Thursday, November 27, 2008

What Is GOD in Hinduism? ~ Intellectual questions and answers

God (ParaBrahman, adipurusa, Isvara) in Hinduism the
Supreme Being Who is transcendent, omnipotent, omniscient,
omnipresent, Eternal-Infinite-Bliss.

What does Parabrahman mean metaphysically?

The Omnipresent
The Eternal
The Boundless
The One Absolute Reality
The Infinite Cause
The Unknowable
The Inmoved Mover
The Truth
The Rootless Root of all
Pure Timeless Beingness

The Immutable Principle on which all speculation in impossible.

It is symbolized under two aspects, Absolute Space & Absolute Motion; the latter representing
unconditioned Consciousness. The impersonal reality of the cosmos is the pure noumenon of thought,

Parabrahman is out of all relation to conditioned existence.

Parabrahmn means “the Supreme Spirit of Brahma”. Whenever Parabrahmn deploys into manifestation,
it assumes a dual aspect, giving rise to “pairs of opposites,” or polarities of the conditioned universe.
The One splits into Spirit –Matter, Subject-Object.

Is Hinduism monotheistic?

Hinduism transcends monotheism.

To say that there is only one God, is to reduce God to a single unit.
God is a Unity of all things,
manifest and unmanifest,
and not to a unit of measure.

There isn’t only one God,
God is one – The Infinite One.

Is God personal or impersonal in Hinduism?

God is impersonal and personal, formless and formful, and beyond.

God is personified and worshipped in many forms to simply express devotion.

God is everything, God is in everything. Everything is in God only.

God is one – the Infinite One.

Hinduism can be called panentheism, but it is transtheistic i.e. it transcends theism and atheism.

What Hinduism is and is not as compared to other religious?

A Hindu can relate to the non-physical or unmanifest God (Nirguna Brahman) as in Judaism.

A Hindu does not insist that God as duality or trinity or infinity as
heretical or akin to polytheism simply because God is not a unit of measure.

A Hindu does not insist that God Is unlike man or only non-physical, nor ona 6-day creationism.

A Hindu can relate to loving God in personal form (Saguna Brahman) as in Christianity.

A Hindu does not insist on the concept of Judgement day or bodily resurrection.

A Hindu does not insist upon the body of Jesus as a way to God, but the original teachings of Jesus.

A Hindu does not insist on bodily resurrection after thousands of years in a grave, on way to heaven or hell.

A Hindu does not consume flesh and pretend love of God.

God exist as spirit soul within all living entities, especially sentient being who feel pain as much as human do?

A Hindu must surrender to God as in Islam.

A Hindu does not insist on muslim-only brotherhood, but universal brotherhood.

A Hindu does not insist that an omnipotent God cannot take a form at will.

A Hindu does not insist impersonal worship and Arabic only prayer in the direction of Kaaba Temple in Mecca.

A Hindu does not insist on subhuman treatment of infidels and women.

A Hindu has Confucian reverence for ancestral spirits.

A Hindu does not insist focusing only on family and morals while forsaking exploration of spiritual planes.

A Hindu understands God as a timeless Tao that precedes and encompasses the universe.

A Hindu does not insist on physical immortality nor pathless inaction to enlightenment.

A Hindu reveres a spiritual guru just like a Sikh does.

A Hindu does not insist on abandoning the historicity of Ram, Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus.

A Hindu has compassionate heart of a Buddhist or Jain, and understand the need to minimize the suffering of all sentient beings.

A Hindu does not stress on extreme non-violence, asceticism, austerities, and renunciation, more than selfless service.

Does Hinduism support any Trinitarian metaphysics?

God is the creator, sustainer, destroyer of all there is.

This is an eternally continues process.

A first person (A AM spirit soul-Atman) as a spark of the second person (God –ParaBrahman), existing as third person (It, as all pervading Consciousness – Brahman) is a Hindu perspective of the Trinity.

Is philosophical debate allowed in Hinduism?

Hinduism is secular inclusion based on merit, logic, phiolosophy, and metaphysics; debate is highly encouraged.

Exclusion based on contradiction or rigid dogma is not supported.

Does “secular” mean that I get to change my religion everyday?

