Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Non-Malays In ATM

“Patriotisme orang bukan Melayu, terutamanya Cina dan India, dalam tentera tidak pernah menjadi isu. Sebenarnya, sejak tahun-tahun pra-merdeka, mengharungi darurat pertama dan kedua, di awal tahun-tahun Home Guard (Pasukan Kawalan Tempatan), Super 12 (12 pegawai pelopor Rejimen Persekutuan), Rejimen Persekutuan, misi pengaman Congo, Konfrontasi, terorisme komunis bandar, perang hutan di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak, para pegawai dan anggota bukan Melayu berjuang dengan berani di sisi saudara Melayu seperjuangan.”

KUALA LUMPUR: Menyokong seruan Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Jen Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor menetapkan sasaran 10% pengambilan bukan Melayu menyertai ATM setiap tahun, Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan (Patriot) hari ini mendedahkan sebab bukan Melayu tidak lagi berminat.

Presiden Patriot, Brig Jen (B) Datuk Mohd Arshad Raji dalam kenyataan berkata pertubuhan itu mahu memberikan pandangan sebenar tentang “beberapa isu yang sangat sensitif”.
Arshad berkata dari 1960-an hingga penghujung 70-an, kakitangan ATM bukan Melayu membentuk 30% daripada keseluruhan tenaga kerja. Tentera laut dan udara mempunyai peratusan yang lebih tinggi. Lama kelamaan, angka tu secara perlahan-lahan turun kepada sekitar 5% sekarang ini.
Beliau berkata antara sebab bukan Islam mengelak daripada sertai kerana ada pembahagian mengikut garis etnik yang jelas dalam angkatan tentera.

Oleh kerana dasar tindakan afirmatif kerajaan pada 1980-an menyerap masuk ke adalam pentadbiran tentera, Arshad berkata “kata-kata pelik seperti ‘orang kita’ telah merayap masuk ke dalam minda komander tentera.”

Lambat tapi pasti, komander berkenaan melihat mereka di bawah jagaan mereka sebagai adik tiri atau anak tiri, bukan lagi sama seperti sebelumnya. Mereka membuatkan individu-individu berkenaan rasa tidak penting dan tidak diingini. Sebaliknya, perasaan seperti ‘orang luar’ menyebabkan ramai rasa tidak disengani. Demikian bermula era individualistik serta sikap dan tingkah laku mementingkan dri sendiri dalam tentera.”

Walaupun ramai jeneral mudah disenagi dan peduli akan mereka di bawah jagaan mereka, ‘little Napoleons’ di Kementerian Pertahanan – penjawat awam yang mempunyai kuasa – membuat dasar berkaitan dengan kenaikan dan menguatkuasakan peraturan tidak bertulis dan sistem kuota mengenai bukan Melayu.

“Pada penghujung 70-an dan 80-an, sebarang kenaikan untuk pegawai mengatasi pangkat Major akan dianggap politik. Bagi pegawai dan anggota tentera, politik itu makhluk asing. Terutamanya bagi pegawai bukan Melayu, makhluk aneh itu masuk ke dalam hidup mereka dan terus menghantui mereka sejak 1980-an dan meninggalkan pengalaman pahit. Apabila mereka meninggalkan perkhidmatan pada 1990-an, tidak ramai yang akan menyanjung organisasi itu.”

Arshad berkata bukan Melayu tidak kisah jika pegawai-pegawai Melayu yang layak di bawah mereka diberi kenaikan, tetapi lama-kelamaan pegawai-pegawai yang “sangat tidak layak” pula yang diberi kenaikan.

“Diikuti pula dengan terpaksa merujuk mereka sebagai ‘sir’ dan memberi tabik kepada bekas pegawai bawahan mereka itu, yang menjadi satu lagi faktor yang melemahkan semangat.”
Beliau berkata tiada jalan untuk mengadu dan sebarang bentuk bantahan atau tentangan akan dianggap keingkaran dan suatu kesalahan bawah undang-undang tentera.

