Thursday, December 9, 2021

Kemaluan Negara - Faisal Tehrani (FMT)

Kalau kita melihat sejarah negara, dan Perdana Menterinya, kita akan menemukan pelbagai usaha pemimpin negara untuk menutup dan menyembunyikan Kemaluan Negara. Pada 1871, ketika negara masih bawah jajahan Inggeris, penjajah memperkenalkan Kanun Keseksaan kerana melihat tatkala itu ada godaan untuk berseronok-seronok dengan kemaluan.

Justeru, segala yang ada bahangnya korupsi dan rasuah diikat dengan kanun tersebut. Akan tetapi selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, ternyata, negara tidak dapat membendung. Segelintir masyarakat – khusus dalam kalangan pembesar – memang teruja atau ghairah dengan kemaluan.

Oleh sebab tiada malu itu, Inggeris melantik seorang hakim, EN Taylor mengetuai sebuah jawatankuasa yang diberi nama “Commission of Enquiry” dalam tahun 1952. Tugas hakim kanan itu ialah untuk memastikan kemaluan itu kekal satu kemaluan, dan jangan sampai teruja ditonjol-tonjolkan. Hal ini ada disebutkan oleh sejarawan Khoo Kay Kim dalam prakata buku Don Patrick bertajuk “Corruption is My Name and Destruction is My Game”.

Menjelang kemerdekaan, Inggeris mendapati sikap terhadap korupsi dan rasuah amat lunak padahal ia kemaluan. Maka Inggeris memanggil Shah Nazir Alam dari Pakistan, seorang pegawai polis pangkat tinggi untuk memperkenalkan pelbagai usaha pencegahan rasuah supaya tidak melarat. Waktu itu barangkali rasuah di Pakistan belum sampai memalukan.

Apabila negara bertuah ini merdeka, sebuah unit khas yang memeriksa hal-hal tiada malu ditubuhkan dan diletakkan di bawah Jabatan Polis. Sebuah lagi unit, Pencegahan Korupsi diletakkan pula bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri, manakala unit Pendakwaan Korupsi dan Rasuah diparkir bawah Pejabat Peguam Negara.

Akan tetapi sesetengah dalam kalangan kita terus galak mendedahkan kemaluan. Maka kerajaan tiada pilihan lain, dengan menggubal Prevention of Corruption Act 1961 yang berkuatkuasa mulai 16 November 1961.

Tetapi negara mulai panik kerana korupsi nampaknya sukar dibendung dan ditekan. Sepuluh tahun setelah itu, Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman dilantik untuk menggubal sebuah agensi berstruktur yang dapat mencegah korupsi dan rasuah. Ketika itu, agensi mengawali kemaluan ini diletakkan bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan mulai berfungsi pada 12 April 1967.

Pun, mereka yang sukakan kemaluan dan tiada malu untuk mempamer kemaluan terus menjadi-jadi. Tun Abdul Razak yang bingung dengan keadaan kemaluan ini memerintahkan Tan Sri Ibrahim Salleh, Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri, pada 1973 melakukan sesuatu. Hasilnya adalah kertas Kabinet nombor 151/859/73 yang membuka jalan penubuhan Biro Siasatan Negara. Kerja mereka kini merangkumi kepada penyalahgunaan kuasa, dan memburu mereka yang terang-terangan mendambakan segala belai dan usap terhadap kemaluan.

Pada 1982, ia berubah bentuk menjelma menjadi Biro Pencegahan Rasuah. Malang, kemaluan terus terselak, aduan menjadi sepuluh ribu kes, dan jumlah tangkapan sekitar 357 orang. Bermakna seorang setiap hari ada yang membuka zip dan menunjuk kemaluan kepada orang.

Oleh sebab kerajaan makin cemas kerana rasuah kian menular, dan korupsi terus menjadi kurap dan sesetengah pemimpin tiada malu pun membuka aurat untuk memperlihatkan kemaluan, BPR pada 1987 menerapkan pelbagai usaha seperti antara lain, meningkatkan kesedaran awam terhadap jijiknya membuka kemaluan; menyedarkan masyarakat kurapnya kemaluan korupsi; menabur benih agar pihak berkuatkuasa itu bersih, cekap, amanah; dan tidak kurang juga memupuk nilai Islami, dengan harapan misalnya ada pemimpin dan penjawat awam yang beragama Islam sentiasa cakna dan tahu penambahan tiba-tiba duit dalam akaun bank seraya bersumpah atas nama Allah untuk tidak menipu dan terus merasuah.

BPR itu juga mulai bekerjasama dengan masyarakat untuk melawan semua kegilaan mencanak untuk menunjukkan malu atau kemaluan negara: rasuah dan korupsi.

Tahun 2009, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi malu dengan kemaluan, segera mengangkat BPR atau Biro Pencegahan Rasuah menjadi Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia atau SPRM. Ia ditubuhkan dengan model agensi pencegahan rasuah Hong Kong dan New South Wales, Australia.

Untuk meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap suruhanjaya ini, SPRM dipantau dan perlu menjawab kepada lima jawatankuasa. Sebagai bandingan, pihak polis masih belum dipantau oleh mana-mana jawatankuasa.

