It has been a while I wrote on my blog....
And today I was moved to write about a religion that superposing the world....
And I am too going to talk about being human with humanity and intellectual, and I wanna tell the world that your religion is no more than a smelly shit of cat poo.....
You know why I said this? Please read below...
1. Your religion is nor superior of all religion.
2. Your religion is the latest in the book and you are just a moron who still learning how to walk
the talk....
3. No one have to abide to your reasoning and method because you are not the superior.
4. Killing another soul for the sake of your religion is not more than fucking your own mother.
5. You can have any number of wives but you have no right to make women as your sex slave.
6. Asking all to follow your way, your rules is similar to asking your father to suck your dick....
7. And I know now you are just another shit out from Prophets teaching.... please don't
intimidate the true Islam and portrait the good name of Islam.
8. Killing the innocent with he excuse of Jihad is not for you to do as you a just another sick bastard
who were born out of PIG shit.
I am confident to say this to you as I know and I have true Muslim friends who have the heart
of gold and you are just another maggot who has been feeding the shit everyday.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Friday, December 16, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
KABALI - The Truth Spoken.

1 If you are from India and don’t know anything about Malaysians,
read this before you watch the movie. 2 If you know somewhat of Malaysian culture, read this after the
movie and then go watch again. 3 If you are a Malaysian, watch the movie and then read this. Introduction First of all these last few generations of Malaysian Indians are
not Indian migrants. We were born in Malaysia. We look Indian
but we are Malaysians who identify with the Indian culture through
religion and ancestral link. I am a 5th generation Malaysian,
my family (from Tamilnadu) has been here since the 18th century. Kabali is our story. The story of indian Malaysians and not
indian imigrants who now come to work in Malaysia or NRIs.
We are not same. I realised a lot of reviews are being written based on indian cultural
experience rather than the actual Malaysian culture and issues. Pa Ranjith has created a brilliant movie which is very much a
gift to the people of Malaysia (which appears in the credits).
The movie is a realistic fiction that takes into account historical
issues as well as current issues and put so many things into one
movie, while staying commercial, and politically safe. Yes the movie
is very much politically safe as it mainly focuses on only one side
of our problems – commercial side. This was a brilliant move as
if he hadn’t the movie would have been banned in Malaysia.
read this before you watch the movie. 2 If you know somewhat of Malaysian culture, read this after the
movie and then go watch again. 3 If you are a Malaysian, watch the movie and then read this. Introduction First of all these last few generations of Malaysian Indians are
not Indian migrants. We were born in Malaysia. We look Indian
but we are Malaysians who identify with the Indian culture through
religion and ancestral link. I am a 5th generation Malaysian,
my family (from Tamilnadu) has been here since the 18th century. Kabali is our story. The story of indian Malaysians and not
indian imigrants who now come to work in Malaysia or NRIs.
We are not same. I realised a lot of reviews are being written based on indian cultural
experience rather than the actual Malaysian culture and issues. Pa Ranjith has created a brilliant movie which is very much a
gift to the people of Malaysia (which appears in the credits).
The movie is a realistic fiction that takes into account historical
issues as well as current issues and put so many things into one
movie, while staying commercial, and politically safe. Yes the movie
is very much politically safe as it mainly focuses on only one side
of our problems – commercial side. This was a brilliant move as
if he hadn’t the movie would have been banned in Malaysia.
The movie spans different incidents and parts that took place in
the last 70 years or so. Pa Ranjith has taken bits and pieces of
actual history and incorporated them into his characters and story.
I am going to try an explain how Pa Ranjith took 100 years of
Indian Malaysian history and made it into a 152 minute movie.
the last 70 years or so. Pa Ranjith has taken bits and pieces of
actual history and incorporated them into his characters and story.
I am going to try an explain how Pa Ranjith took 100 years of
Indian Malaysian history and made it into a 152 minute movie.
Our Tamil is different from whats spoken in Tamilnadu. The script
in Kabali actually uses our Tamil slangs and words. Furthermore,
we actually speak a more purer Tamil than in Chennai as our
Tamil is stuck to about 100 years or so when the British brought
Indians to work in Plantations as labourers. We say gaadi – you say carru for example (which means car). There are more English words in Tamilnadu Tamil than in Malaysian Tamil which has different categories. A very pure Tamil is spoken on Minnal FM(our local tamil radio station), basically no english words are used. Then there is the one that average indians speak and a very street one which the movie refers too. Kabali link – There is even a moment in the movie where Kabali lightly laughs off the confusion in the meaning of saruku in the movie. In Malaysia – saruku refers to women. In Tamilnadu it means alcohol. Kabali link – A lot of the language down to pronunciation is accurately Malaysian Indian. For once someone got the lah mostly right. Some other Malaysian Tamil slang words in the movie Saavadi – super Terukva – moosama Kosong kosong – zero zero (kabali’s gang name is 00) Gaadi – car katthai - gun Poona azhagu – very beautiful Semmai – awesome Nasi – rice Tea-tanni – tea/ caya Pasiyariyacha – have you eaten breakfast (this is an old tamil word) Kampong – village Teh tarik – tea that has been pulled Amava – is it Adala kozhikari – theres a treat today. Sadaiyan – chinese Paiykirathu – use panrathu (another old tamil word) Maathirai – drugs Kuuthali – friends KL town – Kuala lumpur city Ktown – kajang town Masuk – intro or enter into a moment scene.
