Thursday, December 26, 2019

Kelakuan buruk gerakan politik Islam cetus gelombang sekularisme

PETALING JAYA: Terdapat tanda-tanda gelombang sekularisme baru di dunia Islam, daripada orang ramai yang hampa dengan kelakuan gerakan politik agama, kata sarjana Turki terkenal, Mustafa Akyol.

Akyol, dalam artikelnya di akhbar New York Times berkata, penolakan terhadap penggunaan Islam sebagai alat politik boleh dikesan di serata dunia Islam, walaupun peratusan kecil tetapi meningkat, memetik dapatan jaringan penyelidik, Arab Barometer dan amatan pemikir lain.

“Peninjau pendapat awam jaringan itu mendapati dalam 5 tahun kebelakangan ini, di 6 negara Arab utama, ‘kepercayaan pada parti-parti Islam’ dan ‘kepercayaan pada pemimpin-pemimpin agama’ merosot,” tulis Akyol dalam artikel “A New Secularism Is Appearing in Islam” pada 23 Dis.
Tinjauan Arab Barometer, yang berpangkalan di Universiti Princeton dan Universiti Michigan, memetakan peredaran daripada Islamisme.

 kyol berkata trend sama berlaku pada skala lebih besar di luar dunia Arab, seperti Iran dan negaranya, Turki yang diperintah gerakan politik Islam, Parti Keadilan dan Pembangunan (AKP).
“Ramai orang Turki membenci Islamisme lebih dari sebelum ini,” katanya, dan menambah orang ramai perasan kegilaan kuasa Islamis yang menjadi elit pemerintah di sana sejak 2 dekad lalu.
Di Iran, selepas 40 tahun pemerintahan Islamis menyaksikan orang ramai berani menunjuk perasaan terhadap mereka di jalan raya.

“Sesungguhnya ramai yang sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan golongan ulama,” katanya.
Akyol, memetik pandangan sarjana, pakar bidang dan pemerhati lain, menulis banyak perkara yang menyebabkan orang ramai hampa dengan Islamis: sikap keterlaluan dalam beragama, rasuah dan ketidakadilan, kekecewaan terhadap Ikhwanul Muslimin di Mesir, kejutan IS, letih dengan parti-parti sektarian di Iraq dan Lubnan, dan kemarahan terhadap rejim Sudan.

Akyol memberi amaran, sekiranya gerakan politik agama enggan berubah, dikhuatiri kehampaan orang ramai akan terkena pada Islam.

Memetik dapatan Arab Barometer, Akyol berkata “kehadiran di masjid-masjid” di 6 negara Arab utama itu menunjukkan penurunan, sementara responden yang mengaku “tidak peduli agama” naik daripada 8% pada 2013 kepada 13% pada 2018.

“Di Turki, ia ditunjukkan dalam trend sosial dalam kalangan anak muda yang menjadi perbualan hari ini: kebangkitan ‘deisme’, atau percaya pada Tuhan, bukan pada agama,” katanya.
Akyol berkata gelombang sekularisme kali ini berbeza dengan sekularisme yang dipaksakan pemerintah pro-Barat dulu seperti Mustafa Kemal Ataturk dan Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ke atas rakyat masing-masing.

“Kali ini, bagaimanapun, kita bercakap tentang trend dari bawah ke atas, dari masyarakat, dari rakyat yang bosan dengan semua perkara buruk yang dilakukan atas nama agama,” katanya.

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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Zaki Naik - Why Muslims in Malaysia treat him as a Phropet??

Dr Mahathir Mohamad is behaving like a one-man show. He makes up his mind, then issues a statement, and after that expects the cabinet to toe his line. This is neither fair to the rest of the cabinet nor good governance.

Lynas may be good for the economy but not for the environment and public health. Why doesn't Western Australia want to take back the waste if it is so safe as claimed by Lynas?

With regard to khat, why is it so important or urgent now when the public education system is in shambles? Instead of teaching more in English and introducing relevant subjects to prepare us for the Industrial Revolution 4.0, we are still stuck in the racial rhetoric of the 1960s.

As for controversial Muslim preacher Zakir Naik, is he a national icon or symbol of unity? He is a permanent resident with Saudi citizenship. Why is Zakir's presence so important to the Malays/Muslims in the country when he is not a Malay, and cannot speak Malay?

