Some you might have heard them before, some you will not have known of the details as I tell them and some you might have not known of if I had not highlighted them in my postings.
Some of you have made the effort to comment and discuss what has been said - but a disturbing number of comments seem to indicate a feeling of hopelessness – that there is nothing we can do to stop the rot!
You ask me what do I expect to achieve by what I write? The might of Barisan will not be disturbed by what we do.
Let me tell you that you are wrong. Who would have thought that Samy Velu would lose in Sugai Siput? That Sharizat will lose to a greenhorn in Bangsar? That Barisan will lose Kedah, Perak, Penang and SELANGOR! If you have told me that before the General elections I would have looked at you with undisguised contempt and hilarity.
Barisan had everything going for them. Money, the EC, all the Government machineries at their disposal – everything stacked in their favour.
What made the difference? The people’s vote. One by one your votes slowly but surely kicked Samy Velu out. Even Sharizat – a hard working MP for Bangsar was blind-sided by Nurul. Can you remember what Sharizat organized in Bagsar?
Her election machinery was so slick – had so much money – that it was like Christmas, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Hari Raya all rolled up into one. And she lost!
Think my friends. We can make the difference! One by one as you vote you will slowly but surely put Barisan Nasional out. But it will not happen by itself. We must work towards it day by day. One by one. Build up our strength and our numbers until we achieve the critical mass for success.
UMNO does not think that we have achieved this. Nor do they think we can achieve it. That is why they chose a disbar lawyer to represent them in the last by-election. Now they have decided on Isa. You and I know who Isa is.
A convicted practitioner of money politics. Yet UMNO will have him represent them. The arrogance of UMNO in doing so is because we are not able to shoe them our dislike, our disgust and our contempt to them for choosing a convicted practitioner of money politics.
They say Isa have served his time and KJ is so bold as to say that Pakatan Rakyat too have tainted leaders. Yes we do – they are ALL tainted in your estimation because they have all, without exception, done time under ISA.
To us spending time under ISA is a badge of courage and commitment to our cause – one of justice and decency. So do not say that again. Do not mistake the sordid act of using money for all things as UMNO does to that of being incarcerated for your beliefs.
Any right-minded individual can see the flaw in that argument.
UMNO still does not doubt its ability to cling to power – and the operative word here is ‘cling’. To UMNO the ends justify the means. If not the election processes what else will they conjure to cling to power?
There is no one within UMNO now of the calibre of Tun Razak or Tun Ismail – these two were aware of the power they hold in their hands at one time in our history – and yet they are more aware of the need to put country before self.
They never took advantage of their position to enrich themselves or their families and I am sure there was no thought in any of their mind that their being in power would give their children the “right” to hold power themselves.
But all this escapes Najib. Escapes Hishamuddin and they do a disservice to their Father’s legacies.
But we together can make a difference. So please those amongst us that doubt the power of one – themself – think again.
The power of ONE
A Japanese proverb states: "The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour." The actions of just one person have even changed the course of a nation.
Edward Everett Hale wrote:
I am only one.
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
Centuries later, one person made a decision that had a detrimental effect. In 1923, by one vote,
Adolph Hitler gained control of the Nazi Party.
In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England.
In 1776, one vote gave America the English language rather than German.
In 1845, one vote brought the state of Texas into the United States.
In 1941, one vote preserved the Selective Service System just 12 weeks before Pearl Harbor was attacked.
So you are one but you and me – we make two.
p/s: Hope readers can understand the voice of one can make the changes. The one that we are talking about is you and me. This article came from one of my close friend who I met in KTM station some time ago and his voice and his vibration is similiar to many Malaysian.
It was the prove to show Malaysians from all angle felt the same. Don't matter he is a Malays, Chinese nor Tamil. We do felt the same as one. We do care for the country. We do wish Malaysia can be one again.
Lets not only hope but lets make changes. Now or never.
1 comment:
one of the best spech that i've had ever heard...we really can make the difference...go,go,go...one malaysia go...fly beyond the sky...
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