Upon the announcement of results of SPM 2004 on 26March 2005, she received 17 1As - a record for number of A's received by astudent in the history of Malaysian education back then.
She was sponsored by Bank Negara Malaysia to study medicine in the United Kingdom, and did her A-levels at the Cheltenham Ladies College in the UK.Now
It was informed that she had failed her second year medical study at the University of Edinburgh.
What went wrong? Could English language be the problem? We are going back to Malay medium again and that means trouble.
I am sure this is not the first case and not going to be the last. This language problem in Malaysia has become a "lapuk" story but the Malaysian specially those in the political arena will never understand and keep on going around in a circle
But this is not a merry go around story. This is about someones future that carries the weight of a nation.
The pride of the nation too relied on this language issues. The pride of the Education Department relied on this matter too. But who cares as long as UMNO BN is in power.
So this politician will use this issue to get more support as long as they can stay in power. Lets look at this issue from a different corner.
I have wrote about "Language" issue before. Today we are looking at the same problem again. It doesn't matter. We can talk about the same issues as long as we can get the correct answer.
1. Everyone knows that Bahasa Malaysia is a national language. This is no different than any other country around the world. India with HINDI as national language and china with Mandarin as a national language and so with other country.
2. But English is still remain as a dominan language around the world. Whether we like it or not, we still have to accept it.
3. For Malaysian politician, specially for UMNO leaders, this language issue is an issue to gain more support from their own kind. They still cling on to their sentiment in Bahasa Malaysia rather than English.
4. They fail to understand, Bahasa is only applicable as long as one stay in Malaysia. But in order to conquer the world one need english. Is it so hard to understand?
5. If we want to compete and became a competitor in the world stage, than we have to adopt English. Bahasa Malaysia is not going to bring us anywhere.
6. Our students in Malaysia obtain good result but when they are abroad their result became worst. Is it because our marking system is at fault? Is there any differential markings of papers? Is our education system at fault? I think the time has come to have a thorough re-examination of the whole education as well as the examination system.
7. It really reflects badly on our country when scholarship holders fail in their examinations at an alarming rate.
P.S. When a scholarship holder fails and has to repeat a year, it would cost the Country a lot of money which can actually be used to finance more students for study.
8. Scholarship holders also live a life of relative luxury, compared to self-financed students, and they normally stay in the best hostels and many of them have cars and so on… SO the whole system of awarding scholarship should be reviewed too…
9. But for the UMNO politician, the above is not the issue. They keep their statement on not to give up bahasa. Bahasa must be number one, it can't be number two.
10. Its the pride of the malays is to keep bahasa as number one. Loosing bahasa means, loosing the malays influence. This means loosing support.
11. They fail to understand Bahasa Malaysia is going to bring one to no where. They are going to loose as everyone sees they have lost.
12. Now, this system is going to be reviewed by the year 2011. Another turning point but no one knows where it shall lead.
13. They can do anything but in order to compete in the international arena, ENGLISH is needed. There is no two way about it.
She was sponsored by Bank Negara Malaysia to study medicine in the United Kingdom, and did her A-levels at the Cheltenham Ladies College in the UK.Now
It was informed that she had failed her second year medical study at the University of Edinburgh.
What went wrong? Could English language be the problem? We are going back to Malay medium again and that means trouble.
I am sure this is not the first case and not going to be the last. This language problem in Malaysia has become a "lapuk" story but the Malaysian specially those in the political arena will never understand and keep on going around in a circle

But this is not a merry go around story. This is about someones future that carries the weight of a nation.
The pride of the nation too relied on this language issues. The pride of the Education Department relied on this matter too. But who cares as long as UMNO BN is in power.
So this politician will use this issue to get more support as long as they can stay in power. Lets look at this issue from a different corner.
I have wrote about "Language" issue before. Today we are looking at the same problem again. It doesn't matter. We can talk about the same issues as long as we can get the correct answer.
1. Everyone knows that Bahasa Malaysia is a national language. This is no different than any other country around the world. India with HINDI as national language and china with Mandarin as a national language and so with other country.
