Salam semua,
Berikut adalah satu luahan hati seorang komentor yang meluahkan perasaan sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang dirasa dirinya tidak dibela oleh kerajaan. Patutkah seorang pelajar yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang (10A) terpaksa melanjutkan pelajaran dengan wang jualan rumah bapanya? Pengorbanan ini pasti akan membawa keberkatan dan kejayaan pada dirinya tetapi bukan pada negara. Intelek pelajar yang tidak dibela ini adalah satu pembaziran kerajaan yang sebenarnya rugi dari segi sumbangan intelekn dan sokongan dalam dimasa depan. Inilah penyakit kanser yang dihadapi oleh Malaysia di masa kini. Harus diingat generasi ini tidak akan menghormati dan menyokong kerajaan BN dimasa akan datang, dan begitulah seterusnya.
Saya bukan cuba untuk memburukkan kerajaan pemerintah sekarang tetapi harus diingat bahawa inilah sebenarnya masalah yang dihadapi oleh BN sekarang. Inilah punca mengapa rakyat tidak lagi menaruh harapan pada BN. Rakyat khususnya orang melayu harus sedar bahawa rakyat bukan melayu adalah rakyat Malaysia juga dan kerana merekalah Malaysia memperoleh kemerdekaan. Pembelaan dan hak saksama wajar diberikan kepada seluruh rakyat tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa.
the uneducated
(Luahan hati ini diluahkan dalam CHE DET ~ AUKU 1971).
Dr. Mahathir,
Hi there. I can understand how strongly you feel for the development of the Malays to upgrade themselves where education is concerned.
I like your point # 12," Jika hari ini penuntut lebih dewasa dan bertanggungjawab batalkan sahaja AUKU". But I don't believe any Malay leader will abolish AUKU or the NEP. If an amazing leader like you did not have the guts to abolish AUKU or NEP, I don't think there are any potential already born to take up that important task.
2. You mentioned that the AUKU was introduced when you found that more Indians and Chinese was entering the local universities. Your effort is applauded if it was just for the intended years but your government is planning to continue with such policies forever. Are you keen in producing more Malay graduates are keen in producing graduates who are of world class? When quantity is preferred over quality where education is concerned, you get half baked graduates and half baked graduates will eventually become half baked University professors and eventualy these half baked professors will once again produce half baked graduates. You see, it's sad cycle that will continue and makes it harder for the Malays to come out from the 'infinite loop' trap designed by intellectuals like you.
3. There are many cases where the Indians and Chinese who got perfect grades in Form 5 & Form 6 who were not given a chance to study what they want to study. When a student gets perfect grades, the government looses all bargaining power in determining what course they should study. Recently, my relative who obtained 10 A's in her SPM was asked to study Forestry when she wanted to study Medicine. Despite her father being a government servant she did not given any chance to study medicine. Her father had to sell his house to send her to study medicine in India. How many thousand students may have gone through similar experiences?
4. The agony of the non-Malays will not be a waste. The law of karma will play it's role to determine that justice be served eventually.
Take care and God bless.
I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
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