in Kabali actually uses our Tamil slangs and words. Furthermore,
we actually speak a more purer Tamil than in Chennai as our
Tamil is stuck to about 100 years or so when the British brought
Indians to work in Plantations as labourers. We say gaadi – you say carru for example (which means car). There are more English words in Tamilnadu Tamil than in Malaysian Tamil which has different categories. A very pure Tamil is spoken on Minnal FM(our local tamil radio station), basically no english words are used. Then there is the one that average indians speak and a very street one which the movie refers too. Kabali link – There is even a moment in the movie where Kabali lightly laughs off the confusion in the meaning of saruku in the movie. In Malaysia – saruku refers to women. In Tamilnadu it means alcohol. Kabali link – A lot of the language down to pronunciation is accurately Malaysian Indian. For once someone got the lah mostly right. Some other Malaysian Tamil slang words in the movie Saavadi – super Terukva – moosama Kosong kosong – zero zero (kabali’s gang name is 00) Gaadi – car katthai - gun Poona azhagu – very beautiful Semmai – awesome Nasi – rice Tea-tanni – tea/ caya Pasiyariyacha – have you eaten breakfast (this is an old tamil word) Kampong – village Teh tarik – tea that has been pulled Amava – is it Adala kozhikari – theres a treat today. Sadaiyan – chinese Paiykirathu – use panrathu (another old tamil word) Maathirai – drugs Kuuthali – friends KL town – Kuala lumpur city Ktown – kajang town Masuk – intro or enter into a moment scene.
Most Indian Malaysians are from south India – tamilnadu, Andhra, kerala, Punjab and a small community of north Indians. There are also Pakistanis, srilankan tamils. We are all categorised as Malaysian Indian. The movie refers to the south Indian Malaysians who all speak tamil regardless of their mother tongue. In Malaysia, not being able to speak in Tamil is considered a weakness.
Also not all estate workers were lower caste (as historians like to write) but jobs were segregated by caste and village hieraki. The mandurs (head of estates) were usually head of villages or the rich in india. If you drive down to Kuala Selangor, most of the indian plantation workers there are kaunders. With families having moved as villages to Malaysia. Farmers in Cameron highlands till today are mostly kaunders as well.
Caste inter marriages have been happening from as far as my great grandparents time though it was opposed then. Opposition often was of a tamil marrying a telugu, or even say a kaunder marrying a chettiar, and so forth even before reaching the lower caste part. By the 70s it was much more common though it was still opposed, and also saw fewer families asking for dowry and instead the culture of sharing the cost of weddings began. Today inter caste marriages, inter race marriages are common and is now practiced by most.
Kabali link - For example in Kabali, there is no reference to what caste kabali is. Only that her family opposed as they were vereh jathi. So it could mean that kabalis wife was not from tamilnadu or a different caste in tamilnadu. And not necessarily means Kabali is a dalit.
Another separate issue is that historically the Sri Lankan Tamil (Ceylonese) who were mostly brought in by british as clerks as opposed to most south indians (not all share the same story though) arriving as plantation labourers (estate workers), have a history of thinking they are a higher class than the south Indians due to social status (classism) and skin colour.
However while caste is not openly discussed today, it is still held on to by some and is brought up during marriage or in arguments. Inter religion might be a bigger problem now than inter caste at this point.
KABALI link - At the climax of Kabali, Veerasekaran insults kabali not only from a caste angle but also from a class angle (kabali was a poor estate worker before moving to KL Town). Earlier Tamilnesan’s (former 00 leader) son insults kabali (who was now 00 leader) as “unehlam vithuku ulla vithuruka kudathu.” In the olden days (50s), other castes mainly lower castes were not allowed into homes.
Kabali flashback
Kabali rises to fame for uprising a movement asking for equal wages for indian workers to be the same as chinese workers.
History of Malaysians Indians before the 18th century Indian or to be exact Kalinga’s (Orissa, Andhra Pradesh) have been trading with South East Asians for centuries. You can see these details in Orissa Musuem. Some merchants remained and married with the locals. They were referred to as kalingans’s which eventually became the derogatory term for Malaysian Indians – Keling.
Kabali link – Keling is mentioned and censored in the climax scene in Malaysia.
History of Malaysian Indians (circa late 18th century, ww2) Historically the Indians who were brought here by the british to work in plantations in the early 19th century were given set wages and lived in homes that were not theirs. Later the British brought chinese labourers to work in the plantations who earned higher wages and were free to move around and build settlements. So the Indians continued to be contracted at low wages and faced eviction if they left.
Durring ww2, the Japanese forced a high number of Malaysians (Indians and Malays) to work at the death railways in Thailand. They were the highest casualty of the death railway (42k out of estimated 90k).
Interesting point while at one point there were 4 million Indians in Malaysia (prior to independence), death, war and mass return to india (happens a few times in our history), by 1957 (Malaysia’s year of independence) the Indian population numbered only 820, 270 of which 62.1% was local born.
Also while the majority of south Indians arrived as labourers not all share the same history. At the height of British occupation and economic advancement in Malaysian in the 18th century, merchants began arriving on invites or tempted by news that reach back about – “pon villayum bumi, malainadu.” - the rich, mountainous land.
They arrived in malaysia with families and built parts of kl, penang, perak there are big chetiar communities in different parts of the country. The main big temples in the city are historically linked to different castes but none of these is mentioned or portrayed in the movie. Indian muslims also arrived as traders, mostly starting food restaurants – nasi kandar.
After ww2, the british returned to find more outspoken Indians (ignited by the INA led by Subhash Chandra Bose) began demanding for better rights, wages and nationality That’s when the All Malayan Rubber Workers Council (AMRWC) led by SVK Moorthi (the President of the Selangor Estate Workers Trade Union) who were fighting for higher wages for estate workers organised a nationwide strike on august 25, 1947.
history of daily wages after 1968
Another point – The 1968 Employment Restrictions Act, which required Malaysian employers to get work permits for non-citizen workers, resulted in thousands of Indian and Chinese plantation workers being forced to leave the country.
What is not portrayed in the movie but theres a silent reference as Amir describes changes in kl to the prison returned Kabali – the fact that as commodity prices dropped, estates were sold and many bonded indian estate workers not only lost jobs but also homes. They eventually ended up in slums and lower cost flats in the city with very little education as education of estate children was not a british priority.
