GEORGE TOWN: Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) wants the Ministry of Human Resources to audit the Standard Operating Procedures of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH).
CAP president S.M. Mohamed Idris said the audit would enable the authorities to understand why DOSH’s work over the past 25 years to create a safety-conscious environment had been ineffective.
“The Human Resource Ministry disclosed in June 2015 that 92.5% of construction sites do not comply with specifications set by DOSH.
“The statistics show the ineffectiveness of DOSH in sending the message across to construction companies that laws have to be complied with at all times,” he said in a press release yesterday.
Mohamed Idris said the figures made a mockery of notices at worksites proclaiming ‘Safety First’.
“Putting up these notices does not absolve the industry from liability for injuries and death,” said Mohamed Idris.
“Neither do these notices absolve DOSH from ensuring that all safety precautions have to be followed.
“According to DOSH, it inspects only work sites of projects costing less than RM20mil and bigger projects are left in the hands of the companies under the concept of self-regulation because they can afford to engage consultants.
“In two major cases in Penang, the scaffolding fell at the second Penang bridge and the fin wall also collapsed at the 21- storey Umno building.
“The Commission of Inquiry set up by the Penang government found there was incompetence and negligence.
“This should have been a lesson to DOSH that consultants in construction companies also need to be audited to keep them on their toes at all times,” said Mohamed Idris.
He said the existence of DOSH should be reason enough for construction companies to follow the law without the need for DOSH officers to be at all the worksites at all times.
lvbala said;
Expressing my thought and I hope non of you feel offended. I would not judge anyone's view on the above article but I would rather share my thought which basically I don't agree with the way DOSH has been blame for failing to create such awareness.
I am a Safety and Security Manager for the past 20 over years and I have worked in several management including 10 years in a Japanese company and later join the hotel industry.
I am totally disagree with the blame pointed towards DOSH for failing to create awareness.
Bull shit to the writer and I would rather say, please get your fact and bug up your pants before blaming those who have done more than enough for donkey years to make Malaysian realize and be safety in safe working environment.
Malaysian are simply taking things for granted, they just don't care about the risk they are facing in work place.
I bet you can't, cause risk is everywhere, it just waiting for someone to press the button and there you go.
Not only work place but they are negligent in their own house too. Tell me where are the safest place in this world anymore when one doesn't even care about it and worst more, they don't even understand the concept !
Lets say for an example; A car driver will automatically check his seat belt when he saw a police block, why? He is afraid of the ticket.
The question here is, does he wear seat belt because of his safety of because of the authority?
Blaming DOSH (Department of Occupational Safety & Health) is the not he end of the game, blaming DOSH does not solve the problem and it is not the answer for the question.
It is the people, drive by the involvement of the government to step in and get started. Only than we would see the result. Why am I pointing to the government? It is because of the money involve for a consistent advertisement, training and any other activity which carries the weight of the Safety awareness.
To share my experience, I have seen and handle my staff losing her ring finger about an inch. I have seen a staff got burn by caused by LPG gas and the worst, I have seen a dead body of a staff laying motionless on the kitchen floor, electrocuted.
And you know what, all of these situation happens because lack of awareness.
So, by thinking correctly, by thinking with a logic commonsense would at least minimize the risk and would create safe environment.
I will continue in my next writing.... so much to say, so little words and time.
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