I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Xmas
Briefly, the origin of Christmas lies with the ancient Britons who celebrated the Winter Solstice and the longer days ahead. It was PAGAN to begin with.
This was later incorporated into Christianity. It would have been too cold around December in Bethlehem for any shepherd and their flock to be out in the open to hear any angel anyway.
And no wise men would be traveling in that weather. Christ was more likely born around September and during 4 or 5 BC (according to calculations based on Scripture and the appearance of the star).
Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas and Christmas trees are just plain commercialism but since it was already in place and it's the only day allotted to Christians, they celebrate it. No one wants to be the Grinch except the likes of this fella.
So Merry Christmas and God Bless to all.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Rintihan Mangsa Beragama Kristian Di Bumi Iraq
Surat Versi BM.
Saya rosene, seorang imigran Kristen Iraq yg kini menetap d Amerika Syarikat. Saya menulis surat ini berhubung penganiayaan yang sedang berlaku d Iraq. Saya ingin dunia tahu apa yg terjadi saat ini kerana Media tidak memaparkan peristiwa ini.
Keluarga, teman2 dan saudara saudari Kristian di kota Mosul (niniwe) mengalami penganiayaan berat saat ini. Pada mingu pertama julai 2014, ISIS @ Penguasa Islam Iraq telah mengeluarkan arahan kpd umat Kristian untuk membuat pilihan samada:
1) Masuk Islam
2) Bayar cukai yg sgt tinggi
3) Mati
beserta ugutan bunuh dgn pedang sebelum 19/07/2014.
Org Kristian Mosul terpaksa lari menyelamatkn diri menuju Kurdistan. Ribuan keluarga Kristian kehilangan rumah, brg2 dan wang. Gereja2 dibakar, salib dan gambar2 dirampas.

Hati saya hancur, sedih dan putus harapan kerana tiada apa yg mampu saya lakukan utk menolong mereka.
Saya tidak meminta lebih dari yg Yesus minta. Berdoalah utk mereka. Tlg sebarkan dan kongsikan kpd komuniti Kristian.
Kuasa doa telah menyelamatkan/melindungi org Kristian d timur tengah selama bertahun2. Jgn berhenti berdoa dan maklumkan kepada dunia keadaan sebenar yang berlaku terhadap org Kristian.

'Bapa, ampuni mereka kerana mereka tidak tahu apa yg mereka perbuat'.
Lukas 23:34
Terima kasih. -di Malaysia kita takkan tahu ttg kes ini melalui Tv atau Radio.kita akan tahu melalui media sosial shja.sebab Malaysia takkan mendedahkan kkjaman org Islam keatas orang2 Kristian.
Ttpi ttg hal Israel berperangan dgn Palestin Malaysia dgn hati yg trbuka menybarkan penindasan Israel ke atas Palestin.kerana semata2 utk menutup mata rakyat Malaysia (tertuma Kristian) agar Israel dilihat kejam dimata masyarakat kalau boleh dimata dunia.
actually kita tidak mmpunyai pgetahuan ttg apakah pnca sbnar serangan Israel keatas Palestin,of course ada reason yg waras di sebalik serangan Israel ke atas palestin.cuma kita rakyat tidak mampu melihat krana kbenaran telah dsmbunyikan.sampaikan ramai Kristian from Malaysia salah faham ke atas Israel.sebab ramai org Kristian yg buta alkitab.that y berhati2 dgn apa yg anda like di fb atau wechat atau dimana2..sebab Alkitab sudah tertulis sesiapa yg mmbrkati Israel akan dibrkati dan sesiapa yg mngutuk Israel akan dikutuk.that y knpa Malaysia mnjdi huru-hara dan byk prkara trjd keatas Malaysia sebab??sebab Malaysia mengutuk Israel.
Bangsa bangsa akan takluk kepadamu.Dan suku-suku bangsa akan sujud kepadamu;jadilah tuan ke atas saudara-saudaramu,dan anak-anak ibumu akan sujud kepadamu.Siapa yang mengutuk engkau terkutuklah ia,dan siapa yang memberkati engkau diberkatilah ia.
Sebagai orang Kristian yg mencintai kedamaian dan mempunyai kasih sayang seperti Kristus mahukan.ssunguhnya kita juga bersimpati terhadap kesulitan rakyat Palestin..Sebagai Kristian janganlah kita pernah berhenti brdoa agar damai Kristus melindungi Bumi.