Also nothing refers to MIC – the indian political party
KABALI link - Nassers character and that gathering where he addresses a big crowd (at dataran merdeka) seems to pay homage to SVK Moorthi and the fight for higher wages. In the movie Kabali was inspired by Tamilnesan and organised the uprising in his own estate before joining him in the city and eventually taking over.
Please note AMRWC were not gangsters but a union that fought for the rights of plantation workers. Also the fight for wages in the lowest income group continues till today under different ppl. Arul from Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) is one such leader today.
Gangsters leading the change and fighting for rights which is the basis of kabali is a fictional element to create continuity in the story.
However timeline for this homage is not historical. As there is a photo of Malaysia’s first prime minister (Tunku) moment of independence declaration behind Nasser or Rajni (can’t remember who). So that dates that point in the movie to post independence.
kabali link - Also in the movie Kabali says a line that is similar to a quote by then labour activist Y.K. Menon “We are Indians and slaves to nobody.”
Jeeva’s mother references the historical mass return to India when she explains to kabali about Jeevas fathers whearebouts during the cemetery scene.
Temple demolitions This is an ongoing issue faced by Malaysian Indians and is one of the few reference to the political issues the community has with the government that is slipped into the movie.
Kabali link - In kabali flashback, theres a scene where kabali stops a temple demolition. Whats brilliant is Pa ranjith places it in the flashback part in order to not get the movie banned.
Gangsterism, Drugs in Malaysia
Drugs Opium has been recorded to have been smoked by chinese labourers from way back in the 19th century and was brought in by the british itself. Drugs were actually legal in the early 19 century. But during the Vietnam war, American soldiers used to rest and do drugs in Malaysia which influenced locals and led to Malaysia becoming a trafficking spot. This despite Malaysia having a death penalty for drug trafficking.
I cant give you an exact history of when it started. But it was chinese led at first before Indians joined in and they formed this various gangs, some taking over or starting their own. Each area has a gang that dominates it. But it is a serious problem amongst the indian youth especially as recruitment starts from school. 71% of gang members in Malaysia are Indians.
Kabali link – in the movie Kabali’s gang is refered to as kosong kosong (00). This is actually referencing an actual indian gang in Malaysia – 08 or 04. While Tony lee’s 43 is similar to the 36 gang which has an elaborate logo.
08 and 36 have been around for decades, I can safely say since at least the 60s. both are historically rival gangs and often kill each other.
In Kabali gangs are headed by one big don – ang lee. I don’t think this is true. I don’t know to be honest. But what I do know is the head of don’s now are educated and actually are well dressed, like any other professional like how kabala and tony lee dress up. But they are way up the gang hierarki and are not known by most in the gangs. Local area gangs are headed by dons that look like veerasekaran, sampath.
Kabali link – Are petshops façade for gangs? any business can be a façade for illegal business. I recently bumped into a grocery store being the façade for Myanmar gangsters while on a photowalk in KL. So there is a possibility.
Gang meetings often happen at small chinese coffee shops restaurants. The term is – table talk variya (or lets talk over drinks at the coffee shop). Chinese coffee shops are choosen as they serve alcohol while indian restaurants and mamaks do not serve alcohol.
Kabali link – this is shown in the scene where veerasekaran meets jeeva alone. There are only two of them talking but the moment Jeeva holds Tony lees collar, his men come out and chase after him and a gun fight ensues. When the director focuses on jeeva and veerasekaran, you will notice there are indian men sitting in a group at the background. That is no coincidence. Those were veerasekarans men. That is how actual table talks between gangs happen. And any gang fight happens outside the shop, rarely inside.
Kabali link – There are no known gangsters that are doing good for the people like kabali. That is a FICTIONAL portrayal. And I believe Pa ranjith had to do that to create a commercial mass rajni movie while highlighting all the issues of the past and current segment of Malaysian Indians.
However gangsters have always been linked to indian leaders in Malaysia and the political scene. Mostly to keep rival politicians controlled in the party itself. There are also cases of gangsters standing for elections in the recent election. They are evolving.
Kabali link – When seeni dies, there is an elaborate funeral procession. That isn’t fiction. It actually does happen here
Kabali link – the “poojai” kudukanum scene where veerasekaran goes to a temple to give sacrifice actually happens here with gang dons here being religious but practising the traditional sacrificial methods. This is also prevalent in small temples (not necessarily gang related) around the estates till today. None of the big temples in the urban area allow this traditional practice.
Kabali link – the kali temple shown in the scene, there are many scattered around rawang, kuala Selangor. And bali kuduthal (animal sacrifice) still happens till today.
Current Malaysian Indian issues After independence schools were built in estates and more Indians got education but not all did due to economical issues. Also higher education wasn’t that easy to achieve due to economic status. So most would work right after A levels or drop out of school even earlier to work to support the families. Jobs and earning capacity for these segment got lesser and lesser due to many reasons.
Indians are a minority in Malaysia, we make up 7 % of the population but 71% of gang members in Malaysia are Indians. How did that happen?
The poorer segment of the community continue to earn very little and there’s a reoccurring cycle that happens. Young men who started working by 15 some heading into gangsters but mostly low wage jobs, start having gfs by 17, may marry or leave the gfs once they are pregnant and have kids. Kids (are not taken away as shown in the movie) grow poor, if lucky get placed in orphanages, at 15 single mothers tend to take the kid back (legally parents have rights on the children according to Malaysian laws no matter if they can afford to look after them) to make the kids work for the family and the cycle continues.
Most turn to becoming gangsters not just for more money (it’s a fallacy that lower rung gangsters earn well but that is the common perception.) but for respect. If you are labelled a gangster, you will earn respect more out of fear than you would as a poor person. (the Malaysian movie jagat portrays this story of the gang cycle).