To be a good Hindu, you have to be a good Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Taoist, Confucian, Jew, Christian, Muslim and more everyday, and not pick one religion a day; minus the skewed contradictory metaphysics.

Hinduism is spirituality, metaphysics, philosophy, and a way of life – the natural state of human psyche.

Yoga means union of soul with the Ultimate Reality through one or more paths.

Why are there so many different views of Hindu philosophy?

Each school of thought has its place, Spirituality can be abstract and take years to understand with a truckload of scriptures on the nature of the spirit soul and its relationship with God.

A mountain appears different to each climber but the view from the top is the same.

Why Baha’i instead of Hinduism?

Baha’u’llah – a self-proclaimed divinity?

Baha’is may or may not hold a view of reincarnation (but only on other planets) as a personal opinion. That’s silly logic, and yet millions of people actually believe in this runaway Deism.

But isn’t Hinduism idolatry?

What Hinduism do is not worship of idols, it is worship of God through idols, so do Christians through the cross as an idol, and Muslims through the Kaaba black stone phallus idol.

Just as Muslim don’t expect Allah to break out of the wall, Hindus don’t expect a sculpture to suddenly become animated, neither does a Christian expect Jesus to jump from a gross.

Religions have different *focal points* to contemplate on God.

Everyone has material object through which religious worship is addressed, which is what an idol is – a physical object.

Idols include paintings, sculptures, cross, stone, rock, wall, or even a book or symbol like OM / Amen / 786, and larger temples, churches, mosques, and synagogues.

Any object used in worship is an idol. Even a mental idol is an idol, and you can’t be a little idolatrous or a little pregnant.

But isn’t Hinduism “pagan” polytheism?

Hinduism may appear polytheistic on the surface, but it is an expression of devotion through a pantheon of deities symbolic of God.

This give a secular choice of a personal deity for men and women to worship God (ParaBrahman).

Why do Hindus worship or feed animals?

For Hinduism, it is reverence of their souls, and not worship.

But on feeding animals:

For the meat industry, it is capitalism.

For non-theists, it is philosophical naturalism.

For atheists, it is ecological benevolence.

For Buddhists, it is compassion.

For Jew, the prophet said so.

For Christians, it is the love of God.

For Moslems, it is on the order of God.

For Confucians, it is morality.

For Taoists, it is the oneness of Tao.

But if it is a Hindu, that is “pagan” animism!!!

We really need to improve on double-standards.

But if the material world is illusory, why bother? Why not just enjoy material pleasures?

The circle of rebirth and karma. In just about a 100 years, 6.5 billion bodies of today will cease to exist. Is the true identity body or soul?

Try getting past clinging on to a temporary bodily existence and false notions of physical immortality.

Realize that deep inside, you are that which is eternal~!

Read Bhagavad-gita: / Or listen to it:


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Islam Own By Mankind – Not Only Malays In Malaysia

It is a joke to read the news, regarding a statement made by Datuk Seri DR - (Teluk Bahang – BN/I am not going to mention these jokers name ) about Penang Chief Minister using a quote said by the great Caliph (Khalifa) Umar Ibn Abd Al-Aziz “Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Mungkar” (Enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil).

His statement was supported by another joker, Permatang Berangan assemblyman and Penang Islamic Religious Affairs president, who claimed the non muslim was not allowed to mention Caliph’s name or his quote. But at the other corner of the ring, the state mufti claimed this was not wrong. Who is right and who is wrong?

I wonder when I was told to take up “Sejarah Islam” as one of the must subject in STPM. I was reluctant to this as a “must” but later I was so glad “Sejarah Islam” turn out to be one of the most interesting lessons. The Prophet Nabi Muhamad’s (SAW) journey to spread Islam as the most dynamic religion captured my heart and definitely the Holy Prophet earn his respect in me.

I did well too compare to my muslim friends. From this STPM Islamic lesson we were thought how Prophet’s friends had fought for him in spreading Islam. This Include Caliph Abu Bakar Al Siddiq ('Abdallah bin Abū Quhāfah) as a first Caliph of Islam (The first to convert Islam from out side of Prophet Nabi’s family).

