, the Indians might argue that MIC no longer represents the Indian community and that Mahathir should not have given all this wealth to the MIC leaders because they kept it all for themselves and never passed anything down to the people below them. Maybe, today, you say that. But, until very recently, 90% of the Indian voters voted for Barisan Nasional.

The impression the Indians gave was that they regard MIC as their legitimate representative.There are many things the Indians should fight for other than for more ‘lucrative’ posts and positions. And the fight should not just focus on getting more Indians into committees. This does not work and has been proven so for more than 50 years.The Indians are being left behind. There are as many, or probably more, poor Indians as there are Malays. But Indians do not get special preferences when buying a home, the most important and fundamental requirement before anything else.

A roof over the head is first and foremost. But a rich Malay house-buyer gets special preference because he is Malay while a poor Indian sleeps in a rented slum-house because he is Indian. Is this fair?I support the Indian cause. But I do not support what they are asking for and the way they are going about doing it. Yes, call for the end of the New Economic Policy in spite of Najib’s warning to HINDRAF to ‘not to go to far’.

It should no longer be about Malays first. It should be about poor and needy Malaysians first.And you can demand this without asking for more places in committees. It is not about posts and positions. It is about getting other non-Indian Malaysians like the Malays and Chinese to join you and to support you in the fight to improve the lot of not only the Indians but the lot of all poor and deserving Malaysians regardless of ethnicity.

Great Article from YM RPK

Malaysians should share the common ideas for all. Malaysia for all.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Teach young children to respect all races ~ Star / 22-05-09

What a co-incidence, I posted my article on the 20th May about how Malaysian should respect one another and be Malaysian of the whole. When I read below article in star online on 22/5/2009 it was shocking to me.

Read through and lets be more Malaysian. Parent should play important part on educating their children about Malaysia and how to be Malaysian. Again, this is not the childrens fault. The adult need to be matured. This is the key factor to be Malaysian for Malaysians.



I AM a Muslim mother of non-Malay origin. My daughter is seven years old and she attends a national school.

On a few occasions recently, she came home crying because she was constantly teased and harrassed by her classmates who are all Muslims of Malay origin.

They relentlessly call her a non-Muslim just because she is of a different race and thus has a non-Malay look. This, I believe, is due to the fact that there are still some parents and religious teachers out there who have failed to disseminate to their children and pupils the fact that Islam is indeed a way of life and is definitely a non-race-based religion.

Ironically, there is no mention of this important aspect of Islam if one is to browse through the Year One text book ‘Pengetahuan Agama Islam, Jilid 1 and II’ .

The importance of Islam as a non race-based religion must be emphasized to the young ones, more so in our country where there are Muslims of different racial origins.

This will enable the creation of a Malaysian Muslim population who are able to get along and respect each other irrespective of race.

JBAK,Batu Caves, Selangor.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Anak keling menang" ~ Being a Malaysian Pt2(Pt1/March15)

Before I start my thought of the day, I would like to share my bitter experience when I visited a school’s sports day where my son was schooling in 2008. As everyone knows, sports day in primary school is similar to a family day where parents will be having good time with their children and teachers.

When my son approach the finishing line in 200meter dash run with a stunning finishing, everyone were clapping as well as the students of red house he represented. I over heard a tiny voice of a student who was standing beside me telling her mother “anak keling menang, anak keling menang”.

As I turned my head to the direction where the voice is coming, I had a direct eye to eye contact with the mother of the student who was trying to shut her daughter’s mouth. I smiled at them and the mother smiled back and move away in a hurry.

The kid must be 10 years old and I am definitely not going to blame or curse her for her statement. She is so young to understand the meaning of this word. But, guess who would have thought her to address an Indian as keling?

This actually shows, still, there are low mentality Malaysian who failed to understand Malaysian as a Malaysian. This shows Malaysian of a certain race need to be more sensitive of other ethnic in Malaysia. Failure to compromise, understand and ignore the feeling of others may lead to a fatal feeling of certain race.

Everyone knows the word keling is used to address an Indian or a Indian Muslim. And of cause all the Tamils and Indian muslims will be very very mad. This word was believed to be considered as a sensitive word to address someone from the origin of India or Indian muslim. Similliarly even calling a black guy from Africa as a “Negro” is offensive to African too.

Just like others, I use to be mad too. But my anger triggered me to find the actual meaning of this word. I started to ask around as well as finding in the dictionary and from the internet too.

