I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Wishing all Hindus a very Happy Thaipusam dan and may Lord Murugan's blessing be with us with his grace and prosperous. May his brave and sharp mind give us energy to stand for justice. Let this Thaipusam day unite us to be stronger and wiser.
Lets get united with our Muslim brothers, Buddhist brothers, Christians brothers and others as well. Our blood is all red after all. Let us break the the wall of religion that stands between us. Understand ones religion and respect all is the key for unity of mankind.
The Muslim and others are always welcome to Batu caves or any other temples in Malaysia to celebrate this day with Hindus.
Colorful, musical, no meat foods, sweets and all type of Tamil's traditional and cultural items can be found in this auspicious day.
Visiting any Tamils holly places to witness Thaipusam celebration doesn't make anyone to change their believes of faith.
It was just a celebration celebrated by Hindus to clean their sins and get blessed from Lord Murugan. His blessing goes to all if we believe GOD is one and for all.
Malaysians, specially the majority group should be more wise and be more understanding to others believe and don't be naive and short sided. No one is greater than the others.
No body owns this world for themselves but it was to be shared with all include the animals and all in it. GOD never had any hidden agendas to us. He never create hatred. He is the ultimate love and supreme being for all mankind.
There is no Indian GOD, Chinese GOD, Christian GOD, Muslim GOD or any other religion GOD. But there is only one GOD for all.
A man came home from work and his children ran to him and called out ‘Ayah! Ayah!’.
His neighbor got very upset and said to him, “Can you please tell your children not to call you ‘Ayah’?”
The man asked, “Why?”
The neighbor retorted, “Because my children call me ’Ayah’ too. They might get confused and mistake you to be their father.”
Then the man told his neighbor, are you not a shame to say that your children do not know who is their 'Ayah'. So you are saying by using the word 'Ayah' , your children will call me Ayah too without knowing who is their father.
The neighbor said yes,only I should use the word 'Ayah'.
The man said, then there is something wrong in what you are teaching your children. They are not sure and do not know who is their 'Ayah'. Total confusion.
A simple story above tells us what transpired in the mind of those who thought their children of about what they know which they got no idea of what they are actually teaching or thinking.
"Seperti ketam mengajar anak berjalan lurus" (A crap teaching their son how to walk strait) This proverbs explained the whole situation of those who think they know everything but actually they know "zero".
Than, how do we expect them to teach others as well?
I have wrote about crap story which tells great deal about INDIAN and now the same crap story (but different version) for the those who hold the majority in Malaysia.
At least this similarity answered the concept of One Malaysia. Clowns
Our country never lack of the voice of nyanyuk boys. And so cause so many nyanyuk boys in the country got nothing to do rather than talked rubbish that tarnish the country’s good name. They talked not only about our country but this time they cross the boarder to comment about other country as well.
One of the nyanyuk boy commented about US government’s failure to keep peace in Gaza. I never understood when this nyanyuk boy made the US in charge to take care of Gaza problem when once he question US for invading Iraq and never understood US was the savior of Kuwait when Iraq invaded Kuwait.
The best of all, this nyanyuk boy said the 9/11 attack on the twin Tower was staged. I am sure the part of the world will be laughing with this statement and confirm him as nyanyuk that need to left alone. He is a major embarrassment to this nation. With the current religious complication raising up in the air, maybe he is nyanyuk after all.
On top of that this nyanyuk boy talked about the promise made by this president of one of the powerful country in the world. He voice out those promises made by this foreign president but he forgot about many promises he broke when he was in power. Of course he is nyanyuk. So, don’t blame him.
Another interesting nyanyuk boy who was leading the Tamils in Malaysia for more than 30 years and he still think he is the savior of the Tamils in Malaysia. This nyanyuk boy claimed everyone who was elected to party post with his help is against him. There was a conspiracy against him. He is having this trauma called “Can’t live without power”.
His deputy president who won the deputy president with his strength is against him. But this nyanyuk boy is not going to quit. Don’t blame him as he counting his days against time.
Here goes another nyanyuk boy’s statement from the state level. He has forgotten that he was an opposition now but talking as he is in power. Who is listening to him? Even I had forgotten his name but always remember when I heard the word “TOYOL”. He said “Even when I had the power, I refuse to any position in the foundation”.