Caliph Umar Ibn Al Khataab is also referred to as `Umar al-Farūq as a second Caliph. Omar was like most of Quraysh before Islam, yet after Islam he became one of the greatest men to walk this earth.

Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan is the third Caliph from the Rashidun Empire and a son in law of Holy Prophet Nabi.

The fourth Caliph of Islam was Khalifa Ali Ibn Abi Talip.
"My eyes are sore are my legs are thin, but I'll stand by you, O Messenger of Allah”,
Thus said the young man of ten, when the Holy Prophet put his message before his own relatives. The boy was Ali, the cousin of Holy Prophet. It can be said that Ali's succession to the caliphate was approved by the vast majority of Muslims in Medina, and also in most of the provinces of the state.

Umar Ibn Abd Al-Aziz was known as one of the caliph who made a number of important religious reforms in Islam. He abolished the long-standing Umayyad and Khawaarij custom of cursing Ali Ibn Abi Talib (the fourth Caliph), at the end of Friday sermons and ordered the following Qu'ranic verse be recited instead: - Surely God enjoins justice, doing of good and giving to kinsfolk.
Another famous quotes from him: “Rulers usually appoint people to watch over their subjects. I appoint you a watcher over me and my behaviour. If you find me at fault in word or action guide me and stop me from doing it” – Khalifa Umar Ibn Abd Al Aziz.

I am not a Muslim, but for me knowing ones religion is a must to understand their spiritual way of living. This is how I learned to respect my Malay friends with their believing. Even now my understanding about Islam leads me to teach my children to respect Muslims as well. This doesn’t make me Islam. The same goes to Christians as well as Buddhism. Believing in religion comes from ones heart. No one have the right to force another to convert or to stop him from believing.

The quote said by Umar Ibn Abd Al-Aziz is only a quote to be followed by mankind if they think its right from their heart. This is not a preaching nor following. There are many quotes and customs followed by Malays as well. It doesn’t mean one is MURTAD to their own religion. It s all depends on ones “NIAT” in their heart. There is no religion in this world request mankind to harm or hate others. I strongly believe this goes to Islam too. I don’t think Islam request his followers to hate others even the kafir but a Muslim’s responsibilities is to explain and make others to understand the truth (Dakwah).

If I, as a non Muslim can respect and understood other religion, I think these two jokers that I mention earlier should start their religious class again to understand the basic of religious preaching. Learn to respect others as well, the basic fundamental of mankind. If these politician jokers claim was right than the Pendidikan Malaysia must do something about this. This lesson should be stop from continued by the non Muslim in all schools which I don’t think they will. But instead this jokers should be send to religious class to enhance their believe.

“Islam is belongs to all mankind and not only for one race”

Thought of the day


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I have found the 1st “Truly Malaysian”

When I started to write this blog (LVBALA - The voice of the minority) to express my opinions and suggestion, I was having a big dream of making this Malaysia a “Truly Malaysia”. Even it was just a dream at first, which I believe every success came from a strong dream, I wondered when shall be the day I shall recognize and what will be the clue to picture truly Malaysia. Lately in this couple of days my dearest friend Mahen started to share my dream and start writing his own blog named “Malaysia Tomorrow”.

He pointed out few matters that did raise a question in me and I hope it will too to all readers. I was very amazed by his words and it does give some confident that I was not alone. We are known to each other for 35 years. We started our friendship in standard one in the year of 1975 until 1985. And life goes on and the time past like nobodies business. Some how, after such a long journey we settled down with family of our own. Believe me, it is our dream to start writing and we are now.

Life has a purpose, and everything happens for a reason. Through my dearest friend I step closer to a magnificent man known to all as Pet (RPK). After reading Pet’s article, my dream became clearer and now I am so confident that one day “Truly Malaysia” will be materialize. For me a Mahatma is reborn in Malaysia. His pledge and courage to see Malaysia as a dream land to all, given me stronger hope. Now I am sure coming years shall be meaningful. With RPK’s pledge, I am seeing a “Truly Malaysian” is born. I am a step closer to built a “Truly Malaysia”. God bless RPK.


