2. What changes were we have been through for 2009 and what are the hopes for 2010?
3. 20,000 over Malaysians over stayed in London, 98% were Chinese and the rest were Malaysian Tamils and Malays. (This not included those who successfully settled down in UK).
4. Why do non-Malays Malaysians are leaving the country? We claim we have the best ethnic system in the region. Malaysians were said to be treated equally in this country.
5. DSAI’s 100 million suite against Dr.M was out thrown. Who decide this decision? anyway this was expected?
6. New policy in teaching Science, Mathematic and English by the year 2011. When are they going to make a firm decision and stay on it?

5. When Kelantan’s oil royalty will be paid to the state government? This is no joke claim. The agreement was done back in 1975 between Petronas and Kelantan state.
6. 39,589 Malaysian citizen application are pending for approval. They will decide soon but I am not sure based on religion or race.
7. How long IGP will be in power? As long as he holds someone’s peacock I guess.
8. 80% of Teoh’s dead finding leads to homicide. Will it be taken into consideration or will it disappear like Bala’s SD. The family agreed and second postmoterm is on the way.
9. MCA – CSK and OTK settle down – No permanent friend and no permanent enemy in politics. Why the EGM is for if one never respect the out come? Why should be EGM if its power can be override by another clause? This is how one stayed in power even he is clearly rejected by the majority. What is the meaning of majority? MCA also good in playing “wayang kulit” lo?

10. If the one had the majority support than he will bark and proudly bark by telling he is still wanted. But when he fail to get the majority support than he will say he still need to be the leader because he still have two third support. This is how BN play wayang kulit. This is how "sandiwara" played by BN and keep hang on in
11. I am using KTM service everyday for the past 12 month and it was so practical but the service sucks. The charges are double compare to bus services. KTM even charge for the car you parked in their premises so I use motorbike to go to KTM station. Can you imagine every one have to evacuate in PUTRA station on 26/10/09 8.10am because the commuter was having hydraulic error and created heavy smoke like burning?
12. It sucks they have started to charge RM1.00 for each bike. I still insist on using KTM Commuter service because it is still cheaper than driving everyday to KL.
13. Most of them who use KTM commuter service are those with low income and middle income group. It does give me ideas and life experience by being with the rakyat.
14. The public don't mind paying but the services sucks day by day. They don’t show any improvement but even getting worse. The government should seriously look into this and spent the money wisely in this service rather than spending for F1.
15. I love FI and having F1 in Malaysian is good enough to promote Malaysia. Petronas should be wiser by sponsoring and giving opportunity to the poor and mostly non Muslims as we are all Malaysians.

16. LRT should be given credit for the excellent service. Bravo.
17. Another by-election is on the way. But it shall depend on court’s decision.
18. The 2008 Auditor-General's Report revealed that Pembangunan Pelancongan Nasional Sdn Bhd (Pempena) invested up to RM41.90 million on subsidiary companies since 1976 but has yet to reap profit from any of its ventures. Siapa nak bertanggungjawab?
19. PAS EGM call rings the bells of UMNO. Form PM, TPM and Tun commenting continuously on this matter. This issue became the head line of Malaysian pro BN media. But when come to other good news about Pakatan, you won’t hear anything.
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