May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire
To gladden your hearts and fill every desire.
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I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Happy Deepavali
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Power Of Meditation
If you want to use the power of thoughts to its fullest
potential, it is vital that you turn your thoughts inwards towards your
subconscious. You must learn to think consciously apart from the brain. The
brain, admittedly, is the most wonderful and useful instrument but when it
comes to creation of the highers order, the brain is like a strait-jacket which
restrict, binds and limits the thought processes of the subconscious mind. This
is where where meditation proves most valuable.
So, what exactly is meditation?
It is the quality of stillness, of mindfulness,
attentiveness and awareness of your inner self that lets you to tune in to the
voice of your subconscious. Meditation
is one of the most important things that will go a long way towards bringing
out the power within you. You must get away from the mad chaos and confusion
that is in the world today and retire to your own little quiet spot everyday for a little silence.
In this perpetual storm of existence, we must create our own oasis of peace, for how else
would it be possible to hear a tiny voice of our subconscious. You must shut out all noise and listen to the
voice of subconscious. You must always
adopt the listening attitude as though you were expecting to hear
You cannot go into the silence as long as you are thinking
about this world. It is vital that you silence your thoughts . Empty your mind.
You must learn to control your mind, and this is extremely essential. You have
to learn to close your mind to outside things.
Go into silence at least half and hour a day. Gradually,
extend this half and hour of meditation to an hour or better still two. As mention earlier, stillness is absolutely
essential if you want to bring out the power within you. This will make you to
become a transmitting station between your subconscious mind and yourself.
Your subconscious can give ideas so illuminating that success
in what ever you are doing or are about to do will be a certainty. This is how
you can develop your sixth senses. You are guided by your reasoning facuities to
reason things out and if you would listen to the voice of your subconscious and
pay attention to it, you will be right every time.
Learn to ask your subconscious mind to guide you and it will
do so. You will never make another mistake in your life if your are being
guided by the dictates of your subconscious mind. You need never again be
defeated by anything or anybody for your subconscious will give you success
techniques . You will rise above all kinds of foreseen and unforeseen obstacles
that life may put in your path.
Believe me, the more you visit your retreat, the more you
will like it. Empty your mind of all external things and turn your thoughts
inwards. Suddenly, you become conscious that you are listening. It hardly seems audible, yet you are sure
that you heard a whisper. You will be
certain of is an impelling urge, a sudden impulse to act or to do something, to
to somewhere and to see someone. You feel
guided. You will feel know you must act
on its guidance.
This is your subconscious directing you. With this help, you
will be able to check unfavorable conditions, overcome hardship of almost any
form. Write the thoughts that comes to you in a note-book designed for just
this purpose. Be guided by these thoughts.
Even if your going to a party, or meeting, ask your subconscious just before entering the room whom you should sit next to. You will
find that you are sitting next to someone who may offer you help or be of use
whatever it is that you desire.
You will be rightly directed through regular meditation, and
by practicing contemplation, you will gradually become purified and your
thoughts will become noble by the degree. You will feel shame to do or speak or think anything
unworthy and you will shrink from actually participating in act of evil. You
will be inspired to high endeavors.
Meditation is not concentration because concentration is
different thing all together. Learn to turn your thoughts inwards without
concentrating on anything specific. This is the finest way to talk things over
with your subconscious mind.
The voice of the subconscious is one of the greatest powers
GOD has given to us. If only people knew how to use this power, they could
easily obtain anything they wanted from life. There would be no limits to their
horizon if only people would allow their subconscious to guide them.
Again, let me tell you, what I have wrote today comes from
my reading and finding in the ealier stage, I have spoke about it to many, I
have guided by my GURU recently and I have personally experienced it in many
ways. Believe in yourself is the essence of all success in this material world.
Understanding the essential and the potential power in
meditating is one thing but how to start meditating is another matter. I shall
talk about how to start your meditation in my next writing. For those who have
been advance in meditation can use this techniques as your confirmation
Good luck.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I Found Him ~ Expect The Unexpected
It was 21st October 2010 and it was 2.02am in the morning. When I was in Dara Inn Terengganu, I started to write this journal, Never thought I am here, but in our life journey, we must learn to expect the un expected and enjoy every moment out of it.
I couldn’t believe myself as I am continuing to write this journal again after one year. Indeed I am rather been more aware of what I am writing. It was not only a journal instead a journey of life changing experience.
