I am a simple born Malaysian. Looking forward to build a Truly Malaysia. Follow my path and we shall see how far we can go. The voice of the people shall be always for the people. We have the power of choice, we can always choose. Choose wisely, Regards
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Scholarship For Indians... Do we need to "BEG" From The government?
Dear readers...
I am writing this to high light that indians need to beg for scholarship (by Deputy Federal Minister) after i read one of his block.
Dear Mr.Saravanan,
I feel its a great joke when you use the word "BEG"...
Do you have to BEG to the goverment for this schoolarship? Why this should happen? Don’t you feel its a shame of the MIC and the so called Indian leaders need to "BEG" from the goverment to get more persentage for the schoolarship? We have been living in Malaysia for how many years and we have to BEG to the goverment for schoolarship????
What else we need to BEG from the goverment?
Don’t we as an Indian feel shame about it?
Dear Saravanan,
This is why Indian are so frustrated with MIC cause we have to "BEG"... we as a Malaysian born Indian have to beg for scholarship. What was the pledge of MIC from the government for the past 50 year until we have to BEG the government and how sure you are to get what we want by begging?
Is it really going to work? Getting what we want by begging?
This is why we feel better to support "HINDRAF" represent by educated personnel who even bring to the street to seek for justice as a first wave after begging doesn't work.
Now the 5 brothers are in ISA detention centre. We need to go for a second wave to show that INDIAN is still alive in spirits.
I am willing to go under ISA, Indians are willing to die for their rights... Do you?
Don’t give the entire crap story by telling “we will look into it, we will ask for it, I will bring the matter to the higher authority”, "tell me what i should do?", "What you think?" etc etc.....
And now the latest is yours….. “tell me how to do it” “tell me your views and I will try to answer it” ~ You want us to tell you what to do? Or you want us to tell you the whole Malaysians Indians story?
Come on bro…
The uneducated
I am writing this to high light that indians need to beg for scholarship (by Deputy Federal Minister) after i read one of his block.
Dear Mr.Saravanan,
I feel its a great joke when you use the word "BEG"...
Do you have to BEG to the goverment for this schoolarship? Why this should happen? Don’t you feel its a shame of the MIC and the so called Indian leaders need to "BEG" from the goverment to get more persentage for the schoolarship? We have been living in Malaysia for how many years and we have to BEG to the goverment for schoolarship????
What else we need to BEG from the goverment?
Don’t we as an Indian feel shame about it?
Dear Saravanan,
This is why Indian are so frustrated with MIC cause we have to "BEG"... we as a Malaysian born Indian have to beg for scholarship. What was the pledge of MIC from the government for the past 50 year until we have to BEG the government and how sure you are to get what we want by begging?
Is it really going to work? Getting what we want by begging?
This is why we feel better to support "HINDRAF" represent by educated personnel who even bring to the street to seek for justice as a first wave after begging doesn't work.
Now the 5 brothers are in ISA detention centre. We need to go for a second wave to show that INDIAN is still alive in spirits.
I am willing to go under ISA, Indians are willing to die for their rights... Do you?
Don’t give the entire crap story by telling “we will look into it, we will ask for it, I will bring the matter to the higher authority”, "tell me what i should do?", "What you think?" etc etc.....
And now the latest is yours….. “tell me how to do it” “tell me your views and I will try to answer it” ~ You want us to tell you what to do? Or you want us to tell you the whole Malaysians Indians story?
Come on bro…
The uneducated
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tun Dr M's Blog Comments On DSSV.. www.chedet.com
In sympathising with Hindraf, Samy exposes his deep racist sentiments.
He insisted that he was the only leader of the Indians.
He refused to allow other Indian political parties to join the Barisan Nasional. His arrogance was unbearable. The defeat of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) is entirely because of him.
I will follow this with extracts of what Samy Vellu said when I was Prime Minister. You can then judge what kind of Indian the Indians have as their leader.
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at 9:37 PM
Please read this blog and lets insist on the departure of DSSV (Dato Seri Samy Velu)...
The Uneducated
He insisted that he was the only leader of the Indians.
He refused to allow other Indian political parties to join the Barisan Nasional. His arrogance was unbearable. The defeat of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) is entirely because of him.