Some inteligent creative nuts even said, keling came from the sound of the bell from the Indian temple. Everyone knows, Indians use bell when they are performing their prayers and some said the word keling came from the bell Indian wear on their legs when they are performing the traditional dance “Baratha Nathiyam”.

Lately, the Indian muslim from all over Malaysia was mad with (DBP) Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka cause DBP refuse to withraw the word “keling” from the dictionary. The DBP have their reason for it and don’t ask me what was their reason. If you are curious, you can call DBP and ask them for yourself.

So, what is the meaning of this word “Keling”?

The usage of the word keling to address Indians actually was started from 14th century. The time when people from India came to Melaka as we know Melaka at that time of Parameswara is a bussiness hub in this region. This attracted the chinese too, to venture their bussiness.

In 14th century a part the country India today was known as “KALINGA (link)". A great forgotten kingdom. Let me repreat again, the country INDIA today is a new name and before it was known as India it was called as “KALINGA”.

Guess what? The chinese are the one who started to address Indian those days as “kaling Chai” for Indian male and “kaling moi” for Indian female. (Kling chai or Kling moi)
Even until today they still address Indian as kaling chai or Moi and logically what else name to call Indian if not kaling man from Kalingan?

Even worst, some of them called Indian as “Kaling Kui” ~ Indian devils when they are mad about Indians. And if you ask them why they are calling Indians as “kaling chai” or “kaling Moi”, they will say “I don’t know” ~ I dono’ wo…. Exact word pronouce in cantonese is : "kling gan".

They always stick with their famous quote “tak tau” (don’t know ~ duno’). But they still stick to this calling until today. They don’t know why they are calling Indians by this name but they still address them as in the14th century. The best joke is, if you ask them what they duno’, they will still say duno’again.

Basically, It is no harm for anyone to address Indian as Keling in the term of history. But if someone’s feeling hurt with this calling, I think as a Malaysian we should avoid using this word.

The Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka should be more alert and be sensitive about this keling word. They should give an actual meaning of this word. Don’t remove it. So, from young age Malaysian will start to understand and will be more understanding about others sensetivity.

To all the Indian muslim brothers. I hope you can be more wise in making accusation.

Lets be more Malaysian, lets be united, lets be more sensitive and lets be more responsible towards others sensitivity as a human. We may have different political ideology, we may have differenses in our believes and religions but we are all one when we are talking about Malaysia.



Saturday, May 16, 2009


I don’t give a damn about the crisis in Perak, I don’t give a damn about the bullshit they trying to play around with the juridical system. The law always can be bend. The law always can be challenge. The innocent can be guilty and the guilty can be innocent.

The genuine case can be made false. The false can be made genuine. The truth always can be denied. The denial can be prosecuted.

But the most important verdic is, don’t break the law. An army officer who was a good friend of mine always note me, “Don’t break the law, but you can bend it”. I do wonder, how to bend the law by not breaking it?.


Ok ok ok… lets start talk about logic. I love the word logic. Logic is commences and can be prove by evidence as well. You can challenge someone by logic. It don’t have to be the whole truth. But logic can made it true.

For example, “DEATH”, death is always about GOD taking ones life. The muslim said, called by the Almighty. The christian said, be united with Christ to lead another journey. And of cause the Hindus and the Buddist said, your journey ends and it is time to start a new one.

Be logic, the statement above is actually the same. That is logic. You can prove dead with scientific and it can be logic too.

So, lets don’t about misery in logic. Cause we are not lawyers to talk about law in detail. Lets talk about logic in Silver State as per our understanding currently. Lets be logic and put a side the law and regulations.

How logic it was to hold the ruling when MB Nizar was announced as a legal MB by the high court? When DS Nizar was announced as a legal MB, how does the second MB can be considered exist?

When Datuk Seri Nizar Jamalludin was announced as a legal Mentri Besar all the way in these three months, how can all the sitting, meeting and decission making by the BN government can be legal? They can’t even be considered exist.

You see, this what logic is all about. Ask yourself, how logic it can be?

Logic 2...

How logic it can be when a Speaker was ousted by dragging him out like a garbage back? How logic it can be to allow police autorities into the hall to do this dirty job? Is it logic all this been done without any instruction from anyone? How logic it can be?