Semua di atas adalah usaha pemimpin negara ini untuk menutup kemaluan.

Ia bukanlah kerja mudah. Sebab korupsi sudah mulai sedap dipakai. Malah ia menjadi-jadi sehingga sekarang yang melakukan rasuah itu sudah tidak malu, bahkan memanggil orang untuk melihat kemaluannya.

Pun, satu kecuaian Abdullah ialah mengangkat ramai orang yang tiada malu ke tempat yang tidak patutnya. Malah Abdullah membiarkan ular merayap ke pusat pentadbiran. Pemimpin boleh sering terlelap, tetapi kemaluan tidak tidur, malah selalu bangkit mengeras dan tidak mahu kebah turun.

Kemaluan Negara itu kini menjalar berjalan-jalan dan merayau ke sana sini menunjukkan ia tiada malu. Ia mengenakan kopiah untuk beraksi. Kadang Kemaluan Negara duduk atas sejadah sembahyang malam hari di atas hamparan kurap dan korupsi. Kemaluan Negara juga turun kepada rakyat, dan rakyat yang tak malu akan menyambut Kemaluan dengan rasa pesona. Gerai makan yang potong dan tidak berapa sedap yang dikunjungi Kemaluan Negara misalnya akan keseronokan diusap Kemaluan Negara. Bahkan Kemaluan Negara berkunjung ke serata dunia. Minion bangang ceruk desa akan bagai terkujat letrik dicucuh kemaluan.

Dalam banyak kejadian Kemaluan Negara akan tersengih-sengih mempamer kurap yang tersentil keluar, dan korup yang terjulur itu; seraya orang ramai melaung dan berterik-teriak:

Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku!

Akan tetapi, mujur masih ramai lagi yang malu dengan kemaluan. Masih ramai.

Yang masih ramai dan berpelajaran ini tahu sejarah bagaimana kemaluan ini harus diredam dan ditutup; jangan sampai terbuka terkeluar terbonjol. Yang masih malu dan ramai ini membuat keputusan Kemaluan Negara harus dicegah.

Maka Kemaluan Negara dialahkan buat seketika.

Sayang ada banyak pengkhianatan; maka pengorbanan mereka yang melawan Kemaluan itu nampaknya tidak dihargai. Pengorbanan dipersiakan, Kemaluan kembali tersentil dan menjulurkan kepala kemaluannya.

Kemaluan Negara iaitu korupsi masih bebas dan belum diikat. Belum ada cukup keberanian untuk mengikat dan menggari Kemaluan Negara. Sebab Kemaluan Negara itu sudah berakar umbi. Mereka yang berhasrat untuk mengikatnya mesti ingat, masih ramai orang di luar sana suka menunjukkan kemaluan. Malah ada yang puas memuja kemaluan ini. Pihak yang mahu mengikat Kemaluan Negara memang kadang gamam dan tercengang kerana ramai yang beragama Islam dan bersumpah dengan nama Allah sanggup lagi tergamak pula menggandingkan nama Tuhan dengan sorak-sorai: Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku!

Demikian, sejarah perjuangan melawan Kemaluan Negara belum berakhir nampaknya. Apabila ia masih boleh menjalar, merayau, dan melondeh kemaluannya untuk diperlihatkan.

Kita memang malu melihat kemaluan ini terbuka dan terdedah. Tapi, barang diingat, sejarah cintakan kemaluan di negara ini memang panjang. Dari dulukan, ada yang percayakan Kemaluan. Mereka malah menangisi Kemaluan dan salah seorangnya bertudung litup sempat mengatakan, ‘Kami kenal Kemaluan kami. Dia baik. Kami tetap tak malu dan nak juga pada Kemaluan’.

Kawan-kawan yang tidak malu ini ramai dan terus melaungkan; Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku! Kemaluanku!

lvbala said:

Kalau sakan suka sangat main dengan kemaluan yang perlu diguna walaupun setelah mati, memberikan semangat keunikan kemaluan yang dijunjung....  

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Friday, October 29, 2021

The Princess of Java Return to Hinduism

Kanjeng Raden Ayu Mahindrani Kooswidyanthi Paramasi is the Princess of Java, Indonesia, who is known for her love for music and is also an avid pianist and composer.

The Princess of Java went through a Sudhi Wadani Ritual on July 17, 2017, in the Pura Luhur Catur Kanda Pat Sari of Bali. This ritual can be described as an initiation into Hinduism, one of the

major minority religions which are seeing a major boost as many are returning to its fold, attracted by its philosophy.

Sudhi Wadani ritual of the Princess was led by a Hindu priest, Ida Sari Galuh Wiku Sri Bhagawan Putra Natha Nawa Wangsa Pemayun, who hails from Bali.

It began with the purification ritual, followed by the priest chanting the second stanza of the Puja Tri Sandya (Narayana mantra), and the third, and also the last one being, the chanting of the Gayatri Mantram. After the ritual, the Princess of Java, Kanjeng Mahendrani, officially became a Hindu on July 17, 2017.

