The Tamil labor migration in fact began in 1786 with the establishment of the crown colony of Penang. They were brought1in to work the plantations and build the infrastructure.
At Independence in 1957, Tamils were 11.3 percent of the population.
In 2005, they were 7.5 percent.
By 2020, it is forecast they will constitute less than 6.5 percent.
2. Labor force of Tamils
In 1957, about 70 percent of the Tamils labor force was in the plantation and mining sectors.
In 1970, 46.5 percent were in agriculture.
In 2000, only 11.1 percent remained in agriculture while 62 percent were in the manufacturing and services sectors.
In 1957, about 70 percent of the Tamils labor force was in the plantation and mining sectors.
In 1970, 46.5 percent were in agriculture.
In 2000, only 11.1 percent remained in agriculture while 62 percent were in the manufacturing and services sectors.
3. Tamil’s dead toll in police custody since year 2000 was 1,500.
4. Tamil killing another Tamil brother ~ ???????
Tamil brothers killing another Tamil brothers. I am supposedly felt shame of myself for highlighting this but it leaves me no choice. If one needed to voice out for the better for my Tamil Brothers than let it me be the one. If my article can open ones eyes it will be my greatest honor. I want to share my point view which I collected by reading and my silence thinking. Besides publishing this article in my blog, I am going email this around and if you get this mail please send it you your known Tamil brothers. It will be a honor from me and you to our Tamil brothers too. For information, news on Tamil killing another Tamil whether in: Crime, Jealousy, Revenge, Gangstersm, Commit Suicide, Cause of accident of drunk drivers was almost every week. I can’t get the exact number but for sure it is more than the Tamil’s dead in police custody. Believe me, every day we can read from the news that Tamils killing another Tamils are increasing specially youth. Not to forget, Tamil converting to other religion for marriage purpose can be considered a lost to the community. Losing a number means Tamils losing the next generation in the making. In another word Tamils population are stopped from growing.
Tamil youth involve in killing are out numbers in this country. Even Tamils was being killed in Sri Langka as well. The numbers are accumulating to as serious level.
Well, what is this means to this minority group? The Tamil population will decrease and if we don’t look at this issue seriously, maybe in coming years there won’t be any Tamils so called Tamils in this world. A lost of a Tamil in Malaysia or elsewhere is a lost of a Tamil from this world.
Why this is happening?
What is wrong with this community?
Why these groups of people are so like to kill their own generation?
Killing their own kind. Kills their own brotherhood Tamils? Kill them self, and stopped from increasing. They are stopping the population of the Tamils.
Who should we blame?
Who should be responsible for this numbers?
I am not questioning someone should be responsible but as a Tamil every single Tamils should be responsible for another Tamils survival.
I am not blaming anyone for this disaster but every Tamils should be blaming our self for being responsible for losing another Tamil.
I am not pointing my finger to others but every one Tamil should point the finger to their self for being the one been killed.
Enough from me to hear the word “KILL”, Lets not even say the word “KILL”. We can use the word “DEAD” but the word “KILL”. Not killing or killed.
4. Tamil killing another Tamil brother ~ ???????
Tamil brothers killing another Tamil brothers. I am supposedly felt shame of myself for highlighting this but it leaves me no choice. If one needed to voice out for the better for my Tamil Brothers than let it me be the one. If my article can open ones eyes it will be my greatest honor. I want to share my point view which I collected by reading and my silence thinking. Besides publishing this article in my blog, I am going email this around and if you get this mail please send it you your known Tamil brothers. It will be a honor from me and you to our Tamil brothers too. For information, news on Tamil killing another Tamil whether in: Crime, Jealousy, Revenge, Gangstersm, Commit Suicide, Cause of accident of drunk drivers was almost every week. I can’t get the exact number but for sure it is more than the Tamil’s dead in police custody. Believe me, every day we can read from the news that Tamils killing another Tamils are increasing specially youth. Not to forget, Tamil converting to other religion for marriage purpose can be considered a lost to the community. Losing a number means Tamils losing the next generation in the making. In another word Tamils population are stopped from growing.
Tamil youth involve in killing are out numbers in this country. Even Tamils was being killed in Sri Langka as well. The numbers are accumulating to as serious level.

Well, what is this means to this minority group? The Tamil population will decrease and if we don’t look at this issue seriously, maybe in coming years there won’t be any Tamils so called Tamils in this world. A lost of a Tamil in Malaysia or elsewhere is a lost of a Tamil from this world.
Why this is happening?
What is wrong with this community?
Why these groups of people are so like to kill their own generation?
Killing their own kind. Kills their own brotherhood Tamils? Kill them self, and stopped from increasing. They are stopping the population of the Tamils.
Who should we blame?
Who should be responsible for this numbers?
I am not questioning someone should be responsible but as a Tamil every single Tamils should be responsible for another Tamils survival.
I am not blaming anyone for this disaster but every Tamils should be blaming our self for being responsible for losing another Tamil.
I am not pointing my finger to others but every one Tamil should point the finger to their self for being the one been killed.
Enough from me to hear the word “KILL”, Lets not even say the word “KILL”. We can use the word “DEAD” but the word “KILL”. Not killing or killed.