“Faham-faham sajalah, seorang pegawai yang tidak berapa baik diberi kenaikan dan kuasa kerana naungannya akan melahirkan hasil yang tidak berapa baik dan lebih rendah daripada standard yang ditetapkan. Di samping itu, ramai pegawai Melayu yang ada merit juga terjejas. Pegawai Melayu yang diberi kenaikan berdasarkan merit peroleh kesetiaan dan rasa hormat dari bukan Melayu.”
Presiden Patriot itu berkata sebab lain ialah tentera lama-kelamaan semakin bertumpuan agama Islam.

“Mulai penghujung 1980-an, tentera semakin bertumpuan agama dan bukan Melayu rasa lagi terenggang. Kehidupan di mes pegawai dan kehidupan askar jadi ditentukan oleh sensitivity agama. Kesudahannya ia menjejaskan ‘esprit de corps’ dan kesetiakawanan dalam unit tentera pelbagai kaum.”

Arshad berkata faktor itu bukan hanya menjejaskan tentera tetapi juga polis dan pertubuhan perkhidmatan awam lain.

“Masalah yang dihadapi hari ini ialah hasil dasar dan keputusan kerajaan kita beberapa dekad lalu. Betul atau tidak, sejarah akan tentukan. Tetapi kita ada masalah semasa hari ini iaitu pegawai dan anggota yang bersara sedekad dua lalu, walaupun berkhidmat kepada raja dan negara dengan penuh bangga, tidak menggalakkan anak muda sertai tentera.

“Masalahnya endemik, sebab dan kesan peraturan ‘tidak bertulis’ dan peraturan dulu. Untuk selesaikan masalah itu, pertama sekali kita perlu mengakui masalah itu. Niatnya bukan mencari kesalahan, tetapi untuk memahami sepenuhnya rungutan dari perspektif bukan Melayu, dan membantu pembuat keputusan untuk kebaikan negara kita.”

Arshad berkata ahli politik juga perlu dipersalahkan kerana kenyataan yang mempertikaikan kesetiaan bukan Melayu.

“Patriotisme orang bukan Melayu, terutamanya Cina dan India, dalam tentera tidak pernah menjadi isu. Sebenarnya, sejak tahun-tahun pra-merdeka, mengharungi darurat pertama dan kedua, di awal tahun-tahun Home Guard (Pasukan Kawalan Tempatan), Super 12 (12 pegawai pelopor Rejimen Persekutuan), Rejimen Persekutuan, misi pengaman Congo, Konfrontasi, terorisme komunis bandar, perang hutan di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak, para pegawai dan anggota bukan Melayu berjuang dengan berani di sisi saudara Melayu seperjuangan.”

lvbala said:

Above article from FMT catch my eyes and reminds me about my ambition joining the Royal Force either ATM or PDRM. I was born and brought up in Kuala Kubu Bharu where the PARA 22 Comando base / PDRM Inspector trainig center and Akademik Bomba dan Penyelamat base were placed. You will see them everyday in the town, restaurants, barber shop, foofball feild and sometime you come cross they will be running carring timber log.

Beside all this one of my close buddy was selected to Military College for Airforce cadet training and so sadly it took more than a year to be called after they told him that he was rejected. It was a huge story where he ended up writing a personal letter to Panglima Tentera and only than he was called.

After all the hard hit, he manage to get his wing in Kepala Batas Kedah and serve the RAF for 14 years and he left the service and became a civiliant pilot.

See, to make it short, after all the amazing journey, one day he told me one thing.... "there is no place for Non Malays in the ATM... "  This came up after he ended his 14 years term and refuse to continue with the rank of Captain.

And the article above from FMT prove that everyone knew and aware about it but no one seems to care about it. so ATM should look into this seriously and do what it take to bring things back to what it suppose to be and I feel this will never happen.
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Friday, September 15, 2017

Fire Safety

Yesterday Malaysian were hit with sad news. 22 student and two teachers were dead caused by fire. It was a sad news and I can't imagine how the parents would be able to digest the lost of their love one. 

Many speculation is circling around and many have shown their care and wishes. This too, have shown Malaysians are together in all sort of situation.

The sea game have brought the Malaysians together and this sad news too have brought Malaysians together. Humanity and brotherhood are still the core element in all Malaysians, but are we talking fact or just talk and comment for the sake of showing we care.