The Princess has also vowed that she will build a pasraman (ashram) in Bali which will boast of a blend of Javanese, Bali, and Nusantara culture.

After undergoing the Sudhi Wadani ritual, the Princess, who earlier had a serious demeanor, was seen smiling ear to ear.

People close to her said that the Princess was delighted to see the Balinese people who had come to witness the ritual of her embracing Hinduism and was touched by the warmth and their greetings.

Talking later, the Princess of Java had said that she felt grateful as her brother also supported her move of adopting Hinduism. In Pura Luhur Catur Kanda Pat Sari, she said:

“I am very grateful… today is a good day…because my own heart… and my brother supported it (move of adopting Hinduism).”

Further, she said that her desire to “return to the Dharma path was exactly what she wanted to do for a long time.”

Kanjeng Mahendrani even said that even before officially becoming a Hindu she followed the prayers in the Puras (Temples).  She added later, that, only now it is official.

The Princess said that her desire to become a Hindu was the exercise of her free will as she always felt peaceful when praying in a Temple or whenever she participated in a Hindu procession or Kejawen.

According to Princess of Java, Kanjeng Mahendrani, her entire family supported her decision to return to the path of Dharma as a Hindu.

Why was the initiation done at the Pura Luhur Catur Kanda Pat Sari? 

This is an interesting point and was a major point of discussion.

Pura Luhur Catur Kanda Pat Sari was chosen because it is a Temple dedicated to the Dewata Nawa Sanga who is associated with the strong tradition of Sedulur Papat in Java which is still practiced by the Java and the Kejawen Hindus.

Kanjeng Mahendrani also strongly believes in the tradition of Sedulur Papat and hence, coming to Hinduism seemed natural to her.

The Princess was born in Rome, Italy in 1961 and is one of the major personalities of Indonesia.

The religious inclination of the Princess of Java prior to her initiation into Hinduism remains a mystery.

By Parwati Agung and Namta Gupta

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PETALING JAYA: A DAP leader has highlighted several embezzlements and abuse of public funds meant for the Indian community.

These include the MIC-linked Maika Holdings, the Socio-Economic Development of the Indian Community Unit (Sedic) and the latest involving the Malaysian Indian Transformation Unit (Mitra), which is under investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

“From time to time, attempts have been made to assist the community through the efforts of the political parties such as MIC and lately, public funds have been allocated through special agencies to assist the target group – Indians in need of assistance,” said Penang deputy chief minister P Ramasamy.

“However, funds meant for the uplift of the poor have been hijacked to cater to the interests of those who manage public funds. But the unfortunate thing is that these scandals are allowed to repeat and those responsible get away scot-free,” he said in a Facebook post today.

Describing this as a “curse on poor Indians”, Ramasamy said Maika, set up in the 1980s by MIC, was meant to mobilise funds from the community for investment purposes.

He said nearly RM100,000 was collected from its members to launch the fund under former MIC president S Samy Vellu.

If the company had engaged in the prudent management of the funds, he said, the Indian community could have assets worth a few billion ringgit.

“Maika Holdings is a sad chapter in the lives of Indians. The sad thing is that those responsible for the collapse of Maika Holdings have never been charged for criminality,” he said.

Further, Ramasamy said, during the tenure of former prime minister Najib Razak, Sedic was set up with public funds to assist the community. However, a similar fate befell Sedic with mismanagement of funds.

Under the Pakatan Harapan administration, Sedic had been renamed Mitra, and after the Perikatan Nasional government took over, Mitra was placed under the national unity ministry.

Recently, MACC arrested 16 company directors after they were suspected of being involved in misappropriating Mitra funds.

“Both Sedic and Mitra are guilty of not passing the funds to the affected groups and individuals directly. Those responsible for these two organisations are guilty of not channelling the funds directly to the recipients,” he said.

Ramasamy said the idea of assisting the Indian community indirectly by channelling funds to NGOs was “improper and highly unethical”.

“I understand that a big portion of the funds allocated might be used for administrative purposes of the NGOs including salaries of their staff. Funds given to NGOs might be subject to abuse.

“I urge the enforcement authorities to investigate not only the wrongdoing of Mitra but also its predecessor, Sedic,” he said.

WEll said by Ramasamy (DAP)

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Monday, October 11, 2021

10 reasons why Bumiputeraism is bad policy

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob says the Bumiputera agenda will be continued under the 12th Malaysia Plan, so that Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantees the special position of the Bumiputeras, will be upheld.

If political leaders and the Malay community need to know why Bumiputeraism is bad for them, here are 10 reasons:

1. The simple fact of being Bumiputera has robbed many Malays of the privilege of working hard.

All of us would like an easy life, but avoiding many of life’s challenges has given rise to Malays who revel in a culture of entitlement and who fail to see the joy of giving. All facets of their lives are affected, from easy access to schools, hospitals and universities, to jobs and business opportunities.

2. Being Bumiputera means some are not ashamed to bully others, treating others as inferior; taking what is not theirs, banning others from certain areas, and depriving some well-deserved and hard-working citizens of places in educational institutions. Such actions are a setback to inter-racial harmony.

