Thursday, May 31, 2018

No Money No Talk - UMNO in Dryland

 It must be informed that the headquarters had studied the party's financial position and would like to inform that the funding to division and wings, has to cease, beginning May 2018.

"It is, however, hoped that the divisions and wings will continue operations as usual. Your cooperation on the matter is much appreciated," read the letter.

Above statement came from the UMNO Sectretary General. Is he still holding the post?? WTF...

Do I need to eloborate further?

Hope you understand that no money no talk is the total culture of UMNO. and to withness this statement is carry weight, we have to wait for another 6 months to see if UMNO still alive or "Hanya tinggal batu nesan" .

Who 's money has been paid to the party workers??

Is it from multi culture rakyat's money to run your single racist party?? Can any one clear me with this?

I am puzzled....

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

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