Kabali link: the girl meena’s (who calls kabali appa) story is this or the early part of the cycle. Jeeva and his mom is a perfect example of the later part of the cycle. She being a lower rung drug pusher despite having an education (after the husband leaves), he being drawn to the gangster life and refuses to study as he sees his mom having an education but not a good life. Their life conditions are portrayed through the glimpse of their home at her death scene. Small, dark, in a shoddy flats.
These are the Indians mostly portrayed in the movie. But you also see characters like Amir, fathima, kumaran (tamilnesans grandson) who are professionals and live in better conditions. Compare Jeeva’s home to amirs beautiful white lit home. That is the perfect portrayal of two vastly different economical situations of Malaysian Indians.
Kabali link - Maarkandayan represents the richer Malaysian indian who will do anything to earn money. These are the rich scammers who are not necessarily gang linked but are able to scam people for a lot of things, like houses and more.
The indian vs chinese
In the movie the Chinese are shown to be pulling down the Indians who try to rise above them and not under them like seeni, veerasekaran.
Indians now (please note im trying to be detailed but not as detailed as this is getting too long)
In the last two decades there is a growing problem that affects both the poorer and middle class segment of Malaysian Indians. Government wise – the National Economic Plan (NEP) led to less representation of Indians in the government sector. It is harder to become a cop, government servant, or work for a GLC if you are not Malay.
Until the 1970s, a lot of government or government linked companies and the police sector had loads of Indians in them. That is why till today, KL Mariamman temple Navarathri festival is represented by different business and govt groups. TNB (electrical board) people, Railway people (railway employees) and more. All of these groups will be mentioned annually.
The chinese in the city were mostly merchants, business owners even from back then and not really known as government workers (I might be wrong on this one).
However after 1970s, hiring of non Malays got very hard. So was getting a placement in the local universities. No matter how high your grades, coveted spots in the medical seats, engineering seats were very hard to get. You could still get in, but not to your choice of education course. That led to the rise of expensive private education that is not within the reach of everyone.
So if you can’t get placed in the government, naturally people turned to the private sectors. Now there is where the other discrimination begins.
There is actually a “we don’t hire Indians” practice amongst many businesses in the private sector which are mostly owned and led by the chinese companies. The funny thing is the majority of Malays are also affected by this. The NEP does not benefit all Malays.
And it goes beyond just jobs, try renting a house in the city if you are indian. Regardless of your professional or financial background, this is a HUGE problem. I recently documented my own road blocks on this situation. Where I was rejected by 15 home owners (all chinese) before I finally got to rent my current place, despite putting in an advance booking fee, even before I got the house. And I am a professional, holding a managerial position.
This extends to the financial sector as well. It is much harder for an indian to get a loan/ credit card in a bank. In shopping malls, credit card sales people practically ignore us when we walk pass and target mostly the chinese. In a way its good coz I don’t want to be hounded by sales rep but the racist profiling is very saddening. If you ask the banks they will tell you it is coz theres a higher rate of rejections, however they fail to mention that there are higher restrictions for application criterias for Indians as compared to the Chinese.
So no matter if you have an education or not, it is harder for an Indian to get jobs in either the private or government sector. Also most professional Indians seem to earn a lower wage than their other race colleagues as compared even with the same experience, expertise and education. And this is a bigger problem for indian males. They also have to deal with social stigma. Walk into a lift in any building, and the occupants will start clutching their bags tighter and move away from them. Same thing happens if one drives by. Basically the social stereotype is that all male Indians are gangsters or thieves.
Now all this doesn’t even take into account the current entitled, lazy, spoilt attitudes of gen y. this is a basic summary of growing issuesin the community.
Kabali link – the private sector discrimination (and government discrimination in a way) is what the climax speech by kabali to Tony Lee is probably about but I can’t say for sure as the whole speech was censored in Malaysia. I need to find a copy of it to know more (someone send me the video pls)
Kabali link – after the launch of the bakery at the end, a group of youngsters meet Rajni and talk about this issues very briefly. One guy says I don’t think ill pass, at least she will pass. She on the hand says, “pass panna mathum vehlai kadaichirumma” (its not as if I will get a job if I pass). She also says private education is expensive (reference to not getting placements in public univs). That is how brilliantly the director has mentioned all these issues into one moment, without touching further to ruffle political feathers or more so the movie doesn’t get banned.
Gangsters and police
So if theres so much gangsterism, why isn’t the police doing much? Well as in the movie, the police here have an interesting policy when dealing with gangs.
Gangs here often have turf wars. Where like in the movie the kill each other. The police know this is happening and often sit in the background monitoring everything and sometimes taking the credit for the killing to control the message that goes to the public.
Kabali link – opening scene, the top cop (the malay man) says we will handle him our way if needed. Same man then opens the bakery in the ending.
Kabali link – the indian cop talks about how even he is often treated in suspicion of being a criminal. But do you notice he appears to know Kabali’s whereabouts, getting him out of the country quietly, escorting him up to the plane at the airport (while tony lees ppl attack the banglo in the palm oil forest?), meeting him at the airport.
Basically Malaysian cops know the movements of the local gangs and mostly let them be as long as public is not physically harmed occasionally catching the smaller guys in drug and prostitution raids.
Kabali link – in the climax, tony lees drugs are seized at the port by cops and vice dens are raided. Killed there are the lower dons and not the top dons who are partying at another event. Which is similar to the hieraki of gangs here. The bigger dons are rarely killed or at the raids as they don’t do the dirty job of running the business.
In real life, a turf war between rival gangs often happens. You will suddenly here a news, man gunned down here, at this flat, at the traffic light. The news will last in the news for few weeks before it all quietens down. Basically the cops warn off the gangsters to stop or they kill them and this leads to all turf wars stopping for a while.
2013 ops cantas
Now the 2013 ops cantas (eradicate or shoot at sight) began after Malaysia abolished the ISA in 2012. The ISA not only put away political opponents but also gangsters that police knew of their activities but had no proof to arrest. Under ISA anyone can be arrested without a criminal proceedings if deemed to be a threat to national security. When these old dons came out to find their old turfs taken over, they launched their own turf war. After a few months, the cops launched ops cantas.
