What could be the best way to describe a religious group call them self as ISIS and starts killing their own people include children, woman, elderly people and mostly men?
They believe they are the messenger of GOD and into the fight to dispose the enemy of ISLAM. Meaning any one who does not believe in ISLAM, they are the enemy and they will be killed. If it is a woman then they will be raped and convert to Islam.
If you look at the basic of ISLAM, there are two major believers call them self as Shias and Sunnis.
The Shia's enemy is the Sunni and the Sunni's enemy is the Shias. And both hate the non believers.
Even though the shias and the sunnis refer to the same holy book, they do kill each other if one trapped in another.
This is what has been happening between Iran & Iraq for more than 20 over years and the killing of millions.
ISIS is basically a copycat of Al-QAEDA led my the late Osama bin Laden (Ass Hole). He is the one who was responsible for the New York twin tower collapsed.
Now after breaded, ISIS came as a result of Al-Qaeda.
But this time around they started their mission by killing their non believers neighbors. They started to taste blood and now addicted to it, and these is done by the name of GOD.
Many version of stories can be heard. According to the Shias, if they kill one non believer, they would be awarded 70 virgin pussies in heaven, because for them, the GOD is a sex crazy fucking maniac and GOD is a woman supplier.
Imagine if you kill 100 non believers, you would get 700 virgin pussies. Wow and that is a lots of holy fuck in heaven.
Or else can someone explain to me what the mother of Satan called ISIS want?
CLASHES between Islam's two big sects, the Sunni and the Shia, take place across the Muslim world. In the Middle East a potent mix of religion and politics has sharpened the divide between Iran’s Shia government and the Gulf states, which have Sunni governments. Last year a report by the Pew Research Centre, a think tank, found 40% of Sunnis do not consider Shia to be proper Muslims. So what exactly divides Sunni and Shia Islam and how deep does the rift go?
The argument dates back to the death in 632 of Islam’s founder, the Prophet Muhammad. Tribal Arabs who followed him were split over who should inherit what was both a political and a religious office. The majority, who would go on to become known as the Sunnis, and today make up 80% of Muslims, backed Abu Bakr, a friend of the Prophet and father of his wife Aisha. Others thought Muhammad’s kin the rightful successors. They claimed the Prophet had anointed Ali, his cousin and son-in-law—they became known as the Shia, a contraction of "shiaat Ali", the partisans of Ali. Abu Bakr’s backers won out, though Ali did briefly rule as the fourth caliph, the title given to Muhammad’s successors. Islam's split was cemented when Ali’s son Hussein was killed in 680 in Karbala (modern Iraq) by the ruling Sunni caliph’s troops. Sunni rulers continued to monopolise political power, while the Shia lived in the shadow of the state, looking instead to their imams, the first twelve of whom were descended directly from Ali, for guidance. As time went on the religious beliefs of the two groups started to diverge.
Today the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims all agree that Allah is the only God and Muhammad his messenger. They follow five ritualistic pillars of Islam, including Ramadan, the month of fasting, and share a holy book, the Koran. But while Sunnis rely heavily on the practice of the Prophet and his teachings (the “sunna”), the Shia see their ayatollahs as reflections of God on earth. This has led Sunnis to accuse Shia of heresy, while Shia point out that Sunni dogmatism has led to extremist sects such as the puritanical Wahhabis. Most Shia sects place importance on the belief that the twelfth and final imam is hidden (called "in occultation") and will reappear one day to fulfill divine will. Meanwhile, their sense of marginalisation and oppression has led to mourning ceremonies such as ashura, when followers flagellate themselves to commemorate Hussein’s death at Karbala.
There has never been a clash between the Shia and Sunni on the scale of the Thirty Years War, which saw Christian sects fight each other in 17th-century Europe with great loss of life. This is partly because the Shias, ever mindful of their minority status, retreated. The lines that divide Muslims in the Middle East today are being drawn by politics as much as by religion. The "Shia Crescent" that runs from Iran, through Mr Assad’s regime in Damascus to Hizbullah in Lebanon was once praised by Sunni figures. But the revolutions in the region have pitted Shia governments against Sunni Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who have supported their co-religionists with cash. This is strengthening Sunni assertiveness and making the Shia feel more threatened than usual. In most cases, though, members of the two sects still live harmoniously together.
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