3. Some Bumiputeras want things immediately, they demand instant gratification because they are used to having their own way, all the time. This culture has been fostered because politicians use it, like an opiate for the Malay masses.

4. The Orang Asli, despite being the original people of the land, do not seem to have the term ‘Bumiputera’ equally applied to them, or to the people of Sarawak and Sabah. Some Orang Asli are mistreated and left without basic amenities like running water and electricity. Their lands are trespassed upon and their sources of income and livelihood destroyed. Many are forced to endure a lack of opportunities.

5. By virtue of being Bumiputeras, many Malays grow up with an inferiority complex. They receive the most funding for their businesses and the most housing allocations. A non-Malay, who reaps the benefits of his business or educational attainments, will naturally feel proud. Not so for some Bumiputeras. They receive snide looks because others believe their academic success was due to a lowering of the pass mark, and their success in business was because of their political connections.

6. Being a Bumiputera means one does not have to clean up his own mess. The allegations of corruption among ministers, their aides, the civil servants and cronies are easily covered up. We have endured several financial scandals, but few have been satisfactorily resolved as the guilty still roam free. As a result, the nation suffers.

7. Bumiputera cronies feel they do not need to work for what they want. They skim off the money from over-inflated purchases of goods or contracts. The politicians enact policies which enable them to grab and spend the taxpayer’s money. What happened to Bumiputera accountability?

8. Wealthy Bumiputeras are the envy of others with their big homes, luxurious lifestyle and a host of companions. They have been spoiled by the culture of entitlement, and the only way they can get their hands on these ostentatious things is by force or by government policy. They fail to realise that they are not entitled to things that they have not earned.

9. The term ‘Bumiputera’ has robbed some Malays of their self-respect. They have low self-esteem and reduced levels of confidence. They crave respect but do not know how to earn it. Any Bumiputera who lives overseas, and is given the right instruction and tools to survive, will most probably thrive, his self-confidence restored and his reputation intact.

10. There are many types of Bumiputeras. Some Umno Bumiputeras are above the law. Pseudo Bumiputeras are more Malay than Malay, and some are treated even better. Women Bumiputeras are always bullied. Orang Asli Bumiputeras are largely ignored with few of them enjoying the Bumiputera benefits. All of these breed ill will, resentment and contempt.

Bumiputeraism is like a poisoned chalice. The only way to cure its damaging effects is to admit that there is a problem and to do something about it.

by Maiam Mokhtar (Free Malaysia Today)

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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Orang Asli And History

“Orang Asli”, a term officially coined in 1960, collectively refers to the original or native people of Peninsular Malaysia. Currently numbering about 200,000 (about 0.6% of the total Malaysian population), the Orang Asli are the “first people” or oldest inhabitants of Peninsular Malaysia.

In the words of Colin Nicholas, a leading authority on the Orang Asli, the Orang Asli “are descendants of the earliest known inhabitants who occupied the Malay Peninsula before the establishment of the Malay kingdoms.”

In a similar vein, Harry Lake - the then Johor government’s mining engineer writing in 1894 - states that the forefathers of the Orang Asli “roamed the jungle long before the advent of the Malays”.

This fact was acknowledged by Abdul Rahman, the then secretary to the Johor sultan (Sultan Abu Bakar) as follows: “The aborigines were the possessors of the soil before we [the Malays] came to the peninsula.” Indeed, two reputable historians - Mary Turnbull and Leonard Andaya - have described the Orang Asli as “the oldest known inhabitants” of the Malay Peninsula and “original people in the land”.

Sadly, the above historical fact regarding the Orang Asli is missing in our current school history textbooks. Indeed, the role and significant contributions of the Orang Asli community have not been adequately portrayed in our history textbooks. Hence, this article seeks to throw light on the Orang Asli community.

Missing again, this is similliar to Tamil Indian Hindu histoy in this land... The Chinese frm China historical mile stone too has been long missing from the text book. What is the agendas?

To hide in order to high light some thing which was not there.... 

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Malaysian 8th PM Resign

Today 8th August 2021, Malaysian Prime Minister Tan Sri Mahiaddin Yasin has tendered his resugnation togetehr with his ack door cabinets..

A day to celebrate the fall of the back door government...

A day to remember that rakyat's mandete should be respected... and honored or you shall be dumped


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Recently we see the trend of flagging here and there with different color. Don't be surprise that each color represent its own meaning and rakyat choose this method to express tier feel about current ruling government.

Flagging among Malaysians have become trend since the white flag was initiated to send SOS message by Malaysians to send a message that they are in a situation where by food concern.

It was known, Puteri Amanah  political party initiated this move which spark the whole country.

This is solely to send a SOS message to all, that help is needed and urgent help is needed. Usually SOS message means, hey are running out of food.

Since he white flag make a great message for the needy, some people too initiated Black Flag. 

This black flag is to send a message that the current government has fail to carry out their mandate to rakyat. 

Can I say the more white flag is up, it also will carry another black flag as the rakyat is sending a message that the government fail to run the country.