I will follow this with extracts of what Samy Vellu said when I was Prime Minister. You can then judge what kind of Indian the Indians have as their leader.
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at 9:37 PM
Please read this blog and lets insist on the departure of DSSV (Dato Seri Samy Velu)...
The Uneducated
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Samy Vellu ~ "Bodoh banggang..", "Bodoh Sombong..", "Pekak Badak..", "Tak reti Bahasa.."...
"Bodoh banggang..", "Bodoh Sombong..", "Pekak Badak..", "Tak reti Bahasa.."...
Inilah antara peribahasa yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh DS Samy (DSSV). Budak lepasan Anderson High School Perak ini memang antara rakyat Malaysia yang mempermainkan dan mempertaruhkan bangsa dan agama untuk kepentingan diri dan kaum kroninya. Segala apa yang diperjuangkan DSSV kini hanyalah satu jenaka yang menambah keperitan politik Malaysia dan bangsa INDIA di Malaysia. Martabat bangsa INDIA di Malaysia di mata orang lain sudah sampai ketahap yang meruncingkan. Tiada lagi BISA sengat perjuangan orang INDIA di Malaysia lagi. Kenapa? Mengapa ini boleh terjadi?
Persoalan yang harus di ambil kira pelayaran setiap ahli MIC yang kini sudah karam bersama
pemimpinnya. Kenapa DSSV masih bodoh lagi? Kenapa DSSV ingin menegakkan benang yang basah. Susah sangat kah nak faham bahawa beliu telah ditolak oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Masyarakat Malaysia khususnya dari semua kaum telah menolak beliau. Kini DSSV bukan lagi wakil rakyat yang dipilih mewakili rakyat. Tapi kenapa si Samy masih ingin memperjuangkan nasib orang INDIA sedangkan dia sendiri sudah "mampus" ~ lemas dalam arus politik Malaysia. Peralihan kuasa harus dilakukan dalam MIC. Kalau kawan kita UMNO dah sibuk dengan peralihan kuasa hanya kerana BN tidak mendapat majoriti inikan pula hilanag jawatan dan kalah pertandingan, tetapi ayam singa tua yang tiada taring masih mengaum bahawa dialah raja hutan. Apa DSSV ingat masyarakat INDIA ini macam monyet di hutan.
Saya tak percaya masyarakat India Malaysia ketandusan wakil yang berwibawa. Saya percaya Malaysia kini mempunyai ramai intelektual dari kaum India yang lebih berkemampuan dan lebih arif. Malaysia telah melahirkan ramai bijak pandai dalam era millenium ini yang mampu memahami dan mengatasi segala masaalah kaum INDIA di Malaysia.
Tindakan DSSV yang tidak membenarkan IPF untuk menjadi rakan perjuangan BN diawal 90an, merupakan sebab pertama perpecahan kaum INDIA di Malaysia. IPF telah diwakili lebih 300 ribu ahli membuktikan sokongan kaum INDIA terhadap parti MIC sudah merosot dan tidak berbisa lagi. Tetapi tindakan DSSV ini disokong oleh BN yang di terajui TUN. Kalau dilihat dari sudut politik memanglah ini menjadi satu bahan ketawa parti parti lain. Dan keadaan pecah belah ini merupakan "Advantage" atau kelebihan kaum lain. Kalau lawan kita lemah, bermakna kita lebih kuat lah....
Baru baru ini saya terbaca blog CHE DET dari TUN. Saya merayu dalam rungan "commnent" pada TUN dua hari yang lepas supaya membuat komen tentang kaum INDIA di Malaysia kerana TUN pun ada darah INDIA dalam badannya. Saya ada menyeru pada beliau supaya "Say something about Indian...". Saya tidak pasti samada ini satu kebetulan bila TUN tulis mengenai DSSV dalam ruangan CHE DET TUN. Tapi komen TUN pun agak lucu jugak.... TUN tak puas hati dengan DSSV. Baru sekarang TUN sedar. Kaum INDIA Malaysia sudah arif dalam perkara ini lama dulu. Tapi apakan daya... pembaca sendiri nilaikan kalau nak tukar pemimpin bukan mudah seperti yang dijangka. Sedangkan nak tukar PAK LAH pun sampai nak keluar parti.
