Former Umno leader Khairuddin Abu Hassan was arrested by police this evening, just hours after posting on Facebook that he is being investigated for submitting evidence related to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) to the Swiss attorney-general in Bern, Switzerland.
Surprisingly he was arrested again after release by he court. This time around he was arrested under SOSMA Act 2012. (Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-langkah Khas) 2012 (Sosma) which come under detention for 28 days without trial.
lvbala said;
Another whistle blower has been arrested for speaking the truth. He was arrested for producing the evidence when the local authority didn't take any action. It funny when the country is going after those who want to save her.
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I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Friday, September 25, 2015
Sardine Thief 10 Years, Khir Toyo a Year
KUALA LUMPUR; A human rights advocate and senior lawyer in private practice hopes that justice will be served, keeping public interest and public concerns in mind, when former Selangor Menteri Besar Mohd Khir Toyo is sentenced by the Federal Court soon on corruption charges involving two plots of land and a bungalow that cost millions.
“The High Court, and upheld by the Court of Appeal, sentenced Khir Toyo to only one year in jail besides ordering that the lands and bungalow be forfeited by the Selangor Government.”
In contrast, said P. Waythamoorthy who is also Hindraf Makkal Sakthi Chairman, an unemployed 22-year-old youth who stole some rice and sardines from a grocery shop was sentenced to 10 years in jail. “He ended up dead in prison within a year and all indications are that he was probably murdered there.”
“Shashikumar a/l Selvam’s body lies in the mortuary 120 days later, uncollected because there has been no post-mortem report so far as ordered by the Magistrate’s Court in Johor Baru and no death certificate. The Magistrate’s Court needs both documents to convene a Coroner’s Court and conduct an Inquest as per Practice Directions of the Federal Court.”
Waytha, who was until last year a Senator and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, contrasts the tragic fate of Shashikumar with the “rap on the wrists” kid glove treatment that Khir Toyo received from the Court and recalled the line from Charles Dickens in Oliver Twist: “The law is an ass.”
“The value here is Khir Toyo’s RM2 million in corruption money as opposed to Shashikumar’s RM70 worth of rice and sardines i.e. a few tins and a 10kg bag.”
“The poor petty thief gets 10 years and the rich and powerful gets 12 months?” asked Waytha. The Judiciary plays the “game of public interest” when sentencing the poor apparently to send the right signals to the criminals, he pointed out. “Would the Judiciary do the same in sentencing Khir Toyo and send the right signals to those in power that corruption would not be condoned?”
“I guess the socio-political forces in the country still prefer someone like Khir Toyo for his betrayal of public interest rather than Shashikumar, a common thief, for survival.”
Waytha said that Khir Toyo, to escape jail, has offered to provide free dental service to the community instead. “His lawyer had the audacity to say this in open court. Khir claims to be a heart patient and that his family has endured enough embarrassment for the past five years and hence he thinks he should not go to jail.”
A sardine and rice thief was sentenced to 10 years in prison at such a tender age and after one year, this youth was believed to have been murdered in prison, reminded Waytha. “Khir Toyo held the highest office in the state of Selangor and there was an immense element of trust placed upon him by the public.”
“He betrayed the trust and abused his power for self enrichment at the expense of the public.”
What should be the punishment for that in comparison with a poor youth from the underclass segment of the community who stole out of a necessity as compared to the greed of a Menteri Besar? asked the senior lawyer. “Shouldn’t the court impose a heavier sentence on him instead of giving him a slap on the wrist with 12 months or less?”
An argument was that Shashikumar’s accomplice had a weapon to commit the robbery which caused fear in the victim, he conceded. “But the Menteri Besar was privileged to be sitting in the highest office and there was no need to hold a weapon as he had the ‘weapon’ of his position to exert pressure on his victim.”
Justice was swift in Shashikumar’s case, said Waytha. “No consideration was given to his young age, his poverty-stricken background, and the prospect of him returning to the path of righteousness.”
