What more can be worse?
When we heard about million missing in MAS, Port Klang, Perwaja Steel, Proton, Project Bakun, Submarine deals, Sukhoi deals and many more, we were to understand the politicians are the one who made the money out of it.
It can be the politician or it can be someone who was align to the minister himself. I do have a friend who made his cut out of millions when he was close to certain ministers.
But unfortunately, after the minister fail to grab her position in the cabinet, my friend goes down with her and he is still struggling to get back to his feet.
It was all came up to, who do you know? If you are unknown to ministers, no way you can ever think about making big money.

I have heard enough. I have heard from the trusted source. I have the prove of all the holidays in overseas.
In the latest development, a low rank soldier who hold only sergeant rank was accused of smuggling 2 F5E jet engine to Uruguay.... Wow !
This is really a wow factor. But the real problem is, those who came up with this story thought Malaysians are easy to be cheated. They can be simply told the "PAK PANDIR" story.
But in the latest development of missing engine, the told story and accusations merely can be trusted. Many gray areas need to be high lighten. So, lets go deeper into it....
Can a Sergeant alone with another friend ship out the engine by his own without involving others?
It can be the cronies or someone who the fact that these two could outwit the entire security apparatus of the Air Force, the Ministry of Defence, the Customs and Port Authorities as well as the shipping authorities speaks highly of their calibre for high office.
Further, that they could establish contacts with Uruguayan authorities speaks of capabilities which very few in Malaysians have. Even our ambassador in Uruguay could not have brought about the sale of used aircraft engines. Malaysia should be proud of them instead of feeding whitewashed stories to the rakyat.

The danger here now is that he will be accused of not being able to live with his guilt and suddenly will find some rope in his prison cell. Then the investigation will be over and there will be a suicide note.
We have seen C4 and Immigration records disappear and two lowly special forces unit personnel getting hanged while 'Mr RM500 million commission' Abdul Razak Baginda does not even get whipped for adultery and close proximity, but is now living in London, most likely in luxury.
This is really disgusting. Anybody can see that it is ridiculous to charge this low-ranking air force sergeant for stealing the two jet engines. Why torture him to confess if they have the proof?
Why set bail so high? If he has stolen the engines, don't you think bail would have been a sneeze for him? The justice system is cruel and perverted.
With the number of Indians dying or tortured in custody, the confession of N Tharmendran is highly suspect. Bail at RM150,000?
He has no previous convictions. Is that bail set because of prejudice against Indians?
Thought For The Day
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