Aren't there enough Muslim preachers out there who can do a better job at dakwah activities compared to Zakir? Why must a wanted fugitive and alleged money launderer be regarded as the saviour of Islam here?

Being sarcastic is not going to improve the economy and the political and social situation in the country.

I got the above mentioned piece from Malaysiakini and it said it all. Nothing much to say as above have potrait great statement. Can anyone answer to these questions?

This week, we have came across nation threatening issues with regards to  race and religion. I would rather say it is nation threatening issues because harmony is the key for Malaysia to stay as one and stay strong in one piece.

And one person, a foreigner is allowed to ride the Malaysian Muslims by the name of religion. He is called "Zakir Naik" who is in status of fugitive who escape his own mother land because of legal issue include financing terrorist who involve in certain terrorism around the world.

He also have been given the status of PR which he hold for UAE as well but he decided to state in Malaysia.

What is wrong with our Muslim brothers? Does the religion blinded you? Dont you realize how ZN is using religion as a horse to ride on you? How we could allow foreigner to question the citizen of this country?? How could you allow an Indian to poison you to make your own country man as an enemy?

Will ZN fight and stand by your side if this country is threaten by any foreign country (enemy)? Have you forgotten, we build this nation together. You have special rights only with the present of us, have you forgotten? 

Be spiritual and don't be a religious, because people like ZN will ride your back till you go down six feet under.....

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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Happy Birthday Malaysia

Years before the 12th and 13th general elections, I was part of that populace that could see how the corrupt BN regime was slowly but surely turning my beloved country into a failing state, with worsening race relations and unfair practices in almost every aspect of life.

The national educational system, which had nurtured me and my wife so well, had deteriorated so badly that I had to take my three children outside it.

I saw cronyism in the commercial affairs of the country where those connected were rewarded with cushy sweetheart deals to operate highways, import foreign labour, procure medicine and drugs and rice and other prerequisites of life.

Civil servants and politicians in high places had become conduits and commissioner agents for the provision of defence materials and related goods and services.

Many lived lifestyles totally out of sync with the income from their positions in government and the civil service. It was like free-for-all pillage and plunder of the country's coffers.

The continual gerrymandering of the Election Commission was a brazen, blatant and barefaced scheme to ensure BN would continue to rule forever. Repressive laws were enacted to silence the opposition.

And in the middle of it all was the horrendous story of the biggest heist in world history, the 1MDB saga, that continues to unravel...

So, on that day in May, when Dr Mahathir Mohamad (photo) was sworn in as prime minister, millions of us sighed with relief that salvation was at hand. 

We now had hope, and not just in the name of the Pakatan Harapan that formed the government. What a country to look forward to – a New Malaysia, free from corruption, and where people are treated as Malaysians, and not as Malays, Chinese or Indians.

That euphoria seemed to live on for weeks until, little by little, the early optimism was slowly chipped away.

'We cannot afford to abolish the highway tolls,' 'We never thought we would win,' 'We cannot ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,' 'We would spook the Malays if educational opportunities are made fairer,' 'The Unified Examination Certificate recognition needs more study,' 'Local elections? We need to study this further,' ad nauseam.

Then my wife, a government pensioner, came back from Universiti Malaya Medical Centre and told me she now has to buy her 'bone supplement', something that had been prescribed to her years ago. 

What? By stopping the procurement of drugs and medicine through cronies, the government must be saving millions every month, so why is the supply of medicine to government pensioners being curtailed? Can anyone help me understand why this is so?

Then it transpired that there are federal ministers who professed to have academic qualifications, which proved bogus. But unlike, say, in Japan or the United Kingdom, where the culprit would either commit harakiri or resign, our ministers stayed on and chipped away more of my 'harapan' for integrity.

We hear of renegotiation of BN-initiated agreements and how much has been saved; but what about the highway concession agreements? Are we allowing the unfair contracts to go on and the rakyat continue to pay?

In my view, it would be so easy to impose a 95 percent tax on all income derived from the operations of highways to bring all the concessionaires to heel. It should be easy to abolish tolls in accordance with the Harapan manifesto.

Then I remember my peribahasa, "Mahu sa'ribu daya, ta'mahu sa'ribu dalek" (If you want, a thousand reasons, if you don't, a thousand excuses).

We had read of mysterious deaths and disappearances during the days of the Najib Abdul Razak regime, and reasonably expected immediate action to uncover the truth behind the death of Teoh Beng Hock or the disappearance of pastor Raymond Koh or the whereabouts of M Indira Gandhi's daughter, Prasana Diksa.