I am in the 50s and I never came across this country has to face such a situation at this upon a time where by rakyat has to beg for food, rental, utility bills and other basic need to carry on with their life.

On the other hand, is it fare to blame the ruling party.

And today 16/08/2021 I continue to write from where i left it out. And the reson for it is to celebtrate the fall of the "kerajaan tebuk atap"....

PM has tendered his resignation to getehr with his cabinets....

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Friday, July 16, 2021

Sang Rajuna Tapa Padang Rengas

Ada satu masalah dengan orang Melayu. Masalah itu, menurut saya, menjadi penyebab dan hambatan untuk orang Melayu maju dan hebat. Masalah ini terbangun dari mitos yang menjadikan pemerintah sebagai sakti dan tidak boleh dicabar. Mitos “devaraja” ini yang mengagungkan pemerintah tanpa sebab konkrit sudah diulas oleh ramai sarjana. Mitos “devaraja” bermula ketika Melayu masih Hindu dan berterusan meskipun mereka sudah beragama Islam.

Dalam mitos ini, pemerintah itu “devaraja” atau disuntik dengan “kedewataan” yang turun dari kayangan. Dalam masyarakat Melayu purbakala, mereka percaya raja itu “avatar” yakni penjelmaan berkali-kali dewa yang mana sebagai avatar, pemerintah mempunyai kuasa sakti. Kesaktian ini juga dirujuk sebagai “daulat”.

Kalau dalam politik kontemporari, “daulat” tersebut berpindah kepada manusia bukan raja, katakan insan biasa seperti kita, yang dimitoskan sebagai “keramat”. Insan seperti Padang Rengas yang boleh ke Perancis sambil sekali-sekala memerli rakyat. Insan biasa seperti Gombak yang tidak lut oleh kecaman. Maka akan ada gelar seperti Umno “parti keramat”, atau Zafrul tokoh “supernatural”. Padahal mereka tidak ada apa-apa kelebihan pun berbanding kita. Mereka manusia biasa.

Konsep mengsupramanusiakan insan bukan nabi ini terzahir dalam banyak teks sastera tradisional, misalnya pada mitos Bukit Seguntang. Atau sentuhan kaki di gigi air membuatkan air masin menjadi tawar. Atau 39 orang perempuan yang digauli menjadi kedal. Atau mahkotanya boleh menggemparkan alam hingga berlaku badai taufan. Semua ini pengkonsepsian mitos yang dibuat-buat sebagai satu strategi untuk menyelamatkan diri dan kuasa.

Kalau dalam politik kontemporari, “daulat” tersebut berpindah kepada manusia bukan raja, katakan insan biasa seperti kita, yang dimitoskan sebagai “keramat”. Insan seperti Padang Rengas yang boleh ke Perancis sambil sekali-sekala memerli rakyat. Insan biasa seperti Gombak yang tidak lut oleh kecaman. Maka akan ada gelar seperti Umno “parti keramat”, atau Zafrul tokoh “supernatural”. Padahal mereka tidak ada apa-apa kelebihan pun berbanding kita. Mereka manusia biasa.

Konsep mengsupramanusiakan insan bukan nabi ini terzahir dalam banyak teks sastera tradisional, misalnya pada mitos Bukit Seguntang. Atau sentuhan kaki di gigi air membuatkan air masin menjadi tawar. Atau 39 orang perempuan yang digauli menjadi kedal. Atau mahkotanya boleh menggemparkan alam hingga berlaku badai taufan. Semua ini pengkonsepsian mitos yang dibuat-buat sebagai satu strategi untuk menyelamatkan diri dan kuasa.

Penolakan kepada kesaktian begitu mendasar sehingga mengakibatkan berlapis-lapis generasi anak Melayu tidak berani bangkit menentang “daulat” atau “mayasakti” pemerintah ini, dan sebarang cabaran atau soalan dianggap sebagai derhaka, atau kehilangan adab.

Dalam karya sastera Melayu tradisional, konsep kederhakaan ini begitu berbekas sehingga apa sahaja suara protes akan dianggap sial. Hal ini misalnya menimpa Sang Rajuna Tapa. Pakar sastera tradisional kita, Noriah Taslim, dalam sebuah makalah beliau “Strategi Ketahanan Politik Melayu” menyatakan watak ini digubah sedemikian rupa supaya orang Melayu menjadi kecut dan gentar, lantas menyembah. Saya petik sedikit tulisan sarjana ini:

“Ia memang dimunculkan sebagai teladan kepada rakyat yang berkecenderungan untuk berpaling tadah menentang Raja dan menyebelahi musuh. Nasib yang menimpa Sang Rajuna Tapa adalah balasan yang amat dahsyat. Beliau dikatakan menjadi batu dan tiang rumahnya diterbalikkan. Moral daripada legenda pendosa ini bertindak sebagai kawalan sosial yang amat baik. Balasan ‘supernatural’ (bertukar menjadi batu) biasanya dikaitkan dengan daulat raja, atau tulah raja, yang berkeupayaan secara ghaib untuk bertindak atas manusia. Justeru, kuasa ini amat menakutkan rakyat dan meyakinkan mereka tentang wujudnya satu perhubungan ghaib antara peribadi raja dan kuasa kosmos.”