Again, said Waytha, the value here is RM2 million of corruption money (Khir Toyo) as opposed to Shashikumar’s RM70 worth of rice and sardine. “Isn’t the law indeed an ass?”
lvbala said;
I came across this news in Free Malaysian news portal today and it was to my deepest concern how our juridical system actually works. Is it suppose to protect or to be unfare by who you are and who you know blend with how influence you are.
Amazingly this happening in a broard day light and everyone is aware about it, but no one dare to question. No one dare to correct.
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Friday, September 18, 2015
Street Doggies
There is nothing wrong with the words “Cina babi” hurled at some members of the media at yesterday's 'red shirt' rally, said one of the organisers, Datuk Jamal Md Yunos, adding that the word “babi” was not a slur as Chinese consume pork.
Jamal, the Sungai Besar Umno division chief, said the word “babi” was only insulting to the Malays, as Muslims were forbidden from eating pork.
"For Malays to say 'babi' we are sensitive because 'babi' (pork) is forbidden but for the Chinese, it is their food, no problem," he told reporters in a press conference today.
He was answering questions from the media on the words used by rally goers against some non-Malay journalists at the gathering that was marred by incendiary remarks and racially-charged banners and placards.
Jamal said the message of the 'red shirt' rally was distorted through social media, and blamed actions of participants of the Bersih 4 rally for the banners that were carried by yesterday's rally-goers.
"It was because of excessive provocation on social media.
"Yesterday's rally 916 was ignited when the illegal Bersih 4 rally was held," he said, adding that the 'red shirt' rally would not have taken place if not for Bersih 4.
"Because of the rudeness of the rally participants, organisers who insulted our leaders, stepped on photos of Najib and Hadi Awang, that's why banners with bad words were seen yesterday," he said, referring to footage of Bersih 4 participants stomping on pictures of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Jamal said it was proven since independence that Malays were willing to share everything and could live peacefully as long as they were not pushed.
"So don't start it. Bersih 4 is the cause," he said.
According to media group Gerakan Media Marah, five journalists were subjected to racial slurs and harassed by the ‘red shirt’ rally participants.
A female reporter from Malaysiakini was reportedly called “Cina gila babi” after she attempted to put questions to the crowd at Petaling Street while two female reporters from The Star were harassed, called “Keling bangsat” and “bangsat Cina” when covering the standoff between protesters and police in the same area.
Two media personnel from Astro’s Chinese-language AEC channel were also heckled by a group of protesters after they asked a Malay demonstrator: “Apa contoh Melayu dihina?” (Give an example how the Malays were insulted).
They were later escorted off by police. – September 17, 2015.
Reading the above news from MI show how hooligan some leaders are. Your word does not bring any harm to any race or religion. But it shows how fragile you are. It show how scared you are. It shows, you are not a true Malay Islam. These guys are worst than a street doggies.... I do have a Rott Weiler doggie, which is far better than some racial bigots.
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Friday, September 4, 2015
Grand Corruption - Donation
The globally renowned anti-graft fighter said grand corruption has three characteristics: it is committed by those in very high positions of power, involves huge amount of money, and has an impact on human rights. Speaking at the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, Ugaz said the RM2.6 billion that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak received in his personal bank accounts was an example of grand corruption. -
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It was the mother of all corruption which was renamed as "donation".
I simply don't understand how someone could possibly think about making millions rather than think about the development of the country. Its not about being clean but its about being a Malaysian prime minister and stay free from corruption. And what we are doing is just watch and lets see what happens next.
Majority of the cabinet members have switch to silent mode because afraid of loosing position as a minister. They are afraid of loosing all future opportunity to follow their boss's footstep to make money. They too now work as a remote control and follow where the boss direct them.
Malaysians still have confident in being a Malaysian. They haven't seen the real poor and face off the actual scenario. "TIDAK APA" attitude is so tick in Malaysians blood but at the same time we are neglecting our future and neglecting the future of our next generation.
There is no one country in this world that practice ISLAM had a good management skill as what they pray and preach for. They always has disagreement within them self and the best part is, there are no place for non Muslim in their country.
I do believe if Malaysian practice the same way of governing the government, we shall end up as what we witness happening around the world.
It won't happen immediately but we are in the right course for happening.