Fire and road accident are one of the major contributor in the increase of dead toll, but what we have done to avoid it or so I can say what action have been taken to reduce the cases to minimize numbers.

Safety / Fire Safety / Evacuation plan / Crisis management are the topics which is vital if your are working in multi national company. Drills and training all the time has been the factor for safety precaution measures.

Now a days, correct me if I am wrong, we hardly hear multi national companies and multi national high rise buildings fire accidents. In fact it has become "0" and if there is, it would be property lost and seldom involve human life.

This is one of the requirement that need to be addressed and to be stressed to local companies or local schools such as religious schools that not follow the requirement.

Authorities and related bodies should apply safety standard with out fear and favor no matter if it is religious school or religious building or government buildings.

If we look at the current incident: failure to get the CCC and Fire Cert is the major contributor to the major lost of life in Fire incident.

Taking things simple and "tidak apa" attitude backed with religious strength have made many to lay low and stay low, I mean the authority. 

Now, talking about the sad incident which claim 24 lives: one way out / no fire extinguisher placed / Door and window grill locked and no awareness program and no fire evacuation plan and training is the major contributor to the lost.

Please not only talk about the cause of the fire but also stress on the evacuation plan.

For an example, car safety seat belt wont stop or reduce the number of accident but it can reduce the number of dead.

The question here, is there any Fire Safety training or Fire Safety evacuation plan were thought to the diseased??

Does this ring the bell in anyone's brain?

Please make it a must and not we will look into or we shall consider.

Safety can't be compromise. It must be yes or no and not later or we do when we have the fund.


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Friday, July 14, 2017

U-TURN - Tun M

1. I did a u-turn long before my agreement to support Anwar’s royal pardon and candidature as PM. I did it when Najib did a U-turn with UMNO.

2. The UMNO which was set up in 1946 was dedicated to independence under a Parliamentary Democracy and a constitutional Monarchy.

3. When Najib abused the powers of the Prime Minister and based his regime on Cash is King, and the Constitution can go to hell; when Najib lost huge amounts of money and RM2.6 billion of it appeared in his private account; when the rule of law is abused and replaced with open corruption of the nation; when all these happened and more, I lost my belief in Najib’s UMNO and I turned away from it, and I set myself on a course to destroy this leader who works against the Malays, against Islam, against Malaysia – the fundamentals of UMNO’s struggle.

4. In the effort to destroy the demon, I found common ground with the parties opposed to UMNO and BN. I found common ground with Anwar Ibrahim. I found that Anwar and me can work together after I had made my U-turn.

5. We, together with many others will spare no effort to overthrow Najib and his decadent, corrupt kleptocratic Government.

6. Thieves should not rule this great nation. Thieves who are condemned by the whole world and are laughed by all and sundry should not be allowed to go on running any country.

7. That is the objective of my collaborating with Anwar. No further u-turn is needed. It had already been made.

8. I do not fear Anwar with regard to the RCI. But I do believe that the whole exercise to investigate the currency trading by Bank Negara is in order to implicate me.

9. On the other hand no RCI is being set up to investigate the proven losses of tons of money by 1MDB and Najib despite the enormous evidence of wrongdoings which are available to the world and the Malaysian public.

10. The RCI on currency trading by Bank Negara more than thirty years ago is not about seeking justice but is clearly a desperate effort by Najib to silence his detractors. It will not work.

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Word of GOD.....

And today I am going talk about the teaching of GOD..... (Word of GOD)

It is an interesting topic cause most of us humans love GOD and some even love him to avoid being punish by him. They embrace him and his teaching so that they would be spared from HELL >>

Isn't it sound funny? 

You want something funnier than this?

Imagine..... they is someone up there constantly watching every step you take, every move you make, every vow you break.... he is watching you. Of course this lyrics looks familiar. It was a famous song from the group called 'THE POLICE" and surprisingly this song won Grammy award in the 80's.

Lets get back to business about someone is constantly watching you.

Here how it goes, he hears every word you say, he notice even your inner intention towards anything and further more he will punish if you are found guilty by his law such as burning / chopping your body parts / soak you in hot boiling water and oil. He even will place you in hell forever to go on and on punished endlessly till the end of time mean, till GOD die or no more GOD.