Beban psikologi Melayu lantaran hukuman penuh zalim terhadap Sang Rajuna Tapa itu bertimpa-timpaan. Apabila Tun Besar anak Tun Perak dibunuh Raja Muhammad (putera raja), gelora untuk menuntut bela segera terpadam apabila diingatkan bahawa setiap anak Melayu itu hamba. Sebaik sahaja diberi peringatan akan perjanjian Demang Lebar Daun tersebut, semua anak buah Bendahara Paduka Raja pun – seperti dinukil Sejarah Melayu – terus diam, dan “masing-masing menyuruh menyimpan senjatanya”.

Bukan sahaja nyawa melayang tidak dituntut ganti, apabila maruah terhinjak dan dihina pun, Melayu masih pasrah dan menyerah. Betapa tebalnya jiwa hamba, tatkala Sultan Mahmud Syah menzinai isteri Tun Biajid, beliau boleh melakukan suatu aksi paling revolusioner. Namun dilema itu tidak memberanikan Tun Biajid untuk membela harga dirinya. Beliau hanya setakat menimang-nimang lembing dan reda dengan kejadian jijik tersebut. Tun Biajid menelan aib skandal tersebut dan memilih diam dengan menceraikan isterinya kerana itu yang paling ‘patut’.

Charles Bartlett Walls, sarjana Scotland yang mengkaji karya Sejarah Melayu dari segi temanya berpendapat seluruh persoalan dalam naskah besar Melayu ini tidak lain tidak bukan adalah kesetiaan rakyat kepada raja dan keadilan pemerintah (dibaca ketidakadilan).

Kisah Sang Rajuna Tapa yang anaknya Dang Anum dirampas oleh pemerintah dan dijadikan gundik demikian lara. Dang Anum sudah punya kekasih hati, seorang panglima, tetapi haknya dinafikan. Demikian dia diperhambakan, Dang Anum juga dihina dan difitnah sehingga menyebabkan beliau diaibkan dengan hukuman sula di tengah pasar.

Tentu saja waras, Sang Rajuna Tapa bertindak dengan berani. Satu kebalikan dari Tun Perak dan Tun Biajid. Apa yang Sang Rajuna Tapa lakukan ialah dia membuat pakatan politik dengan seteru Temasik, iaitu Majapahit. Sekali baca, perbuatan Sang Rajuna Tapa tersebut satu pengkhianatan. Namun demikian, satu tafsir nyahmitosisasi harus diterokai hari ini. Perbuatan Sang Rajuna Tapa itu satu aksi protes yang unggul. Balasan biadab terpakai untuk satu keadaan tanpa adab.

Hari ini mitos yang memomokkan umat agar jangan menjadi Sang Rajuna Tapa dimasyhurkan dalam pelbagai bentuk dan gagasan. Kita misalnya akan dipasakkan dengan mitos adab. Bahawa untuk berurusan dengan orang setingkat lebih tinggi dari kita, memerlukan adab dan kesantunan. Itu mungkin benar untuk ibu-bapa kita, atau guru yang alim, atau para anbiya. Akan tetapi untuk pemimpin yang dilantik lima tahun sekali dan tugasnya berkhidmat kepada kita; mereka tidak terpakai dalam mitos Bukit Seguntang. Mereka tidak patut dibenarkan mendabik dada menjadi maksum dan tidak boleh dipertikaikan.

Pemerintah yang perasan bertakhta di Padang Rengas misalnya harus dijungkit dengan seluruh tenaga kita. Mitos Sang Rajuna Tapa disumpah menjadi batu kerana tulah melawan pemerintah harus ditentang. Tiada siapa yang akan jadi batu dalam kalangan kita jika bangsa ini menuntut supaya keadaan negara yang tenat dipulihkan kembali. Kita, rakyat dalam sistem demokrasi, bukan Dang Anum yang akan dijolok disula demi menyedapkan orang atas.

Ini masa untuk bebas dari mitos. Derita Covid-19 mengajar kita perlawanan kelas bukan mitos.

lvbala said;

I hope and believe one day Dr Faizal Tehrani would research and pen down his view on Indians and Chinese community in the country. 

Definitely he is qualified being one who been living in the community since day one. 

I love his view and one with a clear out of box brain's mind's out put has produced such a deep look into one community by the way they were programmed to believe in such way of living and they would never understand the meaning of his view above. 

Only with a bigger view micro scope, the one with no boader mind setting with culture and religious believe, the one who look into mankind and human and not slave or by classes, the one who have such quality would understand and digest such view Doctor Faizal has elaborated.

Kudus dan salute...

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Monday, June 21, 2021

I scratch your back and you scratch my back lo...

When i read the first paragraph, I was smiling by realizing that this writing rings the bell. 

But no one is interested in bell noise as it is an Indian culture sound".

Not only this, in this country, everything is identical to your race and religion. but you must know the junction to it so you can move with out detected.

You must be slick to move around and must be smart enough to get it done too. If you think there are some challenges, than you pay money to settle the whole issue. 