Malaysia Tomorrow: The New Swan Song - Ketuanan Rakyat

Malaysia Tomorrow: The New Swan Song - Ketuanan Rakyat

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dato' / Datuk

Gelaran Dato’ atau Datuk pada umumnya adalah satu penghargaan yang diberikan kepada seseorang individu untuk menghargai sumbangan atau mengenang jasa mereka kepada Negara atau masyarakat amnya. Biasanya gelaran Dato’/Datuk merupakan penghargaan yang tertinggi diantara penghargaan-penghargaan yang lain seperti PJK (Pingat Jasa Kebaktian), AMN (Ahli Mangku Negara) dan sebagainya. Adalah sesuatu yang terpuji mengenai gelaran ini kerana negara kita seperti juga negara lain tidak mengkhususkan sumbangan yang patut diberi penghargaan. Seperti di United Kingdom misalnya, gelaran “Sir” diberi kepada penyanyi dan juga pemain bola untuk jasa mereka sebagai penghargaan.

Memang kalau dilihat dalam konteksnya, gelaran ini tidak boleh dinilai dengan wang ringgit. Namun gelaran ini secara langsung menaikkan pandangan dan martabat seseorang dimata masyarakat. Pada umumnya, dinegara kita gelaran Dato’/Datuk ini kebiasaanya dianugerahkan pada individu yang berkecimpung dalam arena politik, namun tidak terkecuali kepada mereka yang memberi sumbangan dari segi perniagaan dan pada mereka yang menaikkan martabat negara dipandangan dunia.

Selain dari politik dan perniagaan, baru baru ini gelaran Dato’/Datuk juga dianugerahkan kepada individu yang berjaya dibidang sukan seperti M. Jagathesan (Olahraga), Nicol Ann David(Squash), Lee Chong Wei(Badminton) dan jurulatih seperti Misbun Hj Sidek juga tidak ketinggalan kerana jasa beliau sejak usia mudanya memang tidak boleh dinafikan. Bapa beliau (Mendiang Dato Hj Sidek) juga pernah dianugerahkan Dato’ dan ini adalah sesuatu yang padan dengan jasa beliau yang mengabdikan badminton dari seluruh ahli keluarganya.

Di bidang musik pula individu yang dianugerahkan anugerah Dato/Datuk ialah diantaranya ialah Datuk Sharifah Aini, Datuk Shake dan yang terbaru ialah Datuk Siti Norhaliza. Dibidang seni perfileman pula Datuk Aziz Satar dan Datuk Jins Samsuddin dadalah diantara mereka yang dianugerahkan Datuk.

Tidak ketinggalan gelaran ini juga telah dipanjangkan kepada individu yang menyumbang selain dari politik, seni dan sukan, umpamanya mereka yang berjaya di dalam usaha menaikkan nama dan martabat negara didalam pelbagai bidang lain seperti individu yang berjaya berlayar mengelilingi dunia, individu yang berjaya berenang menyeberangi selat juga diberi anugerah Datuk.

Namun, masih ada timbul persoalan bagaimana penilaian dilakukan dan bagaimana “benchmark” diukur untuk pemberian gelaran ini. Masih terdapat ketidak serasian dan penilaiannya masih kabur. Inilah yang menjadi tanda persoalan apabila gelaran Datuk ini dianugerahkan kepada pelakon terkenal seperti Shah Rukh Khan. Walaupun ramai pihak yang membantah namun ada juga yang mempertahankan termasuk TUN sendiri. Alasan beliau pelakon Shah Rukh Khan mampu memperkenalkan negara kita melalui popularitnya. Beliau juga dipercayai akan terus memperkenalkan negara kita dan akan menarik ramai pelancung kenegara kita. Mungkin ada benarnya kerana peminat Shah Rukh Khan memang ramai dan diharap harapan ini akan menjadi kenyataan.

