But this time was lead by another episode which clashes upon Tamil brothers. A group of Pakatan Rakyat Tamil supporters march to MIC HQ to hand over a memorandum to Maika Holding CEO Vel Pari and some how they clash with MIC supporters lead by T.Mohan (MIC Youth Leader)
What went wrong? But something did go wrong. Terribly went wrong? Some hash words thrown, throwing punches and blame each other for something done by someone up there claimed as a leader. The effected only claiming their money to be return. Pointing finger to NESA is not a reason for MIC to escape with peoples money. They should stand responsible as they are the one who collected the money. NESA never came to the picture until recently.
No one ever thought, Kampung Buah Pala case end up in Maika Holding shares. But any way the gather were only bolster the perception that the party was more gangland than political specially the Tamils. Don’t judge the “rakyat” bros, its leadership by example.
This is not only happening now but MIC representative will always use this type of violent when ever investors ask to return their invested money.
Personally, even I was stunt with the chaos but I feel there is no other way to voice out after all the attempt were only end up as a failure. Who will ever be quiet after all the hard earn money disappeared in the hand of a draconian leader.
It was a shame to the leader to send his son to answer all the allegation for the sin he has committed. And still the MIC existing ministers were only keeping their mouth shut as to cover their own balls from falling into fire.

The existing government and the PM’s never even bother to interfere or even to ask his component member to come up with a solution. Why should they? Let the Tamils suffer. Let the Tamils fall beyond par. Soon they will disappear from this soil or maybe we can maintain them as a kuli forever.
If not because of the brave hearted opposition leaders such as YB Manikavasagam, YB Ramasamy, YB M Kulagesaran and Executive Councilor A Sivanesan. I don’t think this matter will ever will be solved. Ever to be voiced out. Ever to be heard.
Any, It all happens for a reason. At least the present government and the rakyat of the whole will know what is wrong in the current Tamils political situation. Why the Tamils are so violent and demanding. Why the Tamils always complaint they don’t get anything from the government.
In the actual reason, it was not the government but the Tamil leaders who pocketed all the money and the benefits but the current government taking all the blames. The government will loose the support and the situation may go worst. The rakyat may judge the 1Malaysia concept if the welfare of the Tamils were neglected.

It is time to end the 25 year battle. The Tamils ship is sinking with the current economy cake shrinking. The heat is up on. Soon it will be a point blank if the current ruling government leaders fail to address this matter.
For me as a person, by hook or crook, the investors should be answered. The responsible leader should be responsible. Tamils are no more tools for their own benefits. Total overhaul needed in order for the survival of the Tamils in Malaysia.
These are some feed back from those who have invested their hard earn money in Maika Holding.
Copied from Malaysiakini.
First Investors,
1. On Vell Paari's invitation to Pakatan leaders for a briefing on Maika shares issue, it is almost 30 years since Indians in Malaysia invested into the shares, hoping that it would help them in their future as was announced during its inception. Everybody lost their money.
What has Samy Vellu done about it all these years? No dividends were given, the shares have no value, and they cannot be sold. He can say CM Lim Guan Eng can settle the Kg Buah Pala issue with the stroke of a pen but as MIC president, he could not settle the Maika shares issue all these years.On Teoh Beng Hock's sudden death while under MACC's custody, even MCA is asking for a RCI but what has Samy Vellu done for A Kugan's case? No wonder that matter has gone into oblivion.

When Hindraf marched to give their petition to the Yang DiPertuan Agong, Samy Vellu called them "terrorists". Is this how he looks at Indian Malaysians?He lost in his own constituency of Sungai Siput, yet he stays on as MIC president. Ling Leong Sik has left, Tun Mahathir has left, but Samy Vellu still wants to hold on to his position so as to pass the baton to his son as though it is his family's birthright
Second Investor:
2. The question that should be asked is what were MIC leaders doing during the last Gerakan administration when the land upon which the village now stands was alienated and sold to the civil servants cooperative, which in turn made a quick profit buy selling the same to Nusmetro, the developer.
If the MIC had stood its ground from the day its founding fathers help this nation achieve independence and demand what should rightfully be given to the Indians, the Indians of today will not be a suppressed minority.A lot of land belonged to the Chettiars and the Indians were the dominant workforce of the Malayan Railways, Telecoms, National Electricity Board, Public Works and Utilities, Postals and Waterworks.
If the MIC had been an equal and respected partner of the coalition and stood up for its rights, the situation would be very different today.The Indians have lost almost everything because of improper leadership, the only way forward is to march as Malaysians and by making sure that race and religion are transcended for all to be equal in this country.
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