“In my opinion, such force conversion is un-Islamic… to use Islam in order to inflic or for purposes that are not part of the spirituality or aqidah of Islam, whether it is marriage, whether it is divorce or custody and there is a tussle between the wife and husband over the children does not make sence,” said Mohamad.
To go to Syariah Court and claim that the child, who is two or three years old, has been converted to Islam, what does it mean? You convert a two years-old child or five-year-old to Islam, it doesn’t really make sence when you look at this phenomena from the texts and guidelines of Islam,” he said.

Mohamad said conversion to Islam was a conscious and deliberate act on the part of the individual requiring a comprehension of the decision made by the person converting…..
An interesting statement above but it is not mine. I stole it from one of a free newspaper dated 23th April, 2009. Many have question the above conversion as fanatism and un-justice. Some even made it as political issue for their own benefits.

My friend Ganesh ask me if I have anything to say about the resent conversion issue which involve a Hindu family. Yes, even Krishnan, Saranjit Singh, Chew and my wife asked me if this what been said as freedom to preach religion in my beloved country Malaysia.
My answer:
It is not fanatism but ones failure to deliberately understand the truth in Islam. It is not antism nor jeopadism but ignorance of the fact. What to aspect from a conventional person who merely don’t understand and block himself to understand the beyond in Islam.
What to aspect from an ordinary person who built a wall around him and restrict himself from learning. Learn to adopt religion and logic in real life. What I meant by logic is converting a kid in a age of eight by using his or her birth certificate. How logic it can be? Ask yourself .
The anouncement from the government to bar on secret conversion of children definitely welcomed. It has answered the whole process and that is the logic. I am not siding anyone cause the result favored me and my religion. But it is the logic and of cause the fact is in it.
Than came Mohamad Hashim Kamali with his statement which I think answered all Muslims around the world. Please read it again.
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