Kesedaran perjuangan DSSV yang tiada dasar dan hanya bermotifkan politik wang dan gangtersm telah melemahkan kaumnya sendiri sehingga HINDRAF muncul. Baru kini si DSSV sibuk nak minta itu dan ini dan di kutuk oleh anggota komponen sendiri. Bolehkan perjuangan ini mencapai matlamat...???
Kalau UMNO pun dah menyuarakan pemimpinnya di tukar kerana hilang majority kenapa DSSV masih sangka dia berkuasa walaupun sudah ditendang dari jawatan wakil rakyat dan menteri.
Hanya si bodoh dan banggang sahaja yang boleh mendengar Hikayat Samy Velu ni...
The Uneducated
Inilah antara peribahasa yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh DS Samy (DSSV). Budak lepasan Anderson High School Perak ini memang antara rakyat Malaysia yang mempermainkan dan mempertaruhkan bangsa dan agama untuk kepentingan diri dan kaum kroninya. Segala apa yang diperjuangkan DSSV kini hanyalah satu jenaka yang menambah keperitan politik Malaysia dan bangsa INDIA di Malaysia. Martabat bangsa INDIA di Malaysia di mata orang lain sudah sampai ketahap yang meruncingkan. Tiada lagi BISA sengat perjuangan orang INDIA di Malaysia lagi. Kenapa? Mengapa ini boleh terjadi?
Persoalan yang harus di ambil kira pelayaran setiap ahli MIC yang kini sudah karam bersama

Saya tak percaya masyarakat India Malaysia ketandusan wakil yang berwibawa. Saya percaya Malaysia kini mempunyai ramai intelektual dari kaum India yang lebih berkemampuan dan lebih arif. Malaysia telah melahirkan ramai bijak pandai dalam era millenium ini yang mampu memahami dan mengatasi segala masaalah kaum INDIA di Malaysia.
Tindakan DSSV yang tidak membenarkan IPF untuk menjadi rakan perjuangan BN diawal 90an, merupakan sebab pertama perpecahan kaum INDIA di Malaysia. IPF telah diwakili lebih 300 ribu ahli membuktikan sokongan kaum INDIA terhadap parti MIC sudah merosot dan tidak berbisa lagi. Tetapi tindakan DSSV ini disokong oleh BN yang di terajui TUN. Kalau dilihat dari sudut politik memanglah ini menjadi satu bahan ketawa parti parti lain. Dan keadaan pecah belah ini merupakan "Advantage" atau kelebihan kaum lain. Kalau lawan kita lemah, bermakna kita lebih kuat lah....
Baru baru ini saya terbaca blog CHE DET dari TUN. Saya merayu dalam rungan "commnent" pada TUN dua hari yang lepas supaya membuat komen tentang kaum INDIA di Malaysia kerana TUN pun ada darah INDIA dalam badannya. Saya ada menyeru pada beliau supaya "Say something about Indian...". Saya tidak pasti samada ini satu kebetulan bila TUN tulis mengenai DSSV dalam ruangan CHE DET TUN. Tapi komen TUN pun agak lucu jugak.... TUN tak puas hati dengan DSSV. Baru sekarang TUN sedar. Kaum INDIA Malaysia sudah arif dalam perkara ini lama dulu. Tapi apakan daya... pembaca sendiri nilaikan kalau nak tukar pemimpin bukan mudah seperti yang dijangka. Sedangkan nak tukar PAK LAH pun sampai nak keluar parti.
Kesedaran perjuangan DSSV yang tiada dasar dan hanya bermotifkan politik wang dan gangtersm telah melemahkan kaumnya sendiri sehingga HINDRAF muncul. Baru kini si DSSV sibuk nak minta itu dan ini dan di kutuk oleh anggota komponen sendiri. Bolehkan perjuangan ini mencapai matlamat...???
Kalau UMNO pun dah menyuarakan pemimpinnya di tukar kerana hilang majority kenapa DSSV masih sangka dia berkuasa walaupun sudah ditendang dari jawatan wakil rakyat dan menteri.
