Monday, May 31, 2021

Perbezaan Yang Menyatukan Kita...

Apabila kita menampakkan perbezaan kita diantara satu sama lain, maka dengan tersendirinya kita menonjolkan pengasingkan diri dan menjauhkan mereka yang tidak sealiran dengan kita.

Dengan penonjolan pengasingan kita ini, kita dengan tersendirinya menanam retak perbezaan antara satu sama lain.

Hari ini saya dengan selesanya ingin menonjolkan bahawa perbezaan yang membentuk pengasingan yang kita bina ini akan menjadi satu permulaan untuk pengakhiran kesejahteraan yang terbina selama ini.

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang berlatar belakangkan perbezaan, kita pernah membuktikan pada kaca mata dunia bahawa perbezaan inilah yang telah mengukuhkan pertalian kita.

Dengan perbezaan ini juga, kita telah membina satu mercu tanda yang melambangkan Malaysia yang bersatu dan makmur.

Perbezaan ini juga telah menjadi satu contoh kepada mereka mereka yang mencintai kedamaian dan keamanan.

Maka dengan perbezaan ini juga kita berjaya memupuk keharmonian sebagai negara berakyat majmuk dari berbilang kaum.

Ada juga kajian menunjukkan kemajuan ini adalah kerena perbezaan yang mengujudkan persaingan sihat antara kita.

Sehingga kini, kita masih lagi dihormati dan disanjung sebagai negara yang berjaya maju walaupun sentiasa berhadapan dengan perbezaan antara satu sama lain.

Perbezaan budaya, agama, tradisi dan cara hidup kita dinegara ini sebenarnya telah membawa kepada kemajuan dan kemakmuran serta keharmionian yang disanjung.

Namun, setelah sekian lama, perbezaan ini telah dipergunakan oleh mereka yang mementingkan diri demi wang dan pangkat. 

Mereka mereka yang mengunakan teori, "split and rule", "divide and gain the position" nampaknya semakin berjaya dengan melihat keputusan kejayaan segelintir mereka ynag mementingkan diri. 

Berbalik kepada perbezaan yang menyatukan kita...

1. Makanan dan minuman orang Malaysia sememangnya unik. Orang Melayu boleh buat nasi ayam orang cina dengan rasa yang hamir serupa. 

2. Minuman Lan Chi Kang asalnya dari kaum cina namun memang popular dari kalangan orang Melayu.

3. Mee curry - Mee asal makanan orang cina, Curry asalnya dari kaum Indian, bila dicampur... menjadi Makana negara kita yang popular.

4. Kuih muih kita kalau dilihat waktu bulan ramadan di pasar ramadan sememangnya unik. Memang variasi pilihan begitu banyak dan unsur unsur keMalaysiaan memang wujud dengan jelas.

5. Pakaian orang orang kira.... saya rasa semua sedar bahawa keunikan ini tidak perlu disebut kerana kita orang Malaysia memang mempunyai pilihan begitu banyak dari sego kian itu sendir seperti kain sari dan kan congsam cina atau batik melatu dan balik halus Trengganu. 

Akan tetapi, semua ini sedang menuju kearah kepupusan kerana adanya golongan yang mahukan rakyat berpecah
Mereka sengaja mengujutkan dan pertengahkan perbezaan kita supaya perbezaan ini dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan mereka.

Mereka mengunakan agama sebagai alat utk memerangkap kesetiaan perkauman dinegara ini. Hanya mereka yang alpha yang terperangkap dengan jerangkap ini.

Walaupun masih ada kesedaran dan perasaan majmuk dikalangan rakyat negara ini, namun perbezaan agama dikaitkan dengan perbezaan bangsa serta warna kulit sebagai alat untuk memisahkan kita.

Apa yang saya tulis diatas hanyalah perbezaan yang dapat dilihat dianjung sahaja. Namun keadaan i boleh membawa kita kepada kemusnahan menyeluruh.

Contoh terbaik dapat dilihat bagaimana pergerakan Nazi menghapuskan yahudi dengan alasan mereka merampas kekayaan dan peluang orang Jerman. 

