Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Malaysians In Malaysia No More

1.  I am 50 and I have been living in this country since
     I was born, that makes me the son of the soil, isn't it? 

2. Today I was looking at those days which we use to
    stick around with friends, no matter what race 
    he is, what ever back ground he is from, what so ever
    religion he is and what ever believe he is but we lived
    together and we share everything together.

3. Today after more than 40 over years we miss those
    days, we missed those days friends, we miss all
    those jokes and every single thing that made us
    laugh together.

4. We too misses all those special day such as festival
    days we use to go to our friends house and 
    celebrate those moment together.

5. All these years I have missed my long forgotten
    friends from all races and religion and I still 
    remember their names and nick names as well..

6. I missed those days by thinking others do feel
    the same that my long time known friends will miss 
    those moments as I am and I do believe those days
    generations are truly Malaysians including my 
    friends which I am so proud of and I use this as a
    great memories to educate and tell the younger  

7. And now to be honest, I have met almost all the
    key personnel friends that I have mentioned 
    above and we are together in the whats app
    group named as "SRK (2) KKB 75-80"

8. It is 28 of them and 29 include me.

9. And today I am really sad, all my dream, all
    my memories were drifted in vain.

10. Those memories remain memories, those good
      time remain good times and I am truly feel so sad 
      why I meet this so call ex-friends again.

11. Today I quit the group and go on with
      my life and believe me or not my another non  
      Malays friend just whats app me telling me that he
      too left the group and I told him, me too have the same
      feeling and I am in the mid of writing about my
      intention to quit too.

12. I feel this Malaysian feelings are no more exist
      in Malaysians anymore.

13. Every one is looking up to their own clan, believe
      and religion and the others are just pendatang  
     (immigrant) who share this country (not share but tumpang).
     The Non Malays of this country are 
      kulis' (Slaves) and they are the Tuan (BOSS).

14. We must work and pay the tax but they will
      pay Zakat and this Zakat money will go to their 
      needy (Their own clan). I must pay tax for my
      income and that too will go to their benefit
      and welfare so call for the country.

15. From buying house, university, education
      opportunity, JOB opportunity, business 
      opportunity and business loan opportunity will
      goes to them as first choice. I have to lick 
      what ever balance left. 

16. The friend that I miss and mention above is no more.
      They are no more the friends I use to know. 
      They are no more the one I want call truly Malaysian.
      The are totally strangers to me....

17. All I see, they are no more the same person as I use
      to know. They are more into their own clan, 
      remain close among those come from the same
      believes and you wont believe that they have the 
.     ketuanan Melayu attitude still tick in their skull head.

18. They have forgotten their success come from the non
      Malays sacrifice. I will repeat again for a thousand  
      times, that their success came by punching
      the non Malays below the belly.

19. I have a non Malays friend in the same group,
      he was the best student and awarded best student   
      in all the exams but he only end up as a pilot with
      his SPM certification. But many those who  
      don't even come near to his result are sitting their
      fat ass in a comfortable seat with over sea 
      100% sponsored study and job opportunity and
      all these come from the tax money paid by the non 
      Malays and comes from opportunity robbed from the non

20. Not only that, but they too have a mind set
      that they are the TUAN and I am the kuli or
      pendatang (immigrant)

21. They also forgot their successes are created
      with the government policy is not blessed as this is  a
       slave policy that to step on another in order
       to get self benefit and no wonder they still left  
       behind and still cant catch or even par with their
       non Malay friend success.

22.  I will say it again that their success today is
       base on NON Malays sacrifice. Education sacrifice,
       business opportunity sacrifice, loan sacrifice,
       own a home sacrifice, JOB opportunity sacrifice.
23.  All these opportunity which belong to the NON
       Malays were rob and given to their own
       clan people.

23. What is the different between the colonials
      who rob the countries wealth compare to these people
      who ROB their own country man??

24. Coming back to these group, simply to make
      it simple, they just don't see you exist in this world.

25. They purposely blind their eyes and ignore the
      existent of their fellow friend and they don't feel
      the guilt in them that they have taken another
      man's opportunity and take away his rice bowl.

26. They have the saying, if its not blessed, it will
      be a curse. When it was cursed, you are doomed.

What I wrote above came from my own experience
and it may defer with other. I don't judge all but what
I am saying, if this not stopped, soon disaster shall strike.
Taking away another man's rice bowl is the worse
curse and no wonder they are still left behind and
these types of practice will bring them further
down with GOD's plan....

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Friday, October 5, 2018

Racist Party - Practiced Racial Sentiment

Umno vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob is confident that the Malays will start supporting Umno again because the current Pakatan Harapan government does not have policies that can help the community.

Everyone clearly knows and seen the result of GE14 that topples 60 years old ruling government. Everyone specially those like me have seen the so called impossible made possible changes with the voice of rakyat. (The People)

Now, again we all know the idea of Malaysia is no more the old way of ruling which is based on racial base party and ketuanan.

These both way of ruling which was the idea of the colonial were no more relevant to Malaysia any longer.

Even though Malaysia have the most numbers in multi racial ethnics, but Malaysia have rejected the idea of racial base ruling.