Walau apa pun, harus diketahui bahawa ramai juga yang ketinggalan dari anugerah ini walaupun jasa mereka amat bermakna. Contohnya seperti jasa kumpulan Alleycats. Jasa mereka dibidang seni negara tidak perlu saya huraikan. Sejak dari tahun 70-an lagi kecimpungan mereka dalam bidang nyanyian harus dipandang dari pandangan yang menyeluruh. Hampir 4 dekad dan sumbangan mereka tidak boleh dipertikaikan dan seperti yang sedia maklum, walaupun salah seorang penyanyinya telah meninggal dunia (Mendiang loga Arumugam) namun perjuangan David Arumugam iaitu abangnya masih diteruskan. Lagu lagu mereka memang evergreen dan menjadi siulan anak muda sehingga masa kini. Saya secara peribadi rasa kerajaan negeri dan mereka yang berkuasa harus pertimbangkan anugerah kepada mereka demi sumbangan dan jasa mereka didalam dunia seni tanah air.

Tidak ketinggalan anugerah Dato’/Datuk ini harus dipanjangkan kepada individu yang membawa nama negara kepuncak tertinggi dunia. Jasa dan pengukir sejarah Malaysia ini juga harus dipandang tinggi. Mereka yang telah menjadi “Malaysian” pertama yang berjaya menakluki puncak tertinggi dunia Gunung Everest. Seperti yang sedia maklum pengorbanan dan kejituan hati mereka mesti dipandang tinggi. Bukan mudah seperti yang diketahui bahawa, untuk menakluki gunung tertinggi dunia bukanlah perkara yang remeh. Tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakan nyawa menjadi pertaruhan. Diantara mereka yang berjaya menjadi manusia pertama Malaysia yang berjaya menjejakkan kaki kepuncak tertinggi dunia Gunung Everest ialah Magendran dan Mohanadass. Walaupun diketahui hampir 15 pendaki yang menyertai expedisi ini dan seorang serba dari Nepal berkorban nyawa namun kecekalan dan semangat perjuangan yang tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh dua individu ini harus dipuji dan perlu disenaraikan sebagai penerima anugerah Dato.

Satu lagi insan yang pernah menjadi wira negara dalam menaikkan semangat dan martabat negara dibidang bolasepak yang perlu diambil perhatian ialah penjaga GOL yang tidak asing lagi yang juga dikenali sebagai “Spiderman” iaitu mendiang Arumugam. Tahun 70an yang merupakan tahun kemuncak perkembangan bolasepak negara yang diterajui wira wira bolasepak yang boleh dianggap legenda negara. Diantaranya ialah Mokhtar Dahari, Shukur Salleh, Bakri Ibni, Santokh Singh, Soh Chin Aun, Khalid Ali, Dollah Salleh, Zainal Abidin Hasan dan ramai lagi. Namun diantaranya adalah penjaga GOL yang tidak asing lagi iaitu Arumugam.

Batumalai Rajakumar, adalah seorang pelari jarak sederhana yang telah dilupakan. Pemenang dua pingat emas sukan sea 1983. Memecahkan rekod 1,500m sukan sea yang sama yang telah disandang oleh Jimmy Cramton dari burma. Pada masa itu umur beliau masih 18 tahun. Pemenang pingat emas 800m di Asian track and field dan mencipta record yang kekal sampai kehari ini yang juga record kebangsaan yang bertahan 24 tahun. Pejuang seperti beliau harus dikenang dan kerajaan harus memberi rangsangan supaya dia menjadi contoh kepada yang lain. Untuk pengetahuan semua, beliau juga tidak pernah dipilih menjadi olahragawan kebangsaan.

Dalam menangani masalah ini, kerajaan negeri dengan bantuan persatuan-persatuan harus memainkan peranan dan menengahkan pejuang pejuang yang pernah mengharumkan nama negeri dan nama Malaysia keseluruhannya. Parti parti politik yang mewakili masyarakat perbagai kaum juga harus peka dan sedia menilai sejauh mana perjuangan ini perlu dinilai dan seterusnya membawa perkara ini kearah yang sepatutnya. Tidak perlu dinilai dari segi kaum dan bangsa tetapi sumbangan dan semangat kejituan harus dinilai dari segi nilai yang disumbang demi menaikkan martabat negara Malaysia keseluruhannya. Dengan harapan jasa mereka akan menjadi contoh dan semangat kepada anak-anak muda yang akan menyambung perjuangan ini.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Makanan Malaysia ~ Lambang Perpaduan Malaysia