Back on the road, of course it is easy to say to enjoy what ever comes in a way, but in reality no one will enjoy when received bad news and face the negativity? But I did enjoy every single moment of this journey, naturally and devotionally.
Was it so difficult to enjoy the journey when you are traveling comfortably in S280 and someone is driving? In the beginning of course.
Anyway, my expectation is base on logic and commonsense. My journey to east coast is to assist my colleagues on auditing. Nevertheless, my past experience in this job scope made it simple and never left me out of topic.
Well, I would say, a long journey copping up with limited time and besides enjoying much of my journey, absolutely given me the opportunity to understand someone whom I have known since young, close friend from hometown.
He has been my tremendous friend who always been a mentor with style and discipline. He is always been the good looking guy with Chinese Indian mix blood. You know what I mean… He always been the macho guy and we address him as Remington Steel (Pierce Brosnan).
I did wrote an article which I was talking about the one who took 30 years to find a master who was with him all along. Do you agree if I say, we don't even understand our spouse whom we have been living together for many years.How do you expect me to understand DiVINE's plan
Now the story above hit me back when I just realize to recognize a master or shall I say a GURU who I have been looking for 25 years. A living proves and million in one chances that hit me in this journey open my inner eyes and accomplished my search in many ways.
Yes... My GURU has been with me all the while and I never took the time to understand the DIVINE's plan. But it just took a minute for me to understand a journey which I have been traveling all my life for the past 25 years to find one.
An un intentional invitation to a devotional program actually turn out to be an event that changed my life forever. It changed the way of my thinking, changed the way of my believed and it changed everything that happens in my life after all.
I remember the glory in my heart when I saw a young Buddha right in front of my eyes on my first visit to this devotional program. It was simply the best experience I ever went through. It was an out speech situation as I felt my tongue was glued. What more to say... thousands of word to say with no words to speak.
As my heart humbled and I bow down to him, my tears flow out of “Anantham” (glory). A touch on my forehead in a blessing opens my heart and made me surrender. Neither word to describe nor an explanation needed.
I have completed my search and decided to continue my journey with new perfection and guide of a GURU in present.
Recently I decided to be vegetarian all my life. I have been meditating for countless hours... I surrender myself for the divine to decide my life path.And let me tell you, it was simply the best decision I have ever made.
My mind began to settle down, I am experiencing the progress of changing. Honestly, I don't know what was it or what is going on but it was definitely soothing and calm.
My mind began to settle down, I am experiencing the progress of changing. Honestly, I don't know what was it or what is going on but it was definitely soothing and calm.
I begin to understand a little bit more about Divine’s plan for me. I totally surrendered to HIM through my GURU’s guidance. Since than I never missed a prayers for my GURU and for others well being which I never did before.
I even pray for my worst enemy. Seeking forgiveness for those who hurt me and was hurt because of me or by me. It was just as Jesus asking forgiveness for those sent him to the cross. Brothers, try it and you will understand how difficult it is.
I even pray for my worst enemy. Seeking forgiveness for those who hurt me and was hurt because of me or by me. It was just as Jesus asking forgiveness for those sent him to the cross. Brothers, try it and you will understand how difficult it is.
As we need to open the cap to get a drink from the bottle, we do need to open our mind to get rid of negativity and fill it up with new positivism.
Here I am, felt born again.
Here I am, felt born again.
Invitation for the second trip has knocked my door for the month of September 2011. Let us see what hit me this time around….
Till than I shall be prepared for my new lesson to come. I am excited by the up coming out come.
I always wondered everything happens for a reason but never wondered why this is happening to me.
But today when I wrote this article, I know my life has changed in many ways since my first journey to east coast last year.
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Nike - Brand Of Future
I bought this branded shoe in KK recently with the price of RM429.00. It was called as “NIKE BOWERMAN”. It is expensive but after wearing for some times I find it very comfortable and stable.
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This does encourage me to be more active again as I felt it does reduce my pain in my knee when I go for jogging.
When my son asked for Nike brand soccer bout, I got him one called Nike Tempo III without any hesitation. I trusted in this brand and believe in its quality.
Recently, NIKE was with tour to 20 schools in the state of Selangor to find new talent in soccer. It was a great move by Nike to encourage the youngsters to be more active in sports rather than being active is useless activity.
About 40 students turned up and the usual psychical test and the circuit test were done. Some 20 over Nike soccer boot were given to the players to get the feel of the boot but it has to be return after the session.
Finally 2 potential players were selected for 2 years sponsorship and they will be trained and their progress will be monitored. My son was one of them.
