In an era when people of one religion (most of them) are not open to
accepting even a millimeter of connection between theirs and other
religions. Now, if Mufti Mohammad Ilyas says that Lord Shiva was the
first prophet of Muslims then sprouting of various theories is obvious.
If you search for Shiva and Islam connection on Google, those thousands
of search results point to one direction. There must be something.
P. N. Oak has written in one of his books that Idolatry was a common practice in Mecca and the area around it. There were temples of Hindu gods in the area. After extensive research he stated that Kaaba has a “Jyotir Linga” (Hajar Aswad) Prophet Mohammad shattered the temples and destroyed the Murtis.
Idolatry has been an integral part of Yunnan and India. These two
were considered super powers of that time, so its quite obvious that
they promoted idolatry in Mecca. This is what many religious scholars
This is Kaaba, and that Black Stone Structure is what Muslims
believe to be holy. This Stone is what many consider as an Ancient Shiva Linga.
Before Islam was enforced in the middle-east, people there followed
Hindu rituals and practices. Idolatry was one of them. Prophet Mohammad
messed it up with the natives and left for Madeena. He came back with
great power and removed idolatry.
another similarity, during an Hindu religious practice, a non stitched cloth is worn,
quite similar to what Muslims do when they go to Hajj. This ritual has
been present from a long time, even before Islam.
Thousands of blogs, articles and books are present that talk about
this issue. To end the Shiva and Islam connection, statements come that,
Islam came down from Heaven with Adam.
Whatever may be the truth, but does it really matter now?
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
Malaysian ISIS Volunteers
Two Malaysian fighters of militant group Isis have killed more than 30 people in separate attacks in Syria and Iraq last week, The New Straits Times (NST) reported today.
The daily reported that Mohd Amirul Ahmad Rahim set off the bombs on him and in the car he was in during a clash at Isis's stronghold of Raqqa, Syria on December 29, killing 21 Kurdish fighters.
Meanwhile, Mohamad Syazwan Salim detonated his vest packed with bombs with several other bombers near a police training centre at Speicher military base in Tikrit, Iraq, killing 12 policemen and wounding 20, on January 3, the report said.
Amirul, from Terengganu, left his family to join Isis in Syria in October 2014, and took up the name "Abu Uqashah Malizi", said NST, citing sources.
The 26-year-old died on the day Isis launched an offensive on the Syrian army near Ain Issa.
Amirul was among some 16 Isis fighters killed during an attack from an alliance comprising the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Arab fighters.
The attack on Raqqa was one of several major operations against Isis, reported NST.
Syazwan had been targeting trainee police forces from the northern province on Nineveh, Iraq.
The 31-year-old, along with the other bombers, was shot by their targets.
Syazwan left his hometown in Selangor with younger brother, Muhamad Shazani Mohd Salim, 28, on September 23, 2014, via Istanbul, Turkey, to join Isis.
Shazani, known as Abu Aydan, reportedly first served as a cleaner before he was recruited as a sniper and suicide bomber.
He died in a suicide mission on September 18 last year in Bayji, in northern Iraq, during a skirmish with Iraqi forces.
NST said the brothers were trained in the Khatibah Nusantara cell in Syria for their suicide operations.
Their deaths bring the total number of Isis-linked Malaysians killed to 17, including six who served as suicide bombers. – January 11, 2016.
- See more at: said;
This is where we are heading and we are still calling these "Friends of Satan" as militant fighters. AS everyone aware, ISIS has been declared as TERRORIST which is highly dangerous.
These morons should not be hailed as a hero. They are the terrorist who is blind and have retarded brain which produce retarded thinking.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Saturday, January 9, 2016
What Has Been Told
In separate attacks last week, ISIS terrorists killed 39 tourists at a
beach resort in Tunisia, and close to 30 worshipers at a Shia Mosque in
Kuwait. The onslaught came shortly after the group called on its
militant Jihadi sympathizers to expand operations in the month of
ISIS has demonstrated an unflinching determination to take out anyone who dares to disagree with it. Its members have slaughtered Yazidis and Christians, but the vast majority of its victims have been Muslims who resist it and refuse to acknowledge its authority.