Kabali link – Kabali was detained under ISA and released around that time after the abolishment of ISA. He comes out and immediately leads a turf war with gang 43.
2014 a cop was shot dead
2015 ops cantas
the infamous bentong kali
Gang killings on the rise in Klang over drug trade war
About Malaysian cops capabilities in dealing with gangs – actual gang shoot outs
Kabali link – when kabali runs down the drug dealer with his car. The news report shows the cops taking credit for the death of loga. That is why everytime one don dies, there are tv reports shown and you see veerasekaran mumbling about the report by the journalist on kabali’s death as no body was found but cops reported Kabali was dead.
Kabali link – by the way you can drive to Bangkok from Malaysia but it takes freaking 18 hours to get there. And pretty easy to cross the border. In some parts there are no border gates between both countries and you can easily walk across.
Kabali ending – the same indian cop who was helping kabali throughout the movie, arranges for Tiger to execute kabali. That is how the cops deal with gangs. Which refers back to “we will deal with him our way” (as said by the top cop in the opening scene). Basically no one ultimate power should remain, and the cops still are the ultimate powers.
Kabali ending in Malaysia – shows a screen note that kabali surrenders to the police. This is the cops and censorship at its best showing what they want you to see. Sure do a movie about the gangs but remember the cops are in control at the end of the day. Which is actually the truth.

Who is tiger? Tiger represents the current generation of poor Malaysian Indians who no matter what re-education they go through, will opt for the gang life as they don’t see a hope of getting a job or respect by suffering like the rest who try to earn an honest living. He is a jolly angry youngster. Each of his appearance is similar to the story of the average poor indian who are stuck in this cycle. Tiger is there at the end during the gang fight on the rooftop but he is captured by the cops. Why did the cops capture him and not the rest? Coz he can be swayed and broken to do the cops bidding – which is to eliminate kabali.
Does this mean Indian Malaysians are suffering?
Yes and no.
yes there are a lot of problems and it is a struggle to not be another statistic. And it is kinda getting worse for all classes. To be honest if you are poor, an indian – you are like a third class citizen the worst position on the list. The poor malays fall into these category as well but they still can get government assistance in some ways. There are also poor chinese people but their percentage is very small and they aren’t treated as the scums of the society. There are also criminals, gangsters in all races in all states.
The professionals or employed middle class can be likened to a second class citizen. The rich are rich no matter where. So if you as a Malaysian indian has never gone through any of this or don’t see this happening – that makes you a privileged Malaysian indian.
The most similar global reference to this situation is the blacks in America. The black lives matter campaign talks about similar issues as what the Malaysian Indians face. We are probably a decade or two away from cops shooting down any indian male for just being in an area or for putting their hands in their pockets.
No it is not the end of the world here. We don’t live in hate of other races. Not all malays and chinese are racists and discriminatory. We actually live in harmony, mostly. I took a chinese friend to watch Kabali yesterday. Yes we watch each others movies, eat each others food, marry inter races, and have wonderful friends across the races. Most Malaysians share similar sentiments despite a growing number of stereotypes in the country.
I also got lucky both at work and friends but even in a professional arena I have had indian stereotypes thrown at me, no matter how long my success and credibility list is. And if I were to go out and look for a job, despite my success it will take a long time for even me to get a job. I have indian friends who have been on a job hunt for the last year or so and have been rejected numerous times. And in the past I have felt the same rejection many times.
Years ago circa 2009, a listed chinese property company called me for a telephone interview and she sent me an email with all the details of the interview date and time and requested for my photo for security clearance. So I sent her my photo. Right after I got an email that the interview was cancelled. Turns out I wasn’t the right coloured indian they were willing to hire despite their interest in my capabilities.
Kabali link – the dark skin reference is mentioned when kabali says his wife loved his dark skin despite her being fair. That was not a random point. That’s an actual issue here.
Do we hate being Malaysians?
On contrary i love being a Malaysian despite everything and I only identify myself as a Malaysian. And to be honest similar issues happen worldwide to minorities anywhere.
Do I want change?
I want people to give chances to downtrodden people who are poor and caught in a vicious cycle. We can’t change politics that easily but we can change how we treat and perceive a fellow Malaysia. So stop stereotyping?
Conclusion – what directorial brilliance!
So if you made it to this point. You’ll realise how brilliantly Pa Ranjith has weaved actual issues, actual history into the fictional realistic commercial movie that is Kabali.
I don’t know how long he took to research our story or how much reading he did. It took me half a day to write this as I wanted to get the history as exact as possible and provide supporting links for further reading. I would so love to ask him a gazillion questions and if someone could tag him on this. I would like to know if he knew all this references as I don’t think even Malaysians will get all the references in the movie as much as I did.
I wrote this simply to show how brilliant his script was despite all the negative comments based simply on a lack of understanding. One day in the future this movie and its script will receive its acknowledgement.
Most of all THANK YOU Pa Ranjith for writing this script for us Indian Malaysians.
Note: if there are historical inaccuracies, apologies. I am making analytical gueses based on my knowledge of Malaysian history. if info is omitted or not explained enough, its coz im trying to keep this as short and detailed as possible.
To my other race friends: I hold no grudge on anyone as many know, i am just stating actual issues as it is. Also I believe these challenges only make us stronger, more resilient. I am hoping this will also serve as an educational understanding of the Malaysian indian conundrum.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
SUPERB Open Letter By MARIA WIRTH To Zakir Naik
Hindus generally don’t criticise other religions in spite of the fact that Christianity and Islam not only criticise, but demean Hinduism badly. Zakir Naik is only one example. Do Hindus know what is preached in the innumerable churches and mosques across India? I know for sure that Hindu gods are called devils by Christian missionaries. Yet Hindus neither defend their gods nor challenge the Abrahamic dogmas in spite of having a solid philosophical basis for their beliefs, which is lacking in Christianity and Islam.