Sebarkan kpd semua saudara-saudari seiman dalam Kristus..selamatkan lah Mereka..sy Kristian,telah melakukan tanggungjwab ini..Salam Damai..
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Saya rosene, seorang imigran Kristen Iraq yg kini menetap d Amerika Syarikat. Saya menulis surat ini berhubung penganiayaan yang sedang berlaku d Iraq. Saya ingin dunia tahu apa yg terjadi saat ini kerana Media tidak memaparkan peristiwa ini.

Keluarga, teman2 dan saudara saudari Kristian di kota Mosul (niniwe) mengalami penganiayaan berat saat ini. Pada mingu pertama julai 2014, ISIS @ Penguasa Islam Iraq telah mengeluarkan arahan kpd umat Kristian untuk membuat pilihan samada:
1) Masuk Islam
2) Bayar cukai yg sgt tinggi
3) Mati
beserta ugutan bunuh dgn pedang sebelum 19/07/2014.
Org Kristian Mosul terpaksa lari menyelamatkn diri menuju Kurdistan. Ribuan keluarga Kristian kehilangan rumah, brg2 dan wang. Gereja2 dibakar, salib dan gambar2 dirampas.
Hati saya hancur, sedih dan putus harapan kerana tiada apa yg mampu saya lakukan utk menolong mereka.
Saya tidak meminta lebih dari yg Yesus minta. Berdoalah utk mereka. Tlg sebarkan dan kongsikan kpd komuniti Kristian.
Kuasa doa telah menyelamatkan/melindungi org Kristian d timur tengah selama bertahun2. Jgn berhenti berdoa dan maklumkan kepada dunia keadaan sebenar yang berlaku terhadap org Kristian.
'Bapa, ampuni mereka kerana mereka tidak tahu apa yg mereka perbuat'.
Lukas 23:34
Terima kasih. -di Malaysia kita takkan tahu ttg kes ini melalui Tv atau Radio.kita akan tahu melalui media sosial shja.sebab Malaysia takkan mendedahkan kkjaman org Islam keatas orang2 Kristian.
Ttpi ttg hal Israel berperangan dgn Palestin Malaysia dgn hati yg trbuka menybarkan penindasan Israel ke atas Palestin.kerana semata2 utk menutup mata rakyat Malaysia (tertuma Kristian) agar Israel dilihat kejam dimata masyarakat kalau boleh dimata dunia.
actually kita tidak mmpunyai pgetahuan ttg apakah pnca sbnar serangan Israel keatas Palestin,of course ada reason yg waras di sebalik serangan Israel ke atas palestin.cuma kita rakyat tidak mampu melihat krana kbenaran telah dsmbunyikan.sampaikan ramai Kristian from Malaysia salah faham ke atas Israel.sebab ramai org Kristian yg buta alkitab.that y berhati2 dgn apa yg anda like di fb atau wechat atau dimana2..sebab Alkitab sudah tertulis sesiapa yg mmbrkati Israel akan dibrkati dan sesiapa yg mngutuk Israel akan dikutuk.that y knpa Malaysia mnjdi huru-hara dan byk prkara trjd keatas Malaysia sebab??sebab Malaysia mengutuk Israel.
Bangsa bangsa akan takluk kepadamu.Dan suku-suku bangsa akan sujud kepadamu;jadilah tuan ke atas saudara-saudaramu,dan anak-anak ibumu akan sujud kepadamu.Siapa yang mengutuk engkau terkutuklah ia,dan siapa yang memberkati engkau diberkatilah ia.
Sebagai orang Kristian yg mencintai kedamaian dan mempunyai kasih sayang seperti Kristus mahukan.ssunguhnya kita juga bersimpati terhadap kesulitan rakyat Palestin..Sebagai Kristian janganlah kita pernah berhenti brdoa agar damai Kristus melindungi Bumi.
Sebarkan kpd semua saudara-saudari seiman dalam Kristus..selamatkan lah Mereka..sy Kristian,telah melakukan tanggungjwab ini..Salam Damai..
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Malala THe Global Prize Winner - Correct Your Own Religion Believers
“It will be very unfair, very
unjust that we associate 1.6 billion with a few terrorist
organisations,” he said, referring to the number of Muslims worldwide.
The event was organised by peace prize winner Malala and her family, and two survivors of the attack, Ahmad Nawaz, 14, and Mohammed Ibrahim, 13, took part.
The massacre saw nine extremists scale the walls of an army-run school in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, lobbing grenades and opening fire on terrified children and teachers.
