Thursday, August 15, 2019

Zaki Naik - Why Muslims in Malaysia treat him as a Phropet??

Dr Mahathir Mohamad is behaving like a one-man show. He makes up his mind, then issues a statement, and after that expects the cabinet to toe his line. This is neither fair to the rest of the cabinet nor good governance.

Lynas may be good for the economy but not for the environment and public health. Why doesn't Western Australia want to take back the waste if it is so safe as claimed by Lynas?

With regard to khat, why is it so important or urgent now when the public education system is in shambles? Instead of teaching more in English and introducing relevant subjects to prepare us for the Industrial Revolution 4.0, we are still stuck in the racial rhetoric of the 1960s.

As for controversial Muslim preacher Zakir Naik, is he a national icon or symbol of unity? He is a permanent resident with Saudi citizenship. Why is Zakir's presence so important to the Malays/Muslims in the country when he is not a Malay, and cannot speak Malay?

Aren't there enough Muslim preachers out there who can do a better job at dakwah activities compared to Zakir? Why must a wanted fugitive and alleged money launderer be regarded as the saviour of Islam here?

Being sarcastic is not going to improve the economy and the political and social situation in the country.

I got the above mentioned piece from Malaysiakini and it said it all. Nothing much to say as above have potrait great statement. Can anyone answer to these questions?

This week, we have came across nation threatening issues with regards to  race and religion. I would rather say it is nation threatening issues because harmony is the key for Malaysia to stay as one and stay strong in one piece.

And one person, a foreigner is allowed to ride the Malaysian Muslims by the name of religion. He is called "Zakir Naik" who is in status of fugitive who escape his own mother land because of legal issue include financing terrorist who involve in certain terrorism around the world.

He also have been given the status of PR which he hold for UAE as well but he decided to state in Malaysia.

What is wrong with our Muslim brothers? Does the religion blinded you? Dont you realize how ZN is using religion as a horse to ride on you? How we could allow foreigner to question the citizen of this country?? How could you allow an Indian to poison you to make your own country man as an enemy?

Will ZN fight and stand by your side if this country is threaten by any foreign country (enemy)? Have you forgotten, we build this nation together. You have special rights only with the present of us, have you forgotten? 

Be spiritual and don't be a religious, because people like ZN will ride your back till you go down six feet under.....

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...