But the horrifying truth is seeping out that elements of the police may well be culpable. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes (Who will watch the watchmen)?

We read of rehabilitation of discredited politicians and their absorption into one of the parties in the ruling coalition, and soon had to endure talks of the Bumiputera Agenda. Race-based rather than needs-based – a total antithesis of the aspiration of the touted New Malaysia.

Continue reading :

An article that worth reading.

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Friday, May 3, 2019

TUN Dr Mahathir

Aku sudah di penghujung nyawaku
Aku mahu menghabiskan sisa-sisa hidupku dengan bersimpuh dan bersujud pada yang Esa
Namun bagaimana aku bisa khusyuk dalam khalwatku
Kerana tika ku pejamkan mata

Aku melihat anak bangsaku di kotak-katikkan
Aku nampak hak generasi mudaku di robek-robek
Dek tangan-tangan rakus yang berqiblatkan syaitan
Aku tahu aku perlu berbuat sesuatu

Aku bukan orangnya untuk diam berpeluk tubuh
Memerhatikan segala macam kemungkaran, segala macam salah laku dan segala macam noda
Yang di buat tanpa rasa sebarang rasa berdosa
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku
Kini aku tahu kenapa Kau memanjangkan nyawaku

Dengan sifat Rahman dan RahimMu
Pada usia 93 tahun aku masih boleh berdiri gagah, masih di kurniakan kesihatan yang baik, masih berfikiran waras dan masih bersemangat waja
Dalam menghadapi perjuangan terakhirku
Syukur Alhamdullillah

Dengan izinMu aku telah berjaya mempertahankan yang Haq,
Menundukkan yang bathil
Mudah-mudahan selepas ini aku dapat memejamkan mataku dengann tenang
Semoga rohku dapat bertemu
PenciptaNya dengan aman
Cuma satu pintaku

Setelah aku pejam mata
Janganlah diperbesar-besarkan namaku
Jangan nukilkan apa-apa tentangku
Anggaplah segala-galanya jariahku
Sebagai bekalanku di akhirat kelak

Andai sudi, tika itu cuma hadiahkanlah Al-Fatihah untukku
Moga jadi bekal bersoal-jawab di Masyar
Moga jadi modal bertemu Yang khaliq
Amin Ya-Rabbal 'alamin.

Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohammad.

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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Retain The Quota

Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy is not surprised that the cabinet has retained the quota system for admission to the pre-university matriculation programme at - 90 percent for bumiputeras and 10 percent for non-bumiputeras.

Fearing backlash from sections of the Malay-Muslim community, it is apparent that the Pakatan Harapan government decided to maintain the status-quo in the admission quota, Ramasamy said.

However, he noted that the number of admissions to the programme was increased to 40,000
students, while the intake has increased to 36,000 (bumiputeras) and a mere 4,000 (non-bumiputeras)
"With this figure, the admission of the bumiputera students increased from the earlier 22,500 to 36,000.

"Despite the clamour for more non-Malay admission, they only received an increase from 2,500 to 4,000 places - just an addition of 1,500 students," Ramasamy told Malaysiakini today.
"We are not in the position at the moment to determine the number of Indian students who will be admitted," added the Perai assemblyperson.

"It appears as though the cabinet was not prepared to take a bold decision in increasing the intake of non-Malay students, particularly Indians."

Ramasamy said non-Malay supporters of Harapan would definitely be disappointed.
"I am taken back by the decision. We failed to move forward but I am not giving up the fight for better Malaysia!" he added.

Yesterday, Education Minister Maszlee Malik stated that the cabinet decision was the best option to allow the matriculation programme to provide educational opportunities to all races.

Over the past week, debates on the numbers of matriculation seats for non-bumiputera students continued to rage, with many students complaining about being denied places despite scoring straight As in their SPM.

Last year, 2,200 and 1,000 matriculation studies seats were allocated respectively for Indian and Chinese students but Education Minister Maszlee Malik said it was a “one-off initiative”, only for last year.

These "one-off initiative" was announced by former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak in 2018 in view of the 14th general election.

However, Najib has since refuted the claim by the Ministry of Education that it was a one-off thing.

Meanwhile, social activist Sudhagaran Stanley (photo) said the cabinet decision was "one of the worst and most disappointing decisions ever made" by the Harapan government.

