I have heard “Ice cream boy went to
I have heard minister having two Hari Raya open house when only one is allowed.
I have heard billions were missing in PKFZ episode.
I have heard enough how Silver state was stolen
I have heard miss used of people’s money means your money and my money.
I have heard million were given as a commission for Sukhoi and scorpion purchase.
I have heard the usage of C4 the military owned explosive used to explode humans.
I have heard previous governments invoices are still been paid.
I have heard too about million paid for flower suppliers.
I have heard corrected story about “correct correct correct” and “Looks like me, but it was not me” stories.
I have heard many and still listening to those in power.
Perhaps, all this are not new to be heard but in politic, this is how the game been played to be rich and famous.
Is this mean the catch for MACC by getting bigger fish but only small are caught in the net?
I am not going to tell you what I think and I am not ask you what you think.
No, I am not going to ask but I am going ask how long this going to go on.
So, how long miss-use of “Rakyat’s” money is going to go on? Even the commission can be considered as people’s money too.
Enough of stories, but what transpired in the latest issue about nation-building training is really shocking and disappointing. Never ever cross my mind the basic thinking of the rakyat were tainted with racial hatred poisoning.
If this is true, where are we Malaysian in
And this has been done in a professional way with the use of government funding and facilities.
But the move by the Selangor Pakatan government to ban all the training conducted by the BTN is the righteous move on time. This is the prove and this is how should be the way.
Rejection shows Pakatan is against racial politic. Racial politic manipulation is no longer needed for the country. And this is the government that we should vote for.