2. But English is still remain as a dominan language around the world. Whether we like it or not, we still have to accept it.
3. For Malaysian politician, specially for UMNO leaders, this language issue is an issue to gain more support from their own kind. They still cling on to their sentiment in Bahasa Malaysia rather than English.
4. They fail to understand, Bahasa is only applicable as long as one stay in Malaysia. But in order to conquer the world one need english. Is it so hard to understand?
5. If we want to compete and became a competitor in the world stage, than we have to adopt English. Bahasa Malaysia is not going to bring us anywhere.
6. Our students in Malaysia obtain good result but when they are abroad their result became worst. Is it because our marking system is at fault? Is there any differential markings of papers? Is our education system at fault? I think the time has come to have a thorough re-examination of the whole education as well as the examination system.
7. It really reflects badly on our country when scholarship holders fail in their examinations at an alarming rate.

P.S. When a scholarship holder fails and has to repeat a year, it would cost the Country a lot of money which can actually be used to finance more students for study.
8. Scholarship holders also live a life of relative luxury, compared to self-financed students, and they normally stay in the best hostels and many of them have cars and so on… SO the whole system of awarding scholarship should be reviewed too…
9. But for the UMNO politician, the above is not the issue. They keep their statement on not to give up bahasa. Bahasa must be number one, it can't be number two.
10. Its the pride of the malays is to keep bahasa as number one. Loosing bahasa means, loosing the malays influence. This means loosing support.
11. They fail to understand Bahasa Malaysia is going to bring one to no where. They are going to loose as everyone sees they have lost.
12. Now, this system is going to be reviewed by the year 2011. Another turning point but no one knows where it shall lead.
13. They can do anything but in order to compete in the international arena, ENGLISH is needed. There is no two way about it.
But no matter how genius or brilliant they are, in the end, it's always about their attitude. It's about the attitude to learn to change and adapt with new situation. Everybody will and must experience it before or in the near future.
For me, not even 5% they failed because of english language, they failed because of their attitude in adapting to new environment and situation. And maybe they failed because they're lazy or didn't have the courtesy to learn about the new environment, or maybe they think they're genius and they can overcome everything.... Read More
For example, there are thousands of students who further their studies in Japan and they learn Japanese for 2 years in Malaysia before continuing 4 years degree in Japan. They have to learn to speak & write in Japanese. They have to convert everything in Japanese. And they excelled with flying colours. Why? Because of their effort to learn to adapt to new situation. That's why.
My point is, it's all about the attitude. If you think it's important to learn english and you know english is global, then have the effort to learn no matter what. Just like what we did since our independence day.
Learning english is not by hoping something from our government. If you really want to learn english, do it yourself by reading english books, newspapers, hearing english songs to improve pronounciations and such. In the end, it's your attitude that leads to your success
If u r a genius any language too shd not b a problm...agreed attitude is the catch word here!!
interesting fact abt amalina, but are u realiably informed? someone's reputation out there at stake.
Thanks for your comments. We are not talking about a person but about the whole system in this nation. She is not at fault cause it is not her mistake. She has done her best. But the system that we practise is not reliable to Malaysians. At the same time this also reflect we are the victim of this system. It can happen to my family and others as well. Now the system shall be reviewed again. Who are the victims? The Malaysians.
i appreciated the fact that you're just giving an example to illustrate your point that the education system had failed even the brightest among our students. I agree that you are not targeting anyone in particular.
my concern is just that rumour of such nature is not going to lend much credibality unto your points if it is not proved, and in other words, when it is nothing but mere rumour.
now moving away from my initial comments, i would like to further comment that, even if it is proved that she had failed her second year, i do not think the blame can be put solely on language. medical studies is never easy, and any student faced the possibility of failing, even native students who're proficient in the language.
gagasan malaysia yang gah di mata dunia,,membaca jambatan ilmu,,cari lah ilmu hingga tembok China,,,:)
amboi....pak uuu dah pandai bermadah helah
"tembok masjid imdia x lepas lg,ni g tembok china.....hmmmm ampeh le yopp..."
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