Another logic…

Lets talk about another logic. How can citizens of a same country were not treated equally? Don’t we as a citizen suppose to be treated equally? How logic it can be to treat your own children un-equally? You may not be able to satisfied all of them. But how they can be satisfied if they were not treated equally?

How can I be satisfied, when I was treated with quota system in my own beloved country. From education system, housing ellocation, civil service ellocation and many more.

When we pay the same amount of taxes, toll charges, service charges and school feeces equally, how can we be given back based on quota and percentage? We earned our rights as a citizen to vote but we were treated with quota system base on our race and religion. We were allocated based on percentages. Are we different from another? Or this what racism is all about.

Ask yourself,

How LOGICAL it can be?


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Crab Story ~ (Tamils Crabs, Chinese Crabs and Malay Crabs)

When I was young I use to listen to this story about crabs. This crab story is specially dedicated to Tamils (Malaysian Indian). It was a joke at first but later I did realise the actual fact in this story and I would like to share it with all.

Once upon a time, there was three bucket of crabs were brought in a ship. One bucket is filled with Malay crabs, second buckets was filled with Chinese crabs and the third bucket is filled with Tamil crabs.

The best part is, this is how the story goes. The first and the second bucket contained Malays and Chinese crabs were closed but the third one was open. The third bucket which was filled with Tamil crabs need not to be close.

So, one of the fisherman ask to another man why these two buckets were closed and third one is open? And the answer goes like this:

1. The first Malay crabs bucket was closed because they will escape by pushing one of them by many. This escaped crab than shall rescue another who was pushed by the rest of remaining.
2. The second bucket needed to be close too. If you leave it open, the chinese crabs will escape by giving hand to another chinese crab. They will escape by creating hand chain cause they depend on the their own community.
3. Otherwise to the third bucket. You don’t have to close because if one Tamil crab try to escape, the other Tamil crab will pull him down.

Have a good laugh cause this is happening in reality. All the new talented Tamil crabs in MIC were pull down by another Tamil crab. Any new Tamil crab who voice out the disatisfaction even for the improvement shall be silented. Is this a correct word to use? SILENTED?

This crab fiction does goes to another Tamil represented party in Malaysia. But you can find these tamil were mostly Christians.

T.Murugiah were selected as a Deputy Minister in Prime Ministers Department and I felt it was a good choice. He has shown his capability in handling many report from Teressa’s complains about police lockup treatment and now the lates to Kugan’s (Dead in Police Custody) case.

He carried out his task without fear and favor. These is true or someone tell me otherwise.

But the way PPP’s president reacted in the latest issue on T.Murugiah internal party issues proved me this crab story is practically true.

After the president failed to defend his seat in 12GE, I feel the president is no more relevan and should give way to other talented up coming candidate to take over.

But trying to kill T.Murugiah’s carreer known as a fearless minister is totally disgrace to PPP and to Tamil in the whole. Please settle your internal party issue within the party and don’t bring it to the street. Don’t tarnish T.Murugiah’s name as he has proven done more than the president.

Hello please, I am not PPP member, but as a Malaysian, this is not a healthy politic to be practised.

The PPP’s president is good in “busybodying” himself in MIC’s problem and others until he got no time to look into his own constitution and he was rejected and lost his seat.

At least your boy is doing a good job. Guide him and upbring this guy for the best of PPP. Don’t be the crab in the third bucket.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hindraf Trio Released ~ 09/05/09

The three remaining Hindraf leaders - P Uthayakumar, M Manoharan and T Vasanthakumar - have been released from the Kamunting Detention Camp this afternoon. At last freedom after 514 days detentioned without trial.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I am on sick leave for couple of days. The worst part is the problem is in my stomach. So, this means I can’t enjoy food. What a day spending without can’t even have a stomach full of food.

Spending time alone is actually not a good idea but it does give some other opportunity. I was all out in the net watching the development in Perak State Assembly.

It sucks, I never ever came across a thought about what I saw in the Assembly Hall. It was a total crab. It sucks the whole system in this country.
Furthermore this is happening in Malaysia. I am definately going through a culture shock. I used to laugh at India and Taiwan's assembly. I paid the price for my Karma, I guess.

Are they so desprate until they have to drag the Speaker out of the assembly Hall like a garbage bag? Why does a high rank police personnel present in the hall which is not allowed by the assembly hall regulation. Supposely the ADUN's are imune from any law. I think I don’t have to tell you the rest of he story. It sucks. It is a masala mix. Totally crab.