It was brought to the attention; the school’s under15years old team was the 2011 Gombak district champion. And some of the players were from under 14 years of age.
The man behind the success was called Mr. Fauzi a school sports teacher of the school and well known as a dedicated man and has a great passion for soccer. I have seen him personally while he was engaged with training for the school boys in soccer.
Back to the story line, I was amazed with the spirit shown by him with support of other teachers as well. He was not only known among the school boys but indeed he was one of the dedicated teachers towards soccer in Gombak district as well as MSS Selangor for many years.
Good sportsmanship shown by Mr. Fauzi and with support of the School and comes the sponsorship from some branded such as Nike sport ware company, I am sure our future to produce good soccer players shall be blessed.
Beside afford, it would be great if school student were given some student discount to purchase sports wears shall be motivating as well as to increase their awareness and increase business to the company.
I am one of the student’s father and many more fathers were below budget to get good sport shoes and other sport wear for their son and daughters.
Some students discount vouchers offers shall be motivating and encouraging and indirectly can increase the business for NIKE too.
Million thanks to all who dedicate their time and afford for the future of soccer in our country.
Hoping more such type of incentives and soccer clinics will create many more future Moktar Dahari in the country.
Taking about the Malaysian team which qualified for Olympic back in the 80’s….. Aiya… don’t want to remind those glories days la… cerita lama sudah.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
HINDUISM - The name for indentity.
The word Hindu is derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the Indus River in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. and is first mentioned in the Rig Veda.
The word Hindu was first used by Arab invaders and then went further west by the Arabic term al-Hind referring to the land of the people who live across river Indus. and the Persian term Hindū referring to all Indians. By the 13th century, Hindustān emerged as a popular alternative name of India, meaning the "land of Hindus" - Wikipedia
The name believed "Hindu" was NOT named after the geographic landscape as claimed by some educated nut who made some intellectual religion comparison.
It was named by those who came to this land and named it for them to understand and different them with the others.
The word Hindu was not represent the religion but to represent those who were following this religion as so called to identify them compare to other religion followers.
As the oldest and the only religion at that time, the believe was called "Sanatana Darma" which was representing the meaning of "SINDHU".
Wikipedia - Originally, Hindu was a secular term which was used to describe all inhabitants and cultures of the Indian subcontinent (or Hindustan) irrespective of their religious affiliations.
It also occurs sporadically in Sanskrit texts such as the later Rajataranginis of Kashmir (Hinduka, c. 1450), some 16th-18th century Bengali Gaudiya Vaishnava texts, including Chaitanya Charitamrita and Chaitanya Bhagavata, usually to contrast Hindus with Yavanas or Mlecchas.
It was only towards the end of the 18th century that the European merchants and colonists referred collectively to the followers of Indian religions as Hindus.
Please note:
Eventually, it came to define a precisely religious identity that includes any person of Indian origin who neither practiced Abrahamic religions nor non-Vedic Indian religions, such as Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, or tribal (Adivasi) religions, thereby encompassing a wide range of religious beliefs and practices related to "Sanātana Dharma".
The term Hinduism was introduced into the English language in the 19th century to denote the religious, philosophical, and cultural traditions native to India.
Hinduism is formed of diverse traditions and has no single founder. Among its roots is the historical Vedic religion of Iron Age India and, as such, Hinduism is often called the "oldest living religion" or the "oldest living major religion" in the world.
How Hinduism was destroyed by the conquerors :
Though Islam came to India in the early 7th century with the advent of Arab traders and the conquest of Sindh, it started to become a major religion during the later Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent. During this period Buddhism declined rapidly and many Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam.
Numerous Muslim rulers or their army generals such as Aurangzeb and Malik Kafur destroyed Hindu temples and persecuted non-Muslims; however some, such as Akbar, were more tolerant.
Hinduism underwent profound changes, in large part due to the influence of the prominent teachers Ramanuja, Madhva, and Chaitanya.
Followers of the Bhakti movement moved away from the abstract concept of Brahman, which the philosopher Adi Shankara consolidated a few centuries before, with emotional, passionate devotion towards the more accessible Avatars, especially Krishna and Rama.
Brothers and sisters.... do not look or believe in Hinduism with your naked eyes. What was said today in every single religion in this world has been said in Hinduism. "GOD IS ONE" as many claimed in their religion was mention as a first word in Hinduism. It was the time factor and the way GOD's existent was explained made the total different.
