Everyone clearly knows and seen the result of GE14 that topples 60 years old ruling government. Everyone specially those like me have seen the so called impossible made possible changes with the voice of rakyat. (The People)
Now, again we all know the idea of Malaysia is no more the old way of ruling which is based on racial base party and ketuanan.
These both way of ruling which was the idea of the colonial were no more relevant to Malaysia any longer.
Even though Malaysia have the most numbers in multi racial ethnics, but Malaysia have rejected the idea of racial base ruling.
The statistic shows more than 40% of the voters comes from the young generation and balance were mixed but certain percentage from this group do sent clear message that Malaysians no more fond of racial bias party.
First of all why do we need to reject racial base idealism?? The answer is...
When we were in school, we were thought English mostly by Indian teacher and math by Chinese teachers. As a student we sit in a class full of all race such as Malays, Chinese and Indians. and we had no problem getting the knowledge.
The Indian and Chinese had Malay leaders all the way and it is not an issue and we always welcome any race leaders to be our leader.
Beside these two race, only Malays are the one "shouting" "ketuanan" and no one is rejecting if they wanna be tuan or leader.
But do there have the quality and qualification to be one?
Just because you have the majority, it doesnt make them alpha dog to lead the pac.
I would rather say, the UMNO idealism Malays have sabotage the "Ketuanan" by using it on their own clan. Because they know they can't over smart the Indians and the Chinese.
They place their card very well. They "chong" the Malay brothers by using the religion as a weapon, so they wont reject or question them as well.
This also goes to MIC which represent the Malaysian Tamils and MCA represent the Chinese.
I wonder how a Malay trust an Indian bus driver?
I wonder how a Indian trust the Chinese taxi driver?
I wonder how Chinese trust the Indian tea maker for a cup of tea?
I do wonder all the subject were thought by Indian and Chinese teachers never made them learn something or gone in vain?
And so, the racial base politic is no more relevant and it has sent the message that the "rakyat" have reject it.
But still UMNO political party is depending on the same old idea which strictly sticking on the race base and ketuanan Melayu.
They still haven't learn that these two were the main reason for their lost...
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