Hanya si bodoh dan banggang sahaja yang boleh mendengar Hikayat Samy Velu ni...
The Uneducated
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Why Malaysian Government insists on using English for math and science?
This is because the whole world uses the language as an information
and/or technology language. How dangerous it will be if we try to use
Bahasa, especially in school. See example below:-
Hardware = barangkeras
Software = baranglembut
Joystick = batang gembira
Plug and Play = cucuk dan main
Port = lubang
Server = pelayan
Client = pelanggan
Try to translate this:
That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either
hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the
Now in BAHASA:
Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan
menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu
akan dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.
Another Sense of Humor frm
and/or technology language. How dangerous it will be if we try to use
Bahasa, especially in school. See example below:-
Hardware = barangkeras
Software = baranglembut
Joystick = batang gembira
Plug and Play = cucuk dan main
Port = lubang
Server = pelayan
Client = pelanggan
Try to translate this:
That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either
hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the
Now in BAHASA:
Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan
menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu
akan dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.
Another Sense of Humor frm
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Thoughts... Think For Yourself
One of My Friend send me This Article From Raja Petra's Blog. I find this is an important issue to be consider by all Malaysians.
What was said shall become true if no action taken at an early stage
Indonesia is one of the world's richest countries in terms of natural resources. God has blessed Indonesia with gold, uranium, copper, oil, timber, beaches, seas and other wealth. The land is fertile with abundant rain. Stick a twig into the ground and it grows into a tree. Yet Indonesians sleep in the streets.
Food is expensive. The average Indonesian eats some rice, tempe , tauhu and maybe some vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. An average Nasi Padang meal for four persons in a single-star Indonesian restaurant can cost RM60.00 (160,000 Rupiah). This is way beyond the income of the average Jo ko or Ketut in Indonesia .
Why is this so?
The answer is because the ruling elite in Indonesia do not care about the people. They have pillaged the country. They craft policies that only serve to keep the elite in power and wealthy. The same thing is happening in Malaysia .
There are also millions of Indonesians who go to schools and universities but do not learn skills that can help them survive in the real world. They are very poor in European languages like English or Dutch. All their education is in Indonesian. So they cannot keep up with the latest developments and technologies. They cannot compete. They remain poor. While the children of the elite are sent overseas for their education, an average Indonesian university graduate cannot bring world-class skills to his employers. He or she therefore earns a pittance.
This is also happening in Malaysia . Bumiputra university graduates only strike it rich if they get Government jobs where they do not do much work but earn a good salary with a pension. In the private sector, they may not get a job or at best earn only a pittance. That is why 100,000 graduates remain unemployed in Malaysia .
If bumiputra university graduates are turning up for interviews as taxi drivers and shop assistants, what about those who flunk out after SPM? They become Mat Rempits (Motorcycle Racers). Last Saturday, I saw another Mat Rempit get killed at the road races in Shah Alam (near Section 7).
In Malaysia , just like in Indonesia ,food is getting very expensive but the wages and salaries of the people, especially the Malays, are not in keeping with the increase in prices. Instead of developing the competitive ability of the people, the Government has been using the failed NEP to provide subsidies and dish out money on a plate. Everything is subsidised, even cooking oil, flour, rice, sugar, fuel etc. The Government has been providing these subsidies so that the people will keep voting for the ruling party.
So it has never been to the Government's advantage to make the Malays independent.
A Malay who is independent of the Government may not vote for the BN. It is therefore better to keep feeding with subsidies. And so for the past 50 years, everything has been subsidised. But now with 27 million people in the country of which more than half are Malays, subsidies are getting more expensive.
There is also significantly more thievery and wastage by the elite in Malaysia but on the other hand, there is no bottomless well full of money. Everything has its limits. The money will soon run out. Without the subsidies for cooking oil, sugar, flour and petrol, how are the people, especially the Malays, going to survive?
Already university graduates cannot find jobs or compete in the private sector.
So what will happen when the oil money runs out? What happens when (not if, but when) the Government cannot simply spend billions of oil money to sustain its voting base any longer? That is when we may see people sleeping in the streets, just like in Indonesia . If that happens here, this country will go up in flames. We will all be consumed.
