Thursday, April 30, 2009

Brothers in Arms

I hope all of you remember this song. Brothers in Arms (Link) I was introduced to this song by a Doctor friend called Dr. Rejezhwaran back in the 80’s. This song actually came from an album called Brothers in Arms.. A famous track from Dire Straits. Mark knofler is the best in his class. I love his unique guitar sound.

You may wonder why lvbala is talking about songs. Or you may wonder why this topic now when usually I am busy talking about politics. Even some claimed I am non pro government supporter.

Yes, even this song is not about politic but it is related to brotherhood. It is about how human should enhance their relation, how human should learn how to be human in brother hood. Respect each other regardless race and believe. Feel you are the mankind who related to each other.

There is only one human race. All human today are descended from the same genetic that originated in Africa about 150,000 years ago. We nomad our self to the rest of this world.

A song about country man who fought for the country in the field of war regardless race, color and religion. It is also relating about friends who shouldered another friend when one was down while they are facing the enemy. They don’t see what race your are from to battle together. They only feel brother hood in each other.

This is how actually American soldiers realised about friends and citizen who lost their life in the arms of another. Even back in their country, Americans look down on others by their color and race but seing one who shouldered them die in their arms made one realised that we are all one.

This is what Brothers in Arms is all about. When one claim this country is theirs, should realise when seing another colored friend die in their arms for the country they fought together, it opens your dignity and break your ego. It opens your heart and soul. It will make you realise we are all one.

Seing the red blood flowing make us realise our blood is same in color. We are mankind who were born in this mother earth and there is no different from one another.

We may have different idealogy, we may have different philosophy, we may have different way of living style. But at the end we are just as the same as our own blood. We are the world created from different colors but same in blood red.

Colorful rainbow. Many colors made a beautiful rainbow. Rainbow is not made from one color. It was made from seven different colors. This is why it is beautiful.

We Malaysian are made similar to rainbow. We may have come from different back ground, different religion, different culture, different language and many other differences. But at the end we are Malaysians. Even at present we are almost blended. Some time it is very hard to recognise the origin of Malaysian.

Sometimes the Malays look like Indians, An Indian look similliar to a Malay. My C.O.O look like a Malay, but than later I realise he is Sabahan. (East Malaysian) Never to judge a book by its cover. It was a message to us, or shall we take it as a humans compliment to each other.

We may have different political idealogy but we are still one. We may have fought each other on the street, we may have querelled to each other over our different views, but we are still one.

We will stand as one when we face our foe. We will stand together when we are treatened. We will shoulder each other when our nation is in danger.

After all..

We are Brothers in Arms.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Religion ~ Conversion of the Minor

Petaling Jaya: The conversion of children to Islam as part of divorce and custodial tussles is “un-Islam”, says International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) founding chairman and CEO Mohamad Hashim Kamali.

“In my opinion, such force conversion is un-Islamic… to use Islam in order to inflic or for purposes that are not part of the spirituality or aqidah of Islam, whether it is marriage, whether it is divorce or custody and there is a tussle between the wife and husband over the children does not make sence,” said Mohamad.

To go to Syariah Court and claim that the child, who is two or three years old, has been converted to Islam, what does it mean? You convert a two years-old child or five-year-old to Islam, it doesn’t really make sence when you look at this phenomena from the texts and guidelines of Islam,” he said.

Mohamad said conversion to Islam was a conscious and deliberate act on the part of the individual requiring a comprehension of the decision made by the person converting…..


An interesting statement above but it is not mine. I stole it from one of a free newspaper dated 23th April, 2009. Many have question the above conversion as fanatism and un-justice. Some even made it as political issue for their own benefits.

My friend Ganesh ask me if I have anything to say about the resent conversion issue which involve a Hindu family. Yes, even Krishnan, Saranjit Singh, Chew and my wife asked me if this what been said as freedom to preach religion in my beloved country Malaysia.

My answer:

It is not fanatism but ones failure to deliberately understand the truth in Islam. It is not antism nor jeopadism but ignorance of the fact. What to aspect from a conventional person who merely don’t understand and block himself to understand the beyond in Islam.

What to aspect from an ordinary person who built a wall around him and restrict himself from learning. Learn to adopt religion and logic in real life. What I meant by logic is converting a kid in a age of eight by using his or her birth certificate. How logic it can be? Ask yourself .