The statistic shows more than 40% of the voters comes from the young generation and balance were mixed but certain percentage from this group do sent clear message that Malaysians no more fond of racial bias party.

First of all why do we need to reject racial base idealism?? The answer is...

When we were in school, we were thought English mostly by Indian teacher and math by Chinese teachers. As a student we sit in a class full of all race such as Malays, Chinese and Indians. and we had no problem getting the knowledge.

The Indian and Chinese had Malay leaders all the way and it is not an issue and we always welcome any race leaders to be our leader.

Beside these two race, only Malays are the one "shouting" "ketuanan" and no one is rejecting if they wanna be tuan or leader.

But do there have the quality and qualification to be one?

Just because you have the majority, it doesnt make them alpha dog to lead the pac.

I would rather say, the UMNO idealism Malays have sabotage the "Ketuanan" by using it on their own clan. Because they know they can't over smart the Indians and the Chinese.

They place their card very well. They "chong" the Malay brothers by using the religion as a weapon, so they wont reject or question them as well.

This also goes to MIC which represent the Malaysian Tamils and MCA represent the Chinese.

I wonder how a Malay trust an Indian bus driver?

I wonder how a Indian trust the Chinese taxi driver?

I wonder how Chinese trust the Indian tea maker for a cup of tea?

I do wonder all the subject were thought by Indian and Chinese teachers never made them learn something or gone in vain?

And so, the racial base politic is no more relevant and it has sent the message that the "rakyat" have reject it.

But still UMNO political party is depending on the same old idea which strictly sticking on the race base and ketuanan Melayu.

They still haven't learn that these two were the main reason for their lost...


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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Little Nepoleons

Little Napoleons still exist, at least in the third tier of government - local councils - which approve anything from hawker licences to the construction of huge townships. Their notoriety to hide under officialdom is no secret but had been adopted as a “Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Upon being elected in May, the government promised transparency and accountability. It declared that nothing would be hidden or swept under the carpet. Citizens rejoiced getting multiple doses of records and numbers in a series and over several weeks.

We knew about the gaping holes in the collection of government revenue; we were informed of the humongous salaries earned by heads of government agencies; and the exorbitant allowances paid to directors of government-linked-companies and even government departments. In short, little remained secret.

For a while, it was “novelty” - learning one fact after another - and it did not end with the announcement of the voluminous seizure of money and valuables from the residence of the daughter of the former prime minister. Eyeballs popped out when the loot was eventually toted up. Then the list of “beneficiaries” of monies stolen from 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) drew even bigger and louder oohs and aahs.

While every Malaysian would like to thank the authorities who helped us learn the extent of the looting of our coffers, the same cannot be said of the access to simple information from local councils.

The brash and impetuous manner in which the request by residents was handled is reminiscent of the bad old days. There was a time when even innocuous requests for basic information were denied – often (ab)using the civil service mantra – the Official Secrets Act (OSA).

However, it is apparent that for some senior DBKL officials, little or nothing has changed. They still want to continue ruling the roost with their autocratic rule, which is oppressive and repressive by nature.

Residents want access to all information, including the Developmental Impact Assessment (DIA), Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) and the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for good reasons.

They want to study these documents and comprehend the implications of the proposed 46-storey service condominium being erected at their doorstep. Besides, the apartments project, two other condominiums - one of 48 storeys and another, 42 storeys, are being developed in the neighbourhood.

Residents want to know if the existing infrastructure is enough to sustain these additional units.
These are relevant when the residents attend a public hearing on the project on Oct 16 but DBKL’s City Planning department director Nurazizi Mokhtar declared that there is “no need” to furnish residents with the project's traffic impact assessment (TIA) report.

“There is no need to (give them the TIA report)... We do everything following the rule of law, and at the moment there is no such requirement,” Malaysiakini quoted Nurazizi as saying.

He argued that there is no such requirement (to provide) but there is also no requirement to “hide” the report or prevent access to the public. Fortunately, he did not throw the OSA card!

So, what are they going to discuss at the meeting with zero information on the project? Nurazizi may need a lecture or a lesson in the rule of law but his bloopers continue.

The developer, he clarified, had not fulfilled the conditions needed for a social impact assessment (SIA), development impact assessment (DIA) or an environmental impact assessment (EIA).

How did his department accept a development application without the complete documentation? If these have not been done, why have a hearing in the first place? Why is DBKL in such a hurry? Surely, it does not represent the developer!

If the government can tell us the cost of transportation projects involving several billion ringgit, why can’t assessment reports be made public by local authorities?

The time has come for ministers to crack the whip on those who deny basic information to the public. What is being sought (in most instances) is information that should have been in public domain. Without facts and figures, how do they make a decision?

R NADESWARAN has been writing on local councils for four decades and says they have to change their attitude and outlook to be in line with the aspirations of the government. Comments:

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Najib Razak Charged Again With Additional 4 Chargers.

Ex Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak shall be charged in High Court today. This was an additional charges after the previous that was charged on the 4th of July 2018.

