If you have any one or two sign of these below mentioned statement, than you are on PAR with it...
Just simply be honest to yourself and be truthful.
Unfortunately, the truth is, there are many in leadership positions with little or no self-awareness, who are at risk of going down a path to self-destruction, whether it be a career demise or damage to family life. To compound the issue, having the ability to acknowledge your level of self-awareness can be a paradox in itself: you need to be aware enough about yourself, to learn to know yourself even better.
1. ‘I only told Bob he was a halfwit, Because he needed to be put back in his place.’
Being constantly defensive
In other words, you may have received some objective feedback that didn’t support your opinions. Instead of listening calmly to the information offered, you jump to the defensive, and we all know defensive people try to deflect the problem by going on the offensive.
2. ‘I had to take over the job, because Sally really had no idea what she was doing.’
Must micromanage
Sally really did know what she was doing, but you just needed to be in control.
You find fault in minor inconsequential things. However, behind the scenes you are most likely failing with bigger things. Left unattended, these bigger issues will spiral out of control, affecting both your future and possibly the business.
3. ‘Yes, but. . .’
Make excuses
Every time I hear someone making an excuse using this phrase, I know they really aren’t interested in hearing from others.
In your mind you know you are always right and there is a perfectly good reason for why you are right, and everyone else just doesn’t get it!
Unfortunately, you are missing opportunities to explore options that may have great benefits to all. And over time, this conditioned response soon becomes an ingrained habit that is hard to break, and holds you back from growing.
4. ‘I don't know why they think I am a bully.’
You've been called bully more than once
Yes, you are a bully and you don’t know it. You have no sense of what you do that makes people say you are a bully, and you can’t understand why they think you are one. Until you grasp that you aren’t perfect, and do have faults, then you might get off your high horse and respond with a bit more empathy and humility. Until then, watch out world.
5. ‘No, I am not negative behind his back.’
You're in denial
Saying one thing, but acting or behaving differently.
You don’t realize that your behavior is the driving force which is creating conflict with others. When you lack awareness of your behavior, you then miss chances to make positive change.
People are great at inventing logical reasons to cover things they are often scared to tackle. However, constant denial will not only create toxic interpersonal relationships, but often lead to personal burnout because of the underlying stress that you fail to recognize.
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