“There are these terrorist attacks happening, for example what happened in Paris or what happened in Peshawar a year ago,” Malala said, referring to last month’s Islamic State attack in Paris that killed 130 people.
“It’s not just needed in Pakistan but across the world. If we want to end terrorism we need to bring quality education so we defeat the mindset of terrorism mentality and of hatred.”
Nawaz, dressed in a traditional shalwar kameez, recounted the horror of the December 16, 2014 Peshawar attack, in which 17 adults were also killed.
“I saw my teacher burned alive in that incident and the friends with whom I was playing,” he told AFP.
“I was surrounded by the dead bodies of those friends. So it was the horrifying experience of my life and I still have nightmares.”
Nawaz was shot in the arm. His brother was killed.
Ibrahim was in a wheelchair, having been paralysed from the waist down.
The Taliban assault dredged up painful memories for Malala’s family: she was shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012 after she had publicly advocated education for girls.
“When I was watching all these graphics and all these news on television, my wife was crying, I was crying,” Malala’s father told AFP.
“It was unbearable. It was very hard to watch. Our own trauma revived,” he said.
“We don’t curse people, its a sin to curse and we never cursed Talibans for attacking our daughter, but I must say we cursed them that day.” -AFP
lvbala said:
The above article was cut paste from STAR which was merely a publicity for such an young believer who know nothing about life but because she suffer few bullets doesn't make a great person.
Malala, you should be asking yourself and your fellow Muslim believers to correct the situation created by your own believers.
Don't simply talk nonsense and picture others as cruel. But in actual fact your own believers have portrait such an image about Islam in the eyes of he world.
Stop telling others to change the way they look at Muslim but rather change the way the Muslims looking at the non Muslims.
I am not against or anti any believers but through out my entire life I have been extremely tired of your your own believers way of thinking as their are the master on this universe.
What ever the Muslim suffering in any corner of this world is because of your own kind and not because of others.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

The event was organised by peace prize winner Malala and her family, and two survivors of the attack, Ahmad Nawaz, 14, and Mohammed Ibrahim, 13, took part.
The massacre saw nine extremists scale the walls of an army-run school in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, lobbing grenades and opening fire on terrified children and teachers.
“There are these terrorist attacks happening, for example what happened in Paris or what happened in Peshawar a year ago,” Malala said, referring to last month’s Islamic State attack in Paris that killed 130 people.
“It’s not just needed in Pakistan but across the world. If we want to end terrorism we need to bring quality education so we defeat the mindset of terrorism mentality and of hatred.”
Nawaz, dressed in a traditional shalwar kameez, recounted the horror of the December 16, 2014 Peshawar attack, in which 17 adults were also killed.
“I saw my teacher burned alive in that incident and the friends with whom I was playing,” he told AFP.
“I was surrounded by the dead bodies of those friends. So it was the horrifying experience of my life and I still have nightmares.”
Nawaz was shot in the arm. His brother was killed.
Ibrahim was in a wheelchair, having been paralysed from the waist down.
The Taliban assault dredged up painful memories for Malala’s family: she was shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012 after she had publicly advocated education for girls.
“When I was watching all these graphics and all these news on television, my wife was crying, I was crying,” Malala’s father told AFP.
“It was unbearable. It was very hard to watch. Our own trauma revived,” he said.
“We don’t curse people, its a sin to curse and we never cursed Talibans for attacking our daughter, but I must say we cursed them that day.” -AFP
lvbala said:
The above article was cut paste from STAR which was merely a publicity for such an young believer who know nothing about life but because she suffer few bullets doesn't make a great person.
Malala, you should be asking yourself and your fellow Muslim believers to correct the situation created by your own believers.
Don't simply talk nonsense and picture others as cruel. But in actual fact your own believers have portrait such an image about Islam in the eyes of he world.
Stop telling others to change the way they look at Muslim but rather change the way the Muslims looking at the non Muslims.
I am not against or anti any believers but through out my entire life I have been extremely tired of your your own believers way of thinking as their are the master on this universe.
What ever the Muslim suffering in any corner of this world is because of your own kind and not because of others.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Friday, December 11, 2015
Malaysian Lewis Hamilton
I REFER to your report “Full throttle” on Malaysian motor racer Akash Nandy (The Star, Dec 7). I was amazed to read that this young man (pic) at the age of 18 has already accomplished so many things in motor sports.
I never knew that a Malaysian was doing so well in Formula 3.
Having Googled his name, I discovered that this young man won nine out of 12 races in the 2015 Formula 3 season.
