I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
AirAsia - QZ8501 Don't Let Us Down.
Our thoughts and prayers shall be with you.....
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Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Mahathir Didn’t Mean Malaysians Are Stupid ~ AND WHAT ACTUALLY HE IS SAYING?
I think some of us may have misunderstood former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad’s intention in saying that Malaysians are stupid and can’t manage aviation when he responded to Khazanah Nasional’s hiring of Christoph Mueller as the CEO for Malaysia Airlines.
The meaning is not in the face value of the words; I think Mahathir was being typically sarcastic. I think he was actually saying, “Are we Malaysians so stupid and incapable of understanding aviation that we have to hire a foreigner to set things right?” He was being critical of the hiring. And well he would be too, judging by his current orientation.
The same thinking is reflected in the criticisms of others who have also hit out at Khazanah’s move. One of them is Umno Supreme Council member Reezal Merican Naina Merican, who questions whether Mueller would make decisions in line with the Bumiputera Agenda. He doesn’t think they should be based simply on profit and loss.
He wonders whether Mueller would understand the “national responsibility” of handling the RM6 billion that would be injected into the company to aid its recovery. Well, Mueller has had extensive experience within the aviation industry, having held a senior position in Daimler Benz Aerospace, been Executive Vice-President at Lufthansa AG and CEO of the Sabena Group. And as CEO of Aer Lingus since 2009, he reportedly turned the airline around within a year of coming on board. Would such a person take any kind of responsibility lightly?
You can be certain when people like Reezal say that there are Malaysians who would be qualified to do the job and uphold the “national interest”, they are not thinking uppermost of merit but of safeguarding the Bumiputera interest.
Would you seriously think, for instance, that if a non-Bumiputera Malaysian who was really the best person for the job were recommended for it, he or she would be accepted? And if he or she were, do you think there would be no criticism of the selection?
Umno would for certain go to town ringing alarm bells proclaiming that the Malays were under threat and that non-Malays were taking over everything. They would blow it up big enough for the simple-minded to believe that the job of MAS CEO was “everything”!
Reezal speaks volumes when he says MAS is “a symbol of our ability to manage the entity” (my italics). Let’s be brutally honest; by this, he is of course referring to the ability of Malays (not Malaysians) to manage it. In a nutshell, he is claiming Melayu boleh, and that this ability must be displayed in the mission to turn MAS around.
I agree that many Malays are very capable. I have Malay friends who prove that to be so. But insisting on upholding the Bumiputera agenda in all situations and at all times is a syndrome that is badly affecting Malaysia. This is what holds us back from progressing. Almost everybody knows it, and some will not admit it, but this is the reality.
A Malay/Bumiputera must be the top man or woman in any field of endeavour, in any public institution, in any state-owned corporation. A Malay/Bumiputera must portray the frontline image of who’s in charge. Never mind if he or she is not the best person for the job. Find a Malay/Bumiputera no matter what, especially if it’s to head a high-profile national entity. Make sure Bumiputera interests are upheld above all else.
We haven’t learned from our neighbour Indonesia yet, I see. It is entering a new era of progressiveness that augurs well for its immediate future. But we are still lagging behind, stuck in the mud with our outdated concerns.
And yet by taking that kind of attitude and imposing constraints, we expect MAS to be turned around soon enough? Have we not thought of the longer-term effect – that if the turnaround doesn’t come about within a reasonable period, the national image, the national interest would suffer even more? That is not of greater concern than the worry over Bumiputera interests? And so we quibble over the hiring of a foreigner when he might save our national airline and, by extension, our national image and interest?
This is a globalised world, for goodness’ sake. To think in narrow ethnocentric terms is foolhardy. Mao Zedong said it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white; as long as it catches mice, it’s a good cat. That’s something to take wisdom from.
More importantly, MAS is a business. The livelihood of its employees depends on its financial health and sustainability. Let it be run as a business – without political baggage.