ISIS has even executed Sunni clerics who refused to swear allegiance to it, and Muslim women who did not submit to its worldview.
This feature is shared across all terrorist groups operating in the name of Islam. The vast majority of the victims of the Taliban, for instance, are also Muslims. Hundreds of Shia Muslims have been killed just in the last few years.
And I have lost many close friends in similar attacks on the Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and even in America.
So when some anti-Islam critics keep doggedly associating the faith of us Muslims with the acts of our tormentors, we call them out for their insensitivity.
I do not disagree that part of the motivation for religious extremism is rooted in perverted interpretation of scripture by radical extremists. However, it is dishonest to label the vast majority of Muslims who reject such interpretations as non-devout or "nominal."
An honest study of the Quran shows that groups like ISIS act in complete defiance of the injunctions of Islam. The Quran, for instance, equates one murder to the elimination of the whole human race (5:32), and considers persecution and disorder on earth as an even worse offense (2:217).
It lays emphasis on peace, justice and human rights. It champions freedom of conscience and forbids worldly punishment for apostasy and blasphemy.
A study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad also demonstrates that he warned us of the rise of religious extremism in this age in astonishing detail.
1,400 years ago, he prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many "Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance" (Mishkatul Masabih).
In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times.
How true this is of the extremist clerics in parts of the Muslim world that abuse the pulpit to preach division and hate.
He also went on to describe terrorist groups such as ISIS that would try to hijack the Islamic faith. At this time of dissension, he said there would appear "a group of young people who would be immature in thought and foolish."
They would speak beautiful words but commit the most heinous of deeds. They would engage in so much prayer and fasting that the worship of the Muslims would appear insignificant in comparison. They would call people to the Quran but would have nothing to do with it in reality.
The Quran would not go beyond their throats, meaning they wouldn't understand its essence at all, merely regurgitating it selectively. The Prophet then went on to describe these people as "the worst of the creation."
As if this outline wasn't clear enough, another tradition in the book Kitaab Al Fitan reported by Caliph Ali, the fourth successor to Prophet Muhammad, describes these people as having long hair and bearing black flags.
Their "hearts will be hard as iron," and they would be the companions of a State (Ashab ul Dawla). Interestingly, ISIS refers to itself as the Islamic State or Dawla. The tradition further mentions that they will break their covenants, not speak the truth and have names that mention their cities. The ISIS caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, comes to mind.
Prophet Muhammad furiously and painfully described these evildoers, and admonished Muslims to beware of their evil and fight it. "Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them," he proclaimed.
Reflect on this critical point.
Whenever ISIS kills in the name of Islam, claims to follow the Quran, or uses the Holy month of Ramadan to spread anarchy across the globe, know that Prophet Muhammad explicitly warned us of these imposters, and entrusted us to root them out.
The only people who refuse to reflect on this point are ISIS, ISIS sympathizers and anti-Islam extremists who want the world to believe that ISIS is legitimate. Intelligent people, meanwhile, see Prophet Muhammad's prophetic wisdom and thus remain united against both ignorance and extremism.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
ISIS has demonstrated an unflinching determination to take out anyone who dares to disagree with it. Its members have slaughtered Yazidis and Christians, but the vast majority of its victims have been Muslims who resist it and refuse to acknowledge its authority.
ISIS has even executed Sunni clerics who refused to swear allegiance to it, and Muslim women who did not submit to its worldview.
This feature is shared across all terrorist groups operating in the name of Islam. The vast majority of the victims of the Taliban, for instance, are also Muslims. Hundreds of Shia Muslims have been killed just in the last few years.
And I have lost many close friends in similar attacks on the Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and even in America.
So when some anti-Islam critics keep doggedly associating the faith of us Muslims with the acts of our tormentors, we call them out for their insensitivity.
I do not disagree that part of the motivation for religious extremism is rooted in perverted interpretation of scripture by radical extremists. However, it is dishonest to label the vast majority of Muslims who reject such interpretations as non-devout or "nominal."
