I hope all of you remember this song. Brothers in Arms (Link) I was introduced to this song by a Doctor friend called Dr. Rejezhwaran back in the 80’s. This song actually came from an album called Brothers in Arms.. A famous track from Dire Straits. Mark knofler is the best in his class. I love his unique guitar sound. 
You may wonder why lvbala is talking about songs. Or you may wonder why this topic now when usually I am busy talking about politics. Even some claimed I am non pro government supporter.
Yes, even this song is not about politic but it is related to brotherhood. It is about how human should enhance their relation, how human should learn how to be human in brother hood. Respect each other regardless race and believe. Feel you are the mankind who related to each other.
There is only one human race. All human today are descended from the same genetic that originated in Africa about 150,000 years ago. We nomad our self to the rest of this world.
A song about country man who fought for the country in the field of war regardless race, color and religion. It is also relating about friends who shouldered another friend when one was down while they are facing the enemy. They don’t see what race your are from to battle together. They only feel brother hood in each other.
This is how actually American soldiers realised about friends and citizen who lost their life in the arms of another. Even back in their country, Americans look down on others by their color and race but seing one who shouldered them die in their arms made one realised that we are all one.
This is what Brothers in Arms is all about. When one claim this country is theirs, should realise when seing another colored friend die in their arms for the country they fought together, it opens your dignity and break your ego. It opens your heart and soul. It will make you realise we are all one.
Seing the red blood flowing make us realise our blood is same in color. We are mankind who were born in this mother earth and there is no different from one another.
We may have different idealogy, we may have different philosophy, we may have different way of living style. But at the end we are just as the same as our own blood. We are the world created from different colors but same in blood red.
Colorful rainbow. Many colors made a beautiful rainbow. Rainbow is not made from one color. It was made from seven different colors. This is why it is beautiful.
We Malaysian are made similar to rainbow. We may have come from different back ground, different religion, different culture, different language and many other differences. But at the end we are Malaysians. Even at present we are almost blended. Some time it is very hard to recognise the origin of Malaysian.
Sometimes the Malays look like Indians, An Indian look similliar to a Malay. My C.O.O look like a Malay, but than later I realise he is Sabahan. (East Malaysian) Never to judge a book by its cover. It was a message to us, or shall we take it as a humans compliment to each other.
We may have different political idealogy but we are still one. We may have fought each other on the street, we may have querelled to each other over our different views, but we are still one.
We will stand as one when we face our foe. We will stand together when we are treatened. We will shoulder each other when our nation is in danger.
After all..
We are Brothers in Arms.

You may wonder why lvbala is talking about songs. Or you may wonder why this topic now when usually I am busy talking about politics. Even some claimed I am non pro government supporter.
Yes, even this song is not about politic but it is related to brotherhood. It is about how human should enhance their relation, how human should learn how to be human in brother hood. Respect each other regardless race and believe. Feel you are the mankind who related to each other.
There is only one human race. All human today are descended from the same genetic that originated in Africa about 150,000 years ago. We nomad our self to the rest of this world.
A song about country man who fought for the country in the field of war regardless race, color and religion. It is also relating about friends who shouldered another friend when one was down while they are facing the enemy. They don’t see what race your are from to battle together. They only feel brother hood in each other.

This is how actually American soldiers realised about friends and citizen who lost their life in the arms of another. Even back in their country, Americans look down on others by their color and race but seing one who shouldered them die in their arms made one realised that we are all one.
This is what Brothers in Arms is all about. When one claim this country is theirs, should realise when seing another colored friend die in their arms for the country they fought together, it opens your dignity and break your ego. It opens your heart and soul. It will make you realise we are all one.
Seing the red blood flowing make us realise our blood is same in color. We are mankind who were born in this mother earth and there is no different from one another.
We may have different idealogy, we may have different philosophy, we may have different way of living style. But at the end we are just as the same as our own blood. We are the world created from different colors but same in blood red.
Colorful rainbow. Many colors made a beautiful rainbow. Rainbow is not made from one color. It was made from seven different colors. This is why it is beautiful.

We Malaysian are made similar to rainbow. We may have come from different back ground, different religion, different culture, different language and many other differences. But at the end we are Malaysians. Even at present we are almost blended. Some time it is very hard to recognise the origin of Malaysian.
Sometimes the Malays look like Indians, An Indian look similliar to a Malay. My C.O.O look like a Malay, but than later I realise he is Sabahan. (East Malaysian) Never to judge a book by its cover. It was a message to us, or shall we take it as a humans compliment to each other.
We may have different political idealogy but we are still one. We may have fought each other on the street, we may have querelled to each other over our different views, but we are still one.
We will stand as one when we face our foe. We will stand together when we are treatened. We will shoulder each other when our nation is in danger.
After all..
We are Brothers in Arms.