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Some years ago, Zakir Naik had ridiculed Ganapati and thrown a challenge to prove that Ganapati is God. I assume he means by God the Supreme Being that Muslims call Allah.
Now what do we know about Allah?
Foremost, Allah is great and merciful, and the faithful as well as the unfaithful are loudly reminded of it five times a day. He also knows what all human beings are doing, but is separate from them. It is claimed that Allah has communicated his final words to Prophet Mohamed. Those words are in the Quran. Allah declared that Islam alone is true. So, all human beings must follow Islam because other paths are wrong. And they must hurry up, because every human being has only one life.
Those, who do not accept Islam during their lifetime, will be thrown into eternal hellfire where “boiling water will be poured over their heads that not only melts their skin but also the inner parts of their bellies…” (Q22.19-22)
Clearly, here is where Allah’s mercy ends. He does not brook any dissent. And the Azan, which started compassionately, ends with: “Oh Allah, guide us to the Right Way. The Way of those whom You have favoured, not of those who have earned Your wrath…” Al-Fatiha 1
This means, Allah is merciful only to his followers who are called Muslims and he is wrathful to those who are not Muslims.
Dr. Zakir Naik, I am confident that I got the concept of ‘God’ in Islam right because Christianity has a similar concept. And I dare to claim that it is not true. Can you prove (and this challenge goes also to Christian clerics) that Allah/ God is indeed so unfair and divisive? Can you prove there will be this huge cauldron of fire where billions of people will burn for ever after Judgment Day? Do these claims of “eternal hellfire for unbelievers” not rather have the purpose to keep the flock in check? To divide and rule?
There are about 2 billion Christians, who are told they have to remain Christians, otherwise they can’t go to heaven. And then there are about 2 billion Muslims who are told that they have to remain Muslims, otherwise they can’t go to paradise. Both religions had plenty of time to sort out which one is true, but they did not do it. Why? Because they cannot prove it. They can only make claims and counterclaims and fight among themselves, between Muslims and Christians and with heathens or infidels. They do this for the last 2000 years.
Under these circumstances, can anyone claim that Islam or Christianity is beneficial for humanity? Is it not time to have a thorough check of what REALLY is the truth?
In regard to the absolute Truth, Dr. Zakir Naik, your ancestors, the Indian Rishis, made valuable contributions and you can be proud of them. In ancient times, long, long before Christianity or Islam appeared on the scene, the Rishis had a very mature understanding of Brahman which would be ‘Truth’ or ‘Supreme Being’ or ‘God’ in English. Brahman is not personal, not a superhuman entity somewhere in heaven, not male or female, not jealous of other gods, not revengeful if ignored, but it is Sat-Chit-Ananda, the conscious, one essence in all names and forms – like the one ocean is the essence of all the waves.
The Rishis realised that this universe is a wrong perception of Brahman. They called it Maya, not really true, only apparently true.
The Rishis realised that this universe is a wrong perception of Brahman. They called it Maya, not really true, only apparently true.
For anything to qualify as absolute Truth, it has to be always – past, present and future – and it has to be self-evident.
The Rishis came to the conclusion that nothing fulfils these criteria except pure (= thought free) consciousness. This consciousness is here and now, always, everywhere. Yet we miss it because we focus only on things or thoughts, emotions, etc. – like, when we focus a torchlight in a room only on the furniture and miss the empty space. Infinite space, which throbs with life and love is actually a good metaphor for Sat-Chit-Ananda – the highest truth that underlies names and forms (nama-rupa).
Science has meanwhile discovered the Sat-aspect of the truth. Oneness is there. To discover that this Oneness is also aware (Chit) and blissful (Ananda) scientists would need to turn to their own consciousness to research further instead of looking outside. Let us see whether the scientists will support also the claim of the Rishis that this whole manifestation is alive and full of bliss.
In one point, however, you are right, Dr. Zakir Naik: There is only one Truth, one God, which the wise call by different names. But the nature of it you got wrong. It does not send non-Muslims or non-Christians eternally into hellfire. The Supreme Being is indeed merciful and great.
But you wanted to know whether Ganapati is a deity.
May I explain a bit of your ancestors’ tradition which struck me as most profound when I came to know of it?
Sanatana Dharma is not only about intellectually knowing Sat-Chit-Ananda, but about realising it. Since Brahman is all pervading, it must be also in us (Ayam Atma Brahman). So we can tap and feel it. For this, however, we need to follow certain rules. We need to purify ourselves, lead a moral life, speak the truth, etc. To eat plenty of meat and have plenty of sex is not conducive for this purification. Yet one factor is very conducive: Bhakti – love for God.
Here Hindu Dharma brings in Ishwara.
The concept of Ishwara is close to the Abrahamic notion of a personal God but more benevolent. There is of course no eternal hell for unbelievers. Everyone gets chance after chance in life after life till he realises that he is not a separate wave, but one with the ocean.
Ishwara is God with attributes and has innumerable aspects, as this universe has innumerable aspects or human nature has innumerable aspects. These aspects are personified in different deities and the devotee can choose the one who is dearest to him. It helps to develop love for the invisible Truth – for example through Ganapati.
Those Devas are mistakenly much maligned by Christianity and Islam. They are not separate entities but kind of access points to the one Brahman, which is otherwise unimaginable. It is possible to feel familiar with them, to love them, to talk with them. And the scriptures leave no doubt that devas are ultimately Brahman.
And here, Dr. Naik, you may get an answer to your question whether Ganapati is ultimately the Supreme Being.
The Ganapati Atharvashirsa Upanishad, which is part of the Atharva Veda, states: “Tvameva kevalam karta si, tvameva kevalam dharta si, tvameva kevalam harta si.
Tvameva sarvam khalvidam brahmasi, tvam saksadatma si nityam.”