And if we want a business to succeed, shouldn’t we get someone who is likely to make it happen? So what do we look for in the candidate first and foremost? Whether he is black or white, or whether he has the ability and the experience to pull it off?
It seems we haven’t learned from our neighbour Singapore either. We saw it becoming a first-world nation with none of the vast natural resources that we have, we now see it as “one of only 10 countries in the world with top ratings from all three major credit rating agencies: Moody’s, Fitch and Standard & Poor’s” (from the new book 50 Things to Love About Singapore, Straits Times Press, 2014), and we don’t want to see that it has gone so far forward because it’s not obsessed with whether the cats are black, white or even Singaporean.
Others have streaked ahead of us with progressive ideas and practices and yet we are still whining over our regressive concerns. We talk of becoming an advanced nation with a per capita income of US$15,000 by the year 2020. That’s only one-third of Singapore’s current per capita income of US$45,000. And the way we are going, I’m not sure we can even achieve that target.
We need to stop feeling insecure. The world has moved on and will continue to do so. Let Mr Mueller do his job and shut up. Don’t even try to interfere. Unless Khazanah has been irresponsible, which is unlikely, it must have done thorough research to find a man who “has a strong record of transformation and turnarounds in the aviation industry”. And now that they’ve found him, let him run it as he sees fit. If he fails, then we can roundly condemn him, but until then, we have to give him a chance.
Meanwhile, if his critics need a bright side to this, they might take heart that if he fails, at least it would be a Mat Salleh that failed. And nobody could say Melayu tak boleh. LOL!
copy paste from yahoo online dated 10/12/14
* Kee Thuan Chye is the author of the current bestselling book Can We Save Malaysia, Please!
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Sunday, September 21, 2014
Sabah & Sarawak
State Reform Party (Sabah Star) has reminded Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak that Sabah and Sarawak did not join the Malaya as the 12th and 13th states, but as equals in the federation of Malaysia.
“Sabah and Sarawak never negotiated to join the 12th and 13th states of Malaya or Malaysia.
“If this was the basis and disclosed to Sabah and Sarawak, the founding fathers of Sabah would not have agreed and there would be no Malaysia in existence today,” said STAR Sabah Chief Jeffrey Kitingan when commenting on Najib’s statement at the Miri Malaysia Day celebration.
The premier had compared Sabah and Sarawak ‘joining’ Malaysia as similar to the states of Wisconsin and Hawaii joining the original 13 states of the USA and the newer states other than the founding 13 states in USA celebrate July 4 as their independence day despite joining later.
According to Najib, Sabah and Sarawak should accept August 31, 1957 as the independence day of Malaysia.
Reacting to his statement, Jeffrey said: “The truth behind the takeover of Sabah and Sarawak appears to be revealed, intentionally or unintentionally by the comparison of Sabah and Sarawak ‘joining’ Malaysia similarly to Wisconsin and Hawaii joining the original 13 states of USA.
“We never negotiated to join as the 12th and 13th states of Malaya or Malaysia,” he said, pointing out that right from the outset, Malaysia was to be a new nation, a partnership and succinctly stated by Lord Cobbold, chairperson of the Cobbold Commission.
M'sia - association of partners
Cobbold had said that ‘it is a necessary condition that from the outset, Malaysia should be regarded by all concerned, as an association of partners, combining in common to create a new nation but retaining their own individualities’.
According to Jeffrey, Tuan Fuad Stephen, one of the founding fathers of Malaysia had expressed fear when he said: ‘if we had been asked to join at the time Malaya achieved independence and Britain made it possible for us, the story would have been a different one.
‘Now that ‘Merdeka’ has been Malaya’s for some years, and we are still struggling towards it, Malaya’s proposal that we join the 12th and 13th states savours of imperialism, of a drive to turn us into Malayan colonies. To join Malaya, while we are still colonies… the implication is to hand (ourselves) over to your control’.
Jeffrey said that Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan Satem aptly put it that there was no Malaysia to join as it was not in existence then.