In Indonesia , the Government has not mobilised its hundreds of millions of people (over 250 million Indonesians) with the competitive skills to grow enough food for themselves. Hence food is expensive.They do not even have simple survival skills like coming to work on time, organising themselves to do simple tasks, maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness and so on. They are poorly read and not informed about many things that are going on around the world.Their Government has failed in all these aspects. Hence the average Indonesian remains poor.
The same thing has happened in Malaysia . Our young people, especially the Malays, do not possess basic survival skills. We are not talking about competitive skills but just basic survival skills. The Government is not serious about giving them useful competitive skills either. The Mat Rempits are being glorified by the politicians as saviours of the nation (Mat Cemerlang). Correction – they are drug users, gang rapists, snatch thieves and street fighters.
When an efficient policewoman called Nooriyah Anvar was appointed Chief of Traffic Police, she went after the Mat Rempits with a vengeance.Does anyone remember her? She confiscated their bikes on the spot. But soon the Mat Rempits called their political muscle and Nooriyah Anvar was kicked out. To date, she holds the record of being the shortest serving Traffic Police Chief in Malaysia . She has been replaced by Senior Asst Comm (II) Datuk Hamza Taib.
So the Government is not serious about improving the position of the Malays. It serves the Barisan Nasional Government to keep the Malays down and out so that they can go to them for crumbs. This way, the ruling elite get to keep the whole loaf to themselves. Go and visit Indonesia . This is what is happening over there. It is happening over here too.
Does Malaysia have a problem? Yes, the Malays are not happy, the Chinese are not happy and the Indians are not happy. They spoke out at the polls two weeks ago and hope things will change for the better, and now they have some opposition who promise change. The Malays are being duped by their corrupted leaders playing up the religion issue, while the Chinese and Indians are being marginalised by the ruling elite.
Let us all Malaysians wake up and fight the corrupt system for the benefit of everyone. Let us all unite and stand together and change the system for once and for all. We are not Malays, Chinese or Indians. We are Malaysians.
What was said shall become true if no action taken at an early stage
Indonesia is one of the world's richest countries in terms of natural resources. God has blessed Indonesia with gold, uranium, copper, oil, timber, beaches, seas and other wealth. The land is fertile with abundant rain. Stick a twig into the ground and it grows into a tree. Yet Indonesians sleep in the streets.
Food is expensive. The average Indonesian eats some rice, tempe , tauhu and maybe some vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. An average Nasi Padang meal for four persons in a single-star Indonesian restaurant can cost RM60.00 (160,000 Rupiah). This is way beyond the income of the average Jo ko or Ketut in Indonesia .
Why is this so?
The answer is because the ruling elite in Indonesia do not care about the people. They have pillaged the country. They craft policies that only serve to keep the elite in power and wealthy. The same thing is happening in Malaysia .
There are also millions of Indonesians who go to schools and universities but do not learn skills that can help them survive in the real world. They are very poor in European languages like English or Dutch. All their education is in Indonesian. So they cannot keep up with the latest developments and technologies. They cannot compete. They remain poor. While the children of the elite are sent overseas for their education, an average Indonesian university graduate cannot bring world-class skills to his employers. He or she therefore earns a pittance.
This is also happening in Malaysia . Bumiputra university graduates only strike it rich if they get Government jobs where they do not do much work but earn a good salary with a pension. In the private sector, they may not get a job or at best earn only a pittance. That is why 100,000 graduates remain unemployed in Malaysia .
If bumiputra university graduates are turning up for interviews as taxi drivers and shop assistants, what about those who flunk out after SPM? They become Mat Rempits (Motorcycle Racers). Last Saturday, I saw another Mat Rempit get killed at the road races in Shah Alam (near Section 7).
In Malaysia , just like in Indonesia ,food is getting very expensive but the wages and salaries of the people, especially the Malays, are not in keeping with the increase in prices. Instead of developing the competitive ability of the people, the Government has been using the failed NEP to provide subsidies and dish out money on a plate. Everything is subsidised, even cooking oil, flour, rice, sugar, fuel etc. The Government has been providing these subsidies so that the people will keep voting for the ruling party.
So it has never been to the Government's advantage to make the Malays independent.