Tidak keterlaluan kalau dikatakan makanan Malaysia adalah yang paling terunik didunia. Bukan sahaja unik malah makanan di Malaysia juga melambangkan perpaduan dan intergriti Malaysia keseluruhannya. Jangan terkejut jika tidak keterlaluan saya yang biasa menulis mengenai suasana politik dan maksud sebenar ke Malaysiaan, kini bercerita mengenai makanan Malaysia. Namun saya berpendapat maksud sebenar saya tidak lari dari Malaysia sebenar dan perpaduan yang terbentuk melalui keunikan makanan. Kini keunikan ini telah melangkah setapak lagi dengan menu yang “cross over” atau “mix blend.” Kalau perlu diterjemahkan dalam bahasa pasar Malaysia, maksudnya ialah telah dirojakkan atau dicampur adukkan sehingga membawa kepada satu maksud dan cita rasa sebenar Malaysia.

Rata-rata Malaysia boleh dibahagikan kepada perbagai etnik bangsa dan tradisi. Diantara etnik yang menjadi pembahagian besar Malaysia ialah terdiri dari etnik Melayu, etnik Cina, etnik Tamil India dan juga etnik yang mewakili bumiputra Sabah dan Sarawak. Biasanya perbezaan etnik ini dapat diperbezakan dengan warna kulit, pakaian dan juga bahasa. Walaupun perbezaan etnik ini boleh dibezakan dengan anutan agama tetapi dalam jangka waktu ini perkara ini menjadi rumit kerana kepelbagaian agama ini tidak lagi selari dengan bangsa sesuatu kaum. Contohnya, ada diantara mereka yang asalnya dari etnik kaum tamil India yang menganut agama hindu tetapi kini mereka menganuti agama Kristian, Islam mahupun agama Buddha. Ada diantara dari etnik Cina yang beragama Buddha dan kini menganuti agama kristian, hindu dan Islam. Begitu juga dengan etnik yang berasal dari negeri Sabah yang menganuti berbagai agama atas kepercayaan masing masing.

Namun perkara ini jarang kita temui dalam etnik Melayu. Kerana di Malaysia orang melayu hanya dibenarkan untuk menganuti agama Islam sahaja. Dan mereka yang menganuti agama Islam tidak mudah dapat menganuti agama lain kerana dipengaruhi dan dipelihara oleh hukum syariah dan akta perlembagaan. Kalau dilihat dari segi praktikalnya, perlaksanaan hukum syariah adalah sesuatu yang patut dan sepatutnya. Ini kerana apabila seseorang mendapati dia tidak selari atau tidak serasi dengan agama yang dianutinya, maka wujud satu kekeliruan yang boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu sesat dan akan melakukan perkara perkara yang dilarangi agama dan akan laknat terhadap agamanya. Maka disitulah hukum syariah ini akan terlaksana dengan mengembalikan umatnya supaya balik kejalan asal.

Perbetulkan jika pemahaman saya tidak seperti yang sebenarnya. Namun saya rasa perlaksanaan hukum syariah ini adalah sesuatu yang perlu dicontohi oleh agama lain untuk menjalankan perlaksanaan agama yang sepatutnya dan mengembalikan mereka yang melanggari syariah agama dan menunjukkan jalan yang soleh kepada mereka yang sesat.

Berbalik kepada cerita asal kita, iaitu keunikan makanan Malaysia. Pengaruh keunikan budaya inilah menyebabkan keunikan makanan Malaysia terbentuk. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan keunikan yang saya ulangi setiap kali kita berbincang mengenai makanan?

Keunikan ini hanya dapat dilihat apabila kita melihat dan mengkaji makanan di Malaysia dengan lebih mendalam. Contohnya, Mee Kari (Mee Curry) yang dipopularitikan oleh golongan peniaga Cina. Mee yang asalnya dari orang Cina tetapi kari yang diadun asalnya dari orang India. Jadi kombinasi ini telah menjadikan mee kari sebagai makanan yang sangat popular dan mempunyai cita rasa yang tersendiri. Dan kini mee kari ini telah dipraktikkan orang orang Melayu dan India keseluruhannya.