" No one in this time frame could ever explain HINDUISM with his narrow minded book referred theory"
by lvbala: "Om Shivaya"
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Hinduism - The Beginning (Part 1)
What is Hinduism?:
Hinduism is the world's oldest extant religion, with a billion followers, which makes it the world's third largest religion.
Hinduism is a conglomeration of religious, philosophical, and cultural ideas and practices that originated in India, characterized by the belief in reincarnation, one absolute being of multiple manifestations, the law of cause and effect, following the path of righteousness, and the desire for liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.
Hinduism cannot be neatly slotted into any particular belief system. Unlike other religions, Hinduism is a way of life, a Dharma, that is, the law that governs all action.
It has its own beliefs, traditions, advanced system of ethics, meaningful rituals, philosophy and theology.
The religious tradition of Hinduism is solely responsible for the creation of such original concepts and practices as Yoga, Ayurveda, Vastu, Jyotish, Yajna, Puja, Tantra, Vedanta, Karma, etc.
lvbala said:- This is the way of life been lived from the beginning until comes the comparisons or other religions.
Hinduism has its origins in such remote past that it cannot be traced to any one individual.
Some scholars believe that Hinduism must have existed even in circa 10000 B.C. and that the earliest of the Hindu scriptures – The Rig Veda – was composed well before 6500 B.C.
The word "Hinduism" is not to be found anywhere in the scriptures, and the term "Hindu" was introduced by foreigners who referred to people living across the River Indus or Sindhu, in the north of India, around which the Vedic religion is believed to have originated.
Some says,
According to scholars, the evolution of Hinduism may be divided into three periods: the ancient (6500 BCE-1000 AD), the medieval (1000-1800 AD), and the modern (1800 AD to present). Hinduism is commonly thought to be the oldest religion in the history of human civilization.
More to follow: - lvbala
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Hinduism is the world's oldest extant religion, with a billion followers, which makes it the world's third largest religion.
Hinduism is a conglomeration of religious, philosophical, and cultural ideas and practices that originated in India, characterized by the belief in reincarnation, one absolute being of multiple manifestations, the law of cause and effect, following the path of righteousness, and the desire for liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.
How is Hinduism unique from other religions?:
Hinduism cannot be neatly slotted into any particular belief system. Unlike other religions, Hinduism is a way of life, a Dharma, that is, the law that governs all action.
It has its own beliefs, traditions, advanced system of ethics, meaningful rituals, philosophy and theology.
The religious tradition of Hinduism is solely responsible for the creation of such original concepts and practices as Yoga, Ayurveda, Vastu, Jyotish, Yajna, Puja, Tantra, Vedanta, Karma, etc.
lvbala said:- This is the way of life been lived from the beginning until comes the comparisons or other religions.
Above temple was the oldest temple (Guinness World Record)
How and when did Hinduism originate?:
lvbala said: - Below paragraph is only myth. No one knows the exact time frame.
Hinduism has its origins in such remote past that it cannot be traced to any one individual.
Some scholars believe that Hinduism must have existed even in circa 10000 B.C. and that the earliest of the Hindu scriptures – The Rig Veda – was composed well before 6500 B.C.
The word "Hinduism" is not to be found anywhere in the scriptures, and the term "Hindu" was introduced by foreigners who referred to people living across the River Indus or Sindhu, in the north of India, around which the Vedic religion is believed to have originated.
Some says,
According to historians, the origin of Hinduism dates back to 5,000 or more years. The word "Hindu" is derived from the name of River Indus, which flows through northern India.
In ancient times the river was called the 'Sindhu', but the Persians who migrated to India called the river 'Hindu', the land 'Hindustan' and its inhabitants 'Hindus'. Thus the religion followed by the Hindus came to be known as 'Hinduism'.
It was earlier believed that the basic tenets of Hinduism were brought to India by the Aryans who invaded the Indus Valley Civilization and settled along the banks of the Indus river about 2000 BC. However, this theory has now been proved to be a flawed one and is considered nothing more than a myth.
This is only the myth and no one knows exactly when Hinduism exist, but the calculation and the imaginative existent of time frame has gone beyond imaginable doubt. - lvbala
lvbala said:-
Above facts about Hinduism was a collective articles comes from few homepages. My intention is to highlight the truth which were hidden from many for thousand of years. This is my duty and responsibility as a Hindu to my faith and mankind. Not my intention to make any comparison or down grade others.
This is only the first part of the introduction about Hinduism which mainly to high light the existent of the oldest way of life of mankind about DIVINE GOD. I don't use the word believe or religion because Hinduism was the only way to live before any other religion came as a comparison.