The episode gave me another kick in my stomach and made my day in the toilet. I can’t laugh out loudly. Are you asking me why? The pain in my stomach… remember.

Does this mean our country is on her way to be a Republic?

In another potitif political related incident, A.Koghilan (Gerakan Top Gun) offered help to ISA detainee Manoharan's wife to run the constitution until Mano is realease. That shows a gentlemens way of doing things.

But the rakyat rejected BN's representative. How is he going to approach the rakyat and offer his help? Wondering if this is another plot from BN… *#@%$... Geeeee… God Bless

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Emergency Ward Episode ~ Doctors Vs Deputy Federal Minister

I guess most Malaysian, specially doctors are aware about the statement from Deputy Federal Minister about doctors efficiency in emergency ward.

I guess the Deputy Minister made a biggest mistake by judging doctors by making statement refer to what he encountered in emergency ward in a visit.

The doctors are making hoo haa for a five minutes break when even a minute can cause ones life.
Deputy Federal minister
1. You shouldn't have entered the emergency office just by walking in. (Why didn't the doctors make a police report on his breach of hospital emergency ward regulation). This is what the Serdang hospital attendance did to the two ministers in the KUGAN's case. (What a double standard ah!!)

2. Is this issue was so serious until the minister have to report to Bernama?

3. The minister should have consult the doctor on duty and ask him to explain on the current situation.

4. The minister should have contacted the doctor's superior and make a official complain about the way they treat you.

5. Must look at the fact that not 20 patient were waiting but only eight was on the list. The others are the relatives who brought their love once to emergency department. Just like the minister who came with his driver and reporter to visit his known patient.

6. The minister should call the Ministry of Health Indeed to high light the doctors are not doing their job in emergency ward. Maybe he don't have the Health Ministers phone numbers.

7. The minister's statement should be an advice to all doctors and not blame or finger pointing.

8. Should consider the weight of the issue, as I think this is not a national issue.

9. Look at your own deparment and your staff. Are they doing their JOB and giving the public the service they needed as per expected?

10. Does MIC is still relevant as an Tamil representing party in Malaysia? You should be busy on MIC and public interest rather than going after doctors. The MIC members and your youth need doctors for consultation. Not too much to ask even for your leader need a doctor for consultation. He needs a specialist indeed.
11. Be caution Minister, now the doctors are on your tail.

Doctors... I am aware you hold me first when I was born before my mother.
1. Come on guys, everyone knows this is a bullshit from the Deputy who talks crap. After all, he shown us BN leaders maturity.

2. But dear doctors, responsibilities holds much great weight for one to call himself a doctors. If you choose to be a doctor, than you should understand what are the greater sacrifice one need to do.

3. When one decide to be a doctor, he should let himself live for the people, the logic is you are a doctor for the people. Who are you without them?

4. Doctors, take this as a challenge to make room for improvement. "Don't talk crap ~ Dont argue telling everyone there is nothing wrong reading news papers while on duty."

5. Dear doctors, make this as a benchmark to boost up the service. Don't excuse yourself for five minutes break. Even a minutes can cause lives.

6. I do have some doctor friends and I do know how hard to be a doctor who need to be ready at all time. Imagine how to smile and show a pleasant face to your patient when you are woked up at 3 or 4 am to attend an emergency case. They are humans too. But this is what doctors are for. There isn't timing condition for doctors or to be a doctor.

7. Even a doctor need a doctor to heal him/her, and dont talk about your great doctors sacrifice. A soldier need greater sacrifice. He spent his life in the battle field for the country which can cause his life.

8. For me you are not greater than a DBKL man who keep the city clean. Doctors are keeping humans clean from disease. But once you fail, the famous quote that doctors use to say, Its GOD's will.

9. Doctors do have the power of choice, So doctors, choose wisely in the next GE13. But it is nothing greater to compare with what others do have. Everyone holds the same responsibilities. This what makes the whole community moving. Hehehehe...
10. Working more than 16 hours is nothing greater than a factory operator who works standing for twelve hours (Compare to the pay they received). Doctors task is nothing compares to Indah Water worker.
11. The public is watching. Be aware of the deputy's playback. These is how politician works. The need publicity to be public figure.

12. Five minutes in pain is similiar to 5 hours. Sometimes doctors need to feel what others do. For once, try to seak treatment from a government hospital.
13. Doctors in emergency wards are not forever to be place there. It is only temporary.
Cheers docs.

Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...