He said Najib should consult Malaysia’s top judge, chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria who said in Kota Kinabalu several months ago when launching the book ‘The Constitutional rights of Sabah and Sarawak’ that the two states formed Malaysia and that they are key partners in the federation of Malaysia.
“From the Sabah perspective, it is clearly spelt out in the Constitution of Sabah by Article 66(1) that the ‘federation’ means the federation to be known, on and after Malaysia Day, by the name Malaysia.
“It does not recognise and is not part of the federation of Malaya that existed between August 31, 1957 and September 15, 1963.
“The rumblings of discontentment and unhappiness among the people in Sabah and Sarawak are moving towards its tipping point with a slight majority wanting Sabah and Sarawak to opt out of Malaysia,” he said, adding that the prime minister needs to convene his advisers and historians to review Malaysia’s history.
“This is also to rectify the mistakes of past leaders including his late father.
"He needs to stop hoodwinking the people and distorting the facts of history and take the necessary steps to restore Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners in the federation of Malaysia as promised by the first prime minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman.
“It is the only way of saving Malaysia from tottering towards break-up,” he said.
lvbala Said:
Above article was copy paste from Malaysiakini. A good information to be shared among Malaysians. We live in a country which was brought together as one. We should stay and fight to be one.
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Sunday, August 24, 2014
Vellupillai Prabhakaran - Part 1
Tamilanage piranthe,
Tamilanage vaalnthe,
Tamilanuku pooradi,
Tamilanuku uyir vithu,
Tamilanage iranthu poona,
En Tamil Annan....
Saturday, August 23, 2014
MH370 & MH17
Rest In Peace
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Monday, July 28, 2014
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to all Muslim friends. Cheers
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Friday, June 27, 2014
Chop Off
The prime minister has been told to show leadership in tackling inflammatory statements by groups such as Perkasa, lest the country "goes to the dogs".
The government's silence in the face of "perilous and dangerous words" uttered by the Malay supremacist group is a sign of powerlessness, Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) president Wilfred Bumburing said in a statement today.
Instead, remarks such as Perkasa information chief Ruslan Kassim's threatening call, claimed to have been said in error, to "chop off" the heads of those who ridicule Islam and the Selangor sultan "should have been taken very seriously by the government".
"Again, for the umpteenth time, l call upon the prime minister to provide us the kind of leadership the country needs.
"Otherwise the country will go to the dogs," said Bumburing (left).
The Sabah leader said it was ironic that Penang assembly person RSN Rayer could be charged in court for uttering the word "celaka", although it was spoken in the "constitutionally protected environment" of the state assembly.
In direct contrast, one who threatens to chop people's heads off are "let running around", the Tamparuli assemblyperson said.
"The government's continued silence and inaction in tackling these issues only go to show that Malaysia is moving towards 'mobocracy', where the government of the day is powerless to apply the rule of law," said the Sabah veteran.
Ruslan this week said he had mistakenly called for the chopping off the heads of four Selangor PAS parliamentarians who alling on the state to amend its laws to limit the powers of the Selangor Islamic Affairs Council (Mais) to be under the state's directive.
The Perkasa leader later explained he had meant to call for their political careers to be decapitated, not their heads.
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The government's silence in the face of "perilous and dangerous words" uttered by the Malay supremacist group is a sign of powerlessness, Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) president Wilfred Bumburing said in a statement today.
Instead, remarks such as Perkasa information chief Ruslan Kassim's threatening call, claimed to have been said in error, to "chop off" the heads of those who ridicule Islam and the Selangor sultan "should have been taken very seriously by the government".
"Again, for the umpteenth time, l call upon the prime minister to provide us the kind of leadership the country needs.
"Otherwise the country will go to the dogs," said Bumburing (left).
The Sabah leader said it was ironic that Penang assembly person RSN Rayer could be charged in court for uttering the word "celaka", although it was spoken in the "constitutionally protected environment" of the state assembly.
