This is simply because I felt the pinch in my heart when I saw a mother cried for the lost of her son who were killed in a brutal way. Most surprisingly it was done by the Malaysian authorities in the line of duty.
Is this how we are treated in our own country? Is this how Malaysian authorities were train to interrogate the accused? While we are talking about the Palestinian were brutally murdered by the Israel army, should we engaged such an act in Malaysia our self?
The authority who supposed to be protective, engaged in a brutal murder on our own citizen. The victim is not a man who killed someone or threatens the nation’s security. He is only a car theft. He is yet to be charge in the court. A bunch of bastards in the authorities showed the evil part of them towards the minorities in Malaysia.
Are they so inhuman until they can't even judge a man is dying or is it because he is a Tamil and was let to die? The best part of all is, this 11 jokers who been accused with murder charge were only transfered to desk JOB, what a crap? Is this how Malaysian juridical system works?
Let me state you another joke, the talk on action to be taken on the two deputy minister who voice out this issue is much greater than the killing it self. MIC stands on defending both the minister. Let’s see how far they can go. This is not the only case, but there are thousands of cases whereby Tamils was killed while in custody.

This is what the Hindraf have been fighting for. This is what the Hindraf leader has been highlighting. This is what the Hindraf leaders been voicing out. But now even when you wear an orange T-shirt you will charge in court. What more to say?
What a drama when newly elected PM release 13 ISA (Internal Security Act), he claimed the ISA shall be reviewed. Coincidently, 3 more were detained on 1st of April. Don’t be surprise dude, more will be detained soon.

Any one wanna know how there treat the detainess? RPK did mention his experience while in Kemunting ISA detention centre that his cat ate better food from what they provide him.
This is the truth, the Malaysians are getting ticker with racial issues. It’s good publicity for BN. They are becoming unpopular among the rakyat. This is good news for Pakatan Rakyat. This shall be the plus point in the next campaign.
This shall be a benchmark in this coming by election in Penanti in Permatang Pauh. We will measure how far BN can gain trust.
Another question arised. Will BN contest? Or just walk out and give way to PR? It will double plus point for PR and frustration for BN supporters. Again this will be a triple plus point for Pakatan. Collectively, all the points shall contribute in the next GE13 (2012).
Couple of days ago, The honorable TUN did mention in one of his interview, what is wrong with “Mahatirsm”? This country has developed in 20 years of Mahatirsm.
Tun should know, what Malaysia resulted today is what he has created for the past 20 years. Even the BAD result in the last 12GE is part of his mistake too. He is one good politician who point finger to Abdullah and others as well but he never admitted any of his wrong doing. Oh, I forgot, he is a saint sent by GOD. He never commited any wrong doing.

Tamils today in Malaysia is produced by his monarchy. Tamils suffering in Malaysia today is resulted from his Mahathirism. He barely forgot than he is a product from Tamils of India who never admitted his origin too, but he claimed he is the son of this soil “Melayu Bumiputra”.
Now and the latest development, after succeeded his dream by pursuing DS Najib to name his son in the cabinet, he is trying to achieve his goal by convincing the new PM to continue his “Crooked Bridge Project” between Malaysia and Singapore.
What a briliant move. “I love you TUN”, I do still admire you.
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