Monday, January 27, 2014

Religious Maggots

I know my tiny voice would never be heard. I understand my intention would never be appreciate. But I do believe my single vote can bring a huge different in electorate system which gave me the right as a citizen to voice my concern.

 Waking up early and reading the online news with my morning coffee, which was my favorite duty schedule of each day. In fact, today is my off day and I spent a little bit more time to go through each pages of news which stunt me for a moment.

With all the murder, rape, accidents and other news as well, I rather disappointed with racial issues which was saddening and shocking.

For living almost 40 overs years, I have gone through from scratch which was from the days I was introduces to struggle with mosquito in rubber plantation to information technology that brought the world so close to each other.

I do understand the fact that the world never change but people do. They are the one who bring the changes and they are the one who blame the world for the changes they have made.

What most disappointing was the news now a days which reflect humans with no value for mankind and no respect for believe and religion.

I merely disappointed the way we as Malaysian address religious issue especially by the politician.

In the most variation of days to be settled every day, one should be more concern and should be sensitive towards others believe and faith.

Those with out commonsense should know what they are up to when they comment on religious issue.

I would like to specifically mention my above statement which goes to all Malaysian politicians. 

Politician specially should use their sense when addressing the religion issue because its involve the sensitivity of many from different race and religion.

Sensitivity of others believes should be respected and given space for them to breath. But lately, we discover politician never had any room for respect to anyone.

To understand and further elaborate is not needed as you know we have understood the basic rights of humans to respect one and another.

We do know everything which we were thought in "Moral" teaching and before it was called "Tatabahasa" in schools.

The basic human characteristic is merely thought since our younger days by our parents and adds in school with the guidance of "Rotan" in teacher’s hand.

But what we see and hear now days from leaders, schools teachers, scholars and preachers is more humiliating and shame to our human civilization.

As we called our self-civilized, we actually are slipping behind from modern civilized era to barbaric stage. Are we? Or we have even gone worst to the stage of un classify in any human dictionary?

Nor GOD can help these maggots which they shall rotten in hell forever.

by lvbala

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Malaysians In The Eye Of Malaysian

So as I said we Malaysia are one, not separated by race base from where you come from. Race actually comes from the language we speak. Not base by where you come from. If base on where you come from it should be "Keturunan" and not bangsa. 

I was traveling in Express train to airport weeks ago on my way to LCCT to catch my plane to KK. I was watching the advertisement in the LCD monitor in the train. The advertisement is about a song of one Malaysia and there were young singers from various races singing “satu bangsa satu negara”.

It was interesting to know this song writers have written such a wonderful lyric. But unfortunately in practical life it was totally irrelevant. The lyric of the song is wonderful but in actual practice, its sucks.
What they mean by “One bangsa One Negara”?

I believe year one student can explain this.

But in fact what actually was practice? Are we actually practicing “Satu Bangsa Satu Negara?”

Hope readers can understand what I am talking about.

We are totally not practicing what actual situation been mentioned.

I salute the vision and I salute the idea for some who have imagine how Malaysian should be which was visualized in the song, but in actual life in Malaysia, its merely can be considered a huge lie. Who should be stand responsible for this? Politician? Leaders?

Political party stands on no ground and blinding the rakyat so they can stay in power and to gain autonomy.

To support and strengthen my view, let put all together in questions?

Why should we have political party representing race or shall I make it clear as why should be various  race base party?

It has been said, THE BRISTISH way of ruling was “split and rule”. No surprise the methods still been practiced by our leaders.

Leaders in political power initially were those who have west education back ground. From our first PM Tunku Abd Rahman to Tun Hussain onn. There were all west education bank ground.

So the British method were used to stay in power. “Split and rule”. Split the Rakyat and rule. If the rakyat realize this, in fact there are now (Only some), I am sure we Malaysian can be brought together under one umbrella and one party.

Many haven’t thought about what I am talking about and for sure many have opened the eyes now.
I am sure Pakatan with DAP / PAS and Keadilan are coming into policy. They are into multi-racial party and why not?

Lets put this into quest: 

Questions: Quest 1
If our MP from Malay party was elected, he shall represent all races. If a Malaysia Tamil was elected as MP, all races should be supporting him and it goes to Chinese leader as well.
So why still want to practice race base party? Why we should have political party that represent races. Isn’t that a Malaysian MP should voice for all Malaysian from all races?

Questions: Quest 2
Why we still have race column in all application form? From school up right to job application, bank documents, housing application and I can go on and on to never ending story.

Questions: Quest 3
If would go on, the “WHY” story shall never end. Why this and why that? But the most saddened part of the quest that need to be looked into is our education system and the allocations. Race base politics and AUKU 1970 (Akta  Universiti dan Kolej University) need to be challenged.

The day when Malaysians realize as per mention above, shall be the day we can be united and proudly announce to the world – “ 1 Malaysia”

By lvbala

All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?

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