In direct contrast, one who threatens to chop people's heads off are "let running around", the Tamparuli assemblyperson said.
"The government's continued silence and inaction in tackling these issues only go to show that Malaysia is moving towards 'mobocracy', where the government of the day is powerless to apply the rule of law," said the Sabah veteran.
Ruslan this week said he had mistakenly called for the chopping off the heads of four Selangor PAS parliamentarians who alling on the state to amend its laws to limit the powers of the Selangor Islamic Affairs Council (Mais) to be under the state's directive.
The Perkasa leader later explained he had meant to call for their political careers to be decapitated, not their heads.
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Thursday, May 15, 2014
My Rottweiler - RIP Victor
Today shall be remembered as I lost my dearest friend / buddy / son. Victor is the name given by my wife to represent victory on the day he came and be part of our family.
Loved and adored by my dearest daughters and sons to the extend of not address him as a dog but only to called by name Victor.
Intelligent and smart, read everyone's character and act accordingly. He is a fast learner too.
Always been one of our favourite entertainer
Will always remember the quality moment and laugh we had through his naughty behaviour, handsome and adorable.
We will miss you buddy. Rest in Peace my friend - All dogs go to Heaven.
Love from Balamuraly / Sri Rani / Kalvindran / Shasni Lahvanya / Sharvindran / Thasviny Lahvanya
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Loved and adored by my dearest daughters and sons to the extend of not address him as a dog but only to called by name Victor.
Intelligent and smart, read everyone's character and act accordingly. He is a fast learner too.
Always been one of our favourite entertainer
Have been proud of him. Been a great protector to the family.
Will always remember the quality moment and laugh we had through his naughty behaviour, handsome and adorable.
We will miss you buddy. Rest in Peace my friend - All dogs go to Heaven.
Love from Balamuraly / Sri Rani / Kalvindran / Shasni Lahvanya / Sharvindran / Thasviny Lahvanya
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Sunday, April 20, 2014
He finally Rested - Karpal Singh
Today shall be the day for us to say good bye to our beloved Karpal Singh. He has dedicated his whole life for us by up hold and correct what is not.
He has said in his final speech in Parliament not to "play play with the constitution which is the supreme law of this country". I believe this is a clear message to all of us.
He has stand and fight for us all this while and its time for us to stand for his fight.
Good bye brother....
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Friday, April 18, 2014
RIP Karpal Singh
We shall miss you brother....
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All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
RIP Irene Fernandez
You shall be remembered as a National Hero.
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All comments are good comments. There are no bad comments or good comments. So everyone have the right to comment. How about you?
Sunday, March 9, 2014
MH370 - MAS
My deepest concern and pray to family members of ill fated MH370 passengers.
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Monday, January 27, 2014
Religious Maggots
I know my tiny voice would never be heard. I understand
my intention would never be appreciate. But I do believe my single vote can
bring a huge different in electorate system which gave me the right as a
citizen to voice my concern.
Waking up early and
reading the online news with my morning coffee, which was my favorite duty
schedule of each day. In fact, today is my off day and I spent a little bit
more time to go through each pages of news which stunt me for a moment.
With all the murder, rape, accidents and other news as
well, I rather disappointed with racial issues which was saddening and
For living almost 40 overs years, I have gone through
from scratch which was from the days I was introduces to struggle with mosquito
in rubber plantation to information technology that brought the world so close
to each other.
I do understand the fact that the world never change but
people do. They are the one who bring the changes and they are the one who
blame the world for the changes they have made.
What most disappointing was the news now a days which
reflect humans with no value for mankind and no respect for believe and
I merely disappointed the way we as Malaysian address
religious issue especially by the politician.
In the most variation of days to be settled every day,
one should be more concern and should be sensitive towards others believe and
Those with out commonsense should know what they are up
to when they comment on religious issue.
I would like to specifically mention my above statement
which goes to all Malaysian politicians.
Politician specially should use their sense when
addressing the religion issue because its involve the sensitivity of many from
different race and religion.