  • That you at the Prime Minister's office obtained RM42 million and in conflict approved the KWAP fund to the amount of RM4 billion.
  • That you at AmIslamic Bank, as a public officer entrusted with SRC International, obtained RM27 million.
  • That you at AmIslamic Bank, as emeritus advisor of SRC, received RM5 million.
  • That you at AmIslamic Bank received RM10 million from SRC International.
Anyway, this is Karma revisited.. let him face the music that he composed. Let him dance for the tune that he directed. Let him feel the pain that he caused for rakyat....

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Monday, August 6, 2018

Letter To CIA

I was moved and I was jumping in shock when I heard a letter was written and sent to CIA by some jokers under the era of BN and Najib.

Even the ex PM has denied of being aware of such letter written to CIA, still there are many question laid unanswered.

How could a Malaysian representative that represent The Government of Malaysia, the Defense Ministry of Malaysian and the Home Ministry, wrote a letter to CIA asking for a support to win the GE14???

This person is a traitor to Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Di Pertuan Agung and the law of the country.

How could BN and Najib can be so low to lick the ass of CIA??

Correct me if I am wrong but what have been done is totally insane and I strongly believe she / he was ordered by some BN dumb ass to do so. 

Squishing her balls (if she have any) would spill the bean and the naked truth should be revealed.

As far as I am concern, no arrest have been made. No statement to continue her action is not update and everyone playing mum on this issue.

If in China, this person would be shoot to kill.

We Malaysia should practice the same as traitors to the county has no place in the country infact they should be sentence to dead penalty.

What else the Razak family has done??? Is he really dumb or he was made dumb by the black magic of his wife. 

I have seen dumb ass but I never came across someone is so dumb as a stray dog...

OI have seen dumb ass but never seen a "dayus" that living under his wife's sarong and believe in BOMOH?

Is he a true Muslim?? I doubt.... 

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Monday, July 2, 2018

How the Malays can be richer - Hard work or free gift??

The first policy of reserving almost all the government-sponsored university places for the Malays should be changed. As it is, even low-grade Malays want to go to universities instead of starting work as apprentice or tradesmen.

The second policy of reserving all the civil service, army and navy for the Malays should be changed. As it is, all the Malays who could not enter the universities would join the civil service, the army or navy. They are sure of getting free meal tickets for life. Why should they take the risk by doing business?

The third policy is to stop giving free meal, free money, free food, free that and this to Malays friend. I am telling this because this is the only way you can make some one move.

For an example - When a fisher man was given subsidy and basic pay, they stop going to sea to catch fish and the fish price become more expensive.

This going top FELDA settler too. You give them basic pay and hey stop going to work.

Unlike the Malaysian Tamils and Malaysian Chinese, they were force to wake up and move because they have no choice. They have no other way except to move to get a meal for a day.

So, stop free bits for anyone, because it will bring down the productivity.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Who Lets The Dogs out... ?? Woof woof woof....

Mongolian national Setev Shaariibuu is not concerned with ex-police commando Sirul Azhar Umar - the man convicted of killing his daughter Altantuya.

Instead, Setev wants to know who ordered his daughter to be killed.

"I don't want to talk about Sirul, or about the death penalty (he faces).

"The most important thing is who ordered for this murder... Not Sirul," Setev said at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.

Likewise, his lawyer Ramkarpal Singh also said that Sirul was not important to a possible re-opening of the Altantuya murder investigation, as there is evidence to be found here.

He also argued that it is likely police already know who ordered the killing, and it would not take long for this matter to be brought to light - Malaysiakini 

lvbala said;

I have ask this question before... is Sirul is so important than Azilah (Azilah is the officer who instructed Sirul to pull the trigger) ASP Azilah is in prison. 

Isn't it Azilah should know better than Sirul?? Sirul is just a hit man who and follow orders from his boss ASP Azilah. ASP Azilah is the one who receive instruction from the unknown person to carry out the murder. 

Soon or later we will know the truth.... it will prevail. This is Karma...

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Monday, June 11, 2018

News Freedom - Pakatan Harapan

By blasting A Kadir Jasin’s recent blog as disparaging to the monarchy, prime minister-in-waiting, Anwar Ibrahim, is sending the wrong signals about press freedom that has been promised by the new Pakatan Harapan coalition.

If you keep your mouth shut, they will accuse you for not reacting. If you say something else, they will create another story. 

I am referring to DSAI's comment toward Kadir Jasin. Kadir recently selected to be part of the  special committee that will look into the recovery and boos up Malaysia's economy. This group is also name Tun Dain, Zetti, Robert Quak as the lead role in it.

What was the hot news is Kadir have made a press statement regarding the allocation allocated for the King and the Palace have touch almost to 0.25% trillion ringgit Malaysia pay out last year,

This allocation also included in maintaining the Palace and utility bills, salary of those who is working in Palace as well.

According to Kadir, this is an expenses that can be reduce to support the boost for Malaysian economy.

But at the end what went wrong is that, Kadir was accused of bad mouth towards the monarchy. This is a different issue at all.

But accusing DSAI who made a comment is more twisted to media freedom rather than monarchy comments. 

 comment made about the monarchy has been twisted into media freedom. Please do not take me wrong cause all I understand in bad mouth about monarchy is one issue and media freedom is anothe issue.