Not in any religious book or scriptures of Hinduism ever mention the existent of other religion or mentioned any comparison unlike other wise. Comparison made the religion to be the latest edition.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Defending Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj's Dehradun Ashram
Please sign the "Defending Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj's Dehradun Ashram" petition at
Your signature is valuable and makes a real difference. Please encourage others to sign the petition as well.
Your signature is valuable and makes a real difference. Please encourage others to sign the petition as well.
Please follow the link above to sign your online petitions.
Million thanks to all who cares. You shall be blessed and be placed among the roses in "VAIKUNDA".
You can follow the link below to read the story behind the petition request.
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Monday, July 11, 2011
Bersih 2.0 - Photograph Says Thousand Words
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Saturday, July 9, 2011
Bersih 2.0 - Ambiga Sreenivasan Arrested
Among many leaders and Bersih rally supporters, Ambiga and Maria Chin Abdullah were arrested. Many more Bersih supported were brutally abused by the authorities. Woman were man handled. The enforcement use tear gas, water canon and even blue dye irritant water were sprayed. These are the brave heroes of the day.
These were the heroes of the day.... more photos to follow.... bravo rakyat.
lvbala Tuesday, June 28, 2011
June 09, 2011 ~ Another moment of History
At last the talk on the Bersih rally on this coming June 9th has become the major highlight now a days. Getting near to the date, so our PM did open his mouth to address regard to the rally.
His message was clear which sounds threatening but doesn't make any sense.
Many questions raised by many but the government have their own reason to against it. Most of the comments from pro governs, indicate the negative out come and negative prediction such as economy and the country's morale.
June 27th, Ambiga and A.Samad was called for questioning by the authorities. The double standard of treatment is glaring. Sungai Siput MP Dr D Micheal Jeyakumar was arrested and remanded for seven days for having some T-shirts with him, whereas Ibrahim Ali, who had openly threatened bloodshed and violence, is "probed" for two hours and then let go.
They were suspected for being the one who planned and supported the rally.
At the same time last night the UMNO youth had a gathering in front of PKR head quarters with motorcycle rally, shouting, threatening to burn PKR office and so on.
Why they were not arrested? Do these people have the permit to assemble? Where was those who against the rally by Bersih? Indeed the police gave protection to the campaigners.
Umno is trying very hard to win the next elections by all the crooked methods it can think of. For instance, in the recent past it tried to create racial tension by masterminding the cow-head and pig-head incidents so as to influence the Malays into voting for BN.
The recent 'Datuk T' trio's pornographic video incident and the ensuing farcical investigation and trial of the trio was engineered by Umno to discredit the opposition leader.
The latest seditious Ibrahim Ali outburst against the Chinese and the 'Hindu woman' was again an attempt by Umno to create racial tension. But he walks free with the support. He was named as "Pendekar Melayu".
This is a showpiece to blind the public about Umno's hand behind Perkasa. They have to have this show so that they can really take action on Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat leaders.
Beside all these issues and fragrant , we need to prepare for the reality that the 'reformasi' for a new Malaysia will not come easy as the current Umno-Perkasa-BN government under Najib Razak will not be prepared to give Malaysia back to all Malaysians without putting up a strong resistance.
I am not going to encourage anyone to join or not to join the rally. Who am I to tell others what to do. But I indicate to those who think this country need to be put back on track, than it is your decision. A noble decision as a part of the system.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
His message was clear which sounds threatening but doesn't make any sense.
Many questions raised by many but the government have their own reason to against it. Most of the comments from pro governs, indicate the negative out come and negative prediction such as economy and the country's morale.
June 27th, Ambiga and A.Samad was called for questioning by the authorities. The double standard of treatment is glaring. Sungai Siput MP Dr D Micheal Jeyakumar was arrested and remanded for seven days for having some T-shirts with him, whereas Ibrahim Ali, who had openly threatened bloodshed and violence, is "probed" for two hours and then let go.
They were suspected for being the one who planned and supported the rally.
At the same time last night the UMNO youth had a gathering in front of PKR head quarters with motorcycle rally, shouting, threatening to burn PKR office and so on.
Why they were not arrested? Do these people have the permit to assemble? Where was those who against the rally by Bersih? Indeed the police gave protection to the campaigners.
Umno is trying very hard to win the next elections by all the crooked methods it can think of. For instance, in the recent past it tried to create racial tension by masterminding the cow-head and pig-head incidents so as to influence the Malays into voting for BN.