Alasan ini digunakan untuk membunuh serta menghapuskan mereka dari muka bumi.

Kita rakyat Malaysia harus belajar menjadi "Human with Humanity" supaya keharmonian dan kejayaan negara ini dapat dikekal selamanya.

Kita harus akui, dengan perbezaan ini lah kita dapat mencapai perpaduan, kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan selama ini.

Cukup kah setakat ini atau kita saja nak gatal tangan mahu semahunya menghancurkan apa yang telah kita bina sendiri???

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

My Thoughts

It is about time...

About time to think about being conscience towards life.

What is conscience is all about?

It is about being logical and do those right things that logical to human mind which include

1. Humanity towards all life (Human or Animals or insects)
2. Rational thinking towards humanity before religion and GOD

By following the above, one can be considered as rational and commonsense person. 

Many didn't realize that, only by being human with humanity, the mankind shall strive and above all, the world and everything in it can be saved.

Basically, previously GOD and religion have been relied on to protect and save the world in general. But along the way, we could see human has been the major cause to its destruction.

GOD, exist but no one have seen him. Many has debated that GOD is there and every where. But until now no one have clearly indicated that they have seen this supreme being. 

By not seeing him with naked eyes cannot be justified as he is not there. But not proving him not around does not going to improve anything as well.

Religion too have proven fail to date, as we could see most wars and destruction today in this world in bigger scale ignited by religion. Religion is a believe that we plant deep in our self that we are belongs to this and we are belongs to that. 

In fact, we don't belongs to any religion. Religion doesn't own us. We are not a puppet for a religious believe. By using GOD as a main cast in religion chapter, it is playing a big role in every one's life. 

I can do this and I can't do that, I can eat this and I can't eat that, I am different from anyone else., I am better that him because my religion is greater than his.

My GOD is greater that his GOD. My GOD is the only GOD and their believe is fake. Mine is the ultimate truth and anyone else is fake. This can go on and on and on.

Ultimately. as a human being, if you love anything more it should be, that it would cause you hatred. I would like to say here, today every hatred, all the wars, all the killing, all the fight happens because we love something more than what we should.

If you love something more than it should be, that it will cause problems and would end with hatred.

For an example, a mother's love will blind her for all the trouble her kid committed. Too much love for the one who you care would blind you from seeing the real fact.

A tremendous love for GOD through religion will motivate your believe that nothing else is true except your own religion. This will lead you to make comparison and look down own others or it also may lead to fight on who is greater and who is not. 

Being born as a human with 6 senses, do we need to talk bad or look down on other mothers simply to upheld our mother?? 

Do we need to condemn others so that we can look better?

Do we have to look down on other religion, just because we think our religion is better than other religion??
Unfortunately this is what is going on around the world. The war rages, the hatred rages, the killing of another human life by the name of religion has been increasing and the death of  human being is no more a sacred. 

Life become worthless just because of religion. Killing another soul has become sacred that promise heaven.

We can witness the whole world are engage in war for only one major reason that is RELIGION AND GOD. This can go on and on for another example such as:

1. Love for wealth
2. Love for husband / wife / kids
3. Love for career
4. Love for a animals
5. Love for GOD
6. Love for Religion
7. Love for cars

Etc etc... just name it.... anything that you love more than that you suppose to would make you look into others as the second best.

Just name anything that you love shall create a sense of secure and protect awareness in us unconditionally. This will lead us to it which is suppose to be. But blind love and care too much would create comparison and create others as second best.

Back to back to our story, love and care which go beyond the norm would bring disaster to one who lost control over it.

Be conscious, be aware and be human with humanity is suppose to be the greatest religion of mankind.

Start love another soul, love another life because GOD don't encourage you to kill your own kind by the the name of GOD.

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Heartless Human

Cruel and Heartless attitude of our very own Perhilitan officers who shot and killed a group

of leaf monkeys  and to dispose them. Public who bare witness for this incident said their concern regarding heartless officer who brutally shot dead and some of the captured monkeys were beaten to dead.