He even stand in the toilets watching you shitting and smelling the smell of your shit, he know if you are washing or just wiping and will punish you if you fail to adhere his teaching. 

He is standing beside your bed when you are busy making love and he will decide what baby should come out later.

He even have condition how to penetrate and how to injeculate your sperm out, what style and the days you should make love. Sex is always belongs to the man and the women must obey to man's need. Men are allow to have more than one wife and the woman must share their husband with another woman or she will burn in HELL.

Everything you earn comes from him, and everything that loose away from you is taken by him. So don't worry because nothing is yours. This sound similar with Hindus scripture as well.

He will never give the life you wanted but you have to live the life given by him. You must  bow down to him, you must pray to him, you must pay him too or he will take away all you earning.

He decide who is your wife and how many wife you have. He will decide how many kids you must have. What you have to do is just go on fucking and all your kids will be taken care by him by deciding how many and genre. A famous MUFTI in this country have said, all men must injeculate inside and never pull out with out any solid reason because it reduces the number of same faith generation for future.... mmmm... i wonder.

All those who don't believe in him is declared as enemy of the state... eh sorry, declared as enemy of the GOD. Wow that is interesting and those who are not by his side is considered as an enemy is allow to be killed.

You are allow to kill those who oppose his word and you will be awarded with virgins and money. How many and how much have to refer to him... he will decide.

They claim they are the greatest religions of the whole world claim they are the religion of peace, they claim they are the supreme alpha with out realizing they are just the latest edition. Oh.. no wonder their spirit is still strong.

Everyone in this universe must respect him and respect his believers and must accommodate their need. Such as food and animals and symbols, please keep away those animals that is prohibited by GOD. 

These are the animals you must put away or their faith will fade away. Those symbols too must be kept hidden or they will loose faith. The animals must be killed or put away because by seeing them, they will loose their faith and will be thrown into hell.

Any of the above were in contact, they would be hypnotized and they will loose their faith and they will leave their religion. 

This is how GOD's word been respected and followed without any question ???? You are not allowed to question or you are out of the ring of religion and so they have no say and just follow.

Another example, a husband applied super glue in his wife's vagina before he go out station. He claim he suspect the wife might open her leg for someone while he was not around. And the best part, she was punish 100 stroke and he was punish only USD10. 

And I still wonder is there any more people with commonsense living in this world any more?

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Saturday, April 8, 2017


No violence is the main point to keep mankind in peace despite treat from certain quarter who still think they are the alfa and this world solely belongs to them.

But what we have witnessed in recent days, violence by the name of GOD and religion have gone to a point of no return and fire is needed to put fire off. An ye for and eye which is not a revenge but merely war for peace of mankind.

Someone need to draw the first blood in order to stop the killing specially by the name of religion. 

Today, the world has been polluted by these religious maggot which stink till hell if there is any. They should be stopped from killing for 72 virgins. These maggots has to be put to rest so we would live happily ever after with out dreaming of virgins from heaven supplied by the one called GOD.

"There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the UN Security Council. Years of previous attempts at changing Assad's behavior have all failed and failed very dramatically."  Donald Trump

* Fifty-nine Tomahawk missiles were fired from American destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean at Al Shayrat airfield in Syria, from which officials said Mr. Assad’s chemical weapons attack originated this week.

* In announcing the strikes on Thursday evening, Mr. Trump called the chemical attack “very barbaric” and said his decision would “prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.”

He added: "There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the UN Security Council. Years of previous attempts at changing Assad's behavior have all failed and failed very dramatically." 

I hope more missile to rain Syria and end this chemical horror night mare. Hang this guy called Assad.....

And last but not lease, imagine if these countries is possessing Nuclear weapon in hand... what would have happen to our world? The would have killed and destroy every single life in this world by the name of their GOD!!!

For those who is still talking bull shit relating humanity, please go and live in these countries and you shall know why they should not be spared.......
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Take Off Your Top - Malindo

Malindo Air is mired in controversy after it reportedly requested its interviewees to strip down their tops in the March 11 walk-in interview, Malay Mail Online reported today.

