His statement was supported by another joker, Permatang Berangan assemblyman and Penang Islamic Religious Affairs president, who claimed the non muslim was not allowed to mention Caliph’s name or his quote. But at the other corner of the ring, the state mufti claimed this was not wrong. Who is right and who is wrong?
I wonder when I was told to take up “Sejarah Islam” as one of the must subject in STPM. I was reluctant to this as a “must” but later I was so glad “Sejarah Islam” turn out to be one of the most interesting lessons. The Prophet Nabi Muhamad’s (SAW) journey to spread Islam as the most dynamic religion captured my heart and definitely the Holy Prophet earn his respect in me.
I did well too compare to my muslim friends. From this STPM Islamic lesson we were thought how Prophet’s friends had fought for him in spreading Islam. This Include Caliph Abu Bakar Al Siddiq ('Abdallah bin Abū Quhāfah) as a first Caliph of Islam (The first to convert Islam from out side of Prophet Nabi’s family).
Caliph Umar Ibn Al Khataab is also referred to as `Umar al-Farūq as a second Caliph. Omar was like most of Quraysh before Islam, yet after Islam he became one of the greatest men to walk this earth.
Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan is the third Caliph from the Rashidun Empire and a son in law of Holy Prophet Nabi.
The fourth Caliph of Islam was Khalifa Ali Ibn Abi Talip.
"My eyes are sore are my legs are thin, but I'll stand by you, O Messenger of Allah”,
Thus said the young man of ten, when the Holy Prophet put his message before his own relatives. The boy was Ali, the cousin of Holy Prophet. It can be said that Ali's succession to the caliphate was approved by the vast majority of Muslims in Medina, and also in most of the provinces of the state.
Umar Ibn Abd Al-Aziz was known as one of the caliph who made a number of important religious reforms in Islam. He abolished the long-standing Umayyad and Khawaarij custom of cursing Ali Ibn Abi Talib (the fourth Caliph), at the end of Friday sermons and ordered the following Qu'ranic verse be recited instead: - Surely God enjoins justice, doing of good and giving to kinsfolk.
Another famous quotes from him: “Rulers usually appoint people to watch over their subjects. I appoint you a watcher over me and my behaviour. If you find me at fault in word or action guide me and stop me from doing it” – Khalifa Umar Ibn Abd Al Aziz.
I am not a Muslim, but for me knowing ones religion is a must to understand their spiritual way of living. This is how I learned to respect my Malay friends with their believing. Even now my understanding about Islam leads me to teach my children to respect Muslims as well. This doesn’t make me Islam. The same goes to Christians as well as Buddhism. Believing in religion comes from ones heart. No one have the right to force another to convert or to stop him from believing.
The quote said by Umar Ibn Abd Al-Aziz is only a quote to be followed by mankind if they think its right from their heart. This is not a preaching nor following. There are many quotes and customs followed by Malays as well. It doesn’t mean one is MURTAD to their own religion. It s all depends on ones “NIAT” in their heart. There is no religion in this world request mankind to harm or hate others. I strongly believe this goes to Islam too. I don’t think Islam request his followers to hate others even the kafir but a Muslim’s responsibilities is to explain and make others to understand the truth (Dakwah).
If I, as a non Muslim can respect and understood other religion, I think these two jokers that I mention earlier should start their religious class again to understand the basic of religious preaching. Learn to respect others as well, the basic fundamental of mankind. If these politician jokers claim was right than the Pendidikan Malaysia must do something about this. This lesson should be stop from continued by the non Muslim in all schools which I don’t think they will. But instead this jokers should be send to religious class to enhance their believe.
“Islam is belongs to all mankind and not only for one race”
Thought of the day
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