An honest study of the Quran shows that groups like ISIS act in complete defiance of the injunctions of Islam. The Quran, for instance, equates one murder to the elimination of the whole human race (5:32), and considers persecution and disorder on earth as an even worse offense (2:217).
It lays emphasis on peace, justice and human rights. It champions freedom of conscience and forbids worldly punishment for apostasy and blasphemy.
A study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad also demonstrates that he warned us of the rise of religious extremism in this age in astonishing detail.
1,400 years ago, he prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its word, and that many "Mosques would be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance" (Mishkatul Masabih).
In these latter days, the true spiritual essence of Islam would be lost, and religion, for the most part, would be reduced to a ritualistic compulsion. He foretold that the clergy would be corrupt and be a source of strife during these times.
How true this is of the extremist clerics in parts of the Muslim world that abuse the pulpit to preach division and hate.
He also went on to describe terrorist groups such as ISIS that would try to hijack the Islamic faith. At this time of dissension, he said there would appear "a group of young people who would be immature in thought and foolish."
They would speak beautiful words but commit the most heinous of deeds. They would engage in so much prayer and fasting that the worship of the Muslims would appear insignificant in comparison. They would call people to the Quran but would have nothing to do with it in reality.
The Quran would not go beyond their throats, meaning they wouldn't understand its essence at all, merely regurgitating it selectively. The Prophet then went on to describe these people as "the worst of the creation."
As if this outline wasn't clear enough, another tradition in the book Kitaab Al Fitan reported by Caliph Ali, the fourth successor to Prophet Muhammad, describes these people as having long hair and bearing black flags.
Their "hearts will be hard as iron," and they would be the companions of a State (Ashab ul Dawla). Interestingly, ISIS refers to itself as the Islamic State or Dawla. The tradition further mentions that they will break their covenants, not speak the truth and have names that mention their cities. The ISIS caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, comes to mind.
Prophet Muhammad furiously and painfully described these evildoers, and admonished Muslims to beware of their evil and fight it. "Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them," he proclaimed.
Reflect on this critical point.
Whenever ISIS kills in the name of Islam, claims to follow the Quran, or uses the Holy month of Ramadan to spread anarchy across the globe, know that Prophet Muhammad explicitly warned us of these imposters, and entrusted us to root them out.
The only people who refuse to reflect on this point are ISIS, ISIS sympathizers and anti-Islam extremists who want the world to believe that ISIS is legitimate. Intelligent people, meanwhile, see Prophet Muhammad's prophetic wisdom and thus remain united against both ignorance and extremism.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Friday, January 8, 2016
Camel and a Camel Rider.
"This is a common theme with Muslims in the US. They demand special food,
special dress code exemptions, special prayer spaces funded by others,
and special prayer breaks. No one forced them to move here. They should
assimilate to our way of doing things instead of us bending over
backwards to accommodate them".
Here’s another example of how Islam is not compatible with a modern civilized society.
Muslim workers walked off the job at a Colorado meat processing plant because they demanded more accommodations for their multiple daily prayer sessions.
In a move that is sure to send liberals through the roof, the company fired the Muslim employees who refused to work.
The Denver Post reports that around 200 Muslim workers, most of the Somali refugees, walked off their jobs at Cargill Meat Solutions in Fort Morgan, CO ten days ago.
Their beef (pun intended): the company wouldn’t let them take several 10-minute prayer breaks per day.
The problem is, the meat processing plant is an assembly line and when a couple of hundred employees abandon their posts to pray to Allah, the whole operation shuts down.
Now try to image that happening 4 or 5 times every day.
The company had been allowing the Muslims’ prayer schedule and even provided them with a prayer room, but changed policy recently because it was killing productivity.
Here’s another example of how Islam is not compatible with a modern civilized society. Muslim workers walked off the job at a Colorado meat processing plant because they demanded more accommodations for their multiple daily prayer sessions.
And guess what? The fired Muslims now suddenly want to come back to work under the conditions they previously thought were unbearable.
The company called their bluff and now they are shit out of luck. Cargill has a policy that any employee that is fired may not reapply for a job for six months.