This shows our people's low class attitude and heartless with out any humanity in them. Is this how they were thought by their family growth, religion and close call friends??

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Friday, May 21, 2021

‘Gita’ Untuk Malaysia

Sebuah buku yang baik mampu membawa fikiran dan hati pembaca berlayar lebih jauh daripada sekadar apa-apa yang terkandung pada helaian kertas bercetak.

Pengalaman membaca buku penceritaan semula Bhagavad Gita (2021) dalam bahasa Malaysia mengingatkan tentang pelbagai epik dan hikayat lama dari tamadun India yang pernah menjadi sebahagian daripada kehidupan masyarakat majmuk di Malaysia.

Misalnya, epik saduran Hindu seperti Ramayana dan Mahabharata sudah menjadi sebahagian roh Melayu, walaupun kini kita semakin jarang bercakap tentang Hikayat Seri Rama dan Pandawa Lima.

Mungkin juga pada zaman sebelum kedatangan Islam, kitab Bhagavad Gita turut menjadi antara teks penting dalam kalangan penduduk di Kedah, Melaka dan pusat tumpuan ramai.

Dalam versi Bahasa Malaysia, penulis Uthaya Sankar SB menceritakan semula keseluruhan 700 sloka (seloka) dalam bentuk prosa cereka.

Pembaca boleh membayangkan situasi masa silam ketika kisah-kisah Bhagavad Gita disampaikan kepada orang ramai dalam bahasa setempat iaitu bahasa Melayu.

Teks asal Bhagavad Gita ditulis menggunakan bahasa Sanskrit yang sukar difahami. Gaya penulisan puisi iaitu bentuk seloka menjadikan cerita lebih padat dan pembaca perlu tahu latar belakang kisah dan watak-watak dalam Mahabharata untuk memahami apa yang diceritakan dalam Bhagavad Gita.

Namun begitu, pembacaan versi Bhagavad Gita ini menjadi selesa untuk dibaca kerana pelbagai maklumat tambahan tentang watak-watak dan peristiwa dalam epik Mahabharata diselitkan seadanya. Penggunaan bahasa yang mudah juga membantu pembaca mengikuti cerita tanpa apa-apa halangan.

Apa yang boleh diharapkan dalam sebuah karya yang sekadar merupakan dialog dan monolog melibatkan dua watak, iaitu putera bernama Arjuna dan Krishna yang dikatakan inkarmasi Dewa Vishnu?

Kitab ini sarat dengan hal-hal berkaitan ajaran agama Hindu dan perkara ini memang wajar kerana ia memang sebuah teks yang cuba menyampaikan kandungan Veda (kitab-kitab Hindu) secara mudah.

Bhagavad Gita adalah sebahagian kecil daripada epik Mahabharata. Epik itu yang dipercayai dikarang oleh Vyasa adalah puisi terpanjang di dunia iaitu hampir sepuluh kali lebih panjang apabila Illiad dan Odyssey dicantum.

Mahabharata terdiri daripada 18 bab. Dalam Bab 6 epik itu terkandung babak Krishna dan Arjuna berada di medan perang sebelum perang bermula antara pihak Kaurava dan Pandava.

Dialog kudus Krishna-Arjuna

Pada saat itulah berlangsung dialog bersifat amat spiritual antara kedua-dua watak berkenaan. Dialog itu dianggap kudus lalu diangkat menjadi teks berasingan yang dinamakan Bhagavad Gita atau Nyanyian Tuhan.

Buku terbaharu yang terbit pada awal Mei 2021 disusun kemas dengan mengekalkan pembahagian bab seperti teks asal dalam Sanskrit. Malah, nombor rujukan bagi setiap sloka dinyatakan supaya pembaca boleh membuat rujukan jika mahu.

Tidak mustahil sloka dalam Bhagavad Gita pernah diterjemah ke bahasa Melayu pada zaman sebelum kedatangan Islam ke Nusantara. Malangnya, khazanah itu sudah hilang dan tidak akan dapat diketemukan lagi. Sama ada kerana hanya disampaikan secara lisan atau segala rekod sudah tiada.