To put this in perspective, Lewis Hamilton raced Formula 3 and was Champion in the 2005 season before moving onto Formula One. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that with the right sponsorship and guidance, we have a Formula One world champion in the making in Akash Nandy.
I can’t understand why despite his many achievements, he is having difficulty finding sponsors especially since Malaysian corporations have been pouring millions of ringgit into Formula One teams and drivers over the years and have had an active presence in Formula One.
The only explanation I can think of is that our corporations are looking at the immediate gains in terms of publicity by associating their brands with well-established teams and drivers instead of having a long-term vision of nurturing and building Malaysian champions and icons.
We have a Malaysian “Lewis Hamilton” right under our very noses, and all I can say is that it’s a shame his parents are his only backers for now. I congratulate his parents for having the courage to back their son and I would also like to commend The Star for highlighting this issue, which really needs to be addressed.
His predicament is a replay of the life of Nicole David at the beginning of her career. Unfortunately, Formula One is not squash, and I don’t think Akash can reach the pinnacle of his potential by relying solely on his parents. It is time for us as a nation to encourage and back our champions based on merit and achievement.
I urge all Malaysian corporations, especially those that are already sponsoring foreign teams and drivers like Petronas and Proton, to rethink their sponsorship strategies and support Malaysians who are truly excelling. If we want young Malaysians to dream of being world beaters, we must show them that we believe in them.
lvbala said;
The issue here is color, race and religion. Akash should be thinking about going global and obtain his professional qualification license and make money for himself.
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Now you tell me who started it?
The deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Paris, France killed more than
130 people. Unlike America after an attack, France started immediately
raiding Islamic mosques to see what they could find. After all, far too
many people in the Muslim community have not been helpful with bringing
forth information to authorities.
And while those French investigators have been called racists, a
Langy-sur-Marne based mosque was raided this week anyway… And they found
a large collection of 7.62 Kalashnikov ammo along with boxes of Islamic
State (ISIS) propaganda videos.
Authorities also raided one of the mosque’s leader’s homes, and found a revolver hidden near jihadist documents.
France isn’t messing around. They’ve arrested more than 230 muslims and collected more than 324 weapons. Many others are under travel bans and house arrest. They have shut down three mosques and have raided more than 2,300 homes.
As France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve recently
And many French leaders have joined those voices in the EU calling for an end to importing Syrian Islamic refugees, as a proper screening process is impossible.
Compare that to the response we saw from President Barack Obama, who tried to blame the attacks on San Bernardino on “workplace violence” for days, while calling on his Attorney General to prosecute those who speak out against radical Islam.
It looks like Trump’s comments were right, and it’s time to start treating Muslim communities with suspicion!
Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/france-raids-mosques-what-they-found-inside-proves-trump-is-right/#ixzz3tsur8uaw
lvbala said:
Now tell me who started it? You come to my house and started everything that make me hates you and your way.
I feed you and respected you and even spare a place for your prayers but you start praying to kill the non believers and you even wanted to kill me.
And you are campaigning about others treating you unfairly?
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Authorities also raided one of the mosque’s leader’s homes, and found a revolver hidden near jihadist documents.
Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organization Jabhat al-Nusra”, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.
The recordings were found among a wealth of teaching material for young people in an undeclared madrassa, or religious school. Police removed a hard disk and 10 computers.
“No request was made to open a private school,” the state prefecture said in its statement.
Mohammed Ramdane, president of the local Muslim association in Lagny, had criticised the closure of the prayer hall at the time, saying: “Nothing has been found in the mosque. Nothing is hidden, we don’t hide anything.
France isn’t messing around. They’ve arrested more than 230 muslims and collected more than 324 weapons. Many others are under travel bans and house arrest. They have shut down three mosques and have raided more than 2,300 homes.
As France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve recently
And many French leaders have joined those voices in the EU calling for an end to importing Syrian Islamic refugees, as a proper screening process is impossible.
Compare that to the response we saw from President Barack Obama, who tried to blame the attacks on San Bernardino on “workplace violence” for days, while calling on his Attorney General to prosecute those who speak out against radical Islam.
It looks like Trump’s comments were right, and it’s time to start treating Muslim communities with suspicion!
Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/france-raids-mosques-what-they-found-inside-proves-trump-is-right/#ixzz3tsur8uaw
lvbala said:
Now tell me who started it? You come to my house and started everything that make me hates you and your way.
I feed you and respected you and even spare a place for your prayers but you start praying to kill the non believers and you even wanted to kill me.
And you are campaigning about others treating you unfairly?
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
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