The anouncement from the government to bar on secret conversion of children definitely welcomed. It has answered the whole process and that is the logic. I am not siding anyone cause the result favored me and my religion. But it is the logic and of cause the fact is in it.

Than came Mohamad Hashim Kamali with his statement which I think answered all Muslims around the world. Please read it again.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Collective Story ~ KUGAN / One of The Tamil Killed in Custody / Mahathirsm is Back in the Country

What I am going to talk today shall be a collective news and crap stories that been hunting Malaysian Tamils for the past decade. Don’t be surprise on the topic that I am going to highlight in my writing.

This is simply because I felt the pinch in my heart when I saw a mother cried for the lost of her son who were killed in a brutal way. Most surprisingly it was done by the Malaysian authorities in the line of duty.

Is this how we are treated in our own country? Is this how Malaysian authorities were train to interrogate the accused? While we are talking about the Palestinian were brutally murdered by the Israel army, should we engaged such an act in Malaysia our self?

The authority who supposed to be protective, engaged in a brutal murder on our own citizen. The victim is not a man who killed someone or threatens the nation’s security. He is only a car theft. He is yet to be charge in the court. A bunch of bastards in the authorities showed the evil part of them towards the minorities in Malaysia.

Are they so inhuman until they can't even judge a man is dying or is it because he is a Tamil and was let to die? The best part of all is, this 11 jokers who been accused with murder charge were only transfered to desk JOB, what a crap? Is this how Malaysian juridical system works?

Let me state you another joke, the talk on action to be taken on the two deputy minister who voice out this issue is much greater than the killing it self. MIC stands on defending both the minister. Let’s see how far they can go. This is not the only case, but there are thousands of cases whereby Tamils was killed while in custody.

This is what the Hindraf have been fighting for. This is what the Hindraf leader has been highlighting. This is what the Hindraf leaders been voicing out. But now even when you wear an orange T-shirt you will charge in court. What more to say?

What a drama when newly elected PM release 13 ISA (Internal Security Act), he claimed the ISA shall be reviewed. Coincidently, 3 more were detained on 1st of April. Don’t be surprise dude, more will be detained soon.

Any one wanna know how there treat the detainess? RPK did mention his experience while in Kemunting ISA detention centre that his cat ate better food from what they provide him.

This is the truth, the Malaysians are getting ticker with racial issues. It’s good publicity for BN. They are becoming unpopular among the rakyat. This is good news for Pakatan Rakyat. This shall be the plus point in the next campaign.

This shall be a benchmark in this coming by election in Penanti in Permatang Pauh. We will measure how far BN can gain trust.

Another question arised. Will BN contest? Or just walk out and give way to PR? It will double plus point for PR and frustration for BN supporters. Again this will be a triple plus point for Pakatan. Collectively, all the points shall contribute in the next GE13 (2012).

Couple of days ago, The honorable TUN did mention in one of his interview, what is wrong with “Mahatirsm”? This country has developed in 20 years of Mahatirsm.

Tun should know, what Malaysia resulted today is what he has created for the past 20 years. Even the BAD result in the last 12GE is part of his mistake too. He is one good politician who point finger to Abdullah and others as well but he never admitted any of his wrong doing. Oh, I forgot, he is a saint sent by GOD. He never commited any wrong doing.

Tamils today in Malaysia is produced by his monarchy. Tamils suffering in Malaysia today is resulted from his Mahathirism. He barely forgot than he is a product from Tamils of India who never admitted his origin too, but he claimed he is the son of this soil “Melayu Bumiputra”.

Now and the latest development, after succeeded his dream by pursuing DS Najib to name his son in the cabinet, he is trying to achieve his goal by convincing the new PM to continue his “Crooked Bridge Project” between Malaysia and Singapore.

What a briliant move. “I love you TUN”, I do still admire you.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Brutal Killing of Tamils Minority in Sri Langka

Protesters want US to intervene in Sri Lankan war
Hafiz Yatim Apr 17, 09 11:59am / Malaysiakini
A small group of protesters today gathered at the American Embassy at Jalan Tun Razak in Kuala Lumpur to urge Washington to intervene to stop the civil war in Sri Lanka.Led by the KL-based Global Peace Initiative, the 20-odd protesters wanted US president Barack Obama to urge the Sri Lankan government to stop targeting and victimising innocent Tamil civilians in their fight against rebels LTTE.