Is it true? I feel no. A big no to all Malaysians.

Why did I say that? I said it because it was not the issue about news freedom but it is all about commenting about our monarchy. Kasin was shot cause he stir up the monarchy shit hole.

I agree and Malaysians too agree with me that KING is our symbol and King is our pride. But I am quit surprise when some of us supported Queen Elizabeth but we are not supporting our own king.

Yes many too have question why we love England queen but we hate our own king?

When I ask some of my friends, why is the above situation exist and their comment was, if we have one king than we would understand but every state have king and we have to accommodate all of them. Too many Sultans and too many payout.

I too agree with some of their opinion but this is not the reason for anyone to condemn our monarcy. 

I believe anyone can talk about anyone or anyhing but the way we say it out is the most important.

We can comment but not condemn.


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Monday, June 4, 2018


The duo that were missed many years back and returned to safe Malaysia...

Saving Malaysia... rebuild. Make her and Asian Tigresses again...

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New AG

Here we go with a hiccups of being racial emerge again when the honorable rulers making a stand on choosing the new AG (Attorney-general).

Many have said and stil rumors and the story about racial still being an issue to cj=hooce he right Attorney General.

While most Malaysians know that candidate in waiting list is more than enough to be one of the best AG in the country.

These choices has been identified and named by many in Malaysia through social media and news channels.

As every one knows Ghani Patail has been an AG for some times and he resign for some reason behind 1MDB.

Later Apandi took over and there is where we found devastating result and finding, even some cases were blindly closed and secretly kept and protected by the law.

I will never blame the AG in a way cause they are totally controlled by the politicians. The politicians are the one usually take control of what the AG need to say or not and in some cases the other way around.

What so ever, Ambiga and Thomas is one of the well known lawyers and experience in the bar council for many years.

As been aware, Tuesday 5th 0f June, the rulers shall be having a meeting to confirm on the right candidate to sit as an AG in Malaysia.

Many debated that, a Muslim AG is needed as this is as Islamic country (Islam is the official religion), this country is nor an Islamic country as what have been louded by many half boiled eggs.

Does we really need to look into racial  matter before choosing teh AG? What happen to the Muslim AG (Apandi) before? Does everyone happy about his performance?

NIL NIL NIL.... what prove you need more that an AG must a person with balls and stern and not by race or religion.

Though for the day. 

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Friday, June 1, 2018

Tabung Harapan Malaysia

Safe the country from the pirates is one thing, to rebuild is totally a different matter.

Re-build is needed and vital or if not our effort saving the country will go in vain and the same old story shall emerge again.

And to rescue and to re build the country, each Malaysians should play their part according to their ability.

Money as low as RM10 shall be good enough to contribute to our beloved nation. It is not the money alone but CARE and LOVE plays the most important role.

I have done my part and I did it twice because I felt, we are creating history to the coming generation.

We are showing a great example, that we can choose what we want and build the country if we stand together as one.

We have proven that Malaysians are the greatest citizen of the whole world. I say this because, even though we are living in multi cultural and multi religious believes, we still mange to sand as one and that is LOVE and PEACE and freedom...

Do your part and make our country proud again...
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Thursday, May 31, 2018

No Money No Talk - UMNO in Dryland

 It must be informed that the headquarters had studied the party's financial position and would like to inform that the funding to division and wings, has to cease, beginning May 2018.

"It is, however, hoped that the divisions and wings will continue operations as usual. Your cooperation on the matter is much appreciated," read the letter.

Above statement came from the UMNO Sectretary General. Is he still holding the post?? WTF...

Do I need to eloborate further?

Hope you understand that no money no talk is the total culture of UMNO. and to withness this statement is carry weight, we have to wait for another 6 months to see if UMNO still alive or "Hanya tinggal batu nesan" .

Who 's money has been paid to the party workers??

Is it from multi culture rakyat's money to run your single racist party?? Can any one clear me with this?

I am puzzled....

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Tabung Harapan Malaysia - Do your part !!

We have saved Malaysia. We have saved this proud land of us from the pirates and the kleptocracy.

The day 09th of May 2018 shall be forever remembered. A day that Malaysian have decided to change the face of Malaysia.

On top of it Malaysia too stand as a benchmark to many country that need changes and Malaysia have thought them how to get it done with out spill of blood.

All you have to do is just vote !

And today Malaysian stand proud to have new Malaysia and today too Malaysians need to protect our jewel on the crown. 

I can go on and on talking about it for the next 5 years and so, cause truly, all Malaysians have made Malaysia proud.

Further more, look at leader that was leading Malaysians. Of course DSAI is one of the freedom fighter and have opened Malaysians eyes that we need to stay together and do never let anyone destroy the harmony and take away our precious peace.

Tun came along and made it check mate. But no one is greater as much as every proud Malaysian. 

Remember another thing my readers:

1. Saving in one thing.
2. Protect what we have is another matter.
3. Build the nation again to roar as "asian tiger" should be our endless fight. 

Now we are given a chance to build. We are given a growing child and we have to build her to roar again. Our leaders have made it clear and good enough to tell the truth so we all know where we are standing.