A Malay who is independent of the Government may not vote for the BN. It is therefore better to keep feeding with subsidies. And so for the past 50 years, everything has been subsidised. But now with 27 million people in the country of which more than half are Malays, subsidies are getting more expensive.
There is also significantly more thievery and wastage by the elite in Malaysia but on the other hand, there is no bottomless well full of money. Everything has its limits. The money will soon run out. Without the subsidies for cooking oil, sugar, flour and petrol, how are the people, especially the Malays, going to survive?
Already university graduates cannot find jobs or compete in the private sector.
So what will happen when the oil money runs out? What happens when (not if, but when) the Government cannot simply spend billions of oil money to sustain its voting base any longer? That is when we may see people sleeping in the streets, just like in Indonesia . If that happens here, this country will go up in flames. We will all be consumed.
In Indonesia , the Government has not mobilised its hundreds of millions of people (over 250 million Indonesians) with the competitive skills to grow enough food for themselves. Hence food is expensive.They do not even have simple survival skills like coming to work on time, organising themselves to do simple tasks, maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness and so on. They are poorly read and not informed about many things that are going on around the world.Their Government has failed in all these aspects. Hence the average Indonesian remains poor.
The same thing has happened in Malaysia . Our young people, especially the Malays, do not possess basic survival skills. We are not talking about competitive skills but just basic survival skills. The Government is not serious about giving them useful competitive skills either. The Mat Rempits are being glorified by the politicians as saviours of the nation (Mat Cemerlang). Correction – they are drug users, gang rapists, snatch thieves and street fighters.
When an efficient policewoman called Nooriyah Anvar was appointed Chief of Traffic Police, she went after the Mat Rempits with a vengeance.Does anyone remember her? She confiscated their bikes on the spot. But soon the Mat Rempits called their political muscle and Nooriyah Anvar was kicked out. To date, she holds the record of being the shortest serving Traffic Police Chief in Malaysia . She has been replaced by Senior Asst Comm (II) Datuk Hamza Taib.
So the Government is not serious about improving the position of the Malays. It serves the Barisan Nasional Government to keep the Malays down and out so that they can go to them for crumbs. This way, the ruling elite get to keep the whole loaf to themselves. Go and visit Indonesia . This is what is happening over there. It is happening over here too.
Does Malaysia have a problem? Yes, the Malays are not happy, the Chinese are not happy and the Indians are not happy. They spoke out at the polls two weeks ago and hope things will change for the better, and now they have some opposition who promise change. The Malays are being duped by their corrupted leaders playing up the religion issue, while the Chinese and Indians are being marginalised by the ruling elite.
Let us all Malaysians wake up and fight the corrupt system for the benefit of everyone. Let us all unite and stand together and change the system for once and for all. We are not Malays, Chinese or Indians. We are Malaysians.
Ah Beng, Muktu and Faizal.
You know, Ah Kau Kia working in a soft where company now. Last week, he take I, Muthu & few of his friend to May Nonut to eat barger. After that he take we all go to kalah ok.
Muthu sing and sing no stop until the sky bright.
Next week, my father mother going to sellerbread 20 years annie wear sali. My father mother going to give a fist to all the kampong people. So you must come with your hole family.
I only hope one day we no need to write and send letter to you and to me. Better I e-meow you, you e-meow me. I will ketchup with you soon. And when you got time, please few free to call me. Goo bye.....
Worm regard,
Ah Beng
Another lvbala's Truly Malaysian's life style joke
Muthu sing and sing no stop until the sky bright.
Next week, my father mother going to sellerbread 20 years annie wear sali. My father mother going to give a fist to all the kampong people. So you must come with your hole family.
I only hope one day we no need to write and send letter to you and to me. Better I e-meow you, you e-meow me. I will ketchup with you soon. And when you got time, please few free to call me. Goo bye.....
Worm regard,
Ah Beng
Another lvbala's Truly Malaysian's life style joke
Horrible story - Black Straw
Horrible story of mine goes back to year 2005 March.