And so, sometimes we can see the disagreement between them self and can't even settle down for once. They are praying to the same lord, they are preaching the same holly book, but something is always not right.
So, you, me and everyone who need to have a proper country please consider leaving for good of your own choice. But I hope one day, that one will come to withness they fall to the ground. Kalau orang Melayu kata "makan tanah"
"Ohm Namashivaya"
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It was the mother of all corruption which was renamed as "donation".
I simply don't understand how someone could possibly think about making millions rather than think about the development of the country. Its not about being clean but its about being a Malaysian prime minister and stay free from corruption. And what we are doing is just watch and lets see what happens next.
Majority of the cabinet members have switch to silent mode because afraid of loosing position as a minister. They are afraid of loosing all future opportunity to follow their boss's footstep to make money. They too now work as a remote control and follow where the boss direct them.
Malaysians still have confident in being a Malaysian. They haven't seen the real poor and face off the actual scenario. "TIDAK APA" attitude is so tick in Malaysians blood but at the same time we are neglecting our future and neglecting the future of our next generation.
There is no one country in this world that practice ISLAM had a good management skill as what they pray and preach for. They always has disagreement within them self and the best part is, there are no place for non Muslim in their country.
I do believe if Malaysian practice the same way of governing the government, we shall end up as what we witness happening around the world.
It won't happen immediately but we are in the right course for happening.
And so, sometimes we can see the disagreement between them self and can't even settle down for once. They are praying to the same lord, they are preaching the same holly book, but something is always not right.
So, you, me and everyone who need to have a proper country please consider leaving for good of your own choice. But I hope one day, that one will come to withness they fall to the ground. Kalau orang Melayu kata "makan tanah"
"Ohm Namashivaya"
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Thursday, September 3, 2015
Mohamed Suharto was Indonesian president from 1967 to 1998. His regime was considered as the lost corrupt of the 20th century. He and his family had control of private companies and charities. Suharto resigned from office after huge protests by Indonesians.
Transparency International had estimated that Suharto had embezzled $15 billion to $35 billion during his 32 years in power. On January 27, 2008, he died of complications from a weak heart at age 86.
In December 2010, Indonesia’s Supreme Court had announced that it had retrieved $307 million from one of the charities established by Suharto
Ferdinand Marcos had served as the president of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986 before he was thrown out through people power revolution. During his dictatorship, the debt of his country had grown from $1 billion to $25 billion. He used offshore bank accounts to channel government funds to his personal accounts.
Reports stated that he had stolen $5 billion to $10 billion from Philippines treasury. His ill gotten wealth was illegally obtained by the takeover of large private companies, government loans to his cronies and kickbacks from private firms.
Only $4 billion was recovered from his ill gotten wealth since he died in exile in Hawaii in 1989.
RM2.6 billion and counting......
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See You In Palace Of Justice - Anina.
Here goes again with the news of Anina suit against the president of her beloved party.
Former Langkawi Umno Wanita leader Anina Saaduddin who filed a suit against party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak and got sacked as a result, has a remedy through the courts to reinstate her membership, lawyers said. They said her sacking from the party was unlawful and unconstitutional, and she had grounds to obtain a mandatory injunction to compel Umno to restore her rights as party member.
My dear Anina, UMNO is not the only place to be nationalist.
You can always find channel or find ways to help people.
Specially when you are in politics, just be a person to serve and all will fall in places.
Its not you are the problem but the party is having problem and they are so unlucky enough to waste a another good leader such as you in the party.
All they want is to have yes man, yes boss, I ll wash your butt boss, I ll lick your boots boss etc etc
This is the most they can do by pushing you out but they forgot you still can "kencing" in the camp from out site. Let them smell your "kencing" and let them be in the tent and struggle to come out.
Way to go, or just join DAP or PKR to fight for justice.
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Former Langkawi Umno Wanita leader Anina Saaduddin who filed a suit against party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak and got sacked as a result, has a remedy through the courts to reinstate her membership, lawyers said. They said her sacking from the party was unlawful and unconstitutional, and she had grounds to obtain a mandatory injunction to compel Umno to restore her rights as party member.