Nothing actually wrong about it. further more the result of having depts expected. Now we know what to do next, we have to build and so let it be....

The easiest way to contribute is to donate. Now we have 1 trillion of depths to clear. We Malaysian have shown keen interest to help and contribute and I too have contributed. No matter how much but as little as RM1 is needed from you with kind heart. You can always do it again and again.

Remember rakyats, we are creating history for the future generation to come. Our kids will be proud to tell their siblings that their parents have fought and saved the country. They too have stand together to architect the country and rebuild it to be Asian Tiger again.. (Great story to be....)

I was so touch on the 1st day, a Chinese uncle contributed RM1200. I was really moved and I too feel a DAP Chinese is more patriotic than those who claim to be BUMIPUTRA shit on this land.

Help the country, it is our country, she needs us. She is waiting for each one of us to patch the wound and clear the dirt. I am so touch when I type this word of "she need us now"....  yes she need us and here we are waiting with an open arm to hold, to calm, to protect and to lift her up again.....

Be a TRULY Malaysian.


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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

14 Days After GE Tsunami... The Saga Continues

The Saga Continues...

1. PM Tun Mahathir announce 10% pay cut from PH cabinet members.

2. SPAD, JASA, JKKKP, PEMANDU and MPC has been given green light to abolish.

3. Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today announced the dissolution of five government bodies and committees - the National Council of Professors (NPC), the Federal Village Development and Safety Committees (JKKKP), the Prime Minister's Department and Performance and Delivery Unit (Pemandu), the Special Affairs Department (Jasa) and Land Public Transport Commission (Spad).

Above action is to reduce unnecessary wastage for unproductive pay out. 

4. PM Tun M also mentioned, 17k unproductive staff will be terminated immediately. These are the staff appointed by politician for their use and aid. These people are paid for being part of the group and to up lift the politician when in need.

5. One of a good example for the above wastage is "Pengerusi Lembaga Tabung Haji". Polis telah merampas duit tunai hampir RM500k dan wang asing serta barangan kemas dimana keseluruhan nilai rampasan mencecah RM 1 juta. The case is being investigated under Section 16 of the MACC Act 2009 pertaining to soliciting/receiving gratification.

6.  Penang CM term limited to two term - great move

7. Arul Kanda has been summoned by Ministry of Finance.  

8. I believe more to come...

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

I am confuse what and which one...

After the GE14, the Malaysian media became very interesting new post.

Amazingly, TV3 1/4, RTM, BH, Utusan and etc etc became very neutral and sometimes siding to PH in reporting and I feel this is not a good news cause we don't go around to support those who have power in hand. We call them hypocrites.

The news about healing Malaysia is everywhere.
The news about Najib going down, trial after trial is still some thing anxious to wait...
Then awaiting news about each morons and monkeys who supported Najib will be the next in waiting...

Me too, too buzy getting the updates and writing so that all this will be recorded for my future reference. Hence I too forgot to update my own blog... .

Anyway, last but not least, today Najib has been called and still in MACC office (22/5/18 - 1431hrs)

No one knows how long this marathon going to last but I know something for sure that Najib is going to Jail...

Not only me, but 10 out of 10 Malaysians are hoping Najib will be punish and rotten in jail for all the money laundering, murder and harassment he made together with his wife Rosmah....

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Week after GE14

It has been a week after GE14 and I am still celebrating and reading every articles and statement which comes from all sort of people with regards to the history making winning of PH in GE14. 

From Marina Mahathir to a DBKL worker, it almost sound the same. They felt the same, they wanted the same freedom and they what freedom for Malaysia from draconian Najib. 

But the most important of all is, Malaysians has come together to save the country from Lanuns and penyangaks bugis that almost made us bangkrupt.

When I compare, the experience faced by many on GE14, is much more greater than what I have gone through. Hearing the news that many Malaysians travel from UK and Australia just to safe Malaysia on the poling day, as tough many have come early and some even slept in the car wait for the poling center to open is much greater than my own experience.

I travel almost 750 KM from Penang to Rawang and back to Penang on the same day, after he result was finalized, I travel back to Rawang another 350km to celebrate the public holiday given by new government.  

And today the news that I have been waiting that DSAI will be freed struct deep in my heart and with out me knowing tear of joy starts to flow. I dont know why but I am very sure it was a tears of joy and happiness....

And as you guys know, the pardon process and and the release and the solidarity gathering to DSAI last nite is gigantic. Every word and expression from every leaders reflect the true Malaysia every rakyat dream of having.

Many comment admitting we are proud to be Malaysian I am proud to be a Malaysian start going around reflect the rakyat have spoken right from their heart.

Deeply in my heart, I use to think Malaysians have not changed and will not change cause they were force to adopt the way of Najib. They were cornered in every aspect to admit and agree to everything with out objection.

At the end, it was similiar to the HINDI / Indian bollywood movie, happy ending at last. The good guys were released, Bad guys go back to prison and hero live happily ever after with family and the throne is return to where it should beind.

The main character in the story is Tun... we will wait for his next move to complete what was left behind.