He said Harapan leaders were quickly getting used to and ruling the country according to the "Umno way".

"What does this decision mean? Just 4,000 seats for non-bumiputeras and 36,000 seats for bumiputeras.

"How is this different from the UMNO and PAS way of ruling this country?" asked Sudhagaran, who is the Penang coordinator for the Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4).

"It only affirms Malay supremacy and treats non-bumiputeras as second class citizens," he added.
Sudhagaran said the 10 percent quota allocated to non-bumiputera students does not even reflect the non-Muslim population in this country.

The quota system should have been abolished, with places given on merit and needs.
"However, it seems that Harapan leaders are quickly failing the Malaysian aspiration and fast becoming like BN 2.0," he added, saying he felt crushed by the new development.

This post was copy paste from Malaysiakini. 

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Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Why are so many students with excellent SPM results rejected from gaining admission into our matriculation programmes?

Is there an ethnic quota, as in the days of the BN government rule, or is there a new system of intake designed by the newly-minted Pakatan Harapan government?

Whether ethnic quota or not, it is clear that many non-Malay students have been rejected and told to appeal.

If there is an ethnic quota, then the rejection must have been based on this affirmative action plan. Then, what is the point of appealing?

If an ethnic quota is operative, then the government should announce the numbers allocated to Chinese and Indian students.

At least the affected parents might know without having too much expectation.
I would think after the Harapan government took over, the method of admission could have been revamped with emphasis on merit, without sacrificing the opportunities for disadvantaged communities.

However, as in the case of matriculation, nothing has been done. Under the BN there were concessions made to MCA and MIC for the admission of Chinese and Indian students.

Since ethnic representation hase been done away, with the exception of Bersatu, there reigns confusion as how the government will handle admissions without relying on the outmoded methods of the former BN government.

In other words, with the absence of ethnic representation in the government, it lookslike the non-Malay students are getting a raw deal.
It might even be correct to say that the matriculation system has gone back to the earlier days when it was meant to address the educational woes of one community.

Is Education Minister Maszlee Malik aware of this?
It does not make sense for the system to take in students with lesser qualifications and reject the good ones.

I wonder whether the Education Minister Maszlee Malik (photo) is aware of what is happening to the admission imbroglio of the matriculation.

I can understand his initial infatuation with the weight of schoolbags and the colour of shoes, but we expect him to provide leadership to address some of the perplexing problems of education, such as the controversial problem of admission.

To be fair, Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching is aware of this problem. She has been quick to respond to my queries on this matter.

I hope Teo, in consultation with Maszlee, can come up with an acceptable plan for all communities.
Whatever method is adopted, it cannot be worse than what was practised under the BN.

This is the major concern of non-Malay parents who voted for Harapan in the last general election.
More than 30 parents with their children have come to see me about the admission fiasco under this matriculation system.

I am sorry, but asking the students to appeal might not address the larger problem of discrimination in education.

P RAMASAMY is the state assemblyperson for Perai. He is also deputy chief minister II of Penang.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rome Statute

“The jurisdiction of the Court shall be limited to the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole.

The Court has jurisdiction in accordance with this Statute with respect to the following crimes: (a) The crime of genocide; (b) Crimes against humanity; (c) War crimes; (d) The crime of aggression.”
It goes on to state what these kinds of crime are. 

Only when these acts are committed would the Rome Statute kick in for any country which has ratified the statute. 

There is no question that members of the monarchy will not be affected by state actions as Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy.

Unless members of the royalty commit the acts themselves, they will not be affected.

“Of course, some members of the royal family also may be involved, but the whole idea is to get the royalty in Malaysia to go against this government. That is the motive. - Said Tun in one of him interview with MK.

Overall, the RS is such a move to create human among humanity. I mean every human / mankind must be treated as human.  No matter he is from a royal family or as an ordinary citizen. what ever back ground he is, humans shouod be traeted equally.

If anyone caught wrong doing, they must face the consequences by the law. No matter how influence they are, no matter the are the King nor his son, must face the law as they commit offences.

Is this inhuman or not fair to anyone?

Yes, it is only unfair to the wrong doers with immunity power, because they cant escape, they cant do wrong thing again. They can't go around hit beating and slapping people as they wish.

As to my understanding, this law is to protect all, this law is to preserve all and this RS is to find justice for all.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Sudah sudahlah..

