In a speech to the Foreign Correspondents Association in May 1961, he warned us about “a small minority who did not think, feel, believe and work for the good of Malaya”. Referring to national unity, he said: “This goal would not be achieved if the Chinese continued to think and talk of everything Chinese.”
Ironically, some Malays and a misguided Chinese convert have let the Tunku down, while the non-Malays have embraced his vision wholeheartedly.
The Tunku was passionate about loyalty: “We, who are here, have only our little Malaya. The Chinese, Malays and others have to make the best of our home here. Malaya, our one and only home”. He explained that without unity, "there would be conflict and hell will break loose”.
Fast forward to 2010 and the two school principals who allegedly told their Chinese students to "return to China". They've aped the anti-Chinese rhetoric of Ibrahim Ali, Ahmad Ismail and Ridhuan Tee Abdullah. They are egged-on by a former prime minister, who refuses to retire gracefully, and whose constant meddling will destroy this country.
Not content at being sidelined, Information, Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim has condemned the MCA president for demanding the gradual reduction of the 30 percent bumiputera economic equity.
However, let's forget about 30 percent bumiputera equity.
Let's imagine a 'Ketuanan Melayu Utopia' with 100 percent Malay bumiputera equity, with all the Chinese 'banished' to China and the Indians to India.
Will we be socially, economically, morally and religiously content, in Malay brotherhood?
In this Utopia, will the handful of individuals who used to control the wealth of the nation, relinquish their economic stranglehold and share it?
Their actions could eradicate poverty across the country and lift the economic status of the Malays, especially the rural Malays.
But I doubt that they will give up control and power.
Will the government-linked companies or the companies 'belonging' to powerful politicians share projects with the other 97 percent of the population? Would projects be put to open tender? Would the Ali Baba companies that used to exist be disbanded? Or will clones of these Ali Baba firms emerge?
Lifestyle changes?
How will our schools fare? Teachers, especially principals, need not go into racist rants. Will bullying and harassment manifest itself in other forms?
Out will go the subject called 'Moral' for the non-Malays. Sports, especially for girls, would probably cease; Westernised activities like boy-scouts or girl-guides would stop.
As music is anathema to Muslim teachings, unless they are nasyid songs, students who appreciate music and want to learn a musical instrument would have to stop harbouring foolish ideas.
There will be even less emphasis on English. A nephew at a Mara boarding school tried to improve his English, by speaking English to his friends. Unfortunately, both his schoolmates and teachers teased him, "Kamu-ni action-nya, nak jadi Mat-Salleh kah?" (Why are you showing off, do you want to be a Westerner?) so he stopped.
With universities attended and staffed by Malays only, standards should be expected to rise, because there is no competition to slow them down and distract them.
With this new Ketuanan Melayu Utopia, there will be open season on polygamy. Men will be able to marry whenever and whoever they like. There will be no equality for women.
A man can opt to marry girls as soon as they reach the age of puberty. He can get around the laws prohibiting sex with a minor, by marrying in Malacca. When he tires of her, there is always the option of a second, third or fourth wife.
He need not worry about his children's welfare, or breakdown of the family-unit, as the courts rarely enforce maintenance payments. Women being responsible mothers, will always work harder, to subsidise his lifestyle and support his family.
Places that used to sell alcoho
l, and entertainment establishments like nightclubs or karaoke bars, will cease to exist and 'social ills' should disappear. The 'moral police' who used to look for drinkers like Kartika, may be downsized. Unemployment figures could rise as a result.
Will the khalwat squads still turn a blind eye to immoral VIPs? Having a 100 percent Malay nation will not stop illicit sex.
As there will be no more Gregorian New Year and Valentine's day celebrations, there will be no more abandoned babies.
How will the Malays decide between employment in the cushy civil service or a job in the private sector? Will the government machinery become leaner and more efficient?
Identity, cultural crises
With religious fervor, will the Malays become fully Arabicised or Islamicised? Our Malay architectural heritage has long been abandoned for Arabic domes.
However, let's forget about 30 percent bumiputera equity.
Let's imagine a 'Ketuanan Melayu Utopia' with 100 percent Malay bumiputera equity, with all the Chinese 'banished' to China and the Indians to India.
Will we be socially, economically, morally and religiously content, in Malay brotherhood?
In this Utopia, will the handful of individuals who used to control the wealth of the nation, relinquish their economic stranglehold and share it?
Their actions could eradicate poverty across the country and lift the economic status of the Malays, especially the rural Malays.
But I doubt that they will give up control and power.
Will the government-linked companies or the companies 'belonging' to powerful politicians share projects with the other 97 percent of the population? Would projects be put to open tender? Would the Ali Baba companies that used to exist be disbanded? Or will clones of these Ali Baba firms emerge?
Lifestyle changes?
How will our schools fare? Teachers, especially principals, need not go into racist rants. Will bullying and harassment manifest itself in other forms?
Out will go the subject called 'Moral' for the non-Malays. Sports, especially for girls, would probably cease; Westernised activities like boy-scouts or girl-guides would stop.