Kuew Teow adalah makanan dibawa oleh orang Cina, namun apabila diadun dengan citarasa kemalaysiaan ia menjadi hidangan pelbagai rasa. Contohnya, Kuew Teow goreng yang digoreng dengan dengan cita rasa rempah serta kari. Kalau di Pulau Pinang, makanan ini memang tidak asing lagi dan tidak lengkap ke Pulau Pinang kalau tidak merasai makanan ini yang juga begitu popular di Taiping.

Banyak lagi makanan yang boleh diperkatakan disini selain dari diatas, seperti roti canai dan teh tarik. Untuk pengetahuan pembaca sekalian, roti canai sebenarnya berasal dari India namun makanan ini telah melalui pelbagai kelainan dari segi pengadunan dan telah menjadi makanan pagi yang sangat popular di Malaysia. Teh tarik yang juga diperkenalkan oleh masyarakat kaum India ini juga tidak perlu saya huraikan. Tiada hari tanpa teh tarik. Diantara makanan dan minuman yang saya rindui apabila berada diluar negara adalah teh tarik, roti canai dan nasi lemak. Inilah yang membuat kita terasa betapa uniknya Malaysia. Kini tosai, capati juga telah mendapat tempat dihati masyarakat Malaysia sebagai makanan pagi dan fast food direstorant mamak.

Tiada siapa yang tidak kenal ROJAK, satu makanan yang popular dari masyarakat India namun hanya popular di Malaysia. Kalau di India misalnya, rojak mempunyai citarasa yang berbeza. Namun apabila kita lihat dari konteks Malaysia, dengan pengadunan kuah kacang yang mempunyai sentuhan masyarakat melayu amat menyelerakan. Kalau bercerita mengenai ROJAK, pasti cendol adalah pasangannya yang aidil. Minuman ini mempunyai sentuhan masyarakat India dan Melayu yang amat unik dan sungguh memuaskan.

Salah satu kuih raya yang menambat hati saya dirumah terbuka hari raya tahun ini ialah kuih loyang yang asalnya dari kuih tradisional orang India. Terkejut saya apabila didapati kuih pembuatan orang melayu kuih ini amat sempurna dan rasanya lebih sedap dari buatan isteri saya. Tetapi saya amat terkejut apabila tuan yang membuatnya mengaku ini adalah kuih tradisi orang melayu. Walau apa pun saya merasa amat bangga kerana begitu mendalam sentiment Malaysia dihati kita.

Selain dari masakan dan kuih, air minuman kacang soya juga tidak kurang popularnya. Kalau asalnya minuman yang begitu popular dari negara Cina diniaga oleh orang orang Cina, namun kini minuman ini menjadi begitu popular dikalangan masyarakat Melayu. Tiada pasar malam tanpa minuman ini. Lan Chi Kang juga tiada kurang hebatnya. Minuman yang mempunyai khasiat kegemaran saya ini pasti tidak terlepas kalau berkunjung ke pasar malam hujung minggu.

Inilah Malaysia, satu adunan yang pelbagai. Satu campuran yang rasanya unik. Seperti air batu campur yang dicampur sirap, gula hitam, susu, dan campuran manisan dan kacang yang membawa citarasa Malaysia. Inilah Malaysia yang mempunyai kelainan yang amat jarang ditemui. Alangkah sempurnanya jika usaha ini diteruskan dan sama sama kita membina Malaysia yang sebenar benarnya Malaysia tanpa mengaku negara ini kepunyaan satu bangsa sahaja. Biarlah kita usahakan supaya sama sama kita menjadi warganegara tanpa mengaku saya tuan dan kamu kuli. Saya peribumi dan kamu pendatang. Biarlah kita menjadi anak Malaysia yang ada keunikan, kerana keunikan inilah yang menjadikan Malaysia yang sebenar benarnya Malaysia.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Barrack Obama ~ Roots (The Black Rules)

I was in a mid of writing a new article on a topic of “Dato’” and “Makanan ~ lambang Perpaduan Malaysia” but I was stuck by the elected new US president to be, Barrack Obama. The first black president elected to be for US, known as the most powerful country in the world.