I ordered a Club Sandwich and a Sprite in a restaurant somewhere in
Manila . When I finished half of the sandwich I sipped a sprite. But it
didnt taste like an ordinary sprite I used to drink. So I sipped once
more, but it still tasted the same. It tasted like a sprite mixed with
some kind of oil. I called the clerk and asked him if the sprite has
expired. He said it was just delivered today. So I asked him to taste it.
Then he also found that something was wrong with it.
Both of us were wondering for a while. Then I got to look inside the
straw. There were a lot of tiny black round things that looked like eggs.
So I cut the middle of the straw lengthwise to have a better look. Yuck.
There were a lot of tiny black round things in it. I suppose they were
eggs of cockroach. About 1000 eggs were there. Then I began to check all
the other straws in the straws case one by one. Almost all of them
contained black eggs that seemed to be either the cockroach eggs or
After the incident I began to check all the straws in the restaurants and
fast food chains that I had gone to. Almost of all the straws contained
the same black eggs. Especially the darker the colors of straws, the more
black eggs were found. In black straws, extreme amount of black eggs
were found.
It was found out that it's because the cockroaches live (hatch eggs and
excrete) in the dark places.
* 80% or more restaurants in the malls use red or black colored straws.
The Uneducated
Another Safety Tips From lvbala.
I ordered a Club Sandwich and a Sprite in a restaurant somewhere in
Manila . When I finished half of the sandwich I sipped a sprite. But it
didnt taste like an ordinary sprite I used to drink. So I sipped once
more, but it still tasted the same. It tasted like a sprite mixed with
some kind of oil. I called the clerk and asked him if the sprite has
expired. He said it was just delivered today. So I asked him to taste it.
Then he also found that something was wrong with it.
Both of us were wondering for a while. Then I got to look inside the
straw. There were a lot of tiny black round things that looked like eggs.
So I cut the middle of the straw lengthwise to have a better look. Yuck.
There were a lot of tiny black round things in it. I suppose they were
eggs of cockroach. About 1000 eggs were there. Then I began to check all
the other straws in the straws case one by one. Almost all of them
contained black eggs that seemed to be either the cockroach eggs or
After the incident I began to check all the straws in the restaurants and
fast food chains that I had gone to. Almost of all the straws contained
the same black eggs. Especially the darker the colors of straws, the more
black eggs were found. In black straws, extreme amount of black eggs
were found.
It was found out that it's because the cockroaches live (hatch eggs and
excrete) in the dark places.
* 80% or more restaurants in the malls use red or black colored straws.
The Uneducated
Another Safety Tips From lvbala.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Safety Tips For All Handphone Users
Dear Handphone users...
this is something new and smart move by the cons...
Be careful how you list names on your cell phone! Be Safe!
This lady has changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile
phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag which contained her mobile
phone, Credit card, purse...etc.... was stolen.
20 minutes later when she called her Hubby, from a pay phone telling him
what had happened. Hubby says "I've just received your sms text asking
about our Pin number. I replied a little while ago."
They rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was
already withdrawn. The pickpocket had actually used the stolen hand phone
to text "hubby" in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within
20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from the bank account.
The lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your
contact list.
Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, sweetheart, Sayang...... Dad, Mum etc.......
And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked thru texts,
CONFIRM by calling back.
Also, when you're being texted by friends or family to meet them
somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from
them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet
"family and friends" who text you.
PASS IT ON to people you love!!!!!!!!!
Another Safety TIPS frm Me Mr. lvbala
this is something new and smart move by the cons...
Be careful how you list names on your cell phone! Be Safe!
This lady has changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile
phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag which contained her mobile
phone, Credit card, purse...etc.... was stolen.
20 minutes later when she called her Hubby, from a pay phone telling him
what had happened. Hubby says "I've just received your sms text asking
about our Pin number. I replied a little while ago."
They rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was
already withdrawn. The pickpocket had actually used the stolen hand phone
to text "hubby" in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within
20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from the bank account.
The lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your
contact list.
Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, sweetheart, Sayang...... Dad, Mum etc.......
And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked thru texts,
CONFIRM by calling back.
Also, when you're being texted by friends or family to meet them
somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from
them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet
"family and friends" who text you.
PASS IT ON to people you love!!!!!!!!!
Another Safety TIPS frm Me Mr. lvbala
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