Prinsip membina negara yang bersih kepudaran.
Kesamaran penglihatan utk menilai masa depan.
Persendakan ajaran agama serta terkikisnya tradisi rakyat yg selama ini dilindungi.
Kemana prinsip negara yang kian dipudarkan?
Dimana tertanamnya laungan laungan yg memuntahkan kebanggaan bangsa dan agama?
Kuburan mana dikubur segala nilai nilai kita yag sepatutnya dilindungi?
Megahnya kita menuduh, sedangkan bangsa semakin tergadai, terjual, terasuah, tertipu... membuta terus membuta.
Esok dituduhnya jiran mencuri rezeki sedangkan "taik" dijubur sendiri tak reti dibasuh.


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Case On Trial - Stay Order Aside

The Federal Court has set aside a stay order on the trial -  Finally the trial is on. We shall see how far and what else excuse he is gonna give to postpone the date.

We also shall see how Najib gonna use all his intelligent and money to protect him and his lovely first lady wife.

Out of tens of cases, all we need is just one to make him setting his free ass to be use in Sg Buloh.

Many might be waiting and taken token numbers to give him the honor to get blow job from his pink lips.

I might have over said it but I am sure of what am I saying because as a Malaysian I am piss off with my former PM of Malaysia who almost let he nation go down the drain.

In fact if he would have win the GE14, I am sure we are doomed by now.

Anyway, I too believe GOD blessed this land to progress by working hand in hand with all walk of race.

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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Jangan Hina Agama

Dalam kes “Zamri Bin Abd Razak” yang menghina agama Hindu pula, beliau juga tertindas kerana tidak diberikan pendidikan secukupnya agar jangan menghina kepercayaan umat lain.

Allah berfirman dalam surah al-An’am ayat 108 terjemahannya: “Dan janganlah kamu memaki sembahan-sembahan yang mereka sembah selain Allah, kerana mereka nanti akan memaki Allah dengan melampaui batas tanpa pengetahuan. Copied from FMT

This article was copied and paste from FMT today's date.

I was amazed to read the above article and this is the true fact in reality.

No one or no religion ever blessed anyone for belittling another believers. In fact those who practice this shall be arrested and to be enlighten with moral education.

I am not going to say more but I believe the people / humans / mankind is the only one species that having issues with religion.

Superiority and wrong understanding with own believes shall lead to the impact as well. Meaning the one who doesn't understand their own religion and GOD's teaching shall react to look stupid in the eyes of others. In fact they are the most dangerous person that we should be aware of.

They are the one who shall be the most dangerous terrorist that can be produced.

And what was said by the above article is 100% agreeable. Educate those who need education. Coach those who need coaching.

Put behind bars for those who deserve to be behind bars.

Those from the same religion should take responsible to correct and educate their own believers because others will not and they can't.

And if its not, that we shall waste and loose the harmony in mankind.

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Friday, February 1, 2019

Lim Kit Siang

I believe that all Malaysian Institutions of higher education should aim to produce useful and patriotic citizens of Malaysia who are committed to the ideals of a united, just, democratic and progressive society where there is integrity and respect for human rights.

Lim Kit Siang

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When Malays Wants to Stay In Power

Malays are the most closest with the Chinese and the Indian in this country. They can't deny each other because they are blend in Culture, Food, Language, Cloths, Traditions and etc etc. The mix marriage also keep the originality in Malays in thin air.

Malays can't deny they built this country alone and they too can't claim they got the independent on their own. 

They too can't deny they develop of this the country alone on their own and or claim they did it their way because in every success stone on Malaysia, it lies Malaysian in absolute.

Malaysia is belongs to all Malaysians and not only Malays, Chinese nor Indians. If they do, they are not part of this country.

Malays who live overseas do not find photos of dogs, pigs and crosses offensive. Their minds are not bombarded with propaganda every day. They have a choice. Meaning they don't have to echo the other Malay's hypocrite voices. When a Malay is in oversea, he live happily. He lives his life with freedom and choices on his own. Most of them live happily in over sea than in their own country.

In Malaysia, politicians control the Malay mind and stupefy the Malays by removing their ability to think. They can then divide the nation and remain in power. This is also partly the game of Malays politicians. They Malays politicians are not allowing the majority Malays to unite cause they shall loose their voice and support.

But they should remember, the Malays learn politics, bribery etc etc from the non Malays and no wonder they fail miserably. 

lvbala said.

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Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...