It was 21st October 2010 and it was 2.02am in the morning. When I was in Dara Inn Terengganu, I started to write this journal, Never thought I am here, but in our life journey, we must learn to expect the un expected and enjoy every moment out of it.
I couldn’t believe myself as I am continuing to write this journal again after one year. Indeed I am rather been more aware of what I am writing. It was not only a journal instead a journey of life changing experience.
Back on the road, of course it is easy to say to enjoy what ever comes in a way, but in reality no one will enjoy when received bad news and face the negativity? But I did enjoy every single moment of this journey, naturally and devotionally.
Was it so difficult to enjoy the journey when you are traveling comfortably in S280 and someone is driving? In the beginning of course.
Anyway, my expectation is base on logic and commonsense. My journey to east coast is to assist my colleagues on auditing. Nevertheless, my past experience in this job scope made it simple and never left me out of topic.
Well, I would say, a long journey copping up with limited time and besides enjoying much of my journey, absolutely given me the opportunity to understand someone whom I have known since young, close friend from hometown.
He has been my tremendous friend who always been a mentor with style and discipline. He is always been the good looking guy with Chinese Indian mix blood. You know what I mean… He always been the macho guy and we address him as Remington Steel (Pierce Brosnan).
I did wrote an article which I was talking about the one who took 30 years to find a master who was with him all along. Do you agree if I say, we don't even understand our spouse whom we have been living together for many years.How do you expect me to understand DiVINE's plan
Now the story above hit me back when I just realize to recognize a master or shall I say a GURU who I have been looking for 25 years. A living proves and million in one chances that hit me in this journey open my inner eyes and accomplished my search in many ways.
Yes... My GURU has been with me all the while and I never took the time to understand the DIVINE's plan. But it just took a minute for me to understand a journey which I have been traveling all my life for the past 25 years to find one.
An un intentional invitation to a devotional program actually turn out to be an event that changed my life forever. It changed the way of my thinking, changed the way of my believed and it changed everything that happens in my life after all.
I remember the glory in my heart when I saw a young Buddha right in front of my eyes on my first visit to this devotional program. It was simply the best experience I ever went through. It was an out speech situation as I felt my tongue was glued. What more to say... thousands of word to say with no words to speak.
As my heart humbled and I bow down to him, my tears flow out of “Anantham” (glory). A touch on my forehead in a blessing opens my heart and made me surrender. Neither word to describe nor an explanation needed.
I have completed my search and decided to continue my journey with new perfection and guide of a GURU in present.
Recently I decided to be vegetarian all my life. I have been meditating for countless hours... I surrender myself for the divine to decide my life path.And let me tell you, it was simply the best decision I have ever made.
My mind began to settle down, I am experiencing the progress of changing. Honestly, I don't know what was it or what is going on but it was definitely soothing and calm.
My mind began to settle down, I am experiencing the progress of changing. Honestly, I don't know what was it or what is going on but it was definitely soothing and calm.
I begin to understand a little bit more about Divine’s plan for me. I totally surrendered to HIM through my GURU’s guidance. Since than I never missed a prayers for my GURU and for others well being which I never did before.
I even pray for my worst enemy. Seeking forgiveness for those who hurt me and was hurt because of me or by me. It was just as Jesus asking forgiveness for those sent him to the cross. Brothers, try it and you will understand how difficult it is.
I even pray for my worst enemy. Seeking forgiveness for those who hurt me and was hurt because of me or by me. It was just as Jesus asking forgiveness for those sent him to the cross. Brothers, try it and you will understand how difficult it is.
As we need to open the cap to get a drink from the bottle, we do need to open our mind to get rid of negativity and fill it up with new positivism.
Here I am, felt born again.
Here I am, felt born again.
Invitation for the second trip has knocked my door for the month of September 2011. Let us see what hit me this time around….
Till than I shall be prepared for my new lesson to come. I am excited by the up coming out come.
I always wondered everything happens for a reason but never wondered why this is happening to me.
But today when I wrote this article, I know my life has changed in many ways since my first journey to east coast last year.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
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