Supreme Being Who is transcendent, omnipotent, omniscient,
omnipresent, Eternal-Infinite-Bliss.
What does Parabrahman mean metaphysically?
The Omnipresent
The Eternal
The Boundless
The One Absolute Reality
The Infinite Cause
The Unknowable
The Inmoved Mover
The Truth
The Rootless Root of all
Pure Timeless Beingness
The Immutable Principle on which all speculation in impossible.
It is symbolized under two aspects, Absolute Space & Absolute Motion; the latter representing
unconditioned Consciousness. The impersonal reality of the cosmos is the pure noumenon of thought,
Parabrahman is out of all relation to conditioned existence.
Parabrahmn means “the Supreme Spirit of Brahma”. Whenever Parabrahmn deploys into manifestation,
it assumes a dual aspect, giving rise to “pairs of opposites,” or polarities of the conditioned universe.
The One splits into Spirit –Matter, Subject-Object.
Is Hinduism monotheistic?
Hinduism transcends monotheism.

To say that there is only one God, is to reduce God to a single unit.
God is a Unity of all things,
manifest and unmanifest,
and not to a unit of measure.
There isn’t only one God,
God is one – The Infinite One.
Is God personal or impersonal in Hinduism?
God is impersonal and personal, formless and formful, and beyond.
God is personified and worshipped in many forms to simply express devotion.
God is everything, God is in everything. Everything is in God only.
God is one – the Infinite One.
Hinduism can be called panentheism, but it is transtheistic i.e. it transcends theism and atheism.
What Hinduism is and is not as compared to other religious?
A Hindu can relate to the non-physical or unmanifest God (Nirguna Brahman) as in Judaism.
A Hindu does not insist that God as duality or trinity or infinity as
heretical or akin to polytheism simply because God is not a unit of measure.

A Hindu does not insist that God Is unlike man or only non-physical, nor ona 6-day creationism.
A Hindu can relate to loving God in personal form (Saguna Brahman) as in Christianity.
A Hindu does not insist on the concept of Judgement day or bodily resurrection.
A Hindu does not insist upon the body of Jesus as a way to God, but the original teachings of Jesus.
A Hindu does not insist on bodily resurrection after thousands of years in a grave, on way to heaven or hell.
A Hindu does not consume flesh and pretend love of God.
God exist as spirit soul within all living entities, especially sentient being who feel pain as much as human do?
A Hindu must surrender to God as in Islam.
A Hindu does not insist on muslim-only brotherhood, but universal brotherhood.
A Hindu does not insist that an omnipotent God cannot take a form at will.
A Hindu does not insist impersonal worship and Arabic only prayer in the direction of Kaaba Temple in Mecca.
A Hindu does not insist on subhuman treatment of infidels and women.

A Hindu has Confucian reverence for ancestral spirits.
A Hindu does not insist focusing only on family and morals while forsaking exploration of spiritual planes.
A Hindu understands God as a timeless Tao that precedes and encompasses the universe.
A Hindu does not insist on physical immortality nor pathless inaction to enlightenment.
A Hindu reveres a spiritual guru just like a Sikh does.
A Hindu does not insist on abandoning the historicity of Ram, Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus.
A Hindu has compassionate heart of a Buddhist or Jain, and understand the need to minimize the suffering of all sentient beings.
A Hindu does not stress on extreme non-violence, asceticism, austerities, and renunciation, more than selfless service.
Does Hinduism support any Trinitarian metaphysics?
God is the creator, sustainer, destroyer of all there is.
This is an eternally continues process.
A first person (A AM spirit soul-Atman) as a spark of the second person (God –ParaBrahman), existing as third person (It, as all pervading Consciousness – Brahman) is a Hindu perspective of the Trinity.
Is philosophical debate allowed in Hinduism?
Hinduism is secular inclusion based on merit, logic, phiolosophy, and metaphysics; debate is highly encouraged.
Exclusion based on contradiction or rigid dogma is not supported.
Does “secular” mean that I get to change my religion everyday?
To be a good Hindu, you have to be a good Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Taoist, Confucian, Jew, Christian, Muslim and more everyday, and not pick one religion a day; minus the skewed contradictory metaphysics.
Hinduism is spirituality, metaphysics, philosophy, and a way of life – the natural state of human psyche.
Yoga means union of soul with the Ultimate Reality through one or more paths.
Why are there so many different views of Hindu philosophy?
Each school of thought has its place, Spirituality can be abstract and take years to understand with a truckload of scriptures on the nature of the spirit soul and its relationship with God.
A mountain appears different to each climber but the view from the top is the same.
Why Baha’i instead of Hinduism?

Baha’u’llah – a self-proclaimed divinity?
Baha’is may or may not hold a view of reincarnation (but only on other planets) as a personal opinion. That’s silly logic, and yet millions of people actually believe in this runaway Deism.
But isn’t Hinduism idolatry?
What Hinduism do is not worship of idols, it is worship of God through idols, so do Christians through the cross as an idol, and Muslims through the Kaaba black stone phallus idol.
Just as Muslim don’t expect Allah to break out of the wall, Hindus don’t expect a sculpture to suddenly become animated, neither does a Christian expect Jesus to jump from a gross.
Religions have different *focal points* to contemplate on God.
Everyone has material object through which religious worship is addressed, which is what an idol is – a physical object.
Idols include paintings, sculptures, cross, stone, rock, wall, or even a book or symbol like OM / Amen / 786, and larger temples, churches, mosques, and synagogues.
Any object used in worship is an idol. Even a mental idol is an idol, and you can’t be a little idolatrous or a little pregnant.
But isn’t Hinduism “pagan” polytheism?
Hinduism may appear polytheistic on the surface, but it is an expression of devotion through a pantheon of deities symbolic of God.
This give a secular choice of a personal deity for men and women to worship God (ParaBrahman).
Why do Hindus worship or feed animals?
For Hinduism, it is reverence of their souls, and not worship.
But on feeding animals:
For the meat industry, it is capitalism.
For non-theists, it is philosophical naturalism.

For atheists, it is ecological benevolence.
For Buddhists, it is compassion.
For Jew, the prophet said so.
For Christians, it is the love of God.
For Moslems, it is on the order of God.
For Confucians, it is morality.
For Taoists, it is the oneness of Tao.
But if it is a Hindu, that is “pagan” animism!!!
We really need to improve on double-standards.
But if the material world is illusory, why bother? Why not just enjoy material pleasures?
The circle of rebirth and karma. In just about a 100 years, 6.5 billion bodies of today will cease to exist. Is the true identity body or soul?
Try getting past clinging on to a temporary bodily existence and false notions of physical immortality.
Realize that deep inside, you are that which is eternal~!
Read Bhagavad-gita: bhagavad-gita.us / Or listen to it: gitamrta.org