Global Peace Initiative coordinator S Pasupathi also submitted a memorandum to US embassy representative Eugene Axe. Also present in the protest were Pakatan legislators R Sivarasa, M Manogaran, Charles Santiago and S Manikavasagam.
It was too sad to express my feeling towards brutal killing of tamils in Sri Langka. The news above was partly from Malaysiakini dated April 17, 2009. As far as I concern no BN leaders ever voice their concern on this matter.
But one of Malaysian ex-leader did wrote in his blog called chedet, that Tamils are terrorist. Even he labelled the Tamils in Malaysia as part of the group when HINDRAF made their demand on 25th November, 2007.

It was the civilians were killed. Where is the "MERCY" from Malaysia??? I am posting some of the photograph of the brutal killing of inocent Tamil by Sri Langkan troups in Sri Lanka.

Judge for yourself. It is worst than the Israelis bombarded the Palestenians but similar to HOLOCAUST by nazi.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Secretary of States Award for International Women of Courage

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama present give away Secretary of State's Award for International Women of Courage to Malaysia 's Ambiga Sreenevasan at the State Department in Washington , DC . (AFP)

The shame of it all that we should be so proud (and are) of our own Malaysian receiving an international award like this, but the Malaysian government and press dont see it as important enough to publish it in our local dailies! It was only published by THE SUN (Free News Paper) but rather small and hidden in the inner pages.
This picture made it to the pages of India Times but not in our own papers!

But if she is from the so called bumiputra origin, I am sure she would have been given a DATUK/DATO' ship by now.

Come on Malaysia, please treat all Malaysian as your own bumiputra. Indeed we are all bumiputras if one knows the exact meaning of this word.
Thank you for the e-mail circulated. Thanks again for the "e" technology for keep us informed. Salute you dearest Ambiga Sreenevasan. Wonder what happen to the mono-cocktail incident case?


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Datuk's Drivers ~ Walk on Reality

KUALA LUMPUR: A special assistant to a minister is being investigated by police for brandishing a gun at an auxiliary policeman.
The incident allegedly occurred at the KL Sentral parking bay on Saturday evening when the Datuk, a senior government officer, was told he was not allowed to park at a certain spot.
Angered by the instruction, he pulled out his gun and threatened to shoot the auxiliary policeman with it.
Kalau dah jadi drebar, janganlah berlagak macam datuk. Kalau dah jadi drebar janganlah harapkan layanan istimewa seperti datuk. Saya rasa berita yang disiarkan oleh media mengenai seorang pembantu datuk yang mengeluarkan pistol hanya kerana masalah tempat letak kereta harus dipandang berat oleh pihak tertentu. Terutamanya datuk datuk yang mengunakan perhikmatan mereka.

Datuk Datuk yang dah menjadi datuk harus menasihati pemandu mereka supaya jangan berlagak lebih daripada datuk itu sendiri. Kalau dah menjadi datuk ke atau pemandu datuk ke, tak bermaksud mereka harus diberi layanan istimewa yang melebihi kerabat diraja.

Memang saya sendiri pernah mengalami situasi seperti diatas dimana pemandu datuk ini akan menuntut layanan istimewa atas nama datuk itu sendiri. Mereka tidak akan mengikut atau mendengar arahan pihak keselamatan dilantik. Mereka akan membantah atau tidak akan mendengar apa yang disuruh/minta atau diarahkan dengan alasan "saya driver datuk".

Jadi, kalau dah jadi datuk punya drebar, hang ingat hang tu kebal kah? hang ingat kalau dah jadi datuk punya drebar, hang dapat special treatment kah? Kepala otak hang! Hang tu pemandu yang buka pintu kereta untuk datuk. Hantu budak suruhan datuk yang bawa briefcase datuk. Hang tu kuli datuk. Hang tu tak sama macam datuk.