This is the express way to get things done by paying cash. 

Come to another method is by recognizing race and religion people. By recolonizing this, you may get things done faster that anyone else.

Further more the culture built base on "orang kita", "budak kita", "kita jaga kita" attitude has rotten in the system by the rotten people. They want to to be rottened because they are part of the rotten system.

If we look at the status we are moving on, we would clearly learn that starting with the education system to the race base political system, the whole system were brought down just to suit them and their clan which they realize is the only way to manipulate their low class mind.  

The reason no senior politician has been sent to jail, despite being convicted in court, is because no prime minister from Umno-Baru (or any of its clones) wants to start a precedent.

More importantly, if one corrupt politician is sent to jail, others will spill the beans about him and his associates. That is one reason why the convicted criminal, Najib Abdul Razak, is overly confident.

Successive PMs know that their parties and cabinets are so weak that if one element is removed, the whole complex organisational structure will collapse.

Mahiaddin (Muhyiddin) Yassin, for instance, is not bodoh (stupid), but he is practising what is known as "member jaga member".

He knows that if one senior politician is sent to jail for corruption, his peers and possibly himself will be in deep trouble. The rakyat will start to ask difficult questions. Past exposés will be unearthed. Old allegations will resurface. The list is never-ending.

It need not be for corruption. The politician could also be guilty of sexual abuse of a minor, CBT, abuse of power, an expenses scandal, money laundering, or thuggish behaviour.

Currently, Najib roams the countryside like a free man, enjoys police outriders, makes statements as if he is still relevant.

He is alleged to be doing deals with the opposition leader, and is adored by his supporters, who think that he is free because he is innocent.

Around the world, high-profile criminals go to prison and then file their appeals. Why are corrupt Malaysian politicians treated with kid gloves? 

The reason all these politicians are still free is because Muhyiddin, his cabinet and former PMs fear the domino effect from jailing one corrupt politician.

All it takes is one jailing because the rakyat will then ask questions about the other corrupt politicians. Then, there would be nothing to prevent us from sending the other corrupt politicians, their allegedly corrupt spouses, corrupt business associates, corrupt civil servants, corrupt ulama and corrupt police officers to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

If you jailed one, you would probably have to jail every single politician from Umno-Baru, PN, BN, MCA and MIC. We haven't even talked about the East Malaysian politicians.

If one corrupt politician can be jailed, then all the others who have stolen, cheated, or committed some evil, can be imprisoned.

This is the precedent that cannot be set. This is what our PMs fear most.

It is not just about politics. The PM cannot protect the rakyat, and the Ministry of Education cannot even protect our children.

Malaysians may recall news reports of teachers who allegedly raped their pupils or teachers who joked about rape. The complaints of the pupils and parents fell on deaf ears.

Teachers who raped were merely transferred to another school, mostly in a rural location. Why can't the teacher be charged and jailed? Is it because the teaching union is very strong and feels that it must protect its union members? Doesn't the union believe in bringing the case to court to see if a crime has been committed? If the teacher is innocent, he will be set free.

Instead, the ministry will transfer the teacher in the hope that we will forget. We won't!

The unwillingness to prosecute these allegedly criminal teachers casts a dark shadow on the whole teaching profession, and the police are culpable in this perversion of justice.

So, let's imagine what were to happen if one teacher who was guilty of rape was sent to prison, instead of being transferred. Wronged parents and pupils will demand justice and insist that the state punishes all the teachers who allegedly raped their charges, but managed to escape scot-free.

However, teachers continue to be transferred because the PM is aware that he cannot afford to start a precedent.

Politics, education and what else?

There have been several deaths from neglect in tahfiz schools. It is also alleged that some children have been abused, beaten, sodomised or raped. Why have the guardians of Islam in Malaysia not demanded that the alleged rapists be prosecuted?

What if tahfiz school teachers who abused their pupils and beat them for not memorising the Quran was sent to prison? If school heads who failed to have proper fire drills and fire exits in their dormitories were sent to prison for neglecting their duties, the message that is sent to all Malaysians will be clear. More importantly, parents know that their children will be safe in tahfiz schools.

However, no tahfiz teacher or head has been jailed for their dereliction of duty. Why? The authorities fear the precedent that would be set.

One conviction may lead to others being convicted. That is why no heads of specific police stations have been charged for deaths in custody.

Few doctors or surgeons are charged for medical malpractice.

Few transport operators are charged for failing to provide safe methods and practices at work, despite blocks of concrete and cranes injuring or killing people. Similarly, no air traffic controllers or their supervisors have been charged for endangering lives by sleeping on the job.

Few Muslim NGOs or clerics are charged with disturbing the peace when they insult people of other faiths.

Few wardens of orphanages, who are alleged to have sodomised their charges are convicted.

Few ministers are convicted when hundreds of millions of ringgits destined for the purchase of equipment are embezzled.

Until the nation wakes up and demands accountability and proper justice, successive PMs will ensure that no politician, or civil servants are jailed because they do not want to set a dangerous precedent.

