I guess the Deputy Minister made a biggest mistake by judging doctors by making statement refer to what he encountered in emergency ward in a visit.
The doctors are making hoo haa for a five minutes break when even a minute can cause ones life.
Deputy Federal minister
1. You shouldn't have entered the emergency office just by walking in. (Why didn't the doctors make a police report on his breach of hospital emergency ward regulation). This is what the Serdang hospital attendance did to the two ministers in the KUGAN's case. (What a double standard ah!!)

2. Is this issue was so serious until the minister have to report to Bernama?
3. The minister should have consult the doctor on duty and ask him to explain on the current situation.
4. The minister should have contacted the doctor's superior and make a official complain about the way they treat you.
5. Must look at the fact that not 20 patient were waiting but only eight was on the list. The others are the relatives who brought their love once to emergency department. Just like the minister who came with his driver and reporter to visit his known patient.
6. The minister should call the Ministry of Health Indeed to high light the doctors are not doing their job in emergency ward. Maybe he don't have the Health Ministers phone numbers.
7. The minister's statement should be an advice to all doctors and not blame or finger pointing.
8. Should consider the weight of the issue, as I think this is not a national issue.
9. Look at your own deparment and your staff. Are they doing their JOB and giving the public the service they needed as per expected?
10. Does MIC is still relevant as an Tamil representing party in Malaysia? You should be busy on MIC and public interest rather than going after doctors. The MIC members and your youth need doctors for consultation. Not too much to ask even for your leader need a doctor for consultation. He needs a specialist indeed.
11. Be caution Minister, now the doctors are on your tail.
Doctors... I am aware you hold me first when I was born before my mother.
1. Come on guys, everyone knows this is a bullshit from the Deputy who talks crap. After all, he shown us BN leaders maturity.
2. But dear doctors, responsibilities holds much great weight for one to call himself a doctors. If you choose to be a doctor, than you should understand what are the greater sacrifice one need to do.
3. When one decide to be a doctor, he should let himself live for the people, the logic is you are a doctor for the people.
Who are you without them?

4. Doctors, take this as a challenge to make room for improvement. "Don't talk crap ~ Dont argue telling everyone there is nothing wrong reading news papers while on duty."
5. Dear doctors, make this as a benchmark to boost up the service. Don't excuse yourself for five minutes break. Even a minutes can cause lives.
6. I do have some doctor friends and I do know how hard to be a doctor who need to be ready at all time. Imagine how to smile and show a pleasant face to your patient when you are woked up at 3 or 4 am to attend an emergency case. They are humans too. But this is what doctors are for. There isn't timing condition for doctors or to be a doctor.
7. Even a doctor need a doctor to heal him/her, and dont talk about your great doctors sacrifice. A soldier need greater sacrifice. He spent his life in the battle field for the country which can cause his life.
8. For me you are not greater than a DBKL man who keep the city clean. Doctors are keeping humans clean from disease. But once you fail, the famous quote that doctors use to say, Its GOD's will.
9. Doctors do have the power of choice, So doctors, choose wisely in the next GE13. But it is nothing greater to compare with what others do have. Everyone holds the same responsibilities. This what makes the whole community moving. Hehehehe...
10. Working more than 16 hours is nothing greater than a factory operator who works standing for twelve hours (Compare to the pay they received). Doctors task is nothing compares to Indah Water worker.
11. The public is watching. Be aware of the deputy's playback. These is how politician works. The need publicity to be public figure.
12. Five minutes in pain is similiar to 5 hours. Sometimes doctors need to feel what others do. For once, try to seak treatment from a government hospital.
13. Doctors in emergency wards are not forever to be place there. It is only temporary.
Cheers docs.
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