Its public relations and communications director Raja Sa’adi Raja Amrin, however defended the move, saying it was the right of the employer to request potential flight attendants to expose their chests to interviewers.

He, however clarified the interviewees were required to remove their tops, but not bras as claimed by the complainants who went for the interviews.

The airline wanted to see if applicants had visible marks due to the material of Malindo’s uniform, as their uniforms were "partially see-through", he was quoted as saying by the news portal.

"It is not an issue. We have the right to conduct such body checks on them. I think most airlines do the same," he said, adding that this was a norm for most airlines as the cabin crew needed to be presentable.

“We need to see if they (applicants) have scars, pimples or tattoos that could be seen through the uniform. Our flight attendants wear a corset inside and if it is covered by the corset, it is okay," he added.

lvbala said;

Director Raja Sa’adi Raja Amrin -  "Will you agree if your daughter was ask to remove her top??" No big issue but I just want to make sure you hear the drum beat in your ears imagining your daughter is showing her top to interviewers.

You guys have brain for sure but never know how to use it.....

I was amazed with the statement by the king of moron which he claim the employer has the right to ask the interviewees to take off their top. Are you a Muslim? What type of a statement is that? Did your wife commented anything or your daughter give you any opinion?

Do we need to impose this procedures in Malaysia? If not, do we have to impose this in this country?

I know, they can ask the female interviewers to be the eye witness but, do we need to ??

Do we have other options?

""You will realize there is another way of solving problem when a mosquito landed on your testicle""

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Friday, February 3, 2017

TOTAL DESTRUCTION: ISLAMIC Refugees Destroying Everything They Touch in Italy

Reports coming in from various European News Outlets are confirming mass migration rampage events by hoards of Islamists cloaked as “refugees”.

“Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria i saw a huge crowd of immigrants. With all solidarity to people in difficult circumstances I have to say that what I saw arouses horror.This huge mass of people – sorry – but it’s an absolute wilderness … Vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting “We want Germany”. So what, Germany is now a paradise?

I saw an elderly Italian woman in a car that was surrounded by the immigrants. They pulled her by the hair out of the car and wanted to use it to go to Germany. They tried to topple the bus i was in. They threw feces at us, banging on the door for the driver to open it, spat on the glass. My question is- for what purpose? How do they want to assimilate in Germany? For a moment, i felt like in a warzone. I really feel sorry for these people, but if they would reach Poland – I do not think they would receive any understanding from us.

We spent three hours on the border, but failed to get through. The whole group was later transported back to Italy by the police. The bus is butchered, feces smeared, scratched, broken windows. And this is supposed to be an idea for the demographics? These big powerful hordes?

Among them there were almost no women and children – the vast majority was aggressive young men. Just yesterday I read the news on all the websites with real compassion, worried about their fate and today after what I saw I am just afraid. And I am happy they do not choose our country as their destination. 

We Poles are simply not ready to accept these people – neither culturally nor financially. I do not know if anyone is ready. A giant pathology is approaching the EU, one which we have never seen before. And sorry if anyone is offended by this entry. 

lvbala said:

The above article shall prove you what Donald Trump trying to say. This is the issue we shall face or shall I say, the humans / mankind shall face when you let these bastard into your house. They will repay you by taking your life so they can have a ticket to paradise to fuck 72 virgin when the die.

I would say, rather than blaming the world, you better start begging to your Arabic neigboring moron to let your religion bothers into their country.   

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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

AG Sacked - Trump Sacked Acting AG

President Trump fired acting attorney general Sally Yates on Monday night after she ordered Justice Department lawyers not to defend his immigration order temporarily banning entry into the United States for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees from around the world.

In a news release, the White House said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States.” Trump named in her place Dana Boente, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. Boente said he would enforce the president’s directive until he was replaced by Trump’s attorney general nominee, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala). 


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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

USA New President - Donald Trump

Congratulation to the new President of America.

You are the only hope in this millennia to bring peace by illuminate those who claim the superior by killing the non believers.......

Wipe them clean so the mankind can find peaceful life.