Hidup Tun, Hidup DSAI.... I love Malaysia

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Message - GE14

The hour has finally come – tomorrow, millions of Malaysians will shuffle to the polling booths to cast their precious votes in what has been billed as the “mother of all elections”.

The 14th general election is like no other: this time around, there is a very real possibility that Umno – the grand old party – will be toppled in a major victory for the opposition alliance.

It is at this crucial time that the fate of the country will be decided by the simple citizens who have the power, for just one day, to reshape the political landscape.

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PRU14 > 24 hours.

As you know, its only left less than 24 hours to go to for GE14 and less than 24 hours to go for you to make the change.

Why is that everyone is talking about changes??

Have you ever thought about it??

Have you ever thought about changing the one who has been in power for 60 over years?

Yes, it is time to think about the both above and it is our chances to make the changes now...

Vote for them and you will see no different and if you change your vote you shall see some changes. What are the changes that we are talking about now??

 Changes to change the ruling collusion and choose Pakatan Harapan to take charge of the country.

Our choice is Tun and what else can be wrong?? Proven one of the most success PM as the world have seen. He made us ASIAN Tiger that roar as a champion. 

You should also never forget that Tun M made so many errors while he is in Power but he openly declared and repent to his past mistakes. Further more all those decisions came from those in charge and Tun M may be have trusted him to carry out his task with out any fear and fare to all.

And today we too have witness the number of "Rakyat" turn up on every Pakatan Harapan rally. People have made up their mind and they have made their decision to change what we have currently.

Tonight shall be a gala nite and PH have announced that our future PM Tum M shall go live tonight  and he have a very improtant mandate to be annouceed.

Please never miss and stay put, stay clear and vote for Pakatan Harapan cause they are the only hope (HARAPAN) to change the corrupted ruling government.  

Hidup Tun, Hidup DSAI, Hidup Pakatan....

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Monday, May 7, 2018

Tsunami Rakyat.... Semarak 2018

Good day and nothing much to say except to witness the great turn over by rakyat in Jalan Semarak last night (06/05/2018)

It was a historical moment for the PH to gain such huge gigantic supporters turn over in a wet late night. Rakyat storm the weather to show support to the upcoming new government Pakatan Harapan

I was watching the whole scenario in You Tube and FB live telecast which we face some glitch with the internet connection and buzzing but manage to get the whole picture of the gathering.

It was over 25 thousand viewers watching the rally live through out the night.  

Never in my life as far as I know such huge crowd turn out to support opposition to show their support to change the current government in power. 

And yes I agree, it is time to change. Dont ask me why? I dont have the answer one to one but it is a collectoral decisions to change after seeing them ruling for 60 over years.

60 years in ruling is too long for any ruling party or collusion to stay in power. It is too addictive and make one to become more greedy to stay in power.

Not only to the above but many more changes need to be made, some of it as per below: 

But of course immediate changes needed to change / Abolish AUKU 1970 (Akta University and Kolej University 1970) that created the percentage base on race (Malay / Chinese / Indian).

AUKU 1970 need to change as part of equal rights as a citizen in Malaysia no matter what ever race they are. DEP policy in education is a wrong move cause it have created a comfort zone for the Malay. They only have to put 50 % of the effort that the non Malays are committed into and the Malays will get the first choice and only then the others shall be considered. 

Anyway, the above situation is good and the blessed non Malays have increase their hard work and even strive better result  every year till to the point, no Malays can challenge them.

DEB policy for non Malays to be abolish in buying property as well. The non Malays need to pay 10% up front as a deposit cause property loan only will be given 90% unlike for the Malays were given 100% or more. Don't you think it is crazy?

Non Malays intake to public service on ly 10% and top position can't be hols by teh non Malaya. Chief of Police, Chief Justice, AG, Menteri Besar, Prime Minister etc etc.

Many more to be high lighted, many more to be abolish, many more to be correct and many more to be re align and only Tun Mahathir knows better cause basically he is responsible for the changes and the divine intervention has give him a second chance to correct his mistake. 

And finally, it is our chance to change. This is the time to see changes in the land that we have been calling mother land. Now is the time to make Malaysia for all Malaysian.

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Friday, May 4, 2018

Tun Mahathir - 2020

Mahathir should re-hash the NEP and ensure an affirmative action policy for all deserving Malaysians regardless of race or creed. Electing him as prime minister again to right the wrongs he made previously is the “punishment” the people impose on him. 

The biggest gift of the people could be to see him as the leader in 2020 when his pet project - Vision 2020 - becomes an achievement and reality.

lvbala said;

Reading some of the points high lighted in one of the writing in Malaysiakini as above really made me think that this is the only way to payback and to prove himself that he walk what he commit is to elect Tun M again to correct his mistake and and full fill all those promises he made to Rakyat.

Rather than talking and bring down his poster, I rather feel it is time to choose and reelect Tun M to be the next PM is the right choice to value the weight on his commitment and identify his honesty.

He have lots of unfinished business and the most critical of it is Vision 2020 and he should witness the achievement of what he have started for the benefits of rakyat. 