Memanglah datuk patut beri drebar mereka special treatment sebab drebarlah yang banyak mengetahui dan menyimpan journal datuk. Kalau ketempat baik, baiklah keadaannya. Kalau dah ketempat keparat. keparatlah jawabnya. Tapi itu tak bermaksud drebar tu kebal.

Hang tu, drebar yang kena jaga kereta, kereta bersih ke? kereta dah serbis ke? tayar kereta botak ke? Kereta datuk perlu pewangi ke? Jangan jadi drebar yang servis isteri datuk pulak. Jangan jadi drebar yang mengajar datuk macam mana nak menjaga anak. Jangan jadi drebar yang berlagak lebih dari datuk itu sendiri pulak.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stop Fighting. Help The Malaysian Indians ~ Dr. Azly Rahman

No word to express my gratitutes to this writer. I am sure I am late to discover his greatest thinking and humanity with interlectual. "Even I am late I have the latest", (Famous saying from Super Star Rajinikanth). I was amazed with his knowledge and commencences. Now my believe in existence of Truly Malaysian in this land is flowering. Please read through and understand the humanity that should be shouldered by us as a human for another living being.
Thank you Dr.Azly Rahman. I salute you.
Reading about the continuing plight of the most economically disadvantaged Malaysians, I wrote the following piece some time ago. As we are ushered cynically and reluctantly into a new era of Malaysian leadership -- into yet possibly another period of chaos and complexity -- we must be reminded of the issue of dehumanization amongst us. A humane and spiritually-based economic solution is needed, in an age of high-speed casino and hedonistic capitalism.
No amount of help will ever be enough, but any help will do. We need to help our Malaysian Indian community progress faster. How much has the New Economic Policy (NEP) helped the Indians? What then must all of us do? There is still too much infighting and problems of succession amongst the Indian Malaysians. Power is concentrated in the hands of the few. There is no evidence of transformative leadership. There is the ethos of overstaying one's welcome and not giving enough room for younger, brighter, more ethical and energetic leadership to emerge. These ‘fights’ must stop for the sanity of Malaysians in general.
A revolution is needed in the minds of the Indians. The revolution must be translated into praxis. Had all the warring factions of the Indian leadership spent less time arguing and torching newspapers and started reading what the chapters of the Bhagavad Gita (The Song of the Lord) said about greed, lust, power, the divine and the demonic self - the Indian population in the long run would be better off.
There is so much wisdom in this timeless text of the Bhagavad Gita that it can also be used to engineer profound social changes based on the philosophy of self-help/participatory democracy in the Indian community. There is the potential of embracing the philosophy of ‘kampongism’ - one that prioritises pastoralism and participatory democracy over profit-driven and parochial demono-cracy.
Multicultural marhaenism
It is time for the other races to engage in serious and sincere gotong-royong to help the poorest of the poor amongst the Indians. It is time that we become possessed with a new spirit of multicultural marhaenism. The great Indonesian leader Ahmed Soekarno popularised the concept of marhaenism as an antidote to the ideological battle against materialism, colonialism, dependency and imperialism. The thought that the top 10 percent of the richest Malaysians are earning more than 20 times compared to the 90 percent of the population is terrifying. What has become of this nation that promised a just distribution of wealth at the onset of Independence?
I have a perspective to resolve the issue of the Indian community.
The Malays and the Chinese too need to help the Indians progress. Malay and Chinese multimillionaires and billionaires can set up grants to help the poor Indians succeed in all fields of human endeavour. The Malays can get MARA (Majlis Amanah Rakyat) to share ideas, expertise and technology to make Indian children succeed and learn entrepreneurship skills.
The same strategies of affirmative action given to the Malays must be extended to the Indians and designed for their children. The Chinese can help with sharing of good business strategies that will help the Indian community create opportunities for their children. Indian graduates can continue to help the children of the less fortunate ones see the importance of education so that we will not see high dropout rates. They can help initiate the establishment of good boarding schools ala Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) to help bright Indian children from poor families succeed. Indian millionaires and billionaires can help create as many philanthropic organisations as they can to offer financial help based on merit and needs. Malay and Chinese teachers can volunteer to be transferred to predominantly Indian schools in the estates in order to see for themselves how much help people of other races need.
Those tens of thousands of unemployed graduates need to be trained as teachers and sent to the most economically-depressed schools in order to learn what social justice means and how to help solve social problems irrespective of race, creed, colour and religious orientation. Education is a gentle and humane enterprise that ought to teach teachers to fight prejudice, intolerance and to educate each child as if the child is his/her own. Each child is a gift, a bundle of love and joy, a khalifatullah (vicegerent of God) and an opportunity for the teacher to develop his/her fullest potential. Poverty creates more children that will have less resources and more emotional stress. Poverty must be eradicated regardless of race, creed, ethnicity and national origin.
Not an Indian problem
It is not an Indian problem. It is problem of humanity. Poverty cuts across racial lines. It is now a class issue that requires class struggle. Poverty creates mass anger and can result in revolutions. How much longer must the Indians suffer? They have helped build this nation we now call Malaysia. Their work in the rubber plantations has helped Henry Ford expand his global empire and Proton to spin its wheels of fortune. We are shackled too much by greed. The conversation between Arjuna and Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra is not about a 'battle'. It is about a jihad and a crusade against the injustices of man against man, man against nature and man against himself.
Stop fighting - think of what we are fighting for? But first, understand what the Gita, Sutras, Ramayana, Mahabharatta, Quran, Bible, etc. say about fighting over wealth and power. We'll all be humbled and will soon discover that all these will be left behind, in a world structured as maya and samsara (sengsara as the Malays would term it). Our common enemy is greed, materialism, militarism and corruption. That's our Mahabharata - our great war!
Our common enemy is our insatiable urge to acquire arta (harta in Malay, wealth in English). We have been building structures of oppression and setting up international advisory panels to help us plunder the natives in the name of development and Vision 2020. We do not understand enough the meaning of "trickle down" in capitalism, as we continue to create wealth that trickles up and finally flown outside of the country into bank accounts in Switzerland, Bahamas, and Cayman Islands. We then claim that we are nationalists when those things we do are for our self-interest and greed at the expense of the rural, urban and middle class poor struggling to make ends meet and not knowing who has been making their lives chaotic.
Help the poor.
A reminder to the wealthy and powerful. Help develop the poor – especially those from the Indian community. Detach yourself from your wealth, as the Bhagavad Gita, Sutras, Quran, Bible, Granth Sahib, etc, would ask you to. The wealth that you have acquired is not yours - they are those of the children of the poor and of the orphaned.You must learn what 'detachment from worldly possessions' means in the context of a cutthroat economic system like ours. It is time to understand how our lives are connected in a complex web of power, ideology, technology and consciousness.Help restructure the lives of the abject poor before they help totally restructure the lives of the filthy rich.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Cabinet Ministers Line Up ~ 09/04/2009 - 5.00pm

