When DPM quote Zaid Ibrahim is only a light weight instead he was just a feather weight, I was laughing to by belly. He was trying to picture future YB Zaid Ibrahim just a small fry as what he quoted some of the MIC members.
So, let it be. Let it be the feather weight. But even with the feather weight DPM can’t be sure of who is winning. He can’t decide who will win and who will be losing.
Nobody can decide the wining and the losing. But everyone can decide who should be the winner. Not to be confused if you read my words again. I mean the word should, should be considered. We can decide who should win. Who should win. Not decide the winner.
The constitution people of Hulu Selangor should decide who should win. The have the right to choose the winner. They have the choice now. They can choose. They will choose who they want to be the winner. Not DPM to decide. He can’t even vote in Hulu Selangor.
The voters in Hulu Selangor now should consider who they need to be represented.
Let’s share some political conversation I had with some of my close friends.
Scene one,
I was traveling back from work in an electric commuter train pull by diesel engine. Don’t ask me how this works instead use your creative imagination to imagine. In a normal day conversation with my friend who was a finance manager in one of the top bank in Malaysia asked me to vote for Kamalanathan as he was an Indian. He knows I am a KKB born boy and I will be voting.
He had his excuses to support Kamanathan. Indeed his thinking was as the same as my father’s. He is almost 50+. Typical race based support by ignoring the majority of the Malaysians. You can’t change someone’s decision. But I have mine and I am not going to tell you.
Scene two,
A friend of mine called me one afternoon to ask about voting in KKB. He told me the same as what in the scene one. I ask him why I should listen to him. I reminded him about his role of acting in TV3 buletin news in 2008 general election session with some supporters who was defecting from PKR to MIC. My friend was a die hard supporters of IPF back in the nineties. He defected to PKR than later play the role in the tv drama.
He was in PKR some time and defected to MIC just before the 2008 general election for some good reason he had for his own.
He was the one who thought me into politic and was totally 180 degree against my view. Basically I come to a point he was not a man of principal when comes to politic. That was supposed to be the way of being one in politics. Don’t you think so?
But everyone has their own principal. Their own reasons for comfort. You have yours and I have mine too. We are the rakyats. We need to ask our self what is our principal. Where do we stand? You can dance with anyone; you can cheer with who ever you want.
At the end of the day what does counts? You should know your limits. You should know where you stand.
You can wear their free t-shirts. You can wave their flags. Take the giving. But at the end of the day, the choice lies in your hand. Remember, your goodies only until 25th. After 25th you need to get back to continue your routine normal interesting life journey. No more promises. No more dancing and cheering.
All that left was only your newly given t-shirt pajamas.
You need to make appointment to meet your elected MP. That if you are lucky.
Be wise and make your choice. Use your greatest power of choice to choose.
Oh yes, my both friend remain my great friends.
thoughts by,
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