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Just Laugh

Eh bargher, don’t simply complain ah

“Yahoo! All will be OK thanks to the great Covid National Recovery Plan!” declared Datuk Semua Settle at a media conference.

“Whose idea is this?” asked a reporter.

“All credit goes to our Dear Leader, the glorious Moodin. Oh wait, he just changed his name, actually, now we must call him Mydin,” said SS.

“Like the hypermarket?” quipped someone.

“Yeah la, can buy everything there. MP also got. ‘Metal Plate’ la, you thinking what?”

Another journalist asked, “But shops can only open in October. No extra economic aid given. Won’t many of our small business koyak by then?”

“So what? Then the big business can take over all these small business la. We must always think big, because it’s the big boys that donate to our Yayasan Golf charity fund,” smiled SS.

A journalist from China Press put up her hand and asked, “Some people say Malaysia needs a scientific data-driven approach to fight Covid. We must do more testing, contact tracing and targeted MCOs like Korea, not just one blanket lockdown. Any comment?”

“Eh, you from where? K-Pop ah? China ah? No wonder you ask that kind of question. Eh, jangan probok-probok sini (don’t provoke here),” snarled SS, while pointing his hand, which had three gold rings with huge gemstones, at the reporter.

“No, no, we are Malaysian newspaper. Our office in Bangsar, KL, next to Honesty News,” replied the visibly shaken lady.

“OK la, give chance answer you. Actually, we are 100 percent data-driven. When the cases go up a lot, we reduce testing. Then the cases automatic go down, right? So the garmen leaders will look good. Scientific la tuu...” said the grinning SS.

“Datuk, why do shops in Pahang have to close when most of the cases are in Selangor?” asked another writer.

SS replied, “Because last time we do PKP, PKPB, PKPP, PKPD, people make fun of us, TikTok disco videos and all that.... so we merajuk la. Now, we don’t care got many or few cases, we just hantam ‘One Lockdown to Rule Them All’. Kautim, no more jokes.”

“Two-thirds of cases are from factories but they all can still operate. But the small shops must close. Our Opposition Leader said this is not fair,” remarked another reporter.

"Did Anwar say that?" asked SS.

"No, Najib. He’s our new Opposition Leader mah," said the reporter.

“Ah, this kind of question must be from MalaysiaKuno. Oreidi kena wallop with big fine for cyber littering but still try to be funny. I won’t answer. Next question!” barked SS.

‘Holding on to power is our priority’

“Datuk Semua Settle, why all the vaccine must go through Syarikat PharmaAmno or federal garmen? Slow la like that. Why not allow state garmen or private companies to buy their own vaccine from overseas?” asked a TV journalist.

SS looked angry and almost shouted, “Eh, you all always complain this and that, stupid ah?! If give vaccine so fast, all got lembu herd immunity oreidi, how to maintain the Daroorat? Which is more important?”

“Datuk, why the garmen now only want to announce Recovery Plan? Oreidi 16 months MCO leh,” said someone from Naan Yum Press.

“That blardy old man la - he go and tell Ah Kong want to do Mageran. So, we have to simply rush out the plan to prevent it,” explained SS.

“John from SeeNN America here. Excuse me, what is Mageran?”

“MA.G.E.R.A.N - MAha Grab of Emergency Rule Above Nation la. Eh, you helicopter journalist just simply parachute down here, never do research one ah?”

“Datuk, can we double confirm with you that Parliament will reopen when cases drop below 2,000 a day, probably by October?” asked someone from The Galaxy.

“See how la... maybe then we go and test more factory foreign workers inside the sardine-can hostels, sure damn lot of cases there one,” answered SS, with a big smile.

“But now Ah Kong oreidi call for Parliament to meet up again. How?” questioned a web reporter.

“Hmmm.... that one a bit complicated. OK, he said ‘as soon as possible’ right? But it’s still not ‘possible’ because Parliament is under the same category as pubs, karaoke, beauty salons and massage centres. Still too dangerous to open,” said SS.

“Zoom meeting la,” said someone from an IT magazine.

SS sighed, “Eh, you never see the garmen office ah? Always sistem down one.”

“There are so many empty buildings now. Why don’t the garmen go and rent them and provide more hostels for these workers? Space them out more, less infections ya? Singapore is doing this,” said a reporter from The Rocket magazine.

SS replied, “Firstly, we refuse to learn from other countries, especially Singapore. We have our pride OK!”

“Secondly, eh hello, I am from Parti Berpecah. Day and night we are thinking how to destroy Amno and then run off with their holy wife PUS. Holding on to power is our priority. Baargher, you think we all so free to think of solutions for Covid ah?”

ANDREW SIA is a veteran journalist who likes teh tarik khau kurang manis. You are welcome to give him ideas to brew at

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

lvbala said;

I just cant laugh reading this article. I go it from FMT and it does reminds me of one great Malaysian Parliament MP that was sacked withing 24 hours of his speech about the train accident.  

This incident have brought so many question in our mind what type of people elected this types of a man? 

What magic he have promises in his constitution about electing him as an MP?

What types of person he is to be a law maker with 10 cents attitude?

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...