Prime Minister
Najib Abdul Razak
Deputy Prime Minister
Muhyiddin Yassin
Ministers in the Prime Minister's Department
Dr Koh Tsu Koon - Unity Affairs and Performance Management
Nazri Abdul Aziz - Minister in charge of law and Parliament
Nor Mohamed Yaakop - Economic Planning Unit
Major Gen Jamil Khir Baharom - Islamic Affairs
Deputies: Liew Vui Keong, Senator Dr Mashitah Ibrahim, SK Devamany, Ahmad Maslan and Senator T Murugiah

Finance Ministry
Najib Abdul Razak (1)Ahmad Husni Hanadzlan (2)
Deputies: Chor Chee Heong, Senator Dr Awang Adek Hussien

Education Ministry
Muhyiddin Yassin
Deputy: Wee Ka Siong, Puad Zarkashi

Transport Ministry
Ong Tee Keat
Deputies: Abdul Rahim Bakri, Robert Lau Hoi Chew

Agricultural Development and Commodities Bernard Dompok
Deputy: Hamzah Zainuddin

Home Affairs
Hishammuddin Hussien
Deputies: Abu Seman Yusop, Jelaing Mersat

Information, Communication, Arts and Culture
Rais Yatim
Deputies: Joseph Salang Gandum, Senator Heng Seai Kie

Energy, Green Technology and Water
Peter Chin Fah Kui
Deputy: Noriah Kasnon

Rural Development and Territories
Shafie Apdal
Deputies: Hassan Malek, Joseph Entulu Belaun

