Wishing all Hindus a very Happy Thaipusam dan and may Lord Murugan's blessing be with us with his grace and prosperous. May his brave and sharp mind give us energy to stand for justice. Let this Thaipusam day unite us to be stronger and wiser.
Lets get united with our Muslim brothers, Buddhist brothers, Christians brothers and others as well. Our blood is all red after all. Let us break the the wall of religion that stands between us. Understand ones religion and respect all is the key for unity of mankind.

Colorful, musical, no meat foods, sweets and all type of Tamil's traditional and cultural items can be found in this auspicious day.
Visiting any Tamils holly places to witness Thaipusam celebration doesn't make anyone to change their believes of faith.
It was just a celebration celebrated by Hindus to clean their sins and get blessed from Lord Murugan. His blessing goes to all if we believe GOD is one and for all.
Malaysians, specially the majority group should be more wise and be more understanding to others believe and don't be naive and short sided. No one is greater than the others.
No body owns this world for themselves but it was to be shared with all include the animals and all in it. GOD never had any hidden agendas to us. He never create hatred. He is the ultimate love and supreme being for all mankind.
There is no Indian GOD, Chinese GOD, Christian GOD, Muslim GOD or any other religion GOD. But there is only one GOD for all.
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