Karya agung berkenaan sudah sekian lama terdapat dalam bahasa-bahasa utama dunia. Kini, buku Bhagavad Gita ini memberi peluang kepada masyarakat Malaysia untuk meneroka kandungan kitab berkenaan dalam bahasa kebangsaan yang sama-sama kita perjuangkan dan daulatkan.

Kelahiran buku ini amat sesuai dengan kempen Dekad Bahasa Kebangsaan (2020-2030) di mana kita mahu membuktikan Bahasa Malaysia bersifat inklusif dan boleh digunakan untuk menyampaikan ilmu pelbagai bidang.

lvbala said:

I copied paste this article in Malaysikini and found it very profound and practical. The Indonesian government have implemented. They are bringing back the historical event that once rule the the world. The political system, civilized navigation, engineering and spiritual journey and path were brought in. By revisiting the historical fact, would strengthen the knowledge and create civilized mind in in future generation.

My own opinion, this would never happen as long ans certain religion trying to dominate the world. But sadly they would wiped out sooner.

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Vaccine Recipient Claims Reduced Dosage Given, CITF Investigates

Like many Covid-19 vaccine recipients, marketer Anoogrehan Manoharan decided to take a video of his injection when it was his turn on the morning of May 19.

Upon reviewing the video at home, however, he noticed something amiss in the video and now claims he did not receive the full dose of the vaccine.

“I looked at it and I saw it seems to be strange in terms of the dosage that is going in because I've seen other videos as well.

“I thought it was a little bit strange, but I wouldn't know, so I consulted some of my medical friends and a lot of them told me that it is very likely the dosage was smaller than required,” he told Malaysiakini.

He claimed the person who injected the vaccine also did not write her name on his consent form, which he was informed is part of standard procedure when he went back to the vaccine administration centre to complain earlier today.

Anoogrehan’s vaccination took place at around 10am that day at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL), which administers the Covid-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University.

The 48-year-old said a representative at BP Healthcare, which operates the vaccine administration centre, had told him they are investigating his claims.

When asked about side effects after vaccination, Annogrehan said he only experienced a mild ache on the injection site that night.

According to product information leaflets available from the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA)’s website, one dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine is 0.5ml.

This would fill slightly less than half the length of a 1ml syringe typically used for the vaccinations. The video showed the contents of the syringe to be substantially less than that.

For comparison, the dosage is 0.3ml for the Pfizer vaccine and 0.5 ml for the Sinovac vaccine, per shot.

When asked for a response, the Covid-19 Immunisation Taskforce (CITF) said it is investigating two such cases.

Both cases allegedly took place at WTCKL on May 19.

“The CITF is conducting a detailed investigation on both allegations and both vaccine recipients have been identified.

“CITF wishes to emphasise that we always prioritise the service quality of all health experts involved under the National Covid-19 Immunisation Program (NIP) including private medical practitioners managed by ProtectHealth Corporation Sdn Bhd who are involved in NIP.

“We will not hesitate to take action against those who did not comply with the standards we set or violate any rule,” it said.

In the other instance, an Instagram user claimed she recorded a video of her vaccination “for fun and share it with my family”, who then told her that her dose seemed very small.

She claimed she probably received only about 0.1ml of her dose, and later went back to WTCKL to show the video and received an additional 0.4ml.

“Moral of the story: Find out how much was injected, best is to take a video for safety.

“Make sure you guys got the right amount of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but don’t reject vaccination,” she urged.

Lvbala said:

I saw the video which was zoomed very clearly and the needle was injected but the whole lot vaccine never pumped in. 

Oh my GOD, what is happening in this world today. Why is that the medical person do that? What make him do that? He did on his own or someone had a plan either to make more money or let the other race suffer and die. Who care. 

Never cross my mind that some people in this country have planted hatred and going after who ever not from their own clan to be eliminated.

I would say... in generation to come this country would be another Syria, Lebanon, Palestine with all the wars and suffering because of their own their own believe.

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...