This is another side of him. The dark side of him. This is how he has been in power all the while. Slap Anyone who question him.
Use gangsters to stay in power. Use his underground link to delete those he thinks has virus.
And now he is trying to bring his son into the picture (MIC) to maintain his influence. May he is think the MIC belong to his fathers. Or maybe he thinks MIC belongs to his as he has been in control for more than 30 years.
MIC lost the majority support cause of him. Tamils don’t hate MIC, they simply hated him. Tamils hated him for neglecting the majority Tamils. He can say he have built a school or temple for Tamil indeed he did.
But it doesn’t mean he can play GOD with the Tamils.

Have anyone wonder why he still nailed hi7mself at the seat of MIC? I wonder why he is not moving an inch from MIC?
Some say he is waiting to be given TUN. So no one can bring him to court for the sin and corruption he was involved.
I was not a MIC member as well as most of my friends. I rather support PAS supporters club than support the rotten MIC. Typical boredom and typical INDIA style of managing the Tamils of Malaysia.
Let it be, let it be in the way it has been. Till MIC loose the total support by next GE13. Than it will effect the BN government progress. And by statistic, BN will be topple because the Chinese soon will open their eyes.

An eye opener for Chinese are happening now in Teoh’s case. Brutal murder by the top personnel from the MACC and some politician reflect the non bumi’s are useless and powerless.
Brutal attacked by authorities on DAP Chinese prove even Chinese in BN will face the same fact if they avoid the yes man concept. Read me again, it was not 1Malaysia concept but yes man concept.
Malaysians… lets be Malaysian and show your choice when you have the chances. We have the greaters power of choice so lets choose wisely.
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