It is also a shocking statement made by Malaysian Prime Minister who said, “It is possible for anyone from the minority group to be the nation’s leader, the prime minister said while congratulating Barrack Obama on his election victory”

I don’t know if this was a coincidence, about the news where by the MIC youth in Malaysia had gathered in Sri Langka’s embassy to protest over the killing of the Tamil innocent in Sri Langkan’s bombing over the Tamil Tigers. This are the shocking news as well, because I did posted about how Sri Langkan’s in Malaysia posses themselves as an Indian and made the Tamil Indian as a slave to serve them in the Mid 19th century. Prior to this statement, my writing in “Sinar Untuk MIC” will tell you the story.

It took 15 years for me to understand the meaning behind the book titled “Roots”. The famous KUNTA KINTE as one of the earliest black from Africa to be brought to US as a slave and was force to work in the farm together with others. They were treated worse than an animal and were chained. The “Roots” actually tell us that the blacks are the first “roots” of the black human tree planted in US soil. The first victory of the blacks came into lime when Abraham Lincoln abolished the law that treat black human as a slaves. Even the great Abraham Lincoln was eliminated and brutally killed.

Now I know, Obama is the black roses that bloom from the black’s tree. One should understand that the stronger and healthier the trees are because of the roots that grow stronger below underneath. Life poses as roots for one as it grow deeper and face all the hell beneath to make the upper world shine. The determination and the courage of the blacks are the result of this black man “Obama” to exile and proven anyone can rule.

Martin Luther King once had a dream…. His dream came true and I guess his soul is smiling.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

BN or PR ~ We can choose, we have the choice

I am not promoting the latest writing from the Federal Deputy Minister’s blog. But honestly his latest writing about the “Sense of belonging” did cleared my head as this was the actual fact of scenario in the government department ruled by the current government. I felt relief, at last he saw the actual truth after eight months being in the system, he high lighted something that need to be considered and to look into with the current system that been practice by the system itself. Yes and this is the fact.

The system need to be review at least by someone like him within the system. The lack of sense of belonging truly exists in the government department as I call it as the system. This is clearly can be seen in JPJ, Emigration dept, Custom, land offices, District offices, Majlis Daerah and no doubt about DBKL itself. We don’t have to be Indians but as a Chinese too. The lack of the non bumis is the service dept reflect the whole scenario. But also to be considered is the intake to this department as well. Is it because the non bumis are not welcomed or because of the quota system which has been practice by the ruling party.

For example, in the recent PKNS appointment of the Chinese woman, Her appointment has been rejected by the UMNO and the bumis as well. Strictly the whole idea has been rejected by the bumis of this land. How this can be happening? I am sure the non bumis are qualified as been required, but the system is against the appointment of the non bumis. What are the solutions? What we as non bumis in this land should do to overcome this? May be it’s time for the human resource Minister to look into this issues. He is the right person as a non bumi but will it works with the bumis attitude in appointing the non bumis?

Even in another current issues, the MCA did requested the 30% of the bumi quota to be eliminated or to be reduce and everyone knows what exactly happens. Even Tun M is against it. This is the reason. It is not the people nor the qualification but the attitude and the sense of belonging of the bumis of this land to take control of everything rather than to share. They are the system and they are in charge. I bet nothing much can be done but it should be start from the beginning, from the grassroots, from the voice of the people.

But once again it must be mention in the parliament as well. The quota system must be revised. The economy cake is getting smaller. The majority is getting more and we were (minority) not allowed to share it. Nevertheless, MIC the sole party for the Indians needs to look into this as well. With the result of the achievement of MIC into this matter can be considered as a failure to date. The leader is no more efficient. We Indians need changes within our system first in order to change the system of the whole.

It was mention that the MIC general election shall be postpone from June to September 2009 with no contender to challenge to top post. But was mentioned that the president shall give away the power to the deputy. It’s a good news and dear brothers, his power shall remain as he shall pick the deputy of his own choice so he can rule again behind the scene.

Our children is going to end up nothing…… When we are doom by this hopeless government, how can we support BN? Do we have any choice? Yes… my dear brothers. We have the choice, we can always choose. We choose to say no to BN and we rather take a bold decision by choosing PR. To hope at least, there is a hope… and I think we don’t loose anything.

Thought for the day…


Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...