Once upon a time, there was three bucket of crabs were brought in a ship. One bucket is filled with Malay crabs, second buckets was filled with Chinese crabs and the third bucket is filled with Tamil crabs.
The best part is, this is how the story goes. The first and the second bucket contained Malays and Chinese crabs were closed but the third one was open. The third bucket which was filled with Tamil crabs need not to be close.
So, one of the fisherman ask to another man why these two buckets were closed and third one is open? And the answer goes like this:
1. The first Malay crabs bucket was closed because they will escape by pushing one of them by many. This escaped crab than shall rescue another who was pushed by the rest of remaining.
2. The second bucket needed to be close too. If you leave it open, the chinese crabs will escape by giving hand to another chinese crab. They will escape by creating hand chain cause they depend on the their own community.

3. Otherwise to the third bucket. You don’t have to close because if one Tamil crab try to escape, the other Tamil crab will pull him down.
Have a good laugh cause this is happening in reality. All the new talented Tamil crabs in MIC were pull down by another Tamil crab. Any new Tamil crab who voice out the disatisfaction even for the improvement shall be silented. Is this a correct word to use? SILENTED?
This crab fiction does goes to another Tamil represented party in Malaysia. But you can find these tamil were mostly Christians.

T.Murugiah were selected as a Deputy Minister in Prime Ministers Department and I felt it was a good choice. He has shown his capability in handling many report from Teressa’s complains about police lockup treatment and now the lates to Kugan’s (Dead in Police Custody) case.
He carried out his task without fear and favor. These is true or someone tell me otherwise.
But the way PPP’s president reacted in the latest issue on T.Murugiah internal party issues proved me this crab story is practically true.
After the president failed to defend his seat in 12GE, I feel the president is no more relevan and should give way to other talented up coming candidate to take over.

But trying to kill T.Murugiah’s carreer known as a fearless minister is totally disgrace to PPP and to Tamil in the whole. Please settle your internal party issue within the party and don’t bring it to the street. Don’t tarnish T.Murugiah’s name as he has proven done more than the president.
Hello please, I am not PPP member, but as a Malaysian, this is not a healthy politic to be practised.
The PPP’s president is good in “busybodying” himself in MIC’s problem and others until he got no time to look into his own constitution and he was rejected and lost his seat.
At least your boy is doing a good job. Guide him and upbring this guy for the best of PPP. Don’t be the crab in the third bucket.
nice interesting story. Is this a kind of passed down folk story? or a modern thing?
thank you and sorry for the late reply, this is community story on jealousy, Hypocrite and racial issues within the race....
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