My dear Anina, UMNO is not the only place to be nationalist.
You can always find channel or find ways to help people.
Specially when you are in politics, just be a person to serve and all will fall in places.
Its not you are the problem but the party is having problem and they are so unlucky enough to waste a another good leader such as you in the party.
All they want is to have yes man, yes boss, I ll wash your butt boss, I ll lick your boots boss etc etc
This is the most they can do by pushing you out but they forgot you still can "kencing" in the camp from out site. Let them smell your "kencing" and let them be in the tent and struggle to come out.
Way to go, or just join DAP or PKR to fight for justice.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Anina Saadudin
"Bukan ku minta lahir ke dunia,
Bukan ku minta menjadi Melayu,
Bukan ku minta menjadi rakyat bumi Malaysia,
Kasih ku pasak untuk bumi tercinta,
Demi Allah yg mentakdirkan aku menjadi anak Melayu, anak Malaysia...
Selagi hidupku ditentukan Allah untuk bernyawa,
selagi itu aku berjuang untuk tanah air tercinta.
Sumpah setiaku sebagai rakyat dan imanku sebagai umatNya,
bergadai nyawa tetap aku pertahankan maruah agama, bangsa dan negaraku.
Salam perjuangan anak Malaysia."
by Anina Saadudin - Langkawi
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Bukan ku minta menjadi Melayu,
Bukan ku minta menjadi rakyat bumi Malaysia,
Kasih ku pasak untuk bumi tercinta,
Demi Allah yg mentakdirkan aku menjadi anak Melayu, anak Malaysia...
Selagi hidupku ditentukan Allah untuk bernyawa,
selagi itu aku berjuang untuk tanah air tercinta.
Sumpah setiaku sebagai rakyat dan imanku sebagai umatNya,
bergadai nyawa tetap aku pertahankan maruah agama, bangsa dan negaraku.
Salam perjuangan anak Malaysia."
by Anina Saadudin - Langkawi
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KENCING - Anina Saadudin
Good day and here we go again with the similar action taken by the supreme council of the party.
Nothing to do with the party, nothing to do with race, but the action comes within the party, I am totally stunt with the action taken by the party to withdrew the membership of the members if they go beyond boundaries.
I am clearly referring to Anwar Ibrahim's sacking and now we a looking at another hero call Anina Saadudin. Salute for what she have done. Salute at least you have the balls as many men in your party don't....
I consider myself as a Malaysian and having Prime Minister from different race political party and I excepted him as my leader when he was chosen.
And I believe that I am totally aware that I could comment on the party who holds the majority and it is my ruling party of the country.
But I am totally disagree with the action taken by the party towards any members who question the leadership. This is what written in the party constitution.
How immortal a leader could be? How immortal a person could be?
Have we gone blind and act deaf, play safe mode game?
By the time come, everything shall be rotten and bigger damage done.
Same goes to the leader who use the word "bastard", How bastard one can be if we compare to those who being a bastard for rob the country demand to stay in power?
I am about to piss and I am finding a nice poster to piss on it....
All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Nothing to do with the party, nothing to do with race, but the action comes within the party, I am totally stunt with the action taken by the party to withdrew the membership of the members if they go beyond boundaries.
I am clearly referring to Anwar Ibrahim's sacking and now we a looking at another hero call Anina Saadudin. Salute for what she have done. Salute at least you have the balls as many men in your party don't....
I consider myself as a Malaysian and having Prime Minister from different race political party and I excepted him as my leader when he was chosen.
And I believe that I am totally aware that I could comment on the party who holds the majority and it is my ruling party of the country.
But I am totally disagree with the action taken by the party towards any members who question the leadership. This is what written in the party constitution.
How immortal a leader could be? How immortal a person could be?
Have we gone blind and act deaf, play safe mode game?
By the time come, everything shall be rotten and bigger damage done.
Same goes to the leader who use the word "bastard", How bastard one can be if we compare to those who being a bastard for rob the country demand to stay in power?
I am about to piss and I am finding a nice poster to piss on it....
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