It is his dream and it is the dream of the rakyat as well to witness Malaysia to be the country for all Malaysians.

Malaysia use to be called as Asian Tiger and we need that title again and the only choice is to make Tun Mahathir as PM again.

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

GE 14

What else to talk and write except some story of GE14.

In the recent development, we have seen the most cheapest drama was DIRECTED by politicians. And everyday new actors are emerging as a hero of their own agenda movies.

But most of the GE14 political story is a recycle story which is all about TUN and LKS? These stories about them has been  around for decades and most of it has no effect on the readers. among the most scary and most feared story is about ;

1. If LKS and DAP take over the government, means all Malays rights will be abolish....
2. If DAP win, Islam and the other matter with regards to religion shall be second handed.

I believe this story has no more effect on the Muslims and Malays.

If there is anyone still in limbo regarding rights and religion of this country, than I believe those are the people who doesn't know anything about law and order related with our constitution and hey need to be high lighted.

We should only feel pity but we take our responsibility and reach those who need to be enlighten. We can always start with our own family members than friends and other through sosial media.

It is noyt and easy task and time is running out but with the addiction of sosial medias such as FB and others channels we can achieve this.

They must be enlighten that no religion or rights of certain clans will be abilish and innitially that is not the main idea of taking over Putrajaya but infact it is about saving the county from the thieves and Pirates.

GE14 is about stopping the further damage done to the country.

GE14 is about protecting what we have built

GE14 is about preventing his country from further damage.

GE14 is all about saving our future and our childrens future

GE14 is all about correcting those mistakes we have done.

GE14 is all about you me and them to live together in harmony.

GE14 is all about getting back into the right track

Many more can be called, and can be define but the main purpose is getting it right to the right people to elect the right government and picking the right leader who can protect the rights of  Malaysians.

You can add on your rights below in the comment....

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Tun & LKS - A Tag Team

Watching Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Lim Kit Siang sharing screen space reminds me of the World Wrestling Entertainment.

Two wrestlers can be sworn enemies tearing each other apart for months and suddenly become best friends, even to the extent of becoming tag team partners. It is all too melodramatic.
In the last general election, Mahathir urged the people of Gelang Patah to end Lim’s political career. He mocked Lim by saying Malaysia had had six prime ministers thus far but DAP had been led by the same person the whole time.

In response, Lim challenged Mahathir to stand against him in the election and to see whose political career would come to an end. Lim then alleged that Mahathir was the de facto prime minister because Najib Razak sang to Mahathir’s tune.

He claimed that Mahathir would go against anybody who did not listen to him, citing Abdullah Badawi as an example.

Only five years later, they are walking together hand in hand. Perhaps it is time to end the political careers of both chameleons. Mahathir has admitted that his stand against DAP throughout his career was politically motivated as DAP was then his enemy.

He also said all the things said against him were just “politics” and that nothing was really true. So, these people took the whole country for a ride for decades and only spoke against each other to stay in power?

I was keep to report this article written by Karamjit Gill in FMT and just want to share on how does nature or shall I say, this is how Divine power works.
These are the Karmas and the way divine has planned for every one...

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Tun M - Grab

Pakatan Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad has clarified he did not state that e-hailing services will be abolished if the opposition coalition wins the coming general election.

In a Twitter posting, the former premier said he had mentioned that the current legislation would be reviewed to ensure that the rights of both, e-hailing services and taxi drivers, are protected.

“Please spread this tweet so people would know how desperate the pro-BN media is. They know Grab drivers and taxi drivers reject Umno-BN,” he added, describing the reports as fake news.

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GE 14 Hot Topics.

In GE13, I wrote the most numbers of articles, and I hope I can beat the numbers before the coming GE14.

Lets start today with the return of Mr. T in the GE14 and the most popular icon in the eye of the world.

According to the survey done by some Britain news agency, Tun Mahathir is holding 15% of the most popular man in Malaysia followed by Bill Gates which holds 8.5% and PM Najib Tun Razak is only holding 2.4 %.

Even tough this popular votes will never determine the GE winner, but never before the return of a man in the age of 93 became so admired by everyone even from the Barisan Nasional and I know they can't admit it, fear of losing everything.

I am sure the above shows the support and increase of certain value in the GE14. I mean the more they talk about him, he is becoming more popular and this will contribute more support and more vote for Pakatan Rakyat.

We also witnessed the number of supporters turn up when every time TUN is invited. They do come with their own accord with out any monetarily support. The come with their own expenses.

I believe even though,  some Major figures are no more in the race such as Dr Seeram, Tian Chua, Rafizi, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Gan Pei Nei but the team is becoming more stronger with new faces such as Brother Siddiq, Khairuddin and Bersih chairman and many more.

Selangor and Penang will be a dream winning state for BN as the state has shown proven result of the progress state. These state contain the most numbers of Intelligent who never depend on RTM and TV3 for the latest update news. And it is not that easy to change the mindset of these intellectuals.

To spice up the GE14, many topics has been recognize to give Pakatan Rakyat plus points in campaigning. The most talk about topics are 1MDB follow by the MO1 named by DOJ (USA), the siege of Equanimity by Indonesian authority, Police personnel Siruj who is in Australian custody who was related with the murder of Ms. Altantunya the Mongolian model,  Missing Felda lands, Proton being sold to China and relating China in another mega project which is the ERL project and etc etc.