I agree with this nyanyuk boy for his generosity never to head any foundation because he was too busy with other foundation that gave him better income. Even his wife was busy with BAKTI’s 10 million on how to spend this amount of money. “Two much money, too little time”
You guys want to listen to a joke from another nyanyuk boy? Guess who? He once said, if anyone was arrested in ISA, I will visit him everyday and bring him shark spin soup. More than 30 years leading a party and he has done and said nothing about what he wants others to voice out and to be willing to go to prison.
This appearance of nyanyuk boys will be seen more to emerge in coming time. We will be nyanyuk some day ah? Wonder will we be like them to others? Ops..
Feared more than 100,000 people may have died as a result of Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti. A major earthquake struck southern Haiti on Tuesday, knocking down buildings and power lines and inflicting new misery on the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation. Once again we see the world comes together regardless religion and race. Should we Malaysian learn something from this before it is too late.
Lvbala: It is time for Pakatan to show what really '1Malaysia' means. Anwar Ibrahim should play his cards right and tackle the issue wisely. No logic and law can be applied to religious issues. But a great leader's influence can play the vital role in this area. Most important is the leader should be wise too - Published in Malaysiakini 08/01/10 - Title: 'Please tackle 'Allah' issue wisely'.
The word Allah (الله) is the Arabic term for God, or in other words, the Arabic God. In Islam, Allah is the main word for God. Muslims use 99 Names of God to describe God, but Allah is the most common of these and means all of them.
When a Muslim says Allah, all of the other names of God are thought of as part of it. Muslims also believe that this word tells about God's being a single entity and as being without wrong or defect and of God having no partner.
In Arabic, the name is composed of four letters, ا ل ل ه (or Alif Lam Lam Ha) which when brought together make الله. Most ArabChristians believe that Allah is made up of three devinebeings; the Father, Son and Spirit, that together they make up God. In Hinduism has been called trinity. The tri-murties. (Brahma, Krisna and Siva).
"Allah" is often used by Muslims, when they're praying. Muslims have a faith in one God, one person who made everything, one judge and only one person who has power over all things. ~ Wikipedia
"This is because 'God' in other religions is translated as 'Tuhan' in Bahasa Melayu or Arabic, not 'Allah'. 'Allah' specifically referred to God in Islam. ~ Tun Mahathir Mohamad
"I accept the term 'Allah' had been used in Sabah and Sarawak before the two states joined Malaysia, but it is difficult to stop them from doing so now but in the peninsular, we have not heard of such practice," ~ Tun Mahathir.
Do I have to explain and elaborate what this is all about? The wikipedia have said it and the famous Tun Mahathir have said it. But to be accurate, no one can be. But the logic and to except the truth is another issue.
Malaysians and the Muslims should consider. But in another word, when comes to religion and GOD, will anyone except terms and conditions. I don’t think so. So, do not blame the Muslims.
Everyone or most of the intellectuals know GOD is one. All of us come from GOD who is the one and the only one. But we humans from the vase variety of landscape, language, culture have our own way of calling and praising GOD.
We name GOD in many terms that flow from our love for Him. But one should understand that GOD has no name. No one can name him. When he is the supreme how can someone be above him to name him?
But we call him by praised, giving him the best calling can be. Every name calling has its meaning. The best meaning ever can be. So, it creates different name from different language from different culture.
So there were the religions. Even this religion creates scholars. Too many scholars who got nothing to do but created teachings and dividers. They created borders. They build the wall to separate themselves from others. The wall of religions.
Today, as we move forward we find that what ever was part away has move to come together. With the help of technology the world has comes together and even smaller.
We can hide away but has to face the fact. The facts that God is one. But we humans had split him in many terms.
(My opinions and my way of thinking for the best of mankind unity, but your comments are welcomed as it is the way you think)
Happy New Year to all Readers. May this year we are showered with blessings, wonders, prosperous and good health. Hope this year we shall step another milestone for racial unity, friendly government and change the government to bring back the true truly Malaysia. GOD bless. From lvbala and family.