Sex lessons to help wives “serve their husbands better than a first-class prostitute” will be among the classes provided by the Obedient Wives Club (OWC) to help promote harmonious marriages and counter social ills ~ The Star
I was married for more than 20 years and I am puzzled with the call by in one of the educated nut who urge all wives to provide first class prostitute service to their husbands.
Wow… I am looking forward for it but honestly, I can’t answer my wife when she ask me for the services that included in the packages to provide the first class prostute service..
Many question arise include the below:
1. What do they mean by first class service?
2. What does make the service first class?
3. What was included in the package?
4. What is the definition about the different classes of service?
Does this means, wives have to dress up like a prostitute and seduce their husband to have satisfying sex?
Does the husband need to pay them for the service?
Could anyone with their brain up right in their skull explained, how in the world we should classify these brainless people talking about wives with first class prostitute service.
How this issue should be address to the youngsters? How a mother should explain to her daughter when she asked about the first class prostitute service?
Further more, the club claimed, a good religious wife should be good in bed too.
What’s next? What else should make the wives be first class and second class?
Or does this means….
A tutor class should be conducted to teach all wives how to provide the best service in bed. Furthermore, who should be the tutor?
Here we go again, of cause the prostitute should be the tutor because she is qualified with experience.
Does practical practice should be included in the classes? If the answer is yes, we should have a male model…
The next step, the wives with these type of education should be certified and merge this lesson with “Kursus Perkahwinan” as one of the module.
Kamasutra should be included in the teaching module as one of the must subject.
Tantra should come in too. The sacred ancient Hindu teaching regarding the mystery about sex world should be thought taught too.
So in the next marriage proposal, a woman should provide these certificates to confirm she can provide first class service like a prostitute to her husband beside AIDs free confirmation certificates.
Another question arise, what about grading or classify the certificate with “A” or “F” depending on the passing marks?
What about increasing the “Dowry” or “Hantaran” because now the wife has gain more qualification to give better service and guaranteed to be satisfied.
Oversea prostitute service to enhance the teaching should be introduced. EG: from Thailand, Indonesia Russia and if possible from Middle East too. Latest collection can be from Vietnam too.
Looking at the new above proposal, yearly budget should be allocated to provide training, tools, oversea field trip training and many more out lets need to be open for customer service center.
Discount rate and race quota for bumis and non bumis should introduce too. Loans for those can’t afford should be given and free seats should be given to bumis.
Higher level of qualification such as “Master” or PHD in service should be in place for grading and professional standard.
Poster and private company agents such as ECM LIBRA should be invited to be the promotion agent to represent government and should be paid commissions.
Any non bumis who question or oppose this program should be classified as not a Malaysian and his citizen ship should be stripped.
TV advertisement and poster should be printed and published.
An award should be given to “A” class Prostitution service wife every year and this winner should be awarded as Dato’ or Tan Sri for their hard work for the service.
The first lady should be elected as a Advisor or life time chairman. She should be the role model for other Malaysian women as well.
What a wonderful world…..
First class would mean a woman who is highly educated. Second class would mean moderately educated like Form 5 only. Third class would mean no education. Which makes Dr Rogayah Mohamad a 1st class prostitude; being a doctor, highly educated and all. Think of it. She is a doctor and she is also a third wife. What does that make her ? You would think educated people know how to think. This highly educated doctor thinks it is okay to be a third wife and a prostitude. What does that make her ? No wonder in ancient times, females were not allowed to have education because education make them more stupid. If you are an Indian, tell MIC to leave BN. If you are of other race, tell your party to leave BN. Barisan Nasional is getting more and more screwed as each day passes. Barisan Nasional especially UMNO should just get admitted to a mental hospital.
I am not an Indian, my father was. I am a Malaysian Tamil. I am the citizen of this country and I have the rights to vote and and I pay tax to this government. Talking about "MIC", who are they? Why I should tell them to leave BN? MIC is not the only option for Malaysian Tamils. They suck your blood just as they sucked MAIKA's share money.
And so the club landed in Sarawak this week.....
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