The return of the 1MDB bought items by Leonardo De Caprio and Australian model also have given a great impact to Malaysia prime minister's beloved 1MDB company.

I would say, and many have said, this GE14 shall be the mother of all GE in Malaysia and I hope this GE can be the platform to make some changes in the country. Changes for a better nation....

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Judge by the Rakyat... 2018 GE14

Amidst all the headlines that caught my attention, this one quoting Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil stands out: “Shahrizat will let people 'judge' Rafidah's attitude”.

When I scanned all the other headlines, I could only make one conclusion: that Umno and Barisan Nasional are losing their lustre to woo the people’s hearts – and their votes!

When Selangor caretaker Menteri Besar Azmin Ali took a Grab home after surrendering his official vehicle, all that Umno deputy information chief Mat Nadzari Ahmad Dahlan could say is that it was a “stunt”.

I also see that it is payback time for Umno, which is also fast losing its support base, with the latest open declaration by former TV3 personality Wardina Safiyyah. I suspect more will be coming out to lash out at Umno and the BN in the weeks leading to the general election.

Even a crown prince got his hands burnt when he made some comments suggesting that we should keep BN in power. Within just one day, I received so many messages that one after another has caused me to even lose my respect for him.

So, when I read Shahrizat’s comments about her predecessor, Rafidah Aziz, I could not help but be among the first to give her a piece of my mind. I see a totally different phenomenon now, compared to the last two general elections.

A revolt by people of all races...

In this general election, I see not only a revolt by the Chinese or the Indians but by people of all races, including my Sarawakian friends who are coming out in the open to express their disgust over the way how the country is run.

Soon, I believe we will also be receiving video clips from others like the sister of Teoh Beng Hock, Namewee and Bilqis Hijjas (the woman who was charged for dropping yellow balloons in front of Najib and Rosmah), to name just a few.

Therefore, I am not surprised that many others will come forward to tell Shahrizat what they think of her, and what they think of Rafidah.

Rafidah has been in charge of the International Trade and Industry Ministry from 1987 to 2008. In total, 21 years. Her name was synonymous to Miti. When you mention Miti, you think of Rafidah Aziz. Today, I do not even know who the minister in charge of Miti is, unless I do a search on the internet.

Most of us know Rafidah as the Iron Lady. In the past, she has always been very vocal but unlike her fellow cabinet minister S Samy Vellu, we enjoyed listening to Rafidah.

Of course, there was the Approved Permit (APs) that we knew about her, but she was the type of politician, despite you disagreeing with her, you would still respect her for her openness. For that reason, the business community found her to be a wonderful guest to invite to special events.

My first encounter with Shahrizat

My first encounter with Shahrizat was when she was MP of Lembah Pantai. I was doing an article on the playground at an apartment in Sri Sentosa. Shahrizat agreed to provide a new set of playground equipment for the residents. That, of course, impressed me.

When there was a battle between Shahrizat (photo) and the Umno Wanita incumbent, of course, I was in favour of the new face Shahrizat over Rafidah. I saw Shahrizat as the slightly more gentle type of lady compared to Rafidah, yet my respect for Rafidah has never ceased.

Shahrizat was, therefore, one of my favourite invitees when I organised a wheelchair marathon from Cheras to TV3 featuring former TV3 newscaster, Ras Adibah Radzi.

Let me put it this way. My respect for Shahrizat had waned off after the RM240 million scandal involving her husband and the National Feedlot Corporation came to light.

I still remember her, as the women affairs minister, rolling up her fist to “fight” with whistleblower Rafizi Ramli. There went my respect for Shahrizat!

When Rafidah came into the forefront recently with her statements, and the latest expose of the land scam allegedly involving Najib as the then defence minister, respect for Rafidah started to return. Why did it take her so long to finally bring this case to the forefront?

Better late than never. This is at least how I feel when Rafidah’s expose was first published on her Facebook account. As the no-nonsense woman that she is, I believe what Rafidah said in her post.
At least, she has the courage to do what is right. When she raises her hands, she does not pull back her punches. This is Rafidah Aziz, the woman who has finally rocked the boat.

This is my view and opinion about the woman they call the Iron Lady.

STEPHEN NG is an ordinary citizen with an avid interest in following political developments in the country since 2008.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018


hi all... I am back again and this time around I am going to rock you guys with news and "berita sensasi pilihanraya".

Anyway lets have a 1st look into the coming GE14 date to be announced.

I am sure you have heard this coming GE14 is going to be mother of all election and the possibility of the current ruling government to fall and the new dawn with new hope lead my former prime minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir is waiting to rock again and make Malaysia as a roaring "Asian Tiger" again.

Me, cant wait to do my part as a citizen and to choose who is going to rule again, and definitely not again I will choose those who have make Malaysia in famous again in the world.

Now let me remind you again... you have the power to Choose the reliable ruler to manage this country.

Never to do the same mistake twice.

Choose wisely.... 

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Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...