It means: You alone are the creator, you alone are the sustainer, you alone are the annihilator. All this is Brahman and you are that Brahman. You are indeed the Atman eternally.
This declaration, however, is not unique for Ganapati. It is said for other deities, too.
Yet the fact that this is written in a sacred text, is not proof enough. There are plenty of sacred texts in this world and if everything in them is blindly accepted as true, we end up with all kind of proclaimed truths which are not true. We need to verify what is declared as truth on the touchstone of reason, intuition and experience. If it contradicts all of these, it is not worth believing it and certainly not dying for it.
The proof that all deities are Brahman is because only Brahman really exists. Brahman is like the ocean. The waves are not separate from it. The name with which one worships the Divine, does not matter. What matters is how much devotion one feels. The greater the devotion, the more miracles can happen. Ganapati is loved by millions of Hindus worldwide. He is the door through which they try to access Sat-Chit-Ananda.
Sanatana Dharma is very ancient. And yet the Rishis had such deep insights, for example that the world is a wrong perception of what is really true, like seeing a snake at dusk when in fact there is only a rope. Westerners who ridiculed Hindus because they believe that the world is an illusion keep now quiet as science supports the Hindu view.
Meanwhile NASA scientists have detected the building blocks of DNA in meteorites. The Max Planck Institute in Germany published the first picture of the whole universe. It had an oval shape. Could it be possible that those who ridicule Hindus for worshipping a Shiva lingam might soon rethink their attitude, as well, lest they embarrass themselves?
Great men have come and gone in India’s ancient civilisation. Some have been made into gods. There is nothing wrong with it. The Divine is in all.
It should make you reflect, Dr. Naik that science keeps validating the insights of the Rishis, for example the mindboggling age of the universe, or the ultimate Oneness of all.
Attempts to vilify Indian tradition by you and others are successful because the British weaned Indians away from their tradition and most people know little about it. Yet if you are sincere, you will realise that the wisdom of your ancestors scores high over the worldview and the mind set of Abrahamic religions. The attitude of “We alone are right and you go to hell if you don’t accept our religion” is doing great harm to humanity. It may be helpful for world dominion, but do you want to live in a world where everyone has to wear a straight-jacket?
If I were you, Dr. Naik, I would be worried especially about one thing: what if you wake up after death and there is NO paradise waiting for you? What if all those Jihadis, who were inspired by you, cursed you after realising there was no paradise for them? What if you are taking birth again in another form and reap the fruits of your actions of this life where you consciously or unconsciously distorted the truth? Rebirth is not only mentioned in the Indian texts. There is also plenty of evidence for it – over 3000 cases are documented in the archive of Virginia University.
Dr. Naik, I don’t know how deeply you believe what you preach. I know from personal experience how effective brainwashing in childhood can be. But I also know that it is possible to get out of it, and it seems the older one is, the easier.
For me, it was a great relief to come out of the Christian religious straight jacket and I would encourage you to also genuinely enquire into the truth. Your concept of God is not Truth. You quote a book as support. Truth does not fit into a book. Truth is THAT WHAT TRULY IS.
Your ancestors, the Indian Rishis, spoke from experience, not from book knowledge.
Yours Sincerely
Maria Wirth
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Friday, July 15, 2016
Man PunisH His Wife To Stand Naked In Public.
MAN forced his wife to stand naked in front of their house and neighbours in Ketereh, Kelantan, after a fight, reported Sinar Harian.
During the incident last month, the 31-year-old woman had just finished taking her bath when her husband suddenly got angry and started to tear off her clothes.
He then dragged her outside to the front of their house.
“I was clinging to his leg at the time, begging him not to leave me in that embarrassing state outside the house, but he ignored me for 15 minutes,” said the mother of one.
She said she felt humiliated when neighbours passing by saw her naked, adding that they were too afraid to help.
During the fight, the woman also suffered bruises to her thigh and arm, and both her face and forehead were swollen where her 50-year-old husband had beaten her.
Since they married four years ago, she said her husband often beat her.
“I was badly beaten once just because I changed his name in my handphone from husband to his nickname,” she said, adding that she had since lodged a police report.
The woman claimed, however, that her husband had become short-tempered only after recently taking another wife.
Kota Baru deputy police chief Supt Setapa Yusoff confirmed receiving the report.
lvbala said:
Kemana perginya keindahan kesopanan dan kelembutan orang Malaysia tak kira bangsa apa sekali pun. Sejak dua menjak ini, kejahilan manusia dan tak kiralah apa agama sekali pun telah menjadi mudarat ketahap kehinaan yg paling rendah dalam hiraki keidupan manusia.
When I read the article above, I felt no different to make your own wife stand naked or make her prostitute.
I wonder the man who did this should be eating shit every day and have shit mind. I can't believe some human can go so low to the extend to selling own pride.
Can anyone comment why? why human can behave such?
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Friday, July 1, 2016
Using Mobile Phone in Gas Station - StaticElectric Can Cause Fire
KUALA LUMPUR: The use of mobile phones at petrol stations will cause a fire, right?
While in theory, microwaves can generate sparks when it comes into contact with metal, the waves emitted from phones are far too weak to create an explosion, says Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) electrical engineering professor Dr Chandima Gomes, who specialises in lightning protection.Wrong, say experts. It’s just an urban legend, circulated via e-mail as early as the late 1990s, claiming that the microwaves emitted from mobile phones could generate a spark that could ignite petrol fumes.
“Microwaves from a mobile phone are at a very low intensity, something like 2.45GHz. In order to create that kind of spark, you need a very high-powered microwave. There is no scientific evidence to say that mobile phone emission is enough to create a spark,” he said.
The belief was even put to test on the popular Discovery Channel programmeMythBusters.
The hosts filled a gas chamber with fumes and then made a phone call inside it to see if it would ignite. The results were negative.
US-based Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI) executive vice-president Robert Renkes said it was static electricity from a person’s body that causes sparks when it comes into contact with the petrol pump, that creates fires.