Higher Education
Khaled Nordin
Deputies: Dr Hou Kok Chung, Saifuddin Abdullah

International Trade and Industry
Mustapa Mohamad
Deputies: Mukhriz Mahathir, Jacob Dungau Sagan

Science, Technology and Innovation
Dr Maximus Ongkili
Deputy: Fadillah Yusof

Ng Yen Yen
Deputy: Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib

Noh Omar
Deputies: Johari Baharom, Rohani Abdul Karim

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Deputy: Abdul Latif Ahmad

Shaziman Abu Mansor
Deputies: Yong Khoon Seng

Liow Tiong Lai
Deputy: Rosnah Rashid Shilin

Youth and Sports
Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Deputies: Razali Ibrahim, Wee Jeck Seng

Human Resource
Dr S Subramaniam
Deputy: Maznah Mazlan

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Deputy: Tan Lian Hoe

Housing and Local Government
Kong Cho Ha
Deputy: Lajim Ukin

Women, Family and Society Development
Senator Sharizat Abdul Jalil
Deputy: Senator Chew Mei Fun

Anifah Aman
Deputies: Senator A Kohilan Pillay, Senator Lee Chee Leong

Federal Territories
Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin
Deputy: M Saravanan


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Malaysian Media Were Controlled?

I am writing this article to all genuine Malaysian to judge on the media reports that were reported and few other issues as well. Whether the Malaysians are aware or not but lets open our eyes and seek the actual situation.

Since before the 8th general election, One of the major Malaysia electronic media has been playing a vital role in the development of Malaysian politic. It has become one of important instrument to current government to pledge and plead their support, their campaign and boost their dos and don’t. I would say TV can be an important channel to send the message to the people. It can be done direct to your home.

But after the general election, even after the big lost of support from the people to current government, this electronic media has become more important to them. It has become an instrument to BN to high light the weakness the PR governing states and their wrong doing. It was not the wrong doing but the way it was mention and the way it was reported truly upsetting. They were judging the situation and not giving the report. They will do analysis on the situation and not being neutral. What is their qualification to judge and to produce the out come of the result? Or they are squeezed by the ruling party? Here are some of the examples:

Eg. They aired the speech of Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim on the 5th of April 2009 which were made way back in 1995. Currently even when they address the international news they will call the legal Nato army as “Askar Penceroboh”. And they called the terrorist as pejuang Islam (Freedom Fighters). But at the same time the called the LTTE as terrorist.

Another hot issue and redicules move made by the PDRM on the 7th of April 2009. They seize forensic sample of dead police detainee A Kugan from the office of pathologist Dr Prashant N Sambekar in University Malaya Medical Centre. They murder their son and now taking away the evidence. PDRM is the supremo cause they control the PM on his murder allegation. I am very sure the new PM won’t voice out on this matter as his balls are in PDRM’s court. The C4 is back firing him.



PR won in both Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang seats. This is the voice of the rakyat. The rakyat has spoken again. Humiliation to national pro BN media which aired the speech of Dato Seri Anuar Ibrahim on the 5th of April (The speech was made in 1995). The media's dirty tactics on PR's leader made it clear that the rakyat can't be cheated.

Bukit Selambau:
1. S.Manikumar (PKR) ~ 12,632 votes
2. S.Ganesan (MIC) ~ 10,229 votes

Bukit Gantang:
1. Nizar Jamaluddin (PAS) ~ 21,860 votes
2. Ismail Saffian (UMNO) ~ 19,071 votes

What a wonderful people of Malaysia. You are the great.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Malaysia's Sixth PM ~ Dato' Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak

Congratulation to Sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia. Hope he can bring some changes in rakyat plead specially on non Malays issues.

1. Changes in Tamil community by changing the leader who has been sitting his ass for more than 30 years.

2. Increase the quota system for non malays in education system.

3. Increase the intake of non malays in public service.

4. Release 5 hindraff leaders from ISA detention.

5. Abolish ISA in Malaysia.

6. Removal of restriction of freedom of expression affecting bloggers.

7. More opportunities to non malays contractors from the government tenders.
8. To appoint second Deputy Prime Minister post for non malays. (Malaysia should have 2 deputy minister - 1 from UMNO and 1 from MCA or MIC).

9. A minister post should be given to GERAKAN as they have been with BN for long.

Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...