I applaud the company for this mass firing. These Muslims had good paying jobs that complied with all US labor laws, but they wanted special treatment that would cost Cargill money in lost productivity.
If their religion doesn’t comply with normal American employment, they shouldn’t even be in this country.
lvbala said;
Have you ever heard about camel and the camel rider story? ya, and the similarity is here when you allowed a "M" in your country or in your house. I am not accusing or blaming but this the fact.
To accommodate a "M" is not a joke. They are very simple and very much humble. They will ask permission for everything they do. The expose them self as very high profile member of GOD.
In the process, they will ask your permission to provide them a space for prayers and you allow. Than they will ask your corporation to keep "pork away" and everything that not permited in Islam, continually they will ask they own space for religion purpose.
Later this friend will tell you all the good things promise by GOD and they will start preaching by telling "their" "GOD" is the only truth. How does one feel when they started to tell they are the only truth? As if we are monkeys who believe in devils and our believe is "fooking" joke.
Later they will demand and force yourself to embrace or the penalty will be "DEAD" or they will tell you, their GOD will burnt you in hell.
At the end they will ask you to leave your home because they claim it is GOD given house for them. If you don't corporate, they will kill you if they need to by the name of religion.
It is mentioned clearly in the holy book that who ever don't believe in their religion is allowed to be killed and they will be awarded.
How about all of us hold to this principal, if you say my believe is not true, my GOD allow me to kill. Wow... I can't even digest it.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Here’s another example of how Islam is not compatible with a modern civilized society.
Muslim workers walked off the job at a Colorado meat processing plant because they demanded more accommodations for their multiple daily prayer sessions.
In a move that is sure to send liberals through the roof, the company fired the Muslim employees who refused to work.
The Denver Post reports that around 200 Muslim workers, most of the Somali refugees, walked off their jobs at Cargill Meat Solutions in Fort Morgan, CO ten days ago.
Their beef (pun intended): the company wouldn’t let them take several 10-minute prayer breaks per day.
The problem is, the meat processing plant is an assembly line and when a couple of hundred employees abandon their posts to pray to Allah, the whole operation shuts down.
Now try to image that happening 4 or 5 times every day.
The company had been allowing the Muslims’ prayer schedule and even provided them with a prayer room, but changed policy recently because it was killing productivity.
Here’s another example of how Islam is not compatible with a modern civilized society. Muslim workers walked off the job at a Colorado meat processing plant because they demanded more accommodations for their multiple daily prayer sessions.
And guess what? The fired Muslims now suddenly want to come back to work under the conditions they previously thought were unbearable.
The company called their bluff and now they are shit out of luck. Cargill has a policy that any employee that is fired may not reapply for a job for six months.
I applaud the company for this mass firing. These Muslims had good paying jobs that complied with all US labor laws, but they wanted special treatment that would cost Cargill money in lost productivity.
If their religion doesn’t comply with normal American employment, they shouldn’t even be in this country.
lvbala said;
Have you ever heard about camel and the camel rider story? ya, and the similarity is here when you allowed a "M" in your country or in your house. I am not accusing or blaming but this the fact.
To accommodate a "M" is not a joke. They are very simple and very much humble. They will ask permission for everything they do. The expose them self as very high profile member of GOD.
In the process, they will ask your permission to provide them a space for prayers and you allow. Than they will ask your corporation to keep "pork away" and everything that not permited in Islam, continually they will ask they own space for religion purpose.
Later this friend will tell you all the good things promise by GOD and they will start preaching by telling "their" "GOD" is the only truth. How does one feel when they started to tell they are the only truth? As if we are monkeys who believe in devils and our believe is "fooking" joke.
Later they will demand and force yourself to embrace or the penalty will be "DEAD" or they will tell you, their GOD will burnt you in hell.
At the end they will ask you to leave your home because they claim it is GOD given house for them. If you don't corporate, they will kill you if they need to by the name of religion.
It is mentioned clearly in the holy book that who ever don't believe in their religion is allowed to be killed and they will be awarded.
How about all of us hold to this principal, if you say my believe is not true, my GOD allow me to kill. Wow... I can't even digest it.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
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