Sensitivity of others believes should be respected and
given space for them to breath. But lately, we discover politician never had
any room for respect to anyone.
To understand and further elaborate is not needed as you
know we have understood the basic rights of humans to respect one and another.
We do know everything which we were thought in
"Moral" teaching and before it was called "Tatabahasa" in
The basic human characteristic is merely thought since
our younger days by our parents and adds in school with the guidance of
"Rotan" in teacher’s hand.
But what we see and hear now days from leaders, schools
teachers, scholars and preachers is more humiliating and shame to our human
As we called our self-civilized, we actually are slipping
behind from modern civilized era to barbaric stage. Are we? Or we have even
gone worst to the stage of un classify in any human dictionary?
Nor GOD can help these maggots which they shall rotten in
hell forever.
by lvbala
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Saturday, January 25, 2014
Malaysians In The Eye Of Malaysian
So as I said we Malaysia are one, not separated by race base
from where you come from. Race actually comes from the language we speak. Not base by where you come from. If base on where you come from it should be "Keturunan" and not bangsa.
I was traveling in Express train to airport weeks ago on my way to
LCCT to catch my plane to KK. I was watching the advertisement in the LCD monitor
in the train. The advertisement is about a song of one Malaysia and there were
young singers from various races singing “satu bangsa satu negara”.
It was interesting to know this song writers have written
such a wonderful lyric. But unfortunately in practical life it was totally
irrelevant. The lyric of the song is wonderful but in actual practice, its sucks.
What they mean by “One bangsa One Negara”?
I believe year one student can explain this.
But in fact what actually was practice? Are we actually practicing “Satu Bangsa Satu Negara?”
Hope readers can understand what I am talking about.
We are totally not practicing what actual situation been
I salute the vision and I salute the idea for some who have imagine how Malaysian should be which was visualized in the song, but in actual life in Malaysia, its merely can be considered a huge lie. Who should be stand responsible for this? Politician? Leaders?
I salute the vision and I salute the idea for some who have imagine how Malaysian should be which was visualized in the song, but in actual life in Malaysia, its merely can be considered a huge lie. Who should be stand responsible for this? Politician? Leaders?
Political party stands on no ground and blinding the rakyat so they can stay in power and to gain autonomy.
To support and strengthen my view, let put all together in questions?
Why should we have political party representing race or
shall I make it clear as why should be various race base party?
It has been said, THE BRISTISH way of ruling was “split and
rule”. No surprise the methods still been practiced by our leaders.
Leaders in political power initially were those who have
west education back ground. From our first PM Tunku Abd Rahman to Tun Hussain
onn. There were all west education bank ground.
So the British method were used to stay in power. “Split and
rule”. Split the Rakyat and rule. If the rakyat realize this, in fact there are
now (Only some), I am sure we Malaysian can be brought together under one umbrella and one
Many haven’t thought about what I am talking about and for
sure many have opened the eyes now.
I am sure Pakatan with DAP / PAS and Keadilan are coming
into policy. They are into multi-racial party and why not?
Lets put this into quest:
Questions: Quest 1
If our MP from Malay party was elected, he shall represent
all races. If a Malaysia Tamil was elected as MP, all races should be supporting
him and it goes to Chinese leader as well.
So why still want to practice race base party? Why we should
have political party that represent races. Isn’t that a Malaysian MP should
voice for all Malaysian from all races?
Questions: Quest 2
Why we still have race column in all application form? From school
up right to job application, bank documents, housing application and I can go
on and on to never ending story.
Questions: Quest 3
If would go on, the “WHY” story shall never end. Why this
and why that? But the most saddened part of the quest that need to be looked
into is our education system and the allocations. Race base politics and AUKU
1970 (Akta Universiti dan Kolej
University) need to be challenged.
The day when Malaysians realize as per mention above, shall
be the day we can be united and proudly announce to the world – “ 1 Malaysia”
By lvbala
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