As music is anathema to Muslim teachings, unless they are nasyid songs, students who appreciate music and want to learn a musical instrument would have to stop harbouring foolish ideas.
There will be even less emphasis on English. A nephew at a Mara boarding school tried to improve his English, by speaking English to his friends. Unfortunately, both his schoolmates and teachers teased him, "Kamu-ni action-nya, nak jadi Mat-Salleh kah?" (Why are you showing off, do you want to be a Westerner?) so he stopped.
With universities attended and staffed by Malays only, standards should be expected to rise, because there is no competition to slow them down and distract them.
With this new Ketuanan Melayu Utopia, there will be open season on polygamy. Men will be able to marry whenever and whoever they like. There will be no equality for women.
A man can opt to marry girls as soon as they reach the age of puberty. He can get around the laws prohibiting sex with a minor, by marrying in Malacca. When he tires of her, there is always the option of a second, third or fourth wife.
He need not worry about his children's welfare, or breakdown of the family-unit, as the courts rarely enforce maintenance payments. Women being responsible mothers, will always work harder, to subsidise his lifestyle and support his family.
Places that used to sell alcoho
Will the khalwat squads still turn a blind eye to immoral VIPs? Having a 100 percent Malay nation will not stop illicit sex.
As there will be no more Gregorian New Year and Valentine's day celebrations, there will be no more abandoned babies.
How will the Malays decide between employment in the cushy civil service or a job in the private sector? Will the government machinery become leaner and more efficient?
Identity, cultural crises
With religious fervor, will the Malays become fully Arabicised or Islamicised? Our Malay architectural heritage has long been abandoned for Arabic domes.
The kebaya has been usurped by the jubah. Tudung or mini-telekung have replaced ordinary head scarves. Even Malay men parade in white Arab robes. War memorials are banned and logos on football jerseys are subject to scrutiny.
Malay weddings have long since become politically correct and institutionalised. Apart from the customary vulgar display of wealth, there is no more joget or mingling among guests. Men and women have neglected how to behave in each other's presence because of segregation. Basically, everyone has forgotten how to have fun.
The Malays are suffering from an identity and cultural crisis. They are stuck in a time-warp and refuse to move with the times. They lack a strong leader. They have been held back by leaders who do not understand their needs but who were content to use them indiscriminately. Malays have been conditioned to be suspicious of each other and kept in check by fear.
All the Ibrahim Alis, Ahmad Ismails, Ridhuan Tee Abdullahs and racist school-principals of Malaysia are simply 'dark-skinned' neo-Nazis. If these 'pseudo Aryans' believe that 100 percent bumiputera equity, or banishing non-Malays from Malaysia will improve our social and economic outcomes, then their heads need examination.
When their experiment for a 100 percent Malay nation-state fails to lift the rural Malays out of poverty and creates a wider gap between rich and poor Malays, what then? When their ill-conceived 'social-engineering' creates more Malay disunity, who will they blame?
In our Malay Utopia, will Dr Mahathir Mohamad be sent back to Kerala, will Ridhuan Tee be returned to China and will the other 'Indonesian Malays' like Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and Najib Abdul Razak be sent packing?
Malay weddings have long since become politically correct and institutionalised. Apart from the customary vulgar display of wealth, there is no more joget or mingling among guests. Men and women have neglected how to behave in each other's presence because of segregation. Basically, everyone has forgotten how to have fun.
The Malays are suffering from an identity and cultural crisis. They are stuck in a time-warp and refuse to move with the times. They lack a strong leader. They have been held back by leaders who do not understand their needs but who were content to use them indiscriminately. Malays have been conditioned to be suspicious of each other and kept in check by fear.
All the Ibrahim Alis, Ahmad Ismails, Ridhuan Tee Abdullahs and racist school-principals of Malaysia are simply 'dark-skinned' neo-Nazis. If these 'pseudo Aryans' believe that 100 percent bumiputera equity, or banishing non-Malays from Malaysia will improve our social and economic outcomes, then their heads need examination.
When their experiment for a 100 percent Malay nation-state fails to lift the rural Malays out of poverty and creates a wider gap between rich and poor Malays, what then? When their ill-conceived 'social-engineering' creates more Malay disunity, who will they blame?
In our Malay Utopia, will Dr Mahathir Mohamad be sent back to Kerala, will Ridhuan Tee be returned to China and will the other 'Indonesian Malays' like Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and Najib Abdul Razak be sent packing?
Comments from lvbala,
Great article written by Mariam Mokhtar. Her imagination was tremendous.
Her imaginative talent bring a great message to all Malaysian to appreciate what we a have now.
It goes to others (Chinese and Indians as well). She is simply pointing to her own race as an example to avoid being label as a racist. But the message should be absorb by all Malaysians and think with their brain and not with their ass.
Will all the problems bi gone if Malaysia was occupied by only one race?
This message clearly sent to all Malaysian that we are one. We are the son of this soil. We should stop blaming each others. We should ignore those racists who were trying to distroy the country's peace.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
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