After investigating hundreds of fire cases, Renkes said the “mobile phone” accidents usually occurred when a person was fuelling up and had returned to the interior of the car to make a call.
“When inside, their bodies rub against the seat, creating static electricity and charging the body.
“So they’re sitting in the car, they generate static, they pop out again, they haven’t dissipated their static, and they touch the pump nozzle.
“As gasoline goes in, the vapours come out of the filling pipe, so you have a source of ignition when the static discharges from your hand to the nozzle – exactly where the vapours are coming out of the filling pipe,” he was quoted as saying in a newspaper.
Similar reports have also been issued by the US Federal Communications Commission, the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, and the Oklahoma University Center for Study of Wireless Electromagnetic Compatibility.
However, Dr Chandima contends that static electricity is unlikely to build in Malaysian petrol stations, given the high humidity that automatically absorbs excess charges in the body.
Commenting on Tuesday’s incident where a woman suffered serious burns while refuelling her car in Setapak here, Dr Chandima said the victim might have been charging her phone or was using a deteriorating battery, hence sparking the fire.
“What happens is when a phone is really hot and you have petrol fumes, the sudden expansion of the fume from the heat may have caused the problem,” he told The Star.
“Shell UK has published a study on radio frequency sparks from mobile phones, concluding that portable cell phones properly used do not represent a meaningful hazard on the retail forecourt.
“Without doubt, apart from the human acts of smoking and striking a match, the thing that represents the greatest hazard on the retail forecourt is the motorcar!”
Despite the scientific evidence, the rumour – fuelled by the advent of the Internet – caught on.
According to Kent University sociology professor Dr Adam Burgess, the stigma was also further enforced because of a global safety drive by the British oil industry, following a Scotland oil rig disaster in 1988.
However, the Malaysian Petrol Dealers Association president Datuk Hashim Othman said it was better to be “safe than sorry” with their safety campaign which includes posters warning against the use of mobile phones in stations.
“We also ask our workers to tell people not to use their phones. Sometimes we cannot force, we just advise.
“We have done studies with the Fire and Rescue Department and it has been proven that some handphones do trigger a magnetic field that isn’t conducive when there are fumes. I don’t know the details, but it can catch fire, especially during hot weather. It has happened before, especially with the old phones. I’m not sure about the new ones,” Hashim said.
Fire and Rescue Department director-general Datuk Wira Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim also advised people to abide by the warning signs in petrol stations.
“The only thing is because the incident in Setapak seldom happens, people couldn’t care less. Warnings to turn off the car engine and not use phones or smoke are already there.
“But unfortunately, the people need to have something happen before they believe,” he said.
lvbala said;
I found this article in The Star dated 01/07/2016 and I found it very helpful and believe this should guide us to be more safe in future.
Thank you
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Thursday, June 30, 2016
Not Guilty Until Proven
In the High Court, Guan Eng pleads not guilty and claims trial when the two charges were read before Judicial Commissioner Azmi Ariffin.
Justice Azmi then set bail at RM1 million with one surety.
The court did not order for Guan Eng to surrender his passport but he needs to notify the court and AG's Chambers two days before he travels abroad.
Gobind did not object to the bail conditions imposed on Guan Eng.
In the same court, Phang also pleads not guilty to a charge of abetting Guan Eng in committing the offence at the same place and time.
Justice Azmi sets bail at RM200,000 with one surety and no other conditions imposed.
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LGE Arrested and Charged In Court
Penang Chief Minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan EngPenang Chief Minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng was arrested for corruption over the re-zoning of a parcel of land and the purchase of a bungalow in Penang at below market price.
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Monday, June 20, 2016
If you have any one or two sign of these below mentioned statement, than you are on PAR with it...
Just simply be honest to yourself and be truthful.
Unfortunately, the truth is, there are many in leadership positions with little or no self-awareness, who are at risk of going down a path to self-destruction, whether it be a career demise or damage to family life. To compound the issue, having the ability to acknowledge your level of self-awareness can be a paradox in itself: you need to be aware enough about yourself, to learn to know yourself even better.
1. ‘I only told Bob he was a halfwit, Because he needed to be put back in his place.’
Being constantly defensive
In other words, you may have received some objective feedback that didn’t support your opinions. Instead of listening calmly to the information offered, you jump to the defensive, and we all know defensive people try to deflect the problem by going on the offensive.
2. ‘I had to take over the job, because Sally really had no idea what she was doing.’
Must micromanage
Sally really did know what she was doing, but you just needed to be in control.
You find fault in minor inconsequential things. However, behind the scenes you are most likely failing with bigger things. Left unattended, these bigger issues will spiral out of control, affecting both your future and possibly the business.
3. ‘Yes, but. . .’
Make excuses
Every time I hear someone making an excuse using this phrase, I know they really aren’t interested in hearing from others.
In your mind you know you are always right and there is a perfectly good reason for why you are right, and everyone else just doesn’t get it!
Unfortunately, you are missing opportunities to explore options that may have great benefits to all. And over time, this conditioned response soon becomes an ingrained habit that is hard to break, and holds you back from growing.
4. ‘I don't know why they think I am a bully.’
You've been called bully more than once
Yes, you are a bully and you don’t know it. You have no sense of what you do that makes people say you are a bully, and you can’t understand why they think you are one. Until you grasp that you aren’t perfect, and do have faults, then you might get off your high horse and respond with a bit more empathy and humility. Until then, watch out world.
5. ‘No, I am not negative behind his back.’
You're in denial
Saying one thing, but acting or behaving differently.
You don’t realize that your behavior is the driving force which is creating conflict with others. When you lack awareness of your behavior, you then miss chances to make positive change.
People are great at inventing logical reasons to cover things they are often scared to tackle. However, constant denial will not only create toxic interpersonal relationships, but often lead to personal burnout because of the underlying stress that you fail to recognize.
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