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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

INVOKE Malaysia - By Rafizi (PKR)

I would like to invite all Pulau Pinang residents to come to a fundraising dinner that will be organised by INVOKE Malaysia on 15th January 2017 at Penang Chinese Town Hall, George Town, Pulau Pinang.

I am very flattered for all the kind words of support given to me ever since I was sentenced to 1.5 years imprisonment under the OSA about 2 months ago. Despair not, while fate has it that I have to take a 6-year break from parliamentary and party politics; that does not mean I stop working towards the removal of Najib.

In fact (through INVOKE), I have been running faster than ever. I am now able to decide (independent of party bureaucracy) how to channel my time and resources to contribute. I have focused the last 2 months on recruiting more volunteers, spearheading emotive issues that strike chords with the key swing voters (i.e. disenfranchised Malay voters who were largely pro-establishment previously) and building specific communication channels that can micro-target these swing voters.

INVOKE has hit more than 10,000 registered volunteers so far (a phenomenal success given that it is only a few months old). Our analytics system is operational and running as we speak. Through my Facebook page (which has hit circa 570,000 followers), I have been able to engage directly with the largely Malay audience and the readership of the news that I post daily on the page has reached a weekly average of 4 million.

I have toured Kedah, Penang, Selangor, Johor and Kelantan since my sentencing to meet Malay swing voters in key battleground seats in 11 marginal seats. I have been scheduled to cover the rest of the country and the remainder of the 30 marginal seats in January and February – now armed with the highly emotive Felda issues.

There is definitely a disquiet on the ground among the Malay swing voters. More people come forward to express their readiness to change. I know for certain there is a significant shift among the Malay swing voters that presents us with the best opportunity for change in decades.

But winning the hearts and minds of the disenfranchised Malays in key battleground seats is literally a hand-to-hand combat. Our candidates are up against outright money politics, intimidation and overwhelming resources that Najib deploys against them on daily basis. Without a steady ground presence to keep pushing for the shift among the Malay swing voters, we may not be able to sustain this in the coming months leading up to GE14.

That is why INVOKE has launched a “Sponsor A Constituency” initiative to raise RM3,000 a month to help fund grass root campaigns by our candidates in the marginal seats for four months. Our target is to raise RM360,000 in January 2017 (RM3,000 X 4 months X 30 constituencies), so that the candidates supported by INVOKE can continue to penetrate areas previously unfriendly to them.
Please buy tickets to the “Sponsor A Constituency” fundraising lunch in Johor Bahru on 14 January 2017 to meet me and other speakers. Lunch begins at 12 noon at Pekin Restaurant, Johor Jaya and tickets start from RM100. You can buy the tickets online at…/invoke-fundraising-lunch…/

If you are in Penang or the northern region, you can meet me on 15 January 2017 for the northern leg of “Sponsor A Constituency” fundraising dinner. Dinner begins at 8pm at Penang Chinese Town Hall, Georgetown and tickets start from RM100. For more details, you can buy the tickets online at…/invoke-fundraising-dinne…/

Alternatively, you can call our dedicated tele-fundraiser number at 03 7890 2478 to speak to one of INVOKE’s tele-fundraisers who will be able to complete your bookings.
If you are not in the vicinity of Johor Bahru or Penang; or are not available during those dates, you can still sponsor a marginal constituency at whatever amount you can afford. Please visit…/sponsor-a-constituency-s…/ or speak to our tele-fundraisers at 03 7890 2478 to contribute.

In December 2016, INVOKE has disbursed RM64,500 in the form of “Back To School” grant of RM2,000 each to 30 marginal (or strategic) parliamentary seats. You can watch pro-reform candidates supported by INVOKE relating their challenges in campaigning in a Facebook Live program to mark the launch of “Sponsor A Constituency” at
Change is possible with a little help from each of you.

Please help spread the words to as many people as possible through Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Wechat or any means of communication.
Every Ringgit matters in the fight against corruption. #projekbuangnajib #howtodefeatnajib
Rafizi Ramli
29 December 2016

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Now Everyone Can't Fly - JOE SAMAD

When I read this column, it does hit my head and the story can be related to my experience traveling to East Malaysia for work purpose back ...