The recent 'Datuk T' trio's pornographic video incident and the ensuing farcical investigation and trial of the trio was engineered by Umno to discredit the opposition leader.
The latest seditious Ibrahim Ali outburst against the Chinese and the 'Hindu woman' was again an attempt by Umno to create racial tension. But he walks free with the support. He was named as "Pendekar Melayu".
This is a showpiece to blind the public about Umno's hand behind Perkasa. They have to have this show so that they can really take action on Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat leaders.
Beside all these issues and fragrant , we need to prepare for the reality that the 'reformasi' for a new Malaysia will not come easy as the current Umno-Perkasa-BN government under Najib Razak will not be prepared to give Malaysia back to all Malaysians without putting up a strong resistance.
I am not going to encourage anyone to join or not to join the rally. Who am I to tell others what to do. But I indicate to those who think this country need to be put back on track, than it is your decision. A noble decision as a part of the system.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Monday, June 6, 2011
Wives Obedient Club
Sex lessons to help wives “serve their husbands better than a first-class prostitute” will be among the classes provided by the Obedient Wives Club (OWC) to help promote harmonious marriages and counter social ills ~ The Star
I was married for more than 20 years and I am puzzled with the call by in one of the educated nut who urge all wives to provide first class prostitute service to their husbands.
Wow… I am looking forward for it but honestly, I can’t answer my wife when she ask me for the services that included in the packages to provide the first class prostute service..
Many question arise include the below:
1. What do they mean by first class service?
2. What does make the service first class?
3. What was included in the package?
4. What is the definition about the different classes of service?
Does this means, wives have to dress up like a prostitute and seduce their husband to have satisfying sex?
Does the husband need to pay them for the service?
Could anyone with their brain up right in their skull explained, how in the world we should classify these brainless people talking about wives with first class prostitute service.
How this issue should be address to the youngsters? How a mother should explain to her daughter when she asked about the first class prostitute service?
Further more, the club claimed, a good religious wife should be good in bed too.
What’s next? What else should make the wives be first class and second class?
Or does this means….
A tutor class should be conducted to teach all wives how to provide the best service in bed. Furthermore, who should be the tutor?
Here we go again, of cause the prostitute should be the tutor because she is qualified with experience.
Does practical practice should be included in the classes? If the answer is yes, we should have a male model…
The next step, the wives with these type of education should be certified and merge this lesson with “Kursus Perkahwinan” as one of the module.
Kamasutra should be included in the teaching module as one of the must subject.
Tantra should come in too. The sacred ancient Hindu teaching regarding the mystery about sex world should be thought taught too.
So in the next marriage proposal, a woman should provide these certificates to confirm she can provide first class service like a prostitute to her husband beside AIDs free confirmation certificates.
Another question arise, what about grading or classify the certificate with “A” or “F” depending on the passing marks?
What about increasing the “Dowry” or “Hantaran” because now the wife has gain more qualification to give better service and guaranteed to be satisfied.
Oversea prostitute service to enhance the teaching should be introduced. EG: from Thailand, Indonesia Russia and if possible from Middle East too. Latest collection can be from Vietnam too.
Looking at the new above proposal, yearly budget should be allocated to provide training, tools, oversea field trip training and many more out lets need to be open for customer service center.
Discount rate and race quota for bumis and non bumis should introduce too. Loans for those can’t afford should be given and free seats should be given to bumis.
Higher level of qualification such as “Master” or PHD in service should be in place for grading and professional standard.
Poster and private company agents such as ECM LIBRA should be invited to be the promotion agent to represent government and should be paid commissions.
Any non bumis who question or oppose this program should be classified as not a Malaysian and his citizen ship should be stripped.
TV advertisement and poster should be printed and published.
An award should be given to “A” class Prostitution service wife every year and this winner should be awarded as Dato’ or Tan Sri for their hard work for the service.
The first lady should be elected as a Advisor or life time chairman. She should be the role model for other Malaysian women as well.
What a wonderful world…..
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Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD
When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...

Rest In Peace Micheal Jackson. You are a legend and you will always be. The King of the Pop. The inventor of Moonwalk. The black that ruled ...
Tidak keterlaluan kalau dikatakan makanan Malaysia adalah yang paling terunik didunia. Bukan sahaja unik malah makanan di Malaysia juga mel...
My freind, There are thing